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← 2014-07-08 | 2014-07-10 →
benkay: it's okay for editing text
asciilifeform: emacs is life
BingoBoingo: Life seems to be in a precarious position, once again thanks to life bombs launching damaging spaceships
benkay: mostly it's just a lispy wrapper around *nix runtime
benkay: whoa asciilifeform getting all religious
[]bot: Bet placed: 5 BTC for No on "World Cup top scorer to net > 7" http://bitbet.us/bet/905/ Odds: 7(Y):93(N) by coin, 28(Y):72(N) by weight. Total bet: 38.06780078 BTC. Current weight: 6,304.
asciilifeform: life in literal sense. little oasis in a parched desert of dry turd.
benkay: more like semi sanitizing wrapper
benkay: poo stench still oozes through
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.035 = 0.56 BTC [-] {2}
mike_c: BingoBoingo: you got a position?
BingoBoingo: mike_c: Just a little bit on death, less a bit on life
asciilifeform: benkay: stench still oozes through << of course.
thestringpuller: emacs is lame. vim 4 lyfe
mircea_popescu uses nano and what is this
TheNewDeal: who is 16tao
TheNewDeal: 16tAo
asciilifeform: lives there a man who doesn't use nano? (or, 'pico' ?)
asciilifeform: Breathes there the man, with soul so dead, / Who never to himself hath said, / This is my own, my native shell! / Whose heart hath ne'er within him burn'd, / As home his footsteps he hath turn'd, / From wandering on a winblows hell!
asciilifeform: (apologies to sir walter scott)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11650 @ 0.00078049 = 9.0927 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16776 @ 0.00078138 = 13.1084 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: not bad.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18324 @ 0.00078498 = 14.384 BTC [+]
kyuupichan: TheNewDeal: I believe it's kako, but I could be wrong
TheNewDeal: it's an address I see lots while scowering bitbet for my latest fortune
kyuupichan: Someone who's close to MP at any rate
TheNewDeal: wasn't sure if it was MP himself
TheNewDeal: was looking at this
assbot: BitBet - Argentina beats Netherlands :: 50.07 B (60%) on Yes, 32.96 B (40%) on No | closing in 19 hours 35 minutes | weight: 28`366 (100`000 to 10`000)
kyuupichan: haha, that's a possibility, but I think he normally uses 1K4fs (or sthg similar)
kyuupichan: 1K4Fs
TheNewDeal: which is basically 50 1K4fs vs 32.335 16tAo
TheNewDeal: plus some chump change
kyuupichan: Right. Notice they were placed at the same time - making it highly likely they knew each other were going to bet. There was no public discussion. Hence my suspicion it's kako.
TheNewDeal: assuming 16tAo is kako, and 1K4fs is mp, how much does each make in the winning/losing scenario
kyuupichan: A shitload :)
TheNewDeal: how much would one recover from the losing side, considering they owned a large portion of bitbet shares?
mike_c: 1% * (percentage they don't own) - expenses.
mike_c: negligible
mike_c: er, * percentage they do own i mean
mike_c: still, very little.
TheNewDeal: true, looks like it would 1% or less of original bet
kyuupichan: Between them they own most of bitbet meaning they almost bet for free
TheNewDeal: i guess that's pretty fair
TheNewDeal: not that I have a say in the matter :D
decimation: asciilifeform: I've been using org-mode recently, it is definitely a useful tool
mthreat: mircea_popescu: it's a mannequin at a restaurant (Filo) in retiro
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18900 @ 0.00078155 = 14.7713 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21000 @ 0.00078446 = 16.4737 BTC [+]
[]bot: Bet placed: 1.7998 BTC for No on "Bitstamp Price to exceed 900$ before August (day's low)" http://bitbet.us/bet/814/ Odds: 17(Y):83(N) by coin, 27(Y):73(N) by weight. Total bet: 4.4097083 BTC. Current weight: 19,659.
[]bot: Bet placed: 59.99631592 BTC for No on "1BTC >= $10,000 USD" http://bitbet.us/bet/635/ Odds: 12(Y):88(N) by coin, 17(Y):83(N) by weight. Total bet: 612.76560806 BTC. Current weight: 37,560.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11600 @ 0.00078155 = 9.066 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18850 @ 0.00078043 = 14.7111 BTC [-] {2}
kyuupichan: TheNewDeal: Your 1Q9Q6 no?
kyuupichan: You're
TheNewDeal: if you would like to purchase some timeweight from me, give me a holler
kyuupichan: Why do you reuse the address? Just curious.
TheNewDeal: that address is pretty much bitbets
TheNewDeal: don't feel the need to change it up often
kyuupichan: I guess it's useful for stats. Not very private though which is why I wondered why people do it. Maybe they just don't care.
TheNewDeal: pretty much what you said there
kyuupichan: I wonder what it'd take to get BTC to 10k by 29 Nov. World financial crisis perhaps?
TheNewDeal: I don't think financial crises necessarily means boom for bitcoin
TheNewDeal: I think you would probably just need a bitstamp like company to go Mt Gox, have a bunch of fishy shit go down, and the other exchanges follow the lead
Duffer1: wall street level speculation imo
kyuupichan: 10k is quite a tall order in 5 mths though.
kyuupichan: 5k by y/e is far more likely IMO
Duffer1: they'll price it at whatever the hell they want
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9249 @ 0.00078446 = 7.2555 BTC [+]
kyuupichan: Lloyd Blankfein turns believer and publicly puts $100m in BTC.
assbot: BitBet - Bitcoin to win vs S&P 500 :: 0.73 B (63%) on Yes, 0.43 B (37%) on No | closing in 6 months 5 days | weight: 97`197 (100`000 to 1)
TheNewDeal: S&P 500 is sitting at a fragile 1900 at the moment
kyuupichan: Yeah I think equities are looking a bit toppy
TheNewDeal: s&p is an index
kyuupichan: Still I don't think BTC goes to over $2k this year now. I'd be happy with 1500
kyuupichan: Yup I know
TheNewDeal: ahhh gotcha, I guess there is a grey area with indicies of equities
TheNewDeal: I would love to see it go towards $1500 this year, but I think next year is going to be a big one pricewise
TheNewDeal: for some reason I think this year is going to be meh
kyuupichan: Well the first 6 months have been pretty "meh". :)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31000 @ 0.0007849 = 24.3319 BTC [+] {2}
kyuupichan: I wonder if we'll ever be down year-on-year
TheNewDeal: good buying opportunities :).
TheNewDeal: I think the mt cox fiasco really messed with the price, wouldn't be surprised if we were sub 1200 by years end
Duffer1: the derp money ran face first into the bitcointalk securities scam wall
Duffer1: + mt gox
TheNewDeal: seems like that is going to happen a dozen times over
Duffer1: infinite hitpoints indeed
Duffer1: if bitcoin wants a capital draw then it will probably be porn and gambling leading the way
Duffer1: and drugs
TheNewDeal: I also heard the black market of employment is increasing at a faster rate than that of typical tax-payer employment
nubbins`: underground economy ftw
nubbins`: wow, still authed
TheNewDeal: wouldn't be too far-fetched to see people being paid in bitcoin, avoiding government taxation
TheNewDeal: that's the term I was looking for
TheNewDeal: wonder if the first underground economy was above ground or below
Duffer1: that would be hard to make auditproof without trustworthy mixing services
nubbins`: TheNewDeal, that's already happening all the time ;(
TheNewDeal: why the tears nubbins'?
nubbins`: something in my eye
nubbins`: but anyway. great for unregistered businesses
TheNewDeal: great for the bitcoin economy. simply amazing
Duffer1: ah ya no doubt
nubbins`: registered ones w/ employees probably aren't just going to start paying salaries with bitcoin and stop deducting income tax
nubbins`: that's a bit silly
TheNewDeal: too much work
nubbins`: too much risk
TheNewDeal: indeed
nubbins`: however, businesses that are directly involved in btc
nubbins`: different story
assbot: Police Use Dog To Find Memory And Hard Drives In Search : The Two-Way : NPR
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7100 @ 0.00078043 = 5.5411 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40233 @ 0.00077679 = 31.2526 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10200 @ 0.000775 = 7.905 BTC [-] {2}
fluffypony: mircea_popescu:paging fluffypony. hey f, lay off teh womenz and irc more! <- he says at 1am :-P
fluffypony: actually that knives4bitcoin site is kinda cool, I'm just not in the market for anything atm
fluffypony: pity they don't have Fallkniven or Benchmade
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27150 @ 0.0007522 = 20.4222 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3650 @ 0.00075652 = 2.7613 BTC [+] {2}
kyuupichan: Is the leverage on bitfinex mostly long or short or pretty balanced?
cazalla: wow, sexysaffron already removed from youtube, i bet you andreas did this
cazalla: someone should, you know, kill him
pankkake: the video was public, with nudity. duh
cazalla: yeah but they usually last longer
cazalla: ISIS videos have been on there for weeks
ThickAsThieves: <+kyuupichan> Is the leverage on bitfinex mostly long or short or pretty balanced? //// there's a meter on the site
kyuupichan: ThickAsThieves: Cheers!
kyuupichan: andreas who?
cazalla: exactly
assbot: Bitfinex Swaps USD
davout: ;;later tell mircea_popescu "it's gonna be 25-0 for germany" <<< implying netherlands won't buttraep argentina :D
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 59 @ 0.01609989 = 0.9499 BTC [-] {10}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 50 @ 0.01448 = 0.724 BTC [-]
davout: mpex.co down for everyone ?
davout: isup.me is down for me :D
davout: fluffypony: so is mpex down for you smartass?
fluffypony: and it's down for isup
pankkake: $proxies
assbot: MPEx, the Bitcoin securities exchange.
assbot: Ukrainian Astronomers Officially Name a Star "Putin is a D-ckhead" - Cheezburger
davout: yeah, proxy down too
davout: e-mail interface would be neat-o
davout: wat, no wait it's up
davout: :D
pankkake: I was thinking of e-mail interface, it seemed ideal. except you'd probably want to set an expiration for the order
davout: pankkake: that for one, also linking orders to responses would be another issue
davout: that's actually the kind of interface i was thinking about when trying to figure out how to handle DDoS without cloudflare
davout: pankkake: interesting thanks!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 50 @ 0.20278397 = 10.1392 BTC [+] {9}
FabianB: $mpexlag
FabianB: "12:49 <+davout> e-mail interface would be neat-o" <-- looks like the irc interface is down as well, so it's probably not the frontend server, it's the trade engine itself
empyex: FabianB: Hmm.. error.
kakobrekla: email interface is up afaik
kakobrekla: only its manual.
kakobrekla: <pankkake> I was thinking of e-mail interface, it seemed ideal. except you'd probably want to set an expiration for the order < yeah i was thinking same yesterday
kakobrekla: but in my case ill just skip that.
kakobrekla: i think.
pankkake: skip expiration?
pankkake: the issue is that mails can sometimes be stuck for days
kakobrekla: yeah true that. only im not using email. but still, same thing applies
assbot: Some dude in r/soccer made the best bet of his life - Imgur
fluffypony: those odds
fluffypony: that is nuts
kakobrekla: but i was thinking in a sense - you submit your order via whatever protocol and there is some delay to response or it may never come
kakobrekla: basically regardless of which protocol you pick these things can happen
mircea_popescu: davout what's netherlands, like a team or something ?
kakobrekla: so i guess giving it an expiration date fixes this in most if not all cases
kakobrekla: but it complicates it somewhat.
pankkake: the other advantage is that you can wait for the return… and give up waiting after expiration
kakobrekla: mpex model is to requery stat and hope to see if its in
mircea_popescu: Confirmed bets: 11000
davout: pankkake: because answer got lost on the way
davout: mebbe
kakobrekla: yeah but i can see how time sync can also be problematic
pankkake: hm, right, you cannot be sure of that too
davout: mircea_popescu: they're the guys who give the balls to robben
assbot: BitBet - Argentina beats Netherlands :: 50.07 B (60%) on Yes, 32.96 B (40%) on No | closing in 11 hours 28 minutes | weight: 20`762 (100`000 to 10`000)
mircea_popescu: they're not doing so hawt :p
mircea_popescu: kyuupichan: Right. Notice they were placed at the same time - making it highly likely they knew each other were going to bet. There was no public discussion. Hence my suspicion it's kako. << kako only has 31.35 btc.
mircea_popescu: mthreat haha not bad. is it a girl or a boy tho ?
mircea_popescu: kyuupichan: I wonder what it'd take to get BTC to 10k by 29 Nov. World financial crisis perhaps? << lol. no, actually, any one of about a million or so people could do it today.
mircea_popescu: buy 1mn worth of btc three-four times, it's done.
mircea_popescu: Duffer1: they'll price it at whatever the hell they want << haven't managed it so far, no. if only it were that easy.
mircea_popescu: so it seems we're having further problems with teh disks.
mircea_popescu: o lovely disks ;/
assbot: Potato Salad by Zack Danger Brown — Kickstarter
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 66 @ 0.01621653 = 1.0703 BTC [+] {4}
kakobrekla: hm, internets say theres liek 7mio millionaire households in usa alone
kakobrekla: half a mio of them in tokyo
davout: germany scoring 7 goals against brazil isn't that bad
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla well yes but someone can't put all their net worth into btc.
mircea_popescu: for one thing they still need a house.
davout: they won 6 million to zero against israel back in the day
mircea_popescu: davout israel.
kakobrekla: i did it. apart from the liver.
ThickAsThieves: Zack Danger is like, fuck, i gotta mail so many bites of potato salad...
kakobrekla: should have done the liver too.
mircea_popescu: so then you;'d have had over 33 bitcoinz ?
kyuupichan: kako's gonna be 50 coinz richer soon
mircea_popescu: livers for the whole fambly!
kakobrekla: all i can say it isnt me. which is also what i would say if i wanted to you think it isnt me. so whatever.
fluffypony: ThickAsThieves: lol
ThickAsThieves: just a random note, isnt the bitbet website kinda small, by today's resolution/monitor standards?
fluffypony: ThickAsThieves: I'll bet he gets into trouble with some countries for trying to import food to them
ThickAsThieves: i just realized ive had it zoomed way in, cuz the WoL ad is all blurry
pankkake: I have a narrow browser, because it's easier to read
pankkake: those 1920 screens are stupid :/
ThickAsThieves: theyre also why i canty stand left-aligned websites
kyuupichan: kakobrekla: lol
ThickAsThieves: how come no one right aligns?
kakobrekla: terrorist.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves just use punkman's gui
mircea_popescu: websites are for poor people.
ThickAsThieves: how is bitbet sposed to be the furst biggest if so small?
davout: kakobrekla: no actually the terrorists do right align
ThickAsThieves: to be fair i have more than half my websites zoomed in
ThickAsThieves: mp told me to care for my eyes
pankkake: funny how many hipsters' websites have big fonts, yet those guys are young with big glasses
kakobrekla: davout yes that is being implied
pankkake: ThickAsThieves: I use NoSquint, configurable zoom per website
FabianB: $mpexlag
ThickAsThieves: chrome remembers the zoom too mostly
kakobrekla: pankkake do you zoom bitbet?
fluffypony: NoSquirt?
kakobrekla: fluffypony thats the result yea
pankkake: no, never felt the need to zoom it
mircea_popescu: FabianB it's been down for a while. working on it.
pankkake: though it definitively is easier on the eyes with 110% text-only zoom
kyuupichan: Public Note: bitcoin is harmful ponzi scheme, it will collapse soon, satoshi nakamoto is devil.
empyex: FabianB: Hmm.. error.
FabianB: mircea_popescu: kk
kyuupichan: Why TF does bitstamp put all their coins in one huge address? Doesn't seem the smartest plan.
kyuupichan: It's ironic the two largest BTC addresses are coins held in custody for others
kakobrekla: nowhere does it say they are smart.
pankkake: why would more addresses be more secure?
kakobrekla: i checked the faq.
pankkake: what's the other largest address?
kyuupichan: DPR seized coins
mircea_popescu: <pankkake> why would more addresses be more secure? << one address can't be in two wallets.
ThickAsThieves: this is bound to be a circular debate
mircea_popescu: well that wasn't the best way to say it.
mircea_popescu: all teh btc in one address are lost simultaneously.
ThickAsThieves: more gears, more can break. less gears, when it breaks, it's worse.
mircea_popescu: is what i meant.
mircea_popescu: exactly.
pankkake: right; but the point shouldn't be more addresses, but more holders or locations
kakobrekla: question, do make withdrawals from that addy or they move the whole thing?
kyuupichan: That cosmic ray that does a bitflip between you pressing enter on the password and the software signing the txn
ThickAsThieves: i'd guess it's cold storage and only tapped into when hot wallet is abnormally low
ThickAsThieves: but what do i know
pankkake: can in a fridge
nubbins`: fridge in a can
nubbins`: would buy
assbot: Pantera Capital Launches Pantera Bitindex, States Venture Capital Will Drive Bitcoin Growth – Digital Currency Magnates
mircea_popescu: pantera is going to make a nice rug.
ThickAsThieves: The research report also announced the launch of the Pantera BitIndex. Measuring seven data points, according to Pantera Capital
ThickAsThieves: Developer interest on GitHub
ThickAsThieves: Merchant adoption
ThickAsThieves: Wikipedia views
ThickAsThieves: Hashrate
ThickAsThieves: Google searches
ThickAsThieves: User adoption as measured by wallets
ThickAsThieves: Transaction volume
nubbins`: ;;ud pantera
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Pantera | Pantera. A fucking kickass metal band that has, believe it or not, made a special appearance in Spongebob Squarepants' episode of "Pre-Hibernation Week".
mircea_popescu: hahaha ok
ThickAsThieves: nice index bro
mircea_popescu: this is like... the forum 2.0
mircea_popescu: under the very flimsy - VERY flimsy - excuse that they aren't really this stupid, they're just trying to cater to the stupid.
mircea_popescu: this sticks until you actually get to know them financial minds, and find out that yes, they are actualy that
pankkake: so pantera is going to invest in companies, not coins?
ThickAsThieves: USD falls today due to decreased github developer interest!
pankkake: s/companies/startups/
mircea_popescu: maybe it just buys the index
nubbins`: landed a job making t-shirts for my favourite sushi restaurant :D
pankkake: are you paid in sushis?
mircea_popescu: quote them in rolls!
pankkake: anything's better than fiat. I have not had much success yet though
pankkake: say, I could be paid in hard drives
fluffypony: nigga plz
fluffypony: ssd's only
pankkake: I don't need that much ssds. or I would be very very well paid if I moved everything to ssds
fluffypony: so this DataTank mining crowd
fluffypony: they've now secured ALL OF THE FUNDINGZ
fluffypony: or something
mircea_popescu: what's it do ?
pankkake: tank
mircea_popescu: i beg your pardon ?
fluffypony: hah hah
fluffypony: they shove ASICs in tanks of fluid
fluffypony: in shipping containers
mircea_popescu: not such a horrible idea i thought
mircea_popescu: seeing how you then don't need a warehouse anymore, just a lot.
mircea_popescu: asic miners are also the eminent tool for this. an isp can't do it because customers wil want upgrades etc
fluffypony: it seems nice from a visual perspective, all these shipping-container-modules
fluffypony: but it doesn't seem to be a very clever use of space
mircea_popescu: but i was trying to sell a sysadmin friend on the concept of ironman isp, doing something quite similar.
mircea_popescu: "and if a server blows you just get another one"
mircea_popescu: fluffypony why not clever use of space ?
pankkake: shipping cointainers are an old idea. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Modular_Datacenter
assbot: Sun Modular Datacenter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
mircea_popescu: pankkake true.
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: if you want to expand I think grabbing an existing warehouse and expanding within the warehouse is eminently more manageable, both from expansion and security perspectives
pankkake: perhaps having your mining farm mobile can be an advantage
fluffypony: pankkake: not when "mobile" needs 3-phase power
mircea_popescu: fluffypony who's going to steal from a steel container ?
mircea_popescu: warehouse has gates. imo much more secure.
fluffypony: just steal the whole container
mircea_popescu: yeah. right.
mircea_popescu: you need machinery for that, not really the same as backing in some pickup trucks.
mircea_popescu: also you have to steal the whole thing. if people had to steal the WHOLE old lady, they a) couldn't use bikes and b)wouldn't be bothered.
mircea_popescu: the point is to be ab le to select just the purse.
mircea_popescu: and as for expansion... those shits stack 10 iirc.
mircea_popescu: what dc has 10 floors ?
pankkake: perhaps you want to quickly change the state you operate in. because power costs, laws…
mircea_popescu: pankkake course i see thsi was announced 2006. my idea was cca 2002 :p
mircea_popescu: pankkake plus you get unexpected bonuses. such as parking one in every trailer park in the us.
mircea_popescu: least ddos-able miner farm ever (which currently is the major problem)
pankkake: do ddos the farm, you'd have to know what ips they have. pretty easy to hide from the public
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal: seems like that is going to happen a dozen times over << im hoping about 5 (of which 3 already happened. 2 moar reserved for WCs)
mircea_popescu: pankkake nothing is ever easy to hide.
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal: wouldn't be too far-fetched to see people being paid in bitcoin, avoiding government taxation << inasmuch as you've seen this like... yesterday ? yeah.
Mats_cd03: are miners generally vulnerable to ddos?
mircea_popescu: !up arsenische
mircea_popescu: cazalla: wow, sexysaffron already removed from youtube, i bet you andreas did this >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yrlh3E_qu4
assbot: Mission: #bitcoin-assets - YouTube
mircea_popescu: how's it removed ?
mircea_popescu: cazalla: ISIS videos have been on there for weeks << yeah but who ever cared about that :p
Mats_cd03: i enjoy the videos quite a bit
Mats_cd03: jihadis have a flair for the dramatic. ends up with p good war porn
assbot: Un rapport pour encadrer le Bitcoin remis par TRACFIN Michel Sapin
pankkake: the state is "somewhat worried"
Mats_cd03: do miners necessarily have to be vulnerable to ddos? i cant say i understand how mining works in depth
nubbins`: that video is brutal
danielpbarron: a miner doing 51% can take a ddos; any others would not be able to make the longest chain without up-to-date blockchain data
nubbins`: so IDGAF about sports
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron this being the most dangerous part of someone getting 51% : he now has a serious incentive to ddos the world.
nubbins`: but apparently pornhub and similar sites have been flooded with uploads of the germany-brazil game
davout: pankkake: thanks! so apparently it's due on friday
mircea_popescu: all he needs is to constantly kick the 2-3 closest competitors off the block. a la mtgox-tradehill
nubbins`: "young brazilians get fucked by entire german football team" etc
Mats_cd03: hilarious
nubbins`: they had to ask people to stop, claiming their public humiliation category was full
mircea_popescu: public humiliation is never full!
mircea_popescu: !up indiancandy1
pankkake: public disgrace
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 here's a trick : this cannel is logged. you can see what people were talking about before you showed up. http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2014#750961
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
kakobrekla: there is a log? oh my god mircea, i think i love you.
rithm: logs are for fags
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla show me your teats ?
indiancandy1: his mine
ThickAsThieves: "@BTCFoundation hires Thorsen French as outside lobbyists. Part of the appeal was they weren't invovled in past financial services battles"
ThickAsThieves: god forbid they have experience
kakobrekla: fuck you bitch i was here first.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves you don';t get how probono works.
ThickAsThieves: Altcoin currently has more votes than GroinCoin at hitbtc.com/vote
ThickAsThieves: such progress
chetty: ThickAsThieves, experience? whats this are you racist or smthn
mircea_popescu: "part of the appeal was that having no experience and looking for exposure, they didn't actually want to be paid"
ThickAsThieves: and more votes than ripple!
pankkake: I suppose you can pay for votes?
indiancandy1: it was rigged
rithm: omg where 2 buy realcomins!!!!!
rithm: *realcoinz
ThickAsThieves: hmm it says nothing about paying for votes
ThickAsThieves: but it does say theyll list if there are 2 market makers
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves what's it take to be a market maker ?
assbot: Conditions for Market Makers / hitbtc
mircea_popescu: so as a mpex update : all 8 drives + the raid controller are going to be cut up. replacements are going in. mpex won't be back today, but i expect it to be back tomorrow.
mircea_popescu: FabianB ^
ThickAsThieves: dont forget to tweet that all our bitcoins are safe too
mircea_popescu: well i would if only i hadn't killed andreas.
mircea_popescu: but yes, bitcoin has nothing to do with this, this is the trade engine.
pankkake: so you don't want to ask for your twitter account back?
mircea_popescu: what, for free ?
pankkake: they have not invented the unban-for-pay yet
mircea_popescu: twitter wants me tweeting, it gotta pay.
mircea_popescu: the trial account has gone as far as it'll go.
pankkake: well, for now redditards think they accomplished something
mircea_popescu: they have lol.
mircea_popescu: they made twitter an iota less relevant.
pankkake: teaching them to be a mob?
mircea_popescu: which i guess is good for reddit, in some perspective.
pankkake: 0 is 0 - I'm not arguing that you should twit, twitter is an useless website for useless people etc.
kakobrekla: <mircea_popescu> they made twitter an iota less relevant. < just like a drop of shit can ruin a bottle of wine, a drop of wine doesnt fix the bottle of shit, ya know.
mircea_popescu: pankkake you know, that account is old. i had a two year or so gap in there, some time they "upgraded" their website.
pankkake: what am I arguing for is, show them they accomplished nothing
pankkake: twit "Hail ISIS, behead Roger Ver and Andreas Whatshispoulos"
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla nolo contendere
mircea_popescu: pankkake why should it be upon me to educate other people's children ?
mircea_popescu: let them think whatever they wish, they'll stil get killed if they step on the line.
mike_c: isn't that what you're doing here?
mircea_popescu: mike_c only accidentally.
mircea_popescu: i mean, i don't in any sense mind if it happens, but it's not a goal.
chetty: best goals = ones you don't have
mircea_popescu: tell that to brazil.
ThickAsThieves: the goal is always better on the other side
mircea_popescu: so should i buy some APCs just in case argentina loses and then it's argentina-brazil for 3rd place ?
mircea_popescu: what's the odds on invasion ?
mircea_popescu: !up indiancandy1
mircea_popescu: bish learn how to wot already, this is getting stale.
indiancandy1: okay im doing now
indiancandy1: did you see the game got put on pornhub young brazilians get fucked by entire german soccer team
ThickAsThieves: logs.bitcoin-assets.com
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
mircea_popescu: “These world-class formations contain even more energy resource potential than previously understood, which is important information as we continue to reduce our nation’s dependence on foreign sources of oil,” said Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell. “We must develop our domestic energy resources armed with the best available science, and this unbiased, objective information will help private, nonprofit an
mircea_popescu: d government decision makers at all levels make informed decisions about the responsible development of these resources.”
mircea_popescu: A key component of President Obama’s all-of-the-above energy strategy is the availability of sound science to guide informed decision-making regarding the safe and responsible development of America’s domestic energy resources.
mircea_popescu: “The USGS undertook this assessment of the Bakken and Three Forks Formations as part of a nationwide project assessing U.S. petroleum basins using standardized methodology and protocol,” said Acting Director of the USGS Suzette Kimball. “Through this improved understanding of our energy resources, government, industry, and citizens are better able to understand our domestic energy mix and make wiser decisions fo
mircea_popescu: r the future.”
mircea_popescu: all this fucking insistence on how it's scientific and standardised and everything makes me suspicious already.
mircea_popescu: fortunately i'm not into minerals.
ThickAsThieves: thats a lot of words to not say much
ThickAsThieves: we looked at energy and decided we need to be smart about energy
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves nah it's this supposedly major deposit in dakota, upgraded from 3bn barrels to 7bn,
mircea_popescu: tho afaik previously it was held as unproductive.
los_pantalones: they used to vertical drill
los_pantalones: now they are fracking
los_pantalones: and it's quite successful
mircea_popescu: yeah i was gonna say, this is shale
mircea_popescu: so better tech may account for it.
los_pantalones: they put a pipe in a 3 ft wide layer of rock 10k feet below ground
los_pantalones: and 10-20k feet horizontal
mircea_popescu: los_pantalones they still holding on to that gulf moratorium ? or did that go away
mircea_popescu: i've really not been following energy
nubbins`: "unproductive" is dynamic anyway
nubbins`: there was a time when western canada's tar sands were unproductive
nubbins`: then the price of oil rose
nubbins`: they tried fracking inside a UNESCO world heritage site here last year
mircea_popescu: how did that go ?
indiancandy1: i cant take this shit
nubbins`: everybody freaked the fuck out, now there's a fracking moratorium
nubbins`: golf claps all around
los_pantalones: gulf back open for biz, i believe
mircea_popescu: lol i wonder how her frustration graph looks
fluffypony: this is how I imagine stealing a shipping container would go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMS6iCrsqRA
assbot: Bieremy jak leci ! - YouTube
mircea_popescu: lol right
assbot: Forklift truck Crash with container on it - YouTube
fluffypony: *clicks*
assbot: Copay (beta), An Open Source Multisig Wallet | The BitPay Blog
fluffypony: that poor driver
mircea_popescu: fucking dangerous these things, because people are tards and don't properly balance them
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 33 @ 0.0153515 = 0.5066 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 50 @ 0.01401 = 0.7005 BTC [-]
assbot: Epic Forklift Fail Compilation Part 2 - YouTube
mircea_popescu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLHP9h8zYD0 << anyway this one is fresh and was lulzy
assbot: Container ship sails straight to shore - Hong Kong April 6, 2014 - YouTube
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 40 @ 0.01638889 = 0.6556 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 40 @ 0.01401 = 0.5604 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 38 @ 0.0160001 = 0.608 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.75509789 BTC to 11`739 shares, 14951 satoshi per share
benkay: <mircea_popescu> TheNewDeal what's an asshole in the dark. // huh i coulda sworn you were talking about the differences just recently
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [ROCK] 1000 @ 0.00085105 = 0.8511 BTC [-]
jurov: wow is this second longest mpex downtime ever?
chetty: <jurov> yeah mpex seems to eat disk drives
pankkake: no ssds?
Mats_cd03: ssds are anathema
pankkake: why?
Mats_cd03: with the added cost you get faster io. i bet mpex isn't io bound
mircea_popescu: jurov: wow is this second longest mpex downtime ever? yea.
Mats_cd03: wear leveling TRIM silent and catastrophic failure modes etc
mircea_popescu: Mats_cd03 the only problem with ssds is that they're more difficult to properly decomission
Mats_cd03: define decommission
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not hard at all! magnesium ribbon.
mircea_popescu: Mats_cd03 remove from production
kakobrekla: blend them.
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: blend << nope. enemy will fish out intact dies.
kakobrekla: from dust?
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: go blend a thumb drive, see what you get.
assbot: "Will It Blend" Series Tests Patriot Flash Drive for Durability - YouTube
Mats_cd03: mircea_popescu: owing to what is basically two layers of raid?
asciilifeform: other, 'gentle' idea, dissolve 'windows' into the eeprom with nitric acid. replace cover. when time to decommission, use a UV lamp.
asciilifeform: the drive can even be sold after this, or used in 'civilian' application.
mircea_popescu: Mats_cd03 well yes, for one thing they're in a 1+0 raid. for the other thing it';s not like i'm letting them reach the end of wear levelling
mircea_popescu: higher end drives have good diags on the drive anyway.
kakobrekla: the problem of that video is that its not full enough
kakobrekla: see here
assbot: Will It Blend? - iPhone 5 vs Galaxy S3 - YouTube
kakobrekla: it is DUST.
kakobrekla: tell me what you gonna get out of that phone
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla usable nand memories can be 1sq mm
kakobrekla: pour it down the drain
kakobrekla: spread the ashes by the sea
mircea_popescu: well im not actually doing this at home.
kakobrekla: while taking your girls for a walk
kakobrekla: well how do you know its done then
ThickAsThieves: aha! ive secured 1mm of mpex drive!
mircea_popescu: so what, im going to ask for oceanview in my provision spec ?
ThickAsThieves: youre done for
kakobrekla: anyway blending and proper disposal of dust = win
asciilifeform: other variant: you can get a 100mW diode laser for 100 usd or so. zap the dies right through the package.
kakobrekla: harder to get blind with a blender.
mircea_popescu: currently i wanna find out what the holy shit is happening tho, because this ain't normal.
asciilifeform: one could even set up an array of these, in sealed box, for a given type of drive
mircea_popescu: then they can just get incinerated.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: still have mains power issues ?
pankkake: Mats_cd03: modern ssds give detailed SMART data, and have far less returns than hard drives. moreover, scrubs and rebuilds of RAIDs are much faster
asciilifeform: nope as in 'installed guaranteed sinusoidal power source', eliminated the possibility even in theory ?
pankkake: hard drives used to have that premium 5 year warranty, it's gone down to 3 years, while premium ssds now offer 10 years
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform nope as in nothing shows up on measurements.
mircea_popescu: pankkake Mats_cd03 i was on the ssds suck technologically bandwagon for many years. the past few however it's pretty much groundless.
mircea_popescu: ssds matured.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: consider posting a firmware dump of one such drive.
jborkl: mpex offline?
asciilifeform: example of how to get 'shell' on a 'seagate' disk: https://sites.google.com/site/seagatefix/Home
assbot: Fixing a Seagate 7200.11 Hard Drive
asciilifeform: (yes - you can fuck with the os of an hdd. i hope this is a 'revelation' to no one.)
pankkake: the only issue with a SSD is a security one. if you use full disk encryption, you have to consider that the "change key" operation might leave a copy of the old key in the spare area
asciilifeform: pankkake: any disk crypt scheme where the key lives on disk is nuttery
asciilifeform: as if spindle drives didn't swap sectors silently
pankkake: I don't mean private key, I mean the metadata block. i.e. what luks does
pankkake: it's awfully convenient
chetty: convenient tends to = risky
Mats_cd03: so encrypt swap with a random key?
assbot: Disques durs - Les taux de retour des composants (10) - HardWare.fr
assbot: SSD - Les taux de retour des composants (10) - HardWare.fr
asciilifeform: know what else is 'convenient'? surrendering.
asciilifeform: if insist on convenient, just go to enemy & surrender.
pankkake: it just means I cannot change my key securely, and have to rewrite the data. so what?
kakobrekla: dont be the party pooping deer.
chetty: <asciilifeform> if insist on convenient, just go to enemy & surrender.<<+1
Mats_cd03: does LUKS even default to including metadata? iirc it was plain format
pankkake: no, LUKS *is* the metadata
assbot: Researchers crack the world’s toughest encryption by listening to the tiny sounds made by your computer’s CPU | ExtremeTech
mircea_popescu: mostly for the pic
asciilifeform: old news
asciilifeform: dissected here ~2 months ago
mircea_popescu: wait, and luks isnt ?!
asciilifeform: !s inductors
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
mircea_popescu: Girls Around Me is a simple app that takes your location, and then queries Foursquare and Facebook’s location APIs to find any girls (or boys) that are geographically close. You’re then shown a map, powered by Google, with faces (pulled from Facebook profiles) pinned to it.
mircea_popescu: !up colinistheman
mircea_popescu: i can't believe THAT didn't sell for 20bn
asciilifeform: 'girls around me' << ancient scandal. as i recall, it was censored.
colinistheman: Hi guys
mircea_popescu: "whores around me" would prolly work even better.
colinistheman: Thought I'd drop back in mircea
mircea_popescu: colinistheman wb. so, mind getting in the wot so i can get bb his knife ?
asciilifeform: 'whores around me' << if 'uber taxi', why not this.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform actually... taxi callgirl!
colinistheman: What do I do exactly?
mircea_popescu: "send me three at 48th and 9th." " with girls or without ?" "umm bob... your gf coming ? uhh... ok, two with one without please"
colinistheman: I added 15 new knives today. They are at the bottom of the page when it's set to "unsorted"
assbot: first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: just as people who never considered becoming cabbies are now whoring in 'uber', 'whores around me' would probably work the same magic in its own field.
asciilifeform: and, naturally, such an app could only work in btc
mircea_popescu: naturally.
mircea_popescu: i guess we gotta build our own phone.
asciilifeform: why does everything have to run on a pNohe ?
colinistheman: this series of instructions is a little overwhelming
colinistheman: i've never used a GPG key before
jurov: colinistheman you can start with btc addy
colinistheman: that sounds easier
colinistheman: you mean, instead of a key?
jurov: but gpg is basic education around here
colinistheman: I'll probably have to learn it at some point
jurov: yes btc addy has privkey and can sign things
Mats_cd03: ;;tslb
mircea_popescu: btc is like, yu know, the car. it doesn't exist out of a vacuum. if yu want to be a decen mechanic, and even to be a good driver
gribble: Time since last block: 8 minutes and 22 seconds ago
mircea_popescu: you'll have to know about things a little under the hood, like encryption
chetty: well at least learn to change a tire before you get behind the wheel
colinistheman: ;;eregister colinistheman 1CLoPNdpVwRcTovEu1JCsuD9aQ2riXWLAS
gribble: Error: '1CLoPNdpVwRcTovEu1JCsuD9aQ2riXWLAS' is not a valid GPG key id. Please use the long form 16 digit key id.
colinistheman: oh, I thought you said I could use my public key
colinistheman: *bitcoin key
mike_c: ;;bcregister
gribble: (bcregister <nick> <bitcoinaddress>) -- Register your identity, associating bitcoin address key <bitcoinaddress> with <nick>. <bitcoinaddress> should be a standard-type bitcoin address, starting with 1. You will be given a random passphrase to sign with your address key, and submit to the bot with the 'bcverify' command. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes.
mircea_popescu: i wonder why this is a common mistake
colinistheman: ;;bcregister colinistheman 1CLoPNdpVwRcTovEu1JCsuD9aQ2riXWLAS
gribble: Request successful for user colinistheman, hostmask colinistheman!~colinisth@unaffiliated/colinistheman. Your challenge string is: freenode:#bitcoin-otc:9177b607b37f4d96238bb085f90659242452a37931b87d554336aa9a
colinistheman: it's in the instructions, but the instructions do not show the command ;;bcregister
mircea_popescu: ah i see
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: afaik - world's largest parking lot.
jurov: cuz all underground levels got claimed?
asciilifeform: underground parking is only built when land costs something
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform land costs a lot.
asciilifeform: not to usg
mircea_popescu: i can probably identify employees by the age old "distance to gate" metric
mircea_popescu: it's hierarchical after al.
mircea_popescu: i can probably use the satellite pics to uncover the entire lift of employees.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: even easier. most u.s. military installations have named (!) parking spots for the brass
mircea_popescu: for that matter, i probably already have.
asciilifeform: 'this spot belongs to Col. Smith'
mircea_popescu: so yes, it costs a shitton
mircea_popescu: anyway, in sum, if i were co there i'd fire myself over this pic.
colinistheman: ;;everify [freenode:#bitcoin-otc:9177b607b37f4d96238bb085f90659242452a37931b87d554336aa9a]
gribble: Error: "freenode:#bitcoin-otc:9177b607b37f4d96238bb085f90659242452a37931b87d554336aa9a" is not a valid command.
colinistheman: ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:9177b607b37f4d96238bb085f90659242452a37931b87d554336aa9a
gribble: Error: No outstanding encryption-based request found.
mircea_popescu: bcverify
colinistheman: ;;bcverify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:9177b607b37f4d96238bb085f90659242452a37931b87d554336aa9a
gribble: Error: Authentication failed. Please try again.
colinistheman: I am honestly confused as to what I am doing right now
mircea_popescu: me too. wtf that failed ?!
jurov: this doesn't look like btc signature
colinistheman: it says error
mircea_popescu: colinistheman you gotta encrypt it
colinistheman: ok I will have to give this more attention and try again later
jurov: didn't you just publish your privkey?
mircea_popescu: jurov looks like the challenge string
colinistheman: no private key
jurov: ic
colinistheman: ok I will have to give this more attention and try again later
asciilifeform: incidentally, someone (with coin to spare) should do this experiment.
asciilifeform: throw a 1 btc privkey somewhere, count how long until snarfed
colinistheman: I am wondering if this will be worth my time
rithm: nope.
assbot: Bitcoin address authentication - bitcoin-otc wiki
mircea_popescu: colinistheman this is pretty much the only thing you could be doing that's worth your time.
colinistheman: It's over my head sorry. I am a busy man
rithm: shhhh mircea_popescu don't lie to the guy
mircea_popescu: you know what the vietnamese fisherman working for two rice patties a day said ?
rithm: nuh uh
mircea_popescu: that he's a busy man.
rithm facedesks
colinistheman: luckily i sell knives instead of rice
colinistheman: higher profit margin
mircea_popescu: rithm hey, you were asking for it.
colinistheman: and automated sales coming in is great
fluffypony: colinistheman: pity you sell shitty knives
colinistheman: why the mean?
FabianB: $traded
fluffypony: no Fallkniven, no Benchmade
rithm: colinistheman but sderiously registering an identity is super important
rithm: no one will take you seriously
fluffypony: just the normal crap that Americans buy because they read it was good on /r/survival
assbot: Knives4Bitcoin.com - German Damascus VG-10 Knife, Speed Assisted A/O Large Folding Knives Pocket G-10
rithm: until you give gribble a handjob
colinistheman: fluffypony: That one is a nice knife
colinistheman: handmade 200 layers of damascus steel
mircea_popescu: i thought damascus steel was a lost recipe
fluffypony: colinistheman: anything with Damascus steel is fun, but that doesn't mean it has a movement that will withstand abuse
colinistheman: I have a limited number of them.
rithm: oh so spam is the game
rithm: i see now
colinistheman: any steel can be abused. obviously you have to know how to take care of your knife.
colinistheman: such as oiling it
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: yes - the original method is no longer known, but the modern equivalent is still pretty awesome in terms of how it keeps its edge
colinistheman: it's also made with high carbon steel so it holds the edge better for that reason as well
mircea_popescu: isn't high carbon bad ?
mircea_popescu: as in, pig iron ?
colinistheman: 1095hc is a good steel. you have to keep it oiled tho
colinistheman: holds an edge better than 440 stainless
rithm: but rusts
colinistheman: yes, as does all high carbon steel
colinistheman: that's the trade off
colinistheman: but oiling it after use keeps it good
colinistheman: liek i said yhou have to know how to care for it
rithm: what about leaving fresh blood on the blade?
rithm: is that a lubricant or oxidizing agent?
colinistheman: oxidizing
rithm: i wasn't sure thanks!
colinistheman: yeah, blood, guts, water, all bad for knives
colinistheman: but its ok to use them as long as you clean them up
mircea_popescu: josh's blood is prolly a derperizing agent.
rithm: stop joshing around
assbot: Speculative Attack | Satoshi Nakamoto Institute
mircea_popescu: a new name for gresham's law.
mircea_popescu: !up CryptOprah
mircea_popescu: anyway, this part's goo :
mircea_popescu: Second, they misunderstand how strong currencies like bitcoin overtake weak currencies like the dollar: it is through speculative attacks and currency crises caused by investors, not through the careful evaluation of tech journalists and 'mainstream consumers'.
colinistheman: if I feel adventurous in setting up all this stuff later I'll be back. g'day!
rithm: ya''l scared him away
mircea_popescu: i like how people keep pretending like they got an option and whatnot.
mircea_popescu: nothing quite like the illusion of immediate control.
mircea_popescu: anyway, all our friend needs to do now is look up to see who's doing the speculative attacks against the dollar and he'll be like i dunno... five steps ahead of the crowd ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: who's doing the speculative attacks against the dollar << 'a dead lion can be kicked even by a donkey'
mircea_popescu: how about a desperate, moribund lion ?
asciilifeform: that one will slam into walls often. less work for donkey.
assbot: Texas lawyer sues Tor for providing tools used by revenge porn site | The Verge
mircea_popescu: lol "sues tor"
mircea_popescu: ima fall over myself laughing if the us navy ends up paying this guy
asciilifeform: lawyers can also have problems.
mircea_popescu: he's suing an actual party it seems
assbot: So many places I wish I could be now. Buddy's bachelor party. NRA annual meeting. AmRen conference. But alas, low on funds :(
mircea_popescu: don't worry assbot. you're here with us and that's ass that matters.
assbot: Dispatches from the Revenge Pornography War
benkay: <mircea_popescu> i wonder why this is a common mistake // it turns out that making interfaces that normal humans find intuitive is actually hard.
mircea_popescu: in this case the problem seems to be that ;;bc stuff is never mentioned explicitly.
mircea_popescu: was about to bitch about it, but then i realised there's wisdom in moiety's terseness.
benkay: interface is education
mircea_popescu: let the lazy have extra chances to self humiliation, it's a good selection exercise.
benkay: and seriously - use gpg.
benkay: it's not like your .gnupg dir will expire, unlike your wallet backups.
mircea_popescu: punkman the notion that anyone still cares...
mircea_popescu: benkay but some are busy people.
benkay: 160 hours a week in the paddy
chetty: something very wrong when you are too busy to stretch your mind
rithm: oooh hyper-ledger
mircea_popescu: "If a node gets hacked there are only a few ways it can impact the system, but it can’t force good nodes to accept forged transfers. Generally, individual bad nodes will quickly be automatically identified and expelled from the consensus pool."
mircea_popescu: that made a lot of sense.
rithm: dude it's cooler than bitcoin it's hyper
rithm: and it's a ledger
rithm: no 51%!!!!!
mircea_popescu: "Bobynin's voice rang like metal on metal. 'I can see the difference between you and me: you need me, but I don't need you.'"
rithm: What if there are two ledgers with the same name in different pools?
rithm: This is an open question up for discussion
rithm: lololol
mircea_popescu: better reg that name.
rithm: hyperbank
rithm: hypercash
rithm: hyperdollars
mircea_popescu: begging for hyperherp
assbot: I can no longer have even the smallest association with the Bitcoin Foundation, because of the complete lack of transparency
fluffypony: it took him this long to realise that?
Mats_cd03: so brave
mircea_popescu: you see what a good killing does to people ?
mircea_popescu: can he stil have association with neobee ? anyone asked him yet ?
rithm: can i ask for a refund for my bitcoin foundation donation
rithm: i'd like to take that back
rithm: i'm an enabler
kakobrekla: donation implies onewaynesses
mircea_popescu: rithm lots of dumb things you can't take back. way the world goes.
rithm: superman did it that one time
benkay: that entropic gradient...
mircea_popescu: did he spin on a dildo really fast ?
asciilifeform: 'You ever drop an egg and on the floor you see it break? / You go and get a mop so you can clean up your mistake. / But did you ever stop to ponder why we know it's true, / if you drop a broken egg you will not get an egg that's new. / That's entropy...'
mircea_popescu: also known in romanian as "copilu' minune minca gem si caca prune"
mircea_popescu: ie, the wunderkid, eatin' jam an' shittin' prunes.
nubbins`: drinking wine and pissing grape juice
assbot: Hamas: We attempted to hit the nuclear reactor in Dimona | JPost | Israel News
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.0372999 = 0.5968 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: i wonder what these people think hitting a nuclear plant will do.
mircea_popescu: i mean unless they've got actual bunker busters they're no treaching the core. so...
asciilifeform: see french example
asciilifeform: (answer: nothing)
asciilifeform: still a headache for the folks who have to walk around with clipboard, check off what needs new paint job
nubbins`: more of a make-work project than an attack
fluffypony: ;;later tell darlidada everything seems to be working 100%, need your email address to create the user account for you - let me know
gribble: The operation succeeded.
nubbins`: ;;gettrust assbot cazalla
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask cazalla!cazalla@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe73:590b. Trust relationship from user assbot to user cazalla: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=cazalla | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=cazalla | Rated since: Tue Apr 15 22:17:43 2014
Mats_cd03: iron dome paying dividends; thanks uncle sam
nubbins`: so i printed some nice big 18x24" posters today
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
mircea_popescu: who's jess smith
nubbins`: one third of Pink Eye :D
Mats_cd03: im sure hamas'd have better luck pointing rockets at power stations
mircea_popescu: how anti-french of you three.
Mats_cd03: whoevers running the show, sucks
mircea_popescu: Mats_cd03 o bviously they're going for pr.
nubbins`: almost looks like we know what we're doing
mircea_popescu: woa dude you look old. i always saw you as this peter pan sorta 22 yo
nubbins`: nah, old man
nubbins`: in fact, that french rocket attack article was published 10 days before i was born ;o
asciilifeform: 'In France protesters fired an RPG-7 grenade-launcher at the reactor of a nuclear power station. Where they got the Soviet-made weapon I do not know. Perhaps it was just lying there at the roadside. But if it was a spetsnaz officer who had the good fortune to meet those people and provide them with their hardware, he would without further ado have been given a Red Banner medal and promotion. The senior officers
asciilifeform: of the GRU have a particular dislike of Western nuclear power stations, which reduce the West's dependence on imported oil (including Soviet oil) and make it stronger and more independent. They are one of spetsnaz's, most important targets.'
assbot: --
nubbins`: interesting
nubbins`: alf, i bet you've got quite the collection of books in your study
asciilifeform: who doesn;t
nubbins`: many
assbot: Q&A: What You Need to Know About Attacks on the U.S. Power Grid - Corporate Intelligence - WSJ
asciilifeform: 'what you need to know' - 'nothing.' (usg)
nubbins`: "We need to make books cool again. If you go home with somebody and they don't have books, don't fuck them." -John Waters
Mats_cd03: tl;dr cooling room filled with bullets, station subsequently fails to cool, suspects utilize AKs and cover of darkness to circumvent shit security
asciilifeform: phun phact re: substations. the transformers are quite expensive, not many are manufactured.
nubbins`: right, isn't this the reason a solar flare or w/e could fuck us all royally?
asciilifeform: copper thieves have destroyed considerably more mains transformers in usa than saboteurs with kalash, but the news blackout regarding these is nearly total.
mircea_popescu: nubbins` i much prefer clueless-ignorant women to misguided-ignorant women.
mircea_popescu: someone with no books i'd fuck. someone with a shitton of "social studies" and assorted crap published the past century i definitely wouldn't
mircea_popescu: but i'd count it as a major personal failure if i somehow ended up going home with them in the first place.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not newsworthy.
assbot: GMO Mosquito Trial Has Reverse Effect, Causes Dengue Emergency
nubbins`: friend of mine had dengue, no fun
benkay: we were noodling on the homegrown EMP this morning.
Mats_cd03: ;;tslb
gribble: Time since last block: 8 minutes and 41 seconds
asciilifeform: !up indiancandy1
indiancandy1: hey friends
asciilifeform: greetings human.
benkay: shalom
indiancandy1: shalom aint heard that word in years
indiancandy1: you jewish?
benkay: ;;ud jambo
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jambo | 99% of washing line crime convictions in 2013 were held accountable to 'jambo's' or the 'scumbos' as they have become better known. They mostly inhabit a ...
benkay: funny how gribble's not returning the website's #1 result for that.
benkay: http://online.wsj.com/articles/fed-sets-october-end-for-bond-buying-1404928864 // i thought the bond purchases were still in full force?
assbot: Fed Sets October End for Bond Buying - WSJ
mircea_popescu: o this should be interesting.
mike_c: sort of end. they are still going to buy bonds with interest on their existing bonds.
mircea_popescu: there's no practical difference between these.
mircea_popescu: what im curious is, what tiny nation will suddenly be buying 50x its gdp worth of us bonds this autumn
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ua, who else.
mircea_popescu: it should have been sa if they weren't such annoying shitheads forcing the best country in thr world to rely on their 2nd pedo choice.
mircea_popescu: hk would have also been great, except... problems. maybe it can be arranged for japan ?
HyperChetty: <mircea_popescu> what im curious is, what tiny nation will suddenly be buying 50x its gdp worth of us bonds this autumn//the caliphate
mircea_popescu: with the saudis money, if they get that far ? perhaps.
asciilifeform: HyperChetty: insha'allah.
asciilifeform: !up indiancandy1
mircea_popescu: sooo... was the netherlands winning or what ?
indiancandy1: im on mfc and this guy just shot his load in his own mouth
indiancandy1: impresive
indiancandy1: hey friendsjambo is hello in swahilli btw
HyperChetty: world cup 0-0 so far
mod6: mircea_popescu: it's tied nil-nil, @ 75 min
mircea_popescu: mod6 near miss a minute ago ?
HyperChetty: maybe I heard some shouts
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 i thought you didn't do cams ?
mod6: didn't see, just caught score.
mircea_popescu: This man, whom Stalin had trusted, was Adolf Hitler.
mircea_popescu: Stalin had looked on with approval and malicious delight as Hitler had overrun Poland, France and Belgium, as his bombers had darkened the sky over England. Molotov had come back from Berlin thoroughly frightened; agents reported that Hitler was transferring his forces eastward; Hess flew to England, and Churchill had warned Stalin of an attack. Every jackdaw in the woods of Byelorussia and on the poplars of Galicia h
mircea_popescu: ad shrieked war. Every peasant woman in every market-place in Russia had prophesied war day in and day out. Only Stalin had remained unperturbed.
mircea_popescu: He had trusted Hitler...
mircea_popescu: o wow, so i'm not the only guy to have noticed stalin's boyish infatuation with hitler ?!
indiancandy1: i do cam i just do toys
asciilifeform: suvorov (given name rezun) certainly noticed.
indiancandy1: find me
indiancandy1: xsexyindianx
mircea_popescu: do you use a burka or something ?
indiancandy1: a burka?
indiancandy1: im not muslom
mod6: how about sharpies?
HyperChetty: muslim porn, whats that? ankles?
indiancandy1: i have a pic on my phone i wish i culd show u its a girl taing a selfie
indiancandy1: with a burka but the reflection of the mirror shes got a g string on
mircea_popescu: ;;google girl selfie burka mirror g string
gribble: Top 10 Jeremy Clarkson gaffes - Telegraph: <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebritynews/8928665/Top-10-Jeremy-Clarkson-gaffes.html>; What it really feels like to wear the 'burqa' | Mail Online - Daily Mail: <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-410376/What-really-feels-like-wear-burqa.html>; Hundreds of burqa-clad Afghan women in rare protest against ...: (1 more message)
mod6: mircea_popescu: on the near miss, it sounds like someone kicked it into the side of the net around the 75 mark.
mod6: 30 minutes of extra time now, if still scoreless, i guess they go to penalty kicks
Mats_cd03: i wish it was unarmed single combat
mod6: to break the tie? i agree, penalty kicks are a shitty way to end a game.
thestringpuller: !up indiancandy1
indiancandy1: whats the score
mod6: nil - nil
benkay: "U.S. stocks rebounded after a two-day slide, as the Federal Reserve's meeting minutes soothed concerns over a potential increase in interest rates.
benkay: how does slowing down bond purchases imply a not increase in rates?
indiancandy1: ;;google satanic lesbians
gribble: Christian radio host: Disney's 'Frozen' is Satanic tool for ...: <http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/03/10/christian-radio-host-disneys-frozen-is-satanic-tool-for-indoctrinating-young-lesbians/>; Gay and Satanist - In praise of Satan: <http://inpraiseofsatan.webs.com/gayandsatanist.htm>; When Satanic Lesbians, Lying Mothers, Love Triangles, Ex-Gays ...: <http://www.autostraddle.com (1 more message)
thestringpuller: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 309995 | Current Difficulty: 1.6818461371161112E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 310463 | Next Difficulty In: 468 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 19 hours, 39 minutes, and 45 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 17093222021.8 | Estimated Percent Change: 1.63368
thestringpuller: here comes the hash power
ThickAsThieves: benkay i'm pretty sure i just read an article that said the opposite of what you just pasted
ThickAsThieves: the more i read financial news, the less i believe it
ThickAsThieves: assuming the opposite is probly at least slightly closer to reality
mod6: extra time is over, penalty kick time
mod6: Argentina wins by pk's
mircea_popescu: o look at that lol
mircea_popescu: methinks im gonna go out in a bit and check out teh nuttery.
mod6: :D
mircea_popescu: <benkay> how does slowing down bond purchases imply a not increase in rates? << iwannabelieve.jpg
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 155 @ 0.03452288 = 5.351 BTC [-] {13}
assbot: Why isn't there a switch or case statement in Python?
asciilifeform: (answer: because derp)
assbot: PEP 3103 -- A Switch/Case Statement
mike_c: the real answer is worse: "A quick poll during my keynote presentation at PyCon 2007 shows this proposal has no popular support. I therefore reject it."
mike_c: that's a herp and a derp.
asciilifeform: language with no macros, where chump can't fix this omission himself: herp, derp, and... zerp ?
asciilifeform: (what comes after derp...?)
cazalla: indiancandy1: can you put the keyboard on your head?
mike_c: i don't mind no macros, and i'm surprised you like them. macros are the death of readability.
asciilifeform: c macros.
mike_c: there are better ones?
assbot: Lisp Macro
asciilifeform: proper macros make a language cleanly user-definable
asciilifeform: eliminating 'language feature' derp-conventions
mike_c: interesting.
justusranvier: mircea_popescu: When did you stop having a Twitter account?
assbot: nam-shub +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
benkay: !up nam-shub
benkay: hey there
nam-shub: thanks benkay, just looking to see if mp and mpex.co split or just mpex.co
benkay: split?
benkay: apparently mpex went down today
nam-shub: as in hasta luego
nam-shub: suckas
benkay: ah yeah i think mp's out
benkay: mircea_popescu: ping
benkay: ;;gettrust nam-shub
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask nam-shub!~nam-shub@ Trust relationship from user benkay to user nam-shub: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=nam-shub | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=nam-shub | Rated since: never
benkay: well sheeeeit and who are you?
benkay: feel free to castigate me for noobery if that's appropriate
nam-shub: New name, for a new secret project
mike_c: once a year the mpex raid array goes on summer vacation.
nam-shub: gettrust bloctoc
mike_c: ah, more fuel for BingoBoingo's summer heat theory.
nam-shub: ;;gettrust bloctoc
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask nam-shub!~nam-shub@ CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Trust relationship from user bloctoc to user bloctoc: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 3 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=bloctoc&dest=bloctoc | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=bloctoc | Rated since: Tue Oct 29 20:18:14 2013
mike_c: ;;ident nam-shub
gribble: CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'nam-shub', with hostmask 'nam-shub!~nam-shub@', is identified as user 'bloctoc', with GPG key id ABFF7572BA373348, key fingerprint 2DD75790350D7D689339038DABFF7572BA373348, and bitcoin address None
mircea_popescu: benkay sup
mircea_popescu: justusranvier i guess that's a point, i should wipe trilema twitter links huh
mircea_popescu: mthreat just been for a spin around 9 de julio. not *that* crazy
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
mthreat: mircea_popescu: i watched the game at the big screen at plaza san martin... it was crazy
justusranvier: mircea_popescu: you need to at least repost your "Coinpeople bitplease..." rant somewhere else so I can link to it when appropriate.
mircea_popescu: mthreat a, the luxurios life of the rich.
mthreat: if they somehow beat ze germans, it'll be crazy for 24 hours
justusranvier: That's one of my favorite tweets ever.
mircea_popescu: i've been mostly conferincing lol. gotta earn a living.
mthreat: mircea_popescu: it was free
mircea_popescu: mthreat you got your time :D
mthreat: mircea_popescu: futbol para todos
nam-shub: thanks for that mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: justusranvier i think i have atwitter dumpo somewhere
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: because no one else asked, i will. what did herr xapo say when you added him to s.derp ?
mircea_popescu: if he said anything it'll be in tomorrow's summaries. i've only been talking to techs and spooks today
benkay: who is mfoundry?
nam-shub: bought by FIS global
benkay: o o
nam-shub: lots of fluorescent lighting
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: techs and spooks << anybody dump the hdd firmware ?
benkay: it's just a ruse to convince us that mp isn't an nsa plant
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 30 @ 0.03079906 = 0.924 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: wait wut
benkay: ;;rate rye 3 responsible, efficient, honorable.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user rye has changed from 2 to 3.
benkay: friendly fud
mircea_popescu: is this some ellaborate whiskey joke ?
benkay: mircea_popescu: you are the best candidate for the Frank Costello of bitcoin.
benkay: no man
benkay: he works for me
mircea_popescu: wait, was costello the stupid one ?
benkay: costello was the rat.
benkay: the one who survived by ratting out the competition for 20 years.
benkay: rye's doing the haich tee em ells and jay-esses on http://console.smartvineyards.net
assbot: Smart Vineyards
mircea_popescu: wasn't he the PM ?
benkay: prime minister?
TheNewDeal: demo not loading :(
benkay: turn on js.
benkay: also, chrome.
mircea_popescu: justusranvier http://www.datafilehost.com/d/635199a2 is a full twitter dump from late march, if you care.
assbot: Download tweets.zip
benkay: lol 5.4 mb of tweets
mircea_popescu: benkay it may have exscaped your notice, but im verbose.
TheNewDeal: I am using chrome, JS hasn't been turned off
benkay: fascinating. privacy/adblocking?
TheNewDeal: not running any of that stuff
TheNewDeal: kaspersky 10
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 20 @ 0.03079906 = 0.616 BTC [-]
TheNewDeal: seems like kaspersky isn't doing anything to restrict web
TheNewDeal: I have had trouble seeing bitcoincharts charts in chrome though, so might be my pc
mircea_popescu: btw, the song of the street here is " Brasil, decime qué se siente, tener en casa tu papa"
benkay: TheNewDeal: anything interesting in the console?
TheNewDeal: worked this time
benkay: hahaha
benkay: k, great.
benkay: worst part about js app development is the "try refreshing?" debugging method.
benkay: all this nasty state buried in the browser
TheNewDeal: try refreshing is better than "Have you tried turning it on an off again?"
benkay: it's the 2014 version of above
benkay: hey is blockr -assets blessed these days?
benkay: and on the converse, has blockchain.info lost its?
assbot: U.S. officials cut estimate of recoverable Monterey Shale oil by 96% - Los Angeles Times
decimation: I'm sure that they used the power of science to err by 96%
mircea_popescu: mineral reserves are always iffy business.
mthreat: mircea_popescu: no chaos? here's the crowd on a city bus (and the bus didn't stop) - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152582727778245
mircea_popescu: my flash is not good enough, but anyway. mebbe we mean different things by chaos.
TheNewDeal: and wti jumps nada
mircea_popescu: buncha people out singing. not like they burned a car or anything.
mthreat: well there's good chaos and bad chaos
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal wti is not shale.
decimation: 1970's era schematic CAD machine: http://vimeo.com/75532300 - uses various light masks to etch photoresist film, which is then developed and printed
assbot: The Diagrammer by Mergenthaler - 1970 on Vimeo
TheNewDeal: could west texas intermediate be a derivative of shale oil?
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal nah. and besides, it's been going crazy with respect to both brent and the middle east sorts.
mircea_popescu: wider spreads past coupla years than ever seen.
TheNewDeal: isn't there a relatively large premium of brent vs wti lately/
TheNewDeal: gotcha
assbot: LA Times
decimation: I wonder if this has to do with the oil distribution infrastructure in the us
mircea_popescu: decimation if it does, it hadn't for 30 years or so prior.
decimation: yeah, but the us hasn't been close to an oil exporter for that period
decimation: it will take years to build the pipelines to the areas that need them, and it will be even more years of political stalemate preventing the investment
mircea_popescu: what do you mean ? both canada and mexico have been exporting ?
assbot: Crude oil train protests planned in Sacramento, Davis - Our Region - The Sacramento Bee
assbot: U.S. Was Net Oil-Product Exporter for First Time Since 1949 - Bloomberg
mircea_popescu: jesus the economy is doing that bad ?
mircea_popescu: i guess 2 a gallon was unsustainable after all.
decimation: and the "people" think they have the luxury to protest oil moving through their town
mircea_popescu: sure they do.
mircea_popescu: “The reason we can export so much is demand in the U.S. is weak,” Cohan said. Since 2005, the U.S. has lost nearly 2 million barrels a day of total product consumption, he said.
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 2 * 4 * 365
gribble: 2920
mircea_popescu: what's three billion.
decimation: it seems to me that if oil is so cheap, it should be burned for power, but I suspect USG has banned that too (to do it cheaply)
assbot: NECN Board calls for moratorium on oil trains - Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods
mircea_popescu: you have any idea how dirty crude burns ?
TheNewDeal: not sure, but it tastes to light and sweet
decimation: yeah, that's why ships are so nasty
mircea_popescu: ships mostly burn diesel.
decimation: I suspect if you tried to build a new refinery to burn it more cleanly they would protest that too
assbot: Fuel oil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
decimation: The most common residual fuels in the shipping industry are RMG and RMK.[4] ,,, Ships with more advanced engines can process heavier, more viscous, and thus cheaper, fuel.
mircea_popescu: note that 1-4 are distilates.
decimation: yeah, it's probably the shit that comes out the bottom of the refinery stack
mircea_popescu: pretty much
mircea_popescu: but anyway, ships are burning more and more diesel because of sulphur limitations
mircea_popescu: afaik by 2015 they'll burn nothing but.
decimation: if there is enough refinery capacity to make it
decimation: the same environmentalists would gladly shut down a gas plant "because environment" and thus force the old coal plant to burn
mircea_popescu: well no, not the same.
decimation: that's true, in the end it's entitled nimbys who think they can tell others what to do on their own land
mircea_popescu: neighbourhood 1 gets together to "do something for environment", blows up all the leaves with leafblowers. N2 pledges to stop eating beef so as to help reduce cowfart methane production. the importers normaly supplying them suffer a shock, a bunch of meat is discarded.
decimation: which is also the government's fault, because the land-use regulation in the US has effectively short-circuited the nuisance tort process
mircea_popescu: n3 is a small consumer with a large gas plant. they picket it and it's closed. large industry down the road needs power so even further coal plant is brough back online.
mircea_popescu: the result of idiots being politically involved.
decimation: exactly so
mircea_popescu: this has been known since forever as the noble lie. ie, most people have no fucking business giving their opinion in the forum.
decimation: a much more rational system would be this: your neighbor opens coal plant, pays you damages for blighting your skies, business is taken care of
mircea_popescu: they may mean well and act honorably, but they're fucking peas in the field. no way to know enough to form a meaningful opinion.
mircea_popescu: decimation there's no practical way to evaluate blighted skies. and the chinese don't wan to pay mongolia or w/e
decimation: but in the us, remote third parties suddenly have standing to tell you how to run your business
decimation: right, it's a subjective problem negotiated between rational property owners
decimation: in the us you don't have property owners or rationality
mircea_popescu: it's not really negotiable.
mircea_popescu: as i generally tell my neighbours that listed to the music too loud, "either turn it off or i'm going to kill you".
mircea_popescu: and as i tell my neighbours that complain about my music, "either get lost or i'm going to kill you"
decimation: lol well there's a certain level of tolerance required to have civilization
mircea_popescu: but the point is this is not negotiable.
mircea_popescu: the op has nothing to offer.
mircea_popescu: negotiation is, "i'll give you this silver for that pear"
mircea_popescu: if you don't like it you keep your pear and i keep my silver.
decimation: I guess this is where you go to the King and plead your case
mircea_popescu: there's no way to resolve the silence dispute without recourse to violence.
mike_c: you could pay them. you want silence, they want money.
mircea_popescu: mike_c suppose you're in a restaurant with a chick you're trying to impress.
decimation: it seems to me that the general self-restraint of the population is important here
mircea_popescu: lemon band is playing awfully badly, so you pay them 20 mn to stfu
mircea_popescu: xapo opens two feet away.
mircea_popescu: trust me. you can't do it without violence.
mircea_popescu: decimation that "self restraint" is your circular way of begging violence
mircea_popescu: "i don't have to beat them personaly but merely remind them of how their parents beat them"
mircea_popescu: well... what if their parents didn't ? what if it's the united states of chimpanzees ?
decimation: yeah I think Carlyle would agree with you: "Deduct what they carried with them from England ready-made, -- their common English Language and that same Constitution, or rather elixir of constitutions, their inveterate and now, as it were inborn, reverence for the Constable's Staff; two quite immense attainments which England had to spend much blood, and valiant sweat of brow and brain, for centuries long in achieving; -- and what new
decimation: elements of polity or nationhood, what noble new phasis of human arrangement, or social device worthy of Prometheus or of Epimetheus, yet comes to light in America? "
mircea_popescu: decimation moreover, the market is provedly awful at allocating silence. london was nothing but a gray mist for most of modernity.
mircea_popescu: generally as cixi aptyl observed, capitalism is fucking loud.
decimation: yeah I don't see any way out of the problem other than having a king/judge make subjective decisions backed up with the threat of violence
mircea_popescu: so you know... for all the conservative displeasure with the global government...
mircea_popescu: justusranvier lmao awww, and i didn't even get to sell any d.cbse
decimation: we already have global government, it seems to me. my objection to it is its horrible cost/benefit ratio - the problem mostly being the ungovernable masses
mircea_popescu: well because it's trying to solve problems that it has no business being involved in.
mircea_popescu: but mind that the eu was quite successful while it limited itself to imposing things like the euro1-2-3-4 car emission standards.
decimation: actually I think the idea mix of government is weak global regulation below strong local soverignty
mircea_popescu: that didn't parse.
decimation: well, it's true that sovereignty is binary, either you rule or you don't
mircea_popescu: decimation suppose i have a slavegirl. am i sovereign over her or aren't i ?
decimation: depends which government you live under, but assuming anarchy, I would say you are
mircea_popescu: as an aside, mpex update : hardware changed and tested, os installed and failed. os reinstalled and failed. hardware retested and failed (!!!). hardware rechanged. tested, passed, tested, passed, os resintalled, tested.
mircea_popescu: things are progressing smothly in the manner of fml.
mircea_popescu: decimation so suppose i want to go down on her and she says her period started this morning. can i now order her to unperiodize herself ?
decimation: obviously this is an impossible task, and you are not in a position to demand such a thing from nature
TheNewDeal: what does that have to do with sovereignity?
mircea_popescu: i thought you had just said i was sovereign.
mircea_popescu: tell stalin it can't be done, not me.
TheNewDeal: you could still go down on her, that's your sovereign power ;)
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal is flying an impossible taks ?
assbot: xkcd: Success
TheNewDeal: depends on your definition of flight
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: can i now order her to unperiodize herself << minor nitpick. this is actually possible.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not retroactively.
asciilifeform: ;;google menstrual extractor
gribble: Menstrual extraction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menstrual_extraction>; Menstrual Extraction | WomensHealthSpecialists.org: <http://www.womenshealthspecialists.org/self-help/menstrual-extraction>; Menstrual Extraction - Sister Zeus: <http://www.sisterzeus.com/MenExt.htm>
mircea_popescu: no dude i don't want an ersatz.
decimation: you make a good point mircea, human sovereignty is always tragically limited
mircea_popescu: i mean, the girl being a good slave may die trying
mircea_popescu: but the interface between sovereignity and productivity is iffy at best.
mircea_popescu: xerxes famously ordered the hellespont around, for that matter.
mircea_popescu: they *did* whip it for failing to obey.
asciilifeform: actually you can order reality around. it just takes a while to figure out how to speak the language to 'order' in.
asciilifeform: i.e. technology
asciilifeform: it's that, or 'whip the sea'
mircea_popescu points stan to chapter 20ish of the book in question.
mircea_popescu: what'd bobynin say to abakumov ?
asciilifeform recalls that xerx ordered the hellespont not only whipped, but... branded
mircea_popescu: i think so yeah
decimation: technology (in certain respects) has been getting better, but it seems to me the problems faced are "np-hard"
mircea_popescu: it's not even scientific, for that matter.
mircea_popescu names decimation the new head of the secret service. order #1 : arrest all the dissenters so that the population remains > 0.
decimation: suicide with wooden sword is in order
mircea_popescu: over a political problem ?!
mike_c: ;;calc (193000 / [ticker --last]) - 314.6
gribble: -3.81095008052
decimation: well the solution to your order lies somewhere between ghandi and stalin
mike_c: warren's losing.
asciilifeform: decimation: 'ghalin' ?
mircea_popescu: o hey, argentina made someone 30ish btc
mircea_popescu: decimation the solution obviously is, "make an ideology to which dissent is a self limiting condition"
TheNewDeal: wasn't it you?
mircea_popescu: buttcoins are anonymous.
decimation: good point
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