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← 2014-07-03 | 2014-07-05 →
BingoBoingo: !up GunPlay
assbot: Scholar says transcript of the Declaration of Independence has an error.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9750 @ 0.00082337 = 8.0279 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4900 @ 0.00082313 = 4.0333 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: !up nam-shub
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8150 @ 0.00082313 = 6.7085 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform lepeshinskaya was the ballerina ? or was she the educational expert ?
assbot: Leaked Video of Moolah CEO Causes Legal Controversy » CryptoCoinsNews
mircea_popescu: so anyone keeping a list of ips used by nsa&friends for ops ?
BingoBoingo: I'm not really
BingoBoingo: I assume they can use pretty much Windows or android machine as the equivalent of a tor node anyways
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> reads just like modern pheminist etc. crapola. << i had this convo with girl earlier. sophism is sophism, seen it all before.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> being as the local stuffed uniforms are the first to 'go free agent' in any imperial collapse, this is sorta basic. << quite
mircea_popescu: For the first time in human history, there now exists a situation in which the disciplined thinking techniques, and precision-observing techniques of modern science will be applied in a positive sense to the problem of a subjective phenomenon. "Positive" in that the research men will be commanded, ordered, and damn well required to stop using their talents to prove it isn't so, because their theories hold it impossible
mircea_popescu: , and find out why it is so, because it works. Those scientists who are personally psychologically so oriented that they simply can't accept that notion will be simply brushed aside, and men who can and will see what's happening on their own campuses, and will sincerely try to understand this new order of phenomenon will be installed.
mircea_popescu: o look at that, before global warming they had "drowsing works". who knew.
BingoBoingo: OMG it is like a reverse-(Karl Popper)
mircea_popescu: the antipopper
mircea_popescu: "The Church of Scientology, an outgrowth of L. Ron Hubbard's dianetics cult of the Fifties, became one of the most controversial of American religious cults. When, in 1977, Federal agents raided the cult's offices because, among other things, the cult had infiltrated Federal agencies and stolen Government documents related to investigations of the cult, public reaction was amusement as much as anything else."
mircea_popescu: it's still good for a lol.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9346 @ 0.00082344 = 7.6959 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 33 @ 0.016501 = 0.5445 BTC [-]
atcbot: 18k@310 19k@272 68@271 | 9k@226 250k@225 50k@224
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 785138.67 Est. Next Diff: 1078968.81 in 1937 blocks (#40320) Est. % Change: 37.42
BingoBoingo: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 309124 | Current Difficulty: 1.6818461371161112E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 310463 | Next Difficulty In: 1339 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 13 hours, 32 minutes, and 34 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 16080546463.1 | Estimated Percent Change: -4.38753
BingoBoingo: Looks like next change won't be negative
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2477 @ 0.00082313 = 2.0389 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36000 @ 0.00082442 = 29.6791 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: Nubbins, you little legend!
gribble: The operation succeeded.
BingoBoingo: Ugh, white africans are the worst
BingoBoingo: Case in point, Mark Shuttleworth
fluffypony: yeah he's a bit of a chop
fluffypony: but the guys that invented EC2 are cool
fluffypony: and I like Elon Musk very much
BingoBoingo: EC2 might be the only thing worse than Nigbuntu
fluffypony: although I don't like his complete loss of a South African accent
fluffypony: and his semi-American-but-not-quite accent he's adopted
BingoBoingo: Fluffy he makes me wish Rhodesia wasn't a country
fluffypony: hah hah
fluffypony: my mom was born in Rhodesia when it was still called Rhodesia
BingoBoingo: I mean the Amerigo's colonies produce some shit white people, but Africa...
assbot: Johnny Cash-The_Man_Comes_Around - YouTube
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17850 @ 0.00082503 = 14.7268 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: Gordon Lightfoot Sundown - YouTube
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14616 @ 0.00082672 = 12.0833 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 309128 | Current Difficulty: 1.6818461371161112E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 310463 | Next Difficulty In: 1335 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 21 hours, 20 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 15968194694.3 | Estimated Percent Change: -5.05556
mircea_popescu: fluffypony nice shirt.
BingoBoingo: Last two youtube links dedicated to the mystery lifebomer unkilling all of my beautiful death
mircea_popescu: "no privilege shirt, no service"
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: Yeah came out really nicely, v. impressed
assbot: [AUCTION] BFL 65nm ASIC minirig - First ever delivered
BingoBoingo: Look who is selling!
mircea_popescu: lmao scammer be scammer to the end.
mircea_popescu: auctioning shit for .5 btc, selling for 1 btc pm bid ? really ?
BingoBoingo: Well, if Garr could do it
BingoBoingo: Some one may have lulz arriving in their inbox...
BingoBoingo: I will not confirm or deny
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 785138.67 Est. Next Diff: 810773.42 in 1931 blocks (#40320) Est. % Change: 3.26
assbot: #bitcoin-assets bash
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo still, it's satisfying to see the guy reduced to peddling bitcents.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: it is indeed if... the courts don't seem to want your bet to come true
BingoBoingo: US courts still need to catch up to bitbet courts
mircea_popescu: slowness.
BingoBoingo: Sundown, you better take care. If I find you been creeping round my back stairs.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14660 @ 0.00082313 = 12.0671 BTC [-]
davout: god morneng -assets
BingoBoingo: Fuck you davout We do Dog morning here.
davout: where is your dog now
BingoBoingo: Krauts are going to put on Belgium like a condom and take your team down like they did... well... you know
BingoBoingo: davout: My dog is safely in the ghetto where he belongs
assbot: I am your new God - YouTube
davout: ah wrong video
davout: the drummer is amazing
xmj: i wonder if i can trick assbot
xmj: her ass is amazing
xmj: oh, boring.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 50 @ 0.0143 = 0.715 BTC [+]
davout: ;;later tell kakobrekla "hide bots" in the logs doesn't make atcbot go away
gribble: The operation succeeded.
davout: ;;later tell kakobrekla disregard that i suck cock
gribble: The operation succeeded.
jurov: ^story of kakobrekla and bitcointalk
davout: short story indeed
mircea_popescu: jurov i find it really funny how he just can't resist arguing with idiots
davout: mircea_popescu: it's a skill
mircea_popescu: like bulimia ?
davout: no, self-control
davout: don't eat this candy bar, resist the urge to waste time arguing with dotcoin, same skill really :)
mircea_popescu: o o i see.
mircea_popescu: "Ponta: I will likely announce my intention to run for president on August 1"
mircea_popescu: romanian politicians are mentally defective. YOU JUST ANNOUNCED IT DERP!
jurov: will he be IPOing it?
davout: can you pre-vote ?
mircea_popescu: this guy is probably the most amusing pietilla in all of yurp.
pankkake: it does it the apple way; announce an annoucment, gets twice the coverage
mircea_popescu: example : romania is, sorta like france, a presidentialish republic. it's quite clear that the president does foreign affairs. at some point in a conflict with the president, this guy showed up at a eu summit.
mircea_popescu: uninvited, like. those people literally didn't know what to do for like an hour.
mircea_popescu: when it became clear that he won't be allowed inside the building, he left.
mircea_popescu: when questioned in the senate a week later, he claimed that he went to bruxelles to do some shopping.
davout: mircea_popescu: you don't get anything if you don't try!
davout: we have a saying that applies perfectly: "sur un malentendu tu peux toujours conclure"
mircea_popescu: yeah, basically, he runs on MS-Busker 3.1.
atcbot: 18k@310 19k@272 68@271 | 9k@226 250k@225 50k@224
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: isn't it like crack of dawn where you are?
davout: which roughly translates to: "you may end up fucking her on a misunderstanding"
mircea_popescu: fluffypony prety much
mircea_popescu: davout "you can close just as well on a misunderstanding "
davout: yo
BingoBoingo: fluffypony: GIve it an hour
davout: does "close" convey the same sexual meaning?
pankkake: ;;ud close
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=close | to knock boots with a member of the oposite sex, as in close the deal.
pankkake: ;;ud closing
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Closing | Nov 14, 2012 ... Closing. The act of "doing the deed". To close is the have sexual intercourse with someone. Particularly used in regards to a girl who is hard to ...
mircea_popescu: it's pretty much the exact equivalent. conclure may mean a cunt or a life policy.
davout: nice-u
fluffypony: hah hah
fluffypony: nice one, reddit
BingoBoingo: ;;bait
gribble: Error: "bait" is not a valid command.
assbot: BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021734 BTC (Total: 475.28 BTC). Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00023849 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4993 @ 0.00082631 = 4.1258 BTC [+]
assbot: HOLY F**** I just got the details of 50 bitcoiners in CY DANNY BREWSTER INCLUDE
pankkake: fail to see how his address in Cyprus is going to help anything
BingoBoingo: Maybe someone introduces him to 'bubbling;
pankkake: ;;ud bubbling
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bubbling | Bubbling. A photo editing technique which uses clever positioning of transparent circles in an opaque color layer to trick the mind into thinking a person in a ...
fluffypony: yeah, poopsenders don't even deliver to Cyprus
fluffypony: unfortunately
pankkake: oh, I remember bubbling
BingoBoingo: ;;google bubbling "pissing in their own mouth"
gribble: 'Bubbling' Is the New Teen Trend That Will Make You Gag - Jezebel: <http://jezebel.com/bubbling-is-the-new-teen-trend-that-will-make-you-gag-1599360630>; People Are Imitating Todd “Bubbling” Carney And Pissing In Their ...: <http://junkee.com/people-are-imitating-todd-bubbling-carney-and-pissing-in-their-own-mouths-on-facebook/37014>; Everyone Needs To Stop Trying To Make (1 more message)
pankkake: fluffypony: poopsenders are the number one reason I hide my identity :p
pankkake: not that I would be the the one receiving the poop anyway…
BingoBoingo: I'm sleep. Everyone who keeps trying to unkill my beautiful death with their life bombs can eat it, as they continue to hurt their cause.
mircea_popescu: that jezebel thing, ALSO gawker ?
mircea_popescu: dude just how much crap can these people put out ?
fluffypony: yeah Jezebel is horrible
fluffypony: the only gawker site I still occasionally browse is Jalopnik
fluffypony: and only because a friend of mine, Seagram Pearce, often has his photos on there
mircea_popescu: what's that one ?
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: cars
mircea_popescu: anyway, they got everything don't they ? gawker is basically hot topic of internet crapola. jezbel aka let's try and commercialise feminism,
assbot: The Sea, The Sky, The Aston Martin V8 Vantage
mircea_popescu: shit. next words out of my mouth were "do they have a car one"
mircea_popescu: how about working out ?
fluffypony: no clue
fluffypony: their "empire" has become worse than HuffPo
fluffypony: if that were at all possible
mircea_popescu: wait they';re different ?
mircea_popescu: different, how.
mircea_popescu: don't tell me they're burning the venture capital of rival, competing venture firms.
fluffypony: I mean they're physically different companies
pankkake: but part of the same conspiracy!
fluffypony: they have fun shit like this:
assbot: Gawker Must Not Know What Journalism Is: A Different Take on the Role of J-schools | Gabrielle Canon
mircea_popescu: in what sense are they different
mircea_popescu: o, they attack each other ?
fluffypony: like kids on a playground
fluffypony: that the adults ignore
mircea_popescu: so the two 17yo blondies vying for homecoming queen are different girls ?
mircea_popescu: maybe im old, but seems a tenuous argument.
mircea_popescu: (they both employ freelance journalists. THE SAME freelance journalists)
mircea_popescu: "Gawker staff writer Hamilton Nolan loves to rant. I can't say I ever particularly noticed Nolan, or that his opinionated posts stand out from the rest of the sensationalized content Gawker churns out each day"
fluffypony: yet each view each other as competition and think they stand on the moral high ground
mircea_popescu: ahaha check it out, canon imagines herself in a position to review nolan.
mircea_popescu: the names are picked with an eye to livresqueness.
mircea_popescu: "Journalism is a public good, essential to the health of democracy and the growth of society." "I was awarded a partial scholarship but still incurred over $30,000 in debt that will likely follow me far into the future."
mircea_popescu: ah how delicious.
fluffypony: the only media group I particularly like atm is Anticlown
mircea_popescu: woman basically copy/pasted three different things together.
assbot: University offers female students extra credit for not shaving their armpits
mircea_popescu: ahahahah
mircea_popescu: but not male students, right ?
mircea_popescu: are they getting sued ?
chetty: males get credit for shaving, neck down
mircea_popescu: soooo... are they getting sued ?
assbot: Lindsay Lohan’s Legs Look Like This Because of Biking, You Guys, She Was Biking - The Superficial - Because You're Ugly
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8500 @ 0.00082654 = 7.0256 BTC [+] {2}
pankkake: Men are also allowed to receive extra credit, as long as they shave their bodies from the neck down.
pankkake: it would probably take a week to shave me
mircea_popescu: how do they know how hooker legs look anyway ?
fluffypony: well there was that study that found that hirsute males are more intelligent
fluffypony: so that's good
mircea_popescu: i never noticed hooker legs being a thing.
mircea_popescu: im kinda looking forward to the day all males under 30 are in cock cages in the us.
mircea_popescu: i'll prolly visit just to piss on the general public.
mircea_popescu: o they don't mean hooker, they mean meth.
mircea_popescu: i guess they're not allowed to say meth ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, i don't think i am currently ranking any media outlet above zero.
mircea_popescu: sorta like reading hustler twenty years ago.
mircea_popescu: "If you'd like to advertise on one of our sites you can check out our advertising info." which they helpfuly omit to include, either as a link or anywhere on the page.
chetty: all media has turned into 'boy eats foot' (what people used to call things like Enquirer)
mircea_popescu: linked twitter acct, "The best publisher of things ever in the history of the Universe.", abandoned since last year.
mircea_popescu: facebook page even better, abandoned since 2012.
mircea_popescu: i dun think this counts as a media group, fluffypony
fluffypony: I read Geekologie and I Watch Stuff
fluffypony: not really interested enough in celebrities to read The Superficial
mircea_popescu: there probably ~should~ be a media empire,
mircea_popescu: but princessnell is lazy
fluffypony: all 3 are linked at the bottom of the Anticlown site
davout: was there already a service for corporations designed to facilitate wage payment in BTC?
davout: i think i heard about sthg like this already
mircea_popescu: fucking inept this guy, sitting in his livingroom on kerepesi utca, derping around.
fluffypony: good article (the bit towards the end, really) - http://apenwarr.ca/log/?m=201407#01
assbot: apenwarr
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: kerepesi utca?
mircea_popescu: userguy243/ninjashogun
mircea_popescu: "and we all want to feel good about ourselves." da fuck. no we don't all give a shit.
mircea_popescu: anyway, a good idea in there (specifically, that complacency kills) buried under so much bad phrasing (like the we above) and outright ignorant idiocy (like the "logic works" debate) that i'd just send the author back to 7th grade with a very welted butt
mircea_popescu: were he blessed enough to be my slave, which he isn't & won't be.
fluffypony: I liked his point on programmer logic, though - I've dealt all too often with devs who have this complete close-minded, ivory tower complex
fluffypony: which comes from years of not being told that they're not wrong, but their idea is fucking awful
mircea_popescu: or maybe from having been told this by the wrong people.
mircea_popescu: guy a tells girl she has a fat ass, she goes on a diet and gets a gym pass. guys b through z tell girl she has a fat ass, she buys femfandom today and writes angry blogposts about the sexist guys b through z.
mircea_popescu: "Eventually all the old phones will be shut down and we can switch entirely to the new system."
mircea_popescu: AHAHAHAHAhahahahaha ok that's the funniest thing i read all week.
mircea_popescu: you got a point lol. total closeminded fucktardery.
assbot: Log In - The New York Times
assbot: EBA proposes potential regulatory regime for virtual currencies, but also advises that financial institutions should not buy, hold or sell them whilst no such regime is in place - View press release - European Banking Authority
ThickAsThieves: after put thru the Bloomberg filter: EU Banks Must Shun Bitcoin Until Rules in Place, EBA Says
kyuupichan: "should not buy, hold or sell them" Um, impossible to fulfil if already holding....
kyuupichan: EBA apparently doesn't realize BTC has its own regulatory regime and what they think is irrelevant
chetty: <kyuupichan> "should not buy, hold or sell them" Um, impossible to fulfil if already holding....// nthey could destroy,lose the keys
kyuupichan: Suits me just fine, I thank them for their contribution
kyuupichan: "and the financial viability of some market participants remains uncertain"
pankkake: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 309147 | Current Difficulty: 1.6818461371161112E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 310463 | Next Difficulty In: 1316 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 7 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 16073422604.6 | Estimated Percent Change: -4.42989
kyuupichan: What, the banks?
kyuupichan: "the creation of ‘scheme governing authorities' accountable for the integrity of a particular virtual currency scheme and its key components, including its protocol and transaction ledger."
kyuupichan: !?! Good luck with that. Unless they mean the existing mining network.
mircea_popescu: kyuupichan eu bureaucrats.
ThickAsThieves: if we control everything, everything will be okay
mircea_popescu: anyway, the eu finds itself in exactly the same position the us finds itself, except a little more clueless, a little more baselessly vanitous and a little later to the party.
pankkake: as usual
mircea_popescu: pretty much yeah
ThickAsThieves: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 625.75, Best ask: 626.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.25000, Last trade: 626.0, 24 hour volume: 8661.38903698, 24 hour low: 619.79, 24 hour high: 652.79, 24 hour vwap: 641.286154709
mircea_popescu: i really can't believe i got exaclty 1 respondent to the tits post.
ThickAsThieves: your game is slippin
mircea_popescu: wait, MY game ?
ThickAsThieves: that's what happens when you try to be a feminist
pankkake: camwhores don't read trilema, surprising?
mircea_popescu: pankkake i think it was on reddit and everything.
pankkake: well yes I put it there. didn't see much traffic either
mircea_popescu: i guess they don't read reddit either huh.
ThickAsThieves: maybe andreas is available for evangelist consulting, or there's always the mastercoin guy
mircea_popescu: maybe i should put it on fiverr lmao.
ThickAsThieves: isnt it the mastercoin guy or one of those guys who's a former pickup artist?
assbot: Famous Pickup Artist Is Now A Bitcoin Expert
ThickAsThieves: Chris Odom
ThickAsThieves: he's the OT guy
kyuupichan: Wonder what the eu bureaucrats are gonna do when they're out of a job
kyuupichan: Show titties to MP perhaps.
assbot: reddit.com: over 18?
mircea_popescu: but yeah, zero traffic there huh
mircea_popescu: kyuupichan consider this simple point, that allegedly there's famine in this world
mircea_popescu: meanwhile 0.1 btc buys a boatload of rice.
ThickAsThieves: people in famine got no interwebs
mircea_popescu: but tbh, there's another thing that puzzles me. i imagined prolly tons of people that watch the logs also visit camsites, and dropping that link'd be pretty great way to tip the girl without having to pay.
kyuupichan: Stamp trading 2.5% below bitfinex, which is unusual
ThickAsThieves: bill gates is workin on shit, youll have post-famine boobies soon enough
pankkake: I submitted to the bigger /r/girlsgonebitcoin but it was ignored
mircea_popescu: considering what people normaly do for a 2 dollar freebie... i'd have thought it'd spread as fire
mircea_popescu: i guess im fundamentally misunderstanding something.
mircea_popescu: i guess it's the fear of the unknown i'm misrepresenting. people WILL grind online poker for about 50 cents an hour. but that's their routine, and so easy.
chetty: venture into the unknown - people dont do that much
mircea_popescu: pankkake i don't even see it. prolly mod deleted it ?
assbot: reddit.com: over 18?
ThickAsThieves: maybe they just wanna make money by mistake too
assbot: reddit.com: over 18?
assbot: Bitcoin Payment Options: MetArt Network
assbot: If you just received 800 Bitcoin out of the blue, it was from me : Bitcoin
ThickAsThieves: he's lucky he sent them to lawyers
mircea_popescu: !up haos
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17300 @ 0.00083003 = 14.3595 BTC [+]
chetty: making money is crass
chetty: got to do stuff for a cause
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15300 @ 0.00083014 = 12.7011 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: RetroShare
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2533 @ 0.00083016 = 2.1028 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1071 @ 0.00082943 = 0.8883 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: !up fulloffantasies
mircea_popescu: hey there fulloffantasies
mircea_popescu: what brings you here ?
fulloffantasies: bitcoins and showing off my tits
fulloffantasies: how do I do this?
pankkake: yay!
mircea_popescu: o hey. i was jus tbitching about it.
mircea_popescu: so first, link to some of your older material ? what you got ?
assbot: submitted by fulloffantasies
mircea_popescu: aite. write b8583084 on your tits, take a picture. get your face in there.
fulloffantasies: No where was it mentioned I had to show my face
mircea_popescu: o you don't do that ?
fulloffantasies: it says the identification only needed me to write a sentence on my chest
fulloffantasies: no, I don't.
fulloffantasies: it's not fun for me to be identified :/
mircea_popescu: what you got distinctive ? that's not actually identifying you
fulloffantasies: well if I write a sentence on my chest and post it, and you give me the sentence now you can look at my pics and compare my body
pankkake: come on, it's not like you're being farmed for coins yet
mircea_popescu: aite, go for it.
mircea_popescu: pankkake you always side with the working man dontcha
mircea_popescu: fulloffantasies b8583084 on your tits, get enough of yourself in there so you won't be reused later.
mircea_popescu: as a purely academic point, wouldn't http://i.imgur.com/6viKheJ.jpg be enough to identify someone ? at least to anyone that knows them any.
pankkake: 1346 ninjashogun> wtf is wrong with this channel. it's misogynistic and
pankkake: incredibly wrong - people aren't a piece of meat. Fueling
pankkake: the idle power trip of a guy who thinks access to money makes
pankkake: him some kind of god among men is ridic. Mircau behaves like
pankkake: Borat, if Borat happened to realize he can get bitcoins juts
pankkake: by promising more.
pankkake: I like the comparison to Borat
mircea_popescu: i like that he's still not got my name.
pankkake: it's an original, usually Mirceau
mircea_popescu: well maybe he misspelled in anger
pankkake: no, he did it earlier
fulloffantasies: there you go
mircea_popescu: nice tits. your address ?
fulloffantasies: thank you! it's 16MVEdL9Vtyi3cQ9YcdaLu9MSyAniaBaY8
pankkake: also how did you find out about the thing?
fulloffantasies: i posted in r/girlsgonebitcoin and someone sent me a message
mircea_popescu: fulloffantasies aite. so tell other girls, and also : stick around here. ima prolly have more jobs in the future.
mircea_popescu: !up Padstomper
gribble: Time since last block: 5 minutes and 51 seconds
mircea_popescu: Padstomper what brings you here ?
fulloffantasies: holy shit
Padstomper: Hey. A friend of mine got a message about this channel, so I'm just checking it out
fulloffantasies: it worked. thank you!
mircea_popescu: fulloffantasies lol you seem surprised.
Padstomper: Seems like you have quite a few people here. That's neat
fulloffantasies: some one offered me a whole .1 bitcoin to see my tits?
fulloffantasies: of course I was skeptical
mircea_popescu: lol. how did you find bitcoin anyway ?
fulloffantasies: got sick of getting paid in amazon gift cards
fulloffantasies: looked into other options
mircea_popescu: ok, here's something that you'll love then :
mircea_popescu: ;;google mpoe-pr stripperweb
gribble: News Flash: Some Sex Workers Like Some Of Their Customers ...: <http://freethoughtblogs.com/greta/2011/10/23/news-flash-some-sex-workers-like-some-of-their-customers/>; MYIP网站地图325 - 站长工具,域名注册信息,搜索引擎收录,Alexa ...: <http://www.myip.cn/sitemaps/sitemap325.html>
mircea_popescu: hm. google you pos.
assbot: Bitcoin Giveaway [Archive] - Stripper Web Exotic Dancer Community
fulloffantasies: we really do
mircea_popescu: lol. not that one, the stripperweb one.
assbot: ninjashogun +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -3
Padstomper: My friend will likely be joining soon.
mircea_popescu: who's she ?
Padstomper: Under the name Indiancandy1.
mircea_popescu: !up indiancandy1
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 are you here for the tits ?
Padstomper: Yeah, she is. She'll likely have to register with nickserv, right? Or do you have some other way of maintaining verification?
mircea_popescu: she can register if she likes her nick, yeah
mircea_popescu: pankkake are you amazed by my amazing powers of "bitch and ye shall receive" yet btw ?
cazalla: just sat down with a beer, great timing
xmj: hahaha
mircea_popescu: are you still in oz ?
cazalla: yeah ofc
indiancandy1: "/msg nickserv register <diva4ever> <businessenquiriesforshanti@gmail.com>".
Padstomper: Welp. Nothing to see here, move along.
mircea_popescu: Padstomper you know she doesn't HAVE to, the girl above did just fine w/o regging.
mircea_popescu: !up fulloffantasies
indiancandy1: /msg nickserv register <tr1n8frikitona> <businessenquiriesforshanti@gmail.com>
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 ditch the leading space. and also if your reddit or w/e pw is diva4ever you'd better change it, this is a logged channel.
indiancandy1: omgggg
cazalla: sounds like someone used the password guide bitcoinpete posted other day
Padstomper: Can you link that one? Idon't know it
mircea_popescu: !s from:bitcoinpete guide
mircea_popescu: hmm that's not it.
cazalla: it's an onion article, not serious
mircea_popescu: all this fab technology that doesn't actually do stuff
assbot: Tips For Crafting A Strong Password That Really Pops | ClickHole Because all content deserves to go viral
assbot: Reddit's moderator crisis continues with for-profit spam scandal
cazalla: tips, guide, no semantic search?
Padstomper: Alright, so if she doesn't need to register..
Padstomper: What should she do for verification?
mircea_popescu: lol strange relationshio you do got going. indiancandy1 got a link to your previous work ?
kyuupichan: Fuck, 800 BTC, that's half a buck sent to Karpeles again
Padstomper: I understand tech a bit more than she does.
mircea_popescu: kyuupichan you doing the logs ?
mircea_popescu: Padstomper well ok, but an url isn't that hard :)
kyuupichan: mircea_popescu: ?
Padstomper: Yeah, moment.
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
Padstomper: But yeah. It's a bit odd. But I practically live on irc and the internet, she's not so fluent with it.
mircea_popescu: great time to learn.
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
kyuupichan: mircea_popescu: Yeah, catching up. Unbelievable retirement Karpeles is gonna have.
indiancandy1: thats my boobies
indiancandy1: my nipples are peirced
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 do you have a site/a tumblr/something ?
indiancandy1: what type
indiancandy1: not im not good with the net
indiancandy1: im new here
indiancandy1: i dont have tumblr
indiancandy1: either
indiancandy1: duno how 2 use it
indiancandy1: is it like facebook
kyuupichan: Actually it seems they were returned. Haha.
mircea_popescu: lol. mkay. take a pic of your tits with 50027b6b written on your chest. make sure you get your head in there.
indiancandy1: y my face
indiancandy1: i dont have make up on
fulloffantasies: I didn't use my face.
indiancandy1: i look like poo
indiancandy1: and to get all dolled up
indiancandy1: is a long thing
indiancandy1: but wil do
indiancandy1: ur pic
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 well, the problem is this : we can't really identify tits.
mircea_popescu: soon enough people will just be recycling the same ones.
indiancandy1: ok fair enough
indiancandy1: but what if my face is ugly
fulloffantasies: see, you keep saying that but if you write a specific code on the tits...
fulloffantasies: you're going to know if someone writes the wrong code...
fulloffantasies: hopefully
mircea_popescu: fulloffantasies you gotta look into photoshop sometime.,
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 it's okay, we don't judge.
fulloffantasies: lol no, I know about PS I'm just saying
mircea_popescu: well at least i don't. these other assholes... who knows.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15900 @ 0.00082943 = 13.1879 BTC [-]
fulloffantasies: you got the girl's history posts, just ask her to show enough of her body/background and compre
mircea_popescu: fulloffantasies for 50 bucks an azn sweatshop can make you be the queen of england.
mircea_popescu: omg stop managing my shit for me lmao. what's this!
mircea_popescu: fulloffantasies actually if you wanna do something positive for your future, you should reg your nick with nickserv and then get in the wot.
fulloffantasies: Sorry. I mean, you were pretty cool about me not showing mine so I guess if it's that big of a deal to other girls as well you'll work it out.
fulloffantasies: ? lol wut?
indiancandy1: maybe he kis curios
indiancandy1: his curios
indiancandy1: about my face
indiancandy1: coz my tits r dam hot
indiancandy1: ahahah
indiancandy1: im ugly dont get ur hopes up
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 no but really waht's all the shyness. you got tits, wear them proud.
indiancandy1: belive me
mircea_popescu: fulloffantasies which part ?
mircea_popescu: !up Dekker3D
Dekker3D: "Padstomper" got devoiced. Figured I'd get on my normal irc client
fulloffantasies: "reg your nick with nickserv and then get in the wot."
Dekker3D: What is the wot?
mircea_popescu: fulloffantasies what indiancandy1 was trying for above.
mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust Dekker3D
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user Dekker3D: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=Dekker3D | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Dekker3D | Rated since: never
mircea_popescu: that's the wot. and you're not in it.
Dekker3D: Hm. Bitcoin web of trust. This explains why peopel don't need to register with nickserv
Dekker3D: How do I use this?
assbot: first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki]
Dekker3D: Thanks
Dekker3D: Did fulloffantasies not have to show her face because she's been on the web of trust for a while?
mircea_popescu: well, more because pankkake pestered me.
mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust pankkake
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask pankkake!~anus@inara.p.engu.in. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user pankkake: Level 1: 3, Level 2: 8 via 9 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=pankkake | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=pankkake | Rated since: Thu Jun 6 12:07:25 2013
mircea_popescu: you can get away with bloody murder if you're well connected.
Dekker3D: Lovely.
Dekker3D: So... wait. Because pankkake bothered you, indiancandy1 has to show her face?
Dekker3D: Can you give voice back to indiancandy1, by the way?
fulloffantasies: *shrug* I told them to compare my history posts to the ones I posted with the code to confirm it was me.
mircea_popescu: !up indiancandy1
mircea_popescu: hai indiancandy1
fulloffantasies: showed a good bit of body for it for maximum comparison
fulloffantasies: but it worked.
indiancandy1: i have been voiced
Dekker3D: Well, yeah. She is keeping a bit of a disconnect from another identity, because of personal reasons.
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D he was all like "cmon man i've not seen a girl in six years plz don't be difficult" and so on.
indiancandy1: what is that
Dekker3D: That's why she doesn't want to show her face.
Dekker3D: Lol.
fulloffantasies: I just don't like it, lol. I love showing off, but it would ruin it for me entirely if I was identified...
Dekker3D: Well, some irc channels require "voice"
mircea_popescu: fulloffantasies why's that ?
fulloffantasies: I like walking down the street and wondering whose seen me naked
Dekker3D: And it can be given to people who deserve it, and removed from those who prove they don't
indiancandy1: well it wouldnt ruin it
indiancandy1: but i would look cheap
indiancandy1: if it got out
Dekker3D: You can't talk without voice on this channel
fulloffantasies: but it would ruin it *for me*
indiancandy1: that i was sellin my boob pix
assbot: #bitcoin-assets +m pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: s the story
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 to whom ?
indiancandy1: so did u
indiancandy1: un voice me
mircea_popescu: most people i know don't get .1 btc.
indiancandy1: i dont get this
indiancandy1: un voice
indiancandy1: exiting
mircea_popescu: fulloffantasies i see.
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 voice lasts 30 minutes at a time.
mircea_popescu: "-assbot- You voiced indiancandy1 for 30 minutes." it says
indiancandy1: this is so interesting
fulloffantasies: plus I think no faces is sexier. leave more to the imagination and all.
mircea_popescu: seems a bit infantile to me tbh.
fulloffantasies: *shrug* just my opinion.
indiancandy1: is it coz im indian
indiancandy1: ahahah
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 are you indian ?
cazalla: fwiw i was searching other day for bit of indian on the side
ThickAsThieves: mp bitches no one will show their tits, then bitches they won't show face, I see where this is going
indiancandy1: why would my user name be indian
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves lol.
indiancandy1: what indian curry
cazalla: well be it that missus is breastfeeding and all
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 so do you live in india ?
indiancandy1: i live in
indiancandy1: london/mumbai
mircea_popescu: so what's your native language ? tamil was it ?
mircea_popescu: !up fulloffantasies
indiancandy1: tamil is sri lanka
indiancandy1: not india
mircea_popescu: mahrati ?
indiancandy1: look at you
indiancandy1: im actualy not from maharashtra
indiancandy1: i just work there
indiancandy1: im punajbi
indiancandy1: punjabi
mircea_popescu: aha. what do you do, callcentering ?
indiancandy1: racist
cazalla: free ring ding
ThickAsThieves: stereotypist!
indiancandy1: you need 2 watch this comedy
mircea_popescu: im just askin'!
indiancandy1: on comedy central called outsourced
indiancandy1: its about a indian call centre
indiancandy1: its awsome
indiancandy1: no i work in media
indiancandy1: im a journalist
mircea_popescu: did you write any bitcoin articles ?
indiancandy1: bolywood
indiancandy1: bollywood
indiancandy1: hindi cinema and
indiancandy1: tv serial
indiancandy1: what about u
mircea_popescu: what about me ?
indiancandy1: wat u do
mircea_popescu: ;;google romanian billionaire
gribble: List of Romanians by net worth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Romanians_by_net_worth>; Category:Romanian billionaires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Romanian_billionaires>; Romanian billionaire, prosecuted for allegedly bribing two judges ...: <http://www.romania-insider.com/romanian- (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: apparently, nothing.
chetty: he pays girls for tits
mircea_popescu: i annoy bois.
indiancandy1: are you romanians
ThickAsThieves: only by association
mircea_popescu: "Dan Adamescu, one of the richest businessmen in Romania, was indicted on Thursday, May 22, by prosecutors from the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), for allegedly bribing two judges, DNA officially announced. One of his lawyers commited suicide on the subway, three days before the indictment, Romanian media found out."
indiancandy1: che fatch
indiancandy1: i know how 2 say hi
mircea_popescu: haha! bine fac. tu ce faci
indiancandy1: there is a inflation
indiancandy1: of romanian prostitutes
indiancandy1: in london
mircea_popescu: in india ?!
indiancandy1: when i say inflation
indiancandy1: i mean seriose
mircea_popescu: sure, romanian gals fuck well.
indiancandy1: i heard the dudes
indiancandy1: got big ding dongs
indiancandy1: some girl told me her x is romania
indiancandy1: nn his ting is size of 2 coke cans together
mircea_popescu: o, yeah. i have a pic somewhere.
indiancandy1: do you live in romania
assbot: NSFW - Pula mea pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: nah, i live in buenos aires.
mircea_popescu: i like the air.
indiancandy1: romania
indiancandy1: u no the gypsies originally come from india
Dekker3D: Hey, I'd just like to check
Dekker3D: Because of the identity thing, would it be alright if she makes a photo showing most of her body, but not her face, with the code you gave her earlier?
Dekker3D: I mean, for verification
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D how come you're arguing this ?
Dekker3D: She asked me, I'm asking you :P
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 you dun wanna show your face ?
mircea_popescu: i'm asking her. we're practically a sitcom by now
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 why not!
Dekker3D: Heh.
indiancandy1: becaus
indiancandy1: i could get
indiancandy1: find out
Dekker3D: ;;eregister Dekker3D 3B5216E917B8DC774AC31B95802A70ED22A1B6E4
gribble: Error: '3B5216E917B8DC774AC31B95802A70ED22A1B6E4' is not a valid GPG key id. Please use the long form 16 digit key id.
indiancandy1: then i wil lose my job
cazalla: show face because i need to know if it's worth my time finding an local indian lass
indiancandy1: n it wil be ur fault
indiancandy1: so ama have 2 come 2 air
indiancandy1: n kick ur ass
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 aite.
mircea_popescu: who's gonna fire you because you aired your tits ? you'll prolly get promoted.
indiancandy1: u think so
mircea_popescu: cazalla new things are usually worth it.
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 so wear sun glasses.
Dekker3D: Her job depends on her public image. And indian folks are a bit prudish when dealing with stuff like this.
Dekker3D: I mean the indian folks who her job depends on :P
mircea_popescu: yeah but if they find this plac ethey'll prolly wanna make friends with me. and if they don't, they won't ever know.
mircea_popescu: not REALLY that huge a risk. but anyway.
Dekker3D: The code I just entered.. Kleopatra lists it as my "fingerprint" but it wasn't accepted. Can it be used to impersonate me?
indiancandy1: ever know what
indiancandy1: that ur a romanian billioanir
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 if you're really concerned, just get enough of your body in there so we can recognize fakes.
indiancandy1: i got tattoos
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D you added spurious quotes
indiancandy1: there quite disntinctive
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 ok get those, we're good.
indiancandy1: n my peircings
Dekker3D: mircea_popescu, spurious quotes? On the ;;eregister code?
mircea_popescu: hm no you didn;t. wtf.
mircea_popescu: try ;;eregister 5802A70ED22A1B6E4
Dekker3D: I see a code that might be the 16 digit code I need, but I first want to know if this code could fuck me over.. in which case I should generate a new one
Dekker3D: Where did you get that particular code from?
mircea_popescu: nah. they're the public key ids. they're saf
mircea_popescu: last 16 digits of your full fingerprint.
Dekker3D: ;;eregister 5802A70ED22A1B6E4
gribble: (eregister <nick> <keyid>) -- Register your GPG identity, associating GPG key <keyid> with <nick>. <keyid> is a 16 digit key id, with or without the '0x' prefix. We look on servers listed in 'plugins.GPG.keyservers' config. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will (1 more message)
Dekker3D: ;;eregister Dekker3D 5802A70ED22A1B6E4
gribble: Error: '5802A70ED22A1B6E4' is not a valid GPG key id. Please use the long form 16 digit key id.
Dekker3D: I'll try the one I found
FabianB: Dekker3D: is your key on a keyserver already?
mircea_popescu: what the fuck.
Dekker3D: Nop. It told me to add a revocation certificate first.
mircea_popescu: well yeah, it looks it up on the sks. gotta upload it first.
Dekker3D: But I can't figure out Kleopatra at all :P
mircea_popescu: is that the shitty windows client ?
Dekker3D: Yeah.
Dekker3D: I think there's a less shitty windows client too. I'll try that
mircea_popescu: which was the less shitty windows client i forget ?
mircea_popescu: !up veeminer
mircea_popescu: !up Dekker3D
chetty: life is better on Linux
mircea_popescu: btw interested parties : http://trilema.com/pgp/ check out the nifty path checker in there.
assbot: PGP pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
Dekker3D: Thanks for the voice, mircea_popescu
assbot: One-legged Romanian millionaire dumped by wife for sixth time - NY Daily News
Dekker3D: mircea_popescu, the less shitty windows client doesn't seem to be included in gpg4win anymore. welp
mircea_popescu: you got no nix box ?
Dekker3D: Not at the moment.
Dekker3D: Not one I'd actually trust not to break down
mircea_popescu: well so get your pubkey and upload it by hand.
mircea_popescu: !up indiancandy1
Dekker3D: I've told it to upload to a server, but it can't find my key under my name on that same server. Will it take a while for it to show up?
mircea_popescu: bout half an hour
mircea_popescu: what did you use, mit ?
pankkake: indiancandy1> my nipples are peirced <= ok, now I actually want to see tits
Dekker3D: The default, keys.gnupg.net
Dekker3D: Shall I throw it on the mit one too?
pankkake: Dekker3D: use pool.sks-keyservers.net
pankkake: the mit one is half not working
Dekker3D: Port?
pankkake: default?
Dekker3D: Alright.
pankkake: https://sks-keyservers.net/overview-of-pools.php for more details. I use hkps but it needs more configuration
assbot: SKS Keyservers: Overview of the pools
mircea_popescu: ;;google horribly infected mastitis piercings for pankkake
gribble: No matches found.
mircea_popescu: o no we reached the end of the internets
pankkake: I just like my girls with more holes than they were born with
Dekker3D: I just used the url you sent. Is that going to be a problem?
Dekker3D: Mastitits. Infection of the tits. That's a straightforward name..
Dekker3D: So I can't use this gpg keypair until it shows up on that server, right?
mircea_popescu: you can use it just fine, but gribble won't know about it until it's there
chetty: pankkake, peirced ears are pretty common :P
Dekker3D: So I can't use it to authenticate with gribble, at least.
mircea_popescu: Dekker3D a, you're indiancandy1's bf ?
pankkake: chetty: right, those don't count unless it's more than once!
Dekker3D: Eh. She's not very specific about how she feels about me. I've got kind of an odd thing with her. Other than that, I just help her get stuff done
Dekker3D: I don't think I'd call myself her boyfriend, but afaik she doesn't have anything closer to it at the moment
mircea_popescu: what a life.
Dekker3D: It's a weird internet thing. Never met in person, though we did try to plan such a thing twice.
mircea_popescu: kinda the norm for reddit innit ?
Dekker3D: Yeah, I suppose
indiancandy1: i like girls with more holes than they were born with
indiancandy1: interesting
Dekker3D: I met her on irc, actually. Fun times. Not even the "meet people" or "fuck people" kind of channel, but the kind that's about a silly internet game that hardly anybody even played :P
pankkake: actually, I'm thinking you end up meeting more people in non-meeting channels
indiancandy1: mastitits
Dekker3D: Because you talk about actual stuff you give a shit about
indiancandy1: is that a disease
indiancandy1: or percing
Dekker3D: Rather than walks on the beach and romantic candlelight
indiancandy1: masti means mischevious in hindi
Dekker3D: Anything-itis is an infection
Dekker3D: Masti-anything means tits
Dekker3D: mastitis is an infection on the tits. In other words, infected nipple piercings
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 -tis means inflamation, like nephritis or otitis.
indiancandy1: thanks
mircea_popescu: mastit comes from masticare in latin, which means to chew. because tits are for chewing
mircea_popescu: so inflamed chewing gum = mastitis.
Dekker3D: I once had gingivitis. Gingiva = gums or something.
Dekker3D: ... Lol
indiancandy1: change this convo
Dekker3D: Sure thing.
indiancandy1: not cool
Dekker3D: You know how it is with a bunch of geeks. Topic changes all over the place.
indiancandy1: whose watching
indiancandy1: india vs england
mircea_popescu: aite, that's all for me. see you tomorrow!
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
indiancandy1: the number isnt clear
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
indiancandy1: is that goood enough marcio
indiancandy1: mircea
assbot: Flint's top cop tells parents: Enjoy events with your children -- or prepare to pay curfew fine | MLive.com
chetty: indiancandy1, he just left but the tatto may make it ok to get your coin
indiancandy1: how will we know
indiancandy1: is he coming back
indiancandy1: he could have said bye
indiancandy1: atleast
indiancandy1: manners
chetty: you'll need to check back in here, and he did say : <mircea_popescu> aite, that's all for me. see you tomorrow!
chetty: !up indiancandy1
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2100 @ 0.00082943 = 1.7418 BTC [-]
pankkake: well they could have left a btc address
chetty: they will be back
assbot: Investing In Litecoin Ecosystem Development : litecoin
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 29 @ 0.03368967 = 0.977 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: Mycelium Announces 'Entropy' Offline USB Paper Wallet Creator
cazalla: step up and be their roger ver pankkake
pankkake: I can be the Roger Ver of Bernankoin
cazalla: still, can't believe i bought that shit for 5c
cazalla: wouldn't buy it for 5c now that's for sure
pankkake: I only know what I bought in BTC, fiat for altcoins never made sense to me
pankkake: one of the few times I was smart to cut my losses
chetty: fiat doesn't make sense
cazalla: i don't remember what the btc/ltc ratio was, just that they were 5c-6c at the time
cazalla: nfi how i didn't lose everything along the way
pankkake: until I can buy advocados with bitcoins, fiat will make sense
cazalla: fuck, no drinking for lik, 6 weeks, 3 long necks and i'm done
pankkake: I almost did a snackman, sent bets without fee. thankfully the weight isn't that low
pankkake: I thought Armory would be smart enough and select a big old input… it did not
cazalla: what bet?
cazalla: regretting betting on germany now :\ fkn team is sick
pankkake: France vs. Germany
pankkake: I bet on both… to see if this betting on two sides actually works
cazalla: France might be a good bet now if the reports of German players being sick is true
pankkake: sabotage!
chetty: ooo another avocado lover :))
ThickAsThieves: my wife loves em too
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1250 @ 0.00082526 = 1.0316 BTC [-]
artifexd: !up Bella_
Bella_: thank you very much :)
Bella_: I got a message on reddit about tits post :)
Bella_: is that still available ?
pankkake: it is - however mircea_popescu isn't online for now, he just left
kakobrekla: come back when titmaster is about
Bella_: I understand, thank you very much for your help ! Have a lovely day ! xx
ThickAsThieves: lol if i'm reading this correctly, the EBA is suggesting that any virtual currency "scheme" would be required to have a central authority representing it
ThickAsThieves: 154. The entity would be called the ‘scheme governance authority’, which is a non-governmental entity that establishes and governs the rules for the use of a particular VC scheme.24 It is a legal person, and is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the central transaction ledger, the protocol, and any other core functional component of the scheme. The scheme governance
ThickAsThieves: authority would be required to comply with regulatory and supervisory requirements of various kinds to mitigate identified risks.
ThickAsThieves: they go on to say this authority could be decentralized, but it doesnt quite make sense to me
ThickAsThieves: !up Duffer1
Duffer1: thanks hehe
ThickAsThieves: "the global, internet-based nature of VCs would require a
ThickAsThieves: regulatory approach to strive for an international, and ideally global, coordination, otherwise
ThickAsThieves: it will be difficult achieve a successful regulatory regime."
ThickAsThieves: VCs = Virtual Currencies
Duffer1: good lord
Duffer1: they have international cooperation with copyright law and they can't even dent torrent sharing
pankkake: this bureaucrat probably dreams of a World Government
ThickAsThieves: The EBA also recommends that EU legislators consider declaring virtual currency exchanges
ThickAsThieves: as ‘obliged entities’ that must comply with anti-money laundering and counter terrorist
ThickAsThieves: financing requirements set out in the EU Anti Money Laundering Directive.
xmj: pankkake: they think 1984 is a manual...
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.18200038 = 0.546 BTC [-] {2}
chetty: what 1984 isn't a manual?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5862 @ 0.00082411 = 4.8309 BTC [-]
chetty: <ThickAsThieves> it will be difficult achieve a successful regulatory regime."//but everything can be fixed with more and better laws
chetty: Declaration of Independence 1322 words, US Constitution 7794 words, Government Regulations on the sale of cheese 34,823 words.
pankkake: yeah, many similar examples unfortunately. many codes with high inflation
ThickAsThieves: wordcoins
chetty: ooo what if all laws had to be published and paid for by the word :)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 74 @ 0.03217494 = 2.3809 BTC [-] {8}
artifexd: kakobrekla: You around?
artifexd: Whenever bet 989 gets tweeted, the tweet gets truncated at the ampersand.
assbot: 0.20030000 /hashtag/BTC?src=hash on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to win vs S
kakobrekla: aha, prolly some retard coded it.
kakobrekla: ill check.
artifexd: Those tweets were causing []bot to crash.
kakobrekla: amazing
artifexd: Apparently an interface can be point to a nil value but not be nil, in golang.
artifexd: Anyway, []bot is now more resilient. \o/
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu Ольга Борисовна Лепешинская the 'biologist'
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5100 @ 0.00082134 = 4.1888 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: pankkake: re: 'mycelium' << the nice thing is that i don't even need to purchase and cut open the unit to piss on it. you can't fit a user-auditable rng in a keychain. simple physical fact.
asciilifeform: (well, technically a somewhat larger keychain - could. but not this.)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18400 @ 0.00082194 = 15.1237 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.71338460 BTC to 11`460 shares, 14951 satoshi per share
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 84.71721574 BTC to 77`494 shares, 109321 satoshi per share
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu anyone keeping a list of ips used by nsa&friends for ops << if these folks have the elementary nervous system the gods gave the lowliest spammer, they have a steady supply of fresh ones. this is in no sense difficult, even for children.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
kyuupichan: "Following three months of analysis, the EBA issued a public warning on 13 December 2013, making consumers aware that VC are not regulated and that the risks are unmitigated
kyuupichan: as a result." Yeah I bet "consumers" were hanging on EBA's every word.
kyuupichan: "VC schemes do not respect jurisdictional boundaries" We demand respect!
kyuupichan: "Identified several risks...including...risks to regulatory authorities" Like obsolescence?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] [PAID] 5.93087386 BTC to 29`438 shares, 20147 satoshi per share
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 900 @ 0.00082369 = 0.7413 BTC [+]
chetty: !up Minxhibitionist
Minxhibitionist: Thank you!
cazalla: time to load up on germany before half time heh
chetty: Minxhibitionist, couldn't resist the name, what brings you here?
Minxhibitionist: Hahaha, tits for bitcoin, but I had a question. xD
chetty: cool, MP isn't on but maybe we can help
Minxhibitionist: That's fine, I can come back later. One of the other girls was given a kind of hard time about showing her face, do you know if that's going to be a problem? I just don't really do that. o.O
chetty: a lot of girls seem to have that problem, the issue as far as I know is ensuring people don't double dip with photoshops
Minxhibitionist: Hahaha, that shouldn't be a problem, I have a tattoo right on my sternum. =P
Minxhibitionist: I just don't want to be like, "Yo gimme money" if I'm not exactly what they're looking for.
chetty: that might do it, check back when mp is on. got a wallet set up for it?
Minxhibitionist: Yep! Thanks for your help.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 17 @ 0.03108825 = 0.5285 BTC [-] {6}
chetty: haha so the last risk on that chart, central bank can no longer steer the economy
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3400 @ 0.00082134 = 2.7926 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6150 @ 0.00082089 = 5.0485 BTC [-] {2}
chetty: Breaking News: The horse and buggy industry warns of the dangers of Automobiles.
kyuupichan: chetty: A bunch of that shit doesn't apply to VCs, and half applies to FCs. What a lot of hot air.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 50 @ 0.0141 = 0.705 BTC [-]
chetty: kyuupichan, course, but its funny
kyuupichan: chetty: And the last one has a risk of "low". Haha.
chetty: a lot of the usual - we must protect people from themselves
kakobrekla: ;;later tell mircea_popescu they have updated their extortion site, no more blackjack, but apparently we still have 'registration'. anyway, to anyones amusement http://i.imgur.com/RmaBveO.png
gribble: The operation succeeded.
kakobrekla: also, someone put up scam-report.org and ripoffreport on the list.
chetty: time to start ripping off the rippoffs?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 24 @ 0.02835111 = 0.6804 BTC [-] {2}
kakobrekla: someone should put em in jail
kakobrekla: for some assrape experience.
thestringpuller: "i will pay you 10 BTS to fuck off"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11370 @ 0.00082135 = 9.3387 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: lolwtf where did you find this
assbot: Love It Or Hate It, Ripoff Report Is In Expansion Mode - Forbes
kakobrekla: >Ed Magedson lives at a secret location in Arizona, convinced that some people not only fantasize about killing him but would actually do so if they got the chance.
kakobrekla: well, what was my last email?
pankkake: another proof that you should not trust fat people :p
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 30 @ 0.02835111 = 0.8505 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: 'ripoff report' << 'WoT' is the modern medicine answer to this blood-letting.
chetty: The money pays for inspectors to verify that complaints have been resolved
asciilifeform: or for mr magedson's coke habit
pankkake: oh, coke as in coca coal
pankkake: cola
thestringpuller: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 309202 | Current Difficulty: 1.6818461371161112E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 310463 | Next Difficulty In: 1261 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 18 hours, 48 minutes, and 53 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 16364098819.4 | Estimated Percent Change: -2.70157
pankkake: mircea_popescu: you have missed tits
mircea_popescu: pankkake at the most tits have missed me.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform this is in no sense difficult, even for children. << you forget, they're in finite supply. and the last one has been allocated.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: last 'block' has been allocated. but what spammer (or secret police shop) actually buys ip blocks? you install proxies on the pwned, and use these.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: for so long as winblows is a thing, no malefactor will ever lack for fresh ip.
mircea_popescu: yes. but you leave the trace.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5235 @ 0.00082135 = 4.2998 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: there's nothing worse in all a crow's job than history.
mircea_popescu: that's why they think we should care so much about the blockchain.
asciilifeform: what trace? so a chumper finds that he was running a socks5 proxy. big deal.
asciilifeform: say he grows a brain, and starts 'tcpdump'ing. finds that the proxy just connects to another just like it. rsa on both ends.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform when ?
mircea_popescu: which one ?
mircea_popescu: if only it were so easy.
asciilifeform: simply picture a correctly designed 'tor'
mircea_popescu: which doesn't exist.
asciilifeform: every self-respecting botnet herder uses something approximately like this.
mircea_popescu: the only thing missing was a way to finance killing bureaucrats. the ONLY thing missing. otherwise, exactly how 128 key messages left from 1990 are now easy to crack, exactly so,
mircea_popescu: the mistakes of 2001 are wide open, like it or not.
mircea_popescu: an organisation which is required to operate continuously has basically yet necessarily just lost
asciilifeform: the bureaucrats appear to be alive, in good health.
mircea_popescu: "approximately" in the past doesn't cut it. you only know what to approximate retrospectively.
mircea_popescu: really ? i recall a lot of mysterious drops recently.
asciilifeform: the usual 'fratricides' among their own kind, unless appearances deceive me
mircea_popescu: now why would you assume this ?
asciilifeform: based simply on the examples known to me (e.g. the woman involved with 'obamacare' etc)
asciilifeform wasn't there, didn't wield the nailgun, doesn't know the truth obviously
mircea_popescu: so wait. your assumption works like ths : agent X was more likely killed by the agency he worked for than by the agency he didn't work for.
mircea_popescu: is this sound ?
asciilifeform: afaik - the historic norm
mircea_popescu: count heads, 1950-1985.
chetty: yeah but is it the agency he worked for or the other agency he worked for or
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] [PAID] 22.80000000 BTC to 30`000`000 shares, 76 satoshi per share
mircea_popescu: chetty or should have worked for, or could have worked for, or would have worked for
mircea_popescu: or might have worked for.
chetty: exactly
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla awww why so wiolent! shoulda just linked thyem to lulzarticle.
kakobrekla: did dat.
kakobrekla: on the previous reply actually.
kakobrekla: now they fixed it a bit.
kakobrekla: gave it another go.
davout: mircea_popescu: a winrar is you
asciilifeform: at any rate, since when has plugging a bureaucrat solved anything. they're a 'renewable resource,' to use the enviro-whiner parlance.
davout: i has a sad
asciilifeform read jim bell's infamous paper just like everyone else, knows the ideal theory
mircea_popescu: moiety pls to send "carterjeniffer77@gmail.com" an email, subject : Congratulations, you've become a public laughingstock. Body : http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-07-2014#744179 and http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-06-2014#730297
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
kakobrekla: i know they arent doing any damage except keeping the idiots away but it pisses me off extraordinarily for some reason.
mircea_popescu: davout o it finished ? aww!!1
mircea_popescu: lol look at all the late .1s
davout: mircea_popescu: at the last minute benzema almost scored, but no
mircea_popescu: so did you enjoy the game ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if you've time, explain the theory behind the 'bits for tits' project.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what's to explain ?
davout: watched only half of it
asciilifeform: as in - what is the purpose. (surely there is no want of tit pic.) so, presumably, it is to give female beggars some coin to experiment with ?
kakobrekla: cried the other half.
davout: kakobrekla: nah first half i was in some boring meeting
kakobrekla: sorry then, ctrl
davout: facepalming at some guy insisting that bitcoin represented a claim
davout: anyway
davout: switching to my dutch passport nao
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla lmao
mircea_popescu: hahahaha davout has options an' he's not affraid to use them!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you familiar with the "half my advertising budget is wasted, i just don't know which half" ditty ?
mircea_popescu: what's the rational approach to that ?
asciilifeform satisfied
mircea_popescu: guess what. i fucking know which half is wasted.
mircea_popescu: o you're satisfied ? sorry honey, i'm not done yet. let's continue.
asciilifeform: why not, sure
asciilifeform: but i think i know 'which half'
mircea_popescu: taken in another hole : you familiar with the concept that you should never, ever, under any circumstances compete in saturated markets ?
mircea_popescu: well so then there. i'd rather bury some money than do "traditional advertising"
asciilifeform summons naggum from the grave, but can't be bothered to re-spam the piece that everyone has already memorized
mircea_popescu: much like i'd rather hire astrologists like reagan's wife than read "the press"
mircea_popescu: and it's not done even now, but srsly, two holes should be enough for everyone.
mircea_popescu: can you imagine how the world would look, incidentally, if most corp officers stuck to this thinking ?
mircea_popescu: the whole libertard machine'd be all "o please, no more change!!!"
mircea_popescu: they're only progressives now because it's so damned easy to be one, when nobody wants to fucking think.
mircea_popescu: the exact same set of noxious retards would be ultraconservative - nay, WERE ultraconservative back when business was sane
mircea_popescu: say 1880.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 9947 @ 0.00007156 = 0.7118 BTC [-] {7}
mircea_popescu: o wow, the chick actually spent two hours chatting, dropped her tits two minutes after i left ?
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell indiancandy1 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-07-2014#744290 lol. anyway, drop your address.
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: btw is anyone saving these pix ? pankkake ? vexual ? cazalla ?
pankkake: I did not, nor did I open them
mircea_popescu: i thought you liked piercings
pankkake: unfortunately, people can see my monitor
mircea_popescu: aite, i guess i'll save them.
pankkake: well I'm at home now, just need to find them
mircea_popescu: what's with the camerashy camwhores anyway ?!
chetty: you seem to be getting girls that have regular jobs too ...
mircea_popescu: chetty you see ? and then people wonder why angry incels are so angrily in cell!
chetty: well I can see the issue, people are getting fired for twitter posts even
mircea_popescu: not by me.
chetty: .1 btc isnt gonna last long :P
mircea_popescu: i can't possibly be the only sane employer in the world.
chetty: mebbe
mircea_popescu: "This is about Litecoiners' voluntarism. We are at a junction where Litecoin is NOT an instrument of speculation anymore that follows the up/downs of Bitcoin and is eclipsed in its background. It has grown-up to the point where it is an independent secure payment network.
mircea_popescu: Thus, it is time for Litecoin (big) holders to step up and invest (investing their LTCs) frankly in the Litecoin network"
mircea_popescu: "hello, it is time for you to spend your money to make my shit worth more"
mircea_popescu: this sounds so very much like fucktarded "ipo" shills...
mircea_popescu: another one "Amen to this post. Large holders and early miners who are holding need to have the question put to them of, what do you think is going to drive Litecoin adoption? "
mircea_popescu: "OTHER PEOPLE MUST WORK FOR ME!!!!11". this is what you've done, United States. After two centuries of srs, two decades of this shit is effectively erasing you from the history.
mircea_popescu: nobody;s going to remember all the excellent blowjobs you gave, everyone's going to remember that final half hour you were a fucking psycho harpy.
asciilifeform: chetty: not sure if anyone is really 'fired for post.' rather, they need an excuse to sack somebody, and this one's as good as any.
pankkake: this is like the asicminer thread, where 90% of the content is "what should asicminer do"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform indian chick having a lot of trouble for being a slut i can see.
mircea_popescu: pankkake made ever easier by the devilish pace of activeminer's own activity :D
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: india is a very peculiar living fossil in a number of ways. ask anybody from there.
pankkake: asicminer, not activemining
mircea_popescu: !up glitchypoo
mircea_popescu: lolk. i guess it was glitchy.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves: lol if i'm reading this correctly, the EBA is suggesting that any virtual currency "scheme" would be required to have a central authority representing it << they didn't quite bother to read anything in their overwhelming hurry to write shit.
mircea_popescu: !up bitstein
mircea_popescu: chetty: Declaration of Independence 1322 words, US Constitution 7794 words, Government Regulations on the sale of cheese 34,823 words. << but you know why this is.
mircea_popescu: afaik before bitbet there has not existed this century in the "civilised world" a case where one told people to stfu about it.
mircea_popescu: "o no, we must make the specifications better" "no, you just have to come to terms with fucking reality"
mircea_popescu: artifexd: Those tweets were causing []bot to crash. << o wow! kako you broke her ampersands!
bitstein: Howdy
mircea_popescu: kyuupichan: "Identified several risks...including...risks to regulatory authorities" Like obsolescence? << principally.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.18999126 = 0.57 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell Minxhibitionist now i'm here.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bella_ now i'm here.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: mike_c: kakobrekla: no joke, this is him: http://b-i.forbesimg.com/adamtanner/files/2013/05/ed-magedson-3.jpg << shit sherlock!
mircea_popescu: !up shandid
shandid: hey thx
shandid: I was told there might be boobs here
assbot: PHP: DateTimeImmutable::modify - Manual
assbot: I’ll pay for your tits pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
Mats_cd03: gross, boobs
mircea_popescu: or were you looking to add to the collection ?
shandid: nobody wants to see my boobs haha
assbot: Tearing Down the Whorearchy From the Inside
mircea_popescu: FabianB lol
mircea_popescu: bitstein o wait, they're burning up gawker offices ?
bitstein: I wish.
mircea_popescu: how come everyone keeps quoting gawker sites btw ? we in the demo or something ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6734 @ 0.00082042 = 5.5247 BTC [-]
pankkake: FabianB: lol, and here I thought PHP was cleaning itself up with new versions
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 65 @ 0.02710001 = 1.7615 BTC [-]
nubbins`: saw this today while out for a walk:
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
bitstein: I only saw that one because a bunch of libertarians I used to associate with give her attention.
mircea_popescu: nubbins` what are we seeing ?
nubbins`: that's a big ol' iceberg just outside the narrows of the harbour
asciilifeform: nubbins`: turns out i guessed wrong (atomic dirigible)
nubbins`: yeah, they're really late this year
mircea_popescu: dude stop blogal warming.
nubbins`: come on now, if global warming was real, we'd see icebergs in july
nubbins`: wait
nubbins` ponders this over iceberg beer
mircea_popescu: i guess it's possible global warming manifests as cooling because other places warm EVEN MORE
nubbins`: (which is totally a thing you can buy here)
mircea_popescu: it was unseasonably hot on mercury
nubbins`: it was unseasonably hot in the arctic circle as well
nubbins`: but hey, i'm not complaining, great photo ops
mircea_popescu: more icebergs being the result of warmer weather ?
nubbins`: they calve off glaciers
nubbins`: bumper crop this year
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 147 @ 0.02710001 = 3.9837 BTC [-]
nubbins`: but y'know
nubbins`: the arctic has been melting for a while
nubbins`: why, the northwest passage is a fucking trade route these days
nubbins`: no pack ice since 2009
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 50 @ 0.01439999 = 0.72 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: Parliament at Ottawa renamed it the "Canadian Northwest Passage" in motion M-387 passed unanimously 2 December 2009
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16350 @ 0.00082294 = 13.4551 BTC [+] {4}
nubbins`: inorite
assbot: The Cremation of Sam McGee by Robert W. Service : The Poetry Foundation
nubbins`: sovereignty begins at home!
nubbins`: asciilifeform +1
mircea_popescu: nubbins` well, til.
nubbins` tips hat
nubbins`: and at that, i'm off to enjoy this unseasonably hot weather
chetty: nubbins`, you must not be paying enough carbon tax
mircea_popescu: !up dmmill_
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 35 @ 0.0170397 = 0.5964 BTC [+] {4}
dmmill_: hey
mircea_popescu: heya. what brings you here ?
dmmill_: i heard you guys are doing bitcoins for tits
mircea_popescu: sure. got a link to your prev work ?
assbot: submitted by dmmill
assbot: dmmill's albums - Imgur
mircea_popescu: and let me guess, you have issues with showing your face ?
dmmill_: i'll show a bit of it but i don't want to show my whole face
mircea_popescu: okay. put 1824bebd on your tits and get enough in there so we can distinguish you from other girls.
artifexd: mircea_popescu: These numbers that you're having the girls put on their chests, do they combine to make your public key or something else significant?
mircea_popescu: artifexd you got joins/parts off ?
mircea_popescu: that'd explain it.
moiety: email sent mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: thanks lovely.
artifexd: Ah. I see it now.
pankkake: ooooh
moiety: yvw :]
mircea_popescu: artifexd was a fun mystery while it lated.
kakobrekla: shandidnt
assbot: 1824bebd - Imgur
dmmill_: these work? it wasn't showing up well so i took a few angles
mircea_popescu: btw, just so we're clear, if any of you ends up proposing marriage to these lovely topless damsels i'll expect a 1 btc pimping fee paid directly, to keep the nude ball rolling.
pankkake: I like the angles/placement :)
mircea_popescu: dmmill_ yeah, they'll do. address ?
mircea_popescu: pankkake she's a pretty girl isn't she.
dmmill_: 1PUDBBfxujdXs6aZigTyMgRYKssyxDNf8G
mircea_popescu: dmmill_ is that a romanian flag above that door ?
dmmill_: hah thank you!
kakobrekla: and does it lead to toilet?
dmmill_: nope, it's my sister's name haha
dmmill_: leads to her bedroom
kakobrekla: well hook a sister up with some btc
mircea_popescu: dmmill_ so how did you find bitcoin ?
dmmill_: wanted to stop using paypal, figured bitcoin was a good alternative
kakobrekla: like from a script.
mircea_popescu: well, if you want to do something for your future get in the wot
dmmill_: i want to get on board and try to support it so it's easier to use as an alternative
mircea_popescu: and otherwise stick around, jobs pop up here ocasionally.
dmmill_: what's the wot? why's it good for my future?
assbot: first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki]
mircea_popescu: dmmill_ wot is the web of trust. and it's good for your future because if i trust you you, you don;t have to be rich anymore.
pankkake: you should link to things, otherwise, wot's the wot, m8?
mircea_popescu: not to mention all the other people involved.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17700 @ 0.00082537 = 14.609 BTC [+] {2}
asciilifeform: jobs pop up here ocasionally << for example, for steady hands good with microscope.
mircea_popescu: pankkake what's this, me doing all the work ?
mircea_popescu: davout_ hey i hear the german team was all sick so they sent some strippers to play france while they were in bed.
moiety pings a rubber glove at asciilifeform
moiety: ;;later tell bingoboingo any news? i saw from logs i missed a couple later tells somehow... have they been in touch yet?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: !up Minxhibitionist
pankkake: mircea_popescu: don't forget to pay dmmill_! I don't see a tx!
mircea_popescu: pankkake it's gonna have to rebroadcast.
mircea_popescu: Minxhibitionist hey there. i assume you're here for the tits ?
pankkake: typical scammers excuse
moiety: ;;later tell fluffypony sorry didn't get my later tells til 2nd scouring of the logs. i hope you like them, they are only made in this one small shop here :D it was either that or cat stickers on the parcel. is everything ok with your drive and juice and whatnot? btw cards look nice aye?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
Minxhibitionist: Yeeeah, I was here earlier. "Camerashy camwhore" ; ) I won't show my face, yadda yadda.
mircea_popescu: what;'s with this srsly!
Minxhibitionist: I'm sorry, med school! =(
mircea_popescu: pankkake seeing how their best play would be to immitate me, i'd guess that's unsurprising :D
mircea_popescu: Minxhibitionist got a link to your prev work ?
assbot: submitted by Minxhibitionist
Minxhibitionist: LMFAO. It's paint!
pankkake: it's paint
mircea_popescu: o it's paint huh.
mircea_popescu: anyway. how do you feel about showing your mouth only ?
Minxhibitionist: I suppose I can work that in.
mircea_popescu: aite. write 4702c8fc on your tits, and go for it.
mircea_popescu: pankkake do you see a tx now ?
kakobrekla: still a scam.
mircea_popescu: TYPICAL TROLL EXCUSE
mircea_popescu: both of you.
pankkake: kakobrekla: I'm a paid shill you know
kakobrekla: underpaid.
mircea_popescu: also underbanned.
kakobrekla: aboveregistered?
assbot: reddit.com: over 18?
mircea_popescu: !up Bella_
dmmill_: just got the bitcoins through, thanks!
mircea_popescu: http://imgur.com/a/nbKxk << look at this, dmmill_'s selling her wardrobe
assbot: bras - Imgur
mircea_popescu: does this actually work ? i remember the days of the "japan panty vending machine" hoax
thestringpuller: what was a hoax?
Bella_: hi there Mircea :) I am here about the breasts posts
mircea_popescu: !up dmmill_
mircea_popescu: Bella_ link to your prev work ?
pankkake: anyone want to buy my worn out socks?
pankkake: they have sexy holes
mircea_popescu: pankkake do you use them to jack off inside ?
pankkake: lol, no
mircea_popescu: do you show your face ?
assbot: Lets play :) xx | CamModelDirectory
mircea_popescu: meh bs captcha. got anything else ?
mircea_popescu: im not encouraging cloudflare bs.
assbot: SensualBella Free Preview - YouTube
pankkake: didn't get the cloudflare thing myself
Bella_: What exactly do you need?
Bella_: I work on many websites
mircea_popescu: imgur or equiv ?
Bella_: sure
assbot: Lets spend your bitcoins :) x - Imgur
Bella_: :)
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: sorry to derail you again, think I found an external solution to my nlock problem: the cardano :P
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: how ?!
mircea_popescu: Bella_ o hey, a pro. cool.
Bella_: hi there :)
asciilifeform thick, thinks he got it after 10 sec. or so
mircea_popescu: so write 5770cc05 on your tits, take a pic. get your face in there.
Bella_: I wont get my face in there
Bella_: wink
asciilifeform: what's with all the faceless gurlz ?
mircea_popescu: i was just about to omgwtfbbq
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform america ? i dunno.
Bella_: breasts only wasnt that the deal?
mircea_popescu: i live in an apparently parallel universe where i take womens for nude strolls through town
Bella_: okay nevermind
pankkake: but you show your face elsewhere, so that's surprising.
Bella_: have a nice day
mircea_popescu: Bella_ the problem is, i'll have to be able to identify you enough so it can't get recycled later.
pankkake: you seem to have a tattoo? can't see very well
Bella_: do you see a face here ?http://imgur.com/D6GfMIM
pankkake: but she never shows her face
mircea_popescu: no, because they're fucking nuts with the faces.
mircea_popescu: what is this thing anyway!
Bella_: its ok
Bella_: keep the bitcoins
Bella_: take care
mircea_popescu: that was weird.
pankkake: so much for pros?
mircea_popescu: i dunno what you wankers do to them, but apparently they go nuts.
kakobrekla: a pro and 0.1 btc?
chetty: bella prolly wasn't bella, couldn't show wrong face
mircea_popescu: now that's a thought.
mircea_popescu: what the fuck is kik
mircea_popescu: ;;ud kik
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=kik | Kik. A smartphone app that allows users to chat with eachother, for free, whether they have an iPhone, iPod Touch, Blackberry, or Android device. *Can also be ...
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 15000 @ 0.00008817 = 1.3226 BTC [+] {11}
pankkake: like whatsapp, the thing worth billions
pankkake: but it didn't find a sucker to buy it yet
mircea_popescu: no dude it's some sort of camwhore thing.
pankkake: maybe like snapchat then
mircea_popescu: [KIK][SNAP] Petite teen offering GFE and subscriptions ;) (self.KIKSnaps)
mircea_popescu: i wonder if gfe still means "girlfriend experience"
kakobrekla: but theres no requirement to be anybody for the job, and its hard to fake girltits with mantits
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla sooner or later a pro's gonna want to do this 50 times.
kakobrekla: the key is not long enough.
mircea_popescu: just trying to extend the window during which friendly canadian girlfriends can get a little bitcoin before the intelligence of crowds fucks things up for them.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: or a bored kid with some image processing sk1lz and a good stash.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla what's the key to do with it.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform improbable that'd work.
kakobrekla: arent you putting your pubkey id or something on the skin?
kakobrekla: i havent been following
mircea_popescu: so ? mary jane comes here, gets a key, does pics, comes back, rinse and repeat.
asciilifeform: 'How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?' (mr holmes)
kakobrekla: stupid bitch it is.
bitcoinpete: looking for someone to give me odds on columbia...
mircea_popescu: columbia ?!
bitcoinpete: ok colombia
bitcoinpete: on world cup
bitcoinpete: game starts in 5
mircea_popescu: i dunno, talk to moiety, she's dutch
FabianB: $traded
empyex: FabianB: Traded in last 24 hours: S.MPOE
bitcoinpete: based on food, i'd cheer for brazil
bitcoinpete: people too
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 95 @ 0.028 = 2.66 BTC [+] {2}
FabianB: hmm.. all traders busy with bets n tits
bitcoinpete: and that home town thing
mircea_popescu: lol the 5btc germany made me can pay for a further 50 topless chicks
bitcoinpete: can't say the germans aren't productive nao
bitcoinpete: they bought me but a single topless chik but i'll take it
bitcoinpete: s/it/her
mircea_popescu: "I'm a woman who's been at my job for 14 years now, and slowly made my way up to third-in-command. Our firm was bought out by an elderly gentleman who gave it to his 28-year-old daughter as a birthday present. So now everyone's jobs depend on the whims of this girl who has no idea how our business is run. She is very tempermental and has already fired a dozen employees that have been with us for 5 years or more, becaus
mircea_popescu: e she didn't like the way they looked at her in her skin-tight leather miniskirt, or because she wanted their job for one of her friends, or they blanched at her idea to spend $80,000 to replace all the florescent lighting in the building because it makes her "look pale". Hell, why not?"
bitcoinpete: you can't run a bizniz looking pale
assbot: The Dow's climb to new heights comes as trading volume steadily shrinks: http://t.co/E9Retvhaze /search?q=%24djia&src=ctag http://t.co/YWEPYfwreS
assbot: every time a man tells us we should dress for the job we want & not the job we have, I put on my dinosaur onesie http://t.co/abhlS5XClj
assbot: Oh, let me help you spread those nasty rumors so you can get me "fired" and take my job. Be careful what you wish for... : pettyrevenge
pankkake: > laptop full of ugly sticks, but carefully does not cover apple logo
pankkake: stickers*
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 27 @ 0.0279997 = 0.756 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: pankkake 2k retweets baby
asciilifeform: phun phact. apple hardware used to (still does?) come with a set of logo stickers. so that one could uglify anything - normal laptop, car, etc.
bitcoinpete: pretty sure still does
pankkake: I've seen cars with apple logos
asciilifeform: 'what has been seen cannot be unseen'
bitcoinpete: "i think the fedora sets it off nicely" << lol!
asciilifeform looks for some corpse shots from ukraine to take the edge off
assbot: Oh, Looky | Bingo Blog
gribble: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: lol what are these
bitcoinpete: brazil 1 - colombia 0
mircea_popescu: i've no idea.
mircea_popescu: i'll bbl. treat the girls nicely meanwhile!
chetty: Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe has ordered the nation’s remaining white farmers to be booted off their farms in order that the land be given to black Zimbabweans.
bitcoinpete: isn't that like 10 years old? or more?
chetty: there were a few left, those are getting kicked out now
bitcoinpete: ;;nethash
gribble: 120431075.173
bitcoinpete: hm couple dozen ph added today..
bitcoinpete: not dozen… just couple
assbot: goxdox.org: MagicalTux strikes again: Tibanne takes another $200K USD from mtgox creditor funds
thestringpuller: ;;estimate
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | 16492255409.9 based on data since last change | 16823770134.8 based on data for last three days
gribble: 1.6818461371161112E10
ThickAsThieves: Estimated Next Difficulty:18,289,217,035 (+8.74%)
mircea_popescu: chetty schmucks didn't genocide black population when they had the chance. now they don't have the chance anymore,
mircea_popescu: and the black population ain't as schmucky.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 21 @ 0.031 = 0.651 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: "I've applied to 40+ positions since mid May 2014 and have only been invited to first interviews at 3 agencies. One was a waste of time and the position was already filled, the second went okay but they chose a more qualified candidate and I had to cancel the third after my rental car wouldn't start due to an issue with the anti theft device."
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28600 @ 0.00082174 = 23.5018 BTC [-] {4}
bitcoinpete: asciilifeform: obligatory: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/174348 << i remember this as a bedtime story
assbot: The Cremation of Sam McGee by Robert W. Service : The Poetry Foundation
mircea_popescu: !up sexy_saffron
mircea_popescu: you here for the titjob i take it ?
mircea_popescu: got a link to past work ?
sexy_saffron: you know it ;) www.reddit.com/r/sexy_saffron
mircea_popescu: o hey nice, a corset girl.
sexy_saffron: thanks!
mircea_popescu: ok, put 8717c805 on your tits, take a shot. make sure you get your head in there.
sexy_saffron: ok just a sec I'll take one and imgur it to you
mircea_popescu: http://sexysaffron.com/ << o look, even your own site. how's the biz ?
sexy_saffron: the business is doing great! thanks!
sexy_saffron: especially thanks to bitcoin!
mircea_popescu: the gfycat stuff is pretty slick.
mircea_popescu: i found the stuff nubbins` doesn't want us to know about. http://i.imgur.com/ZoIU5WQ.jpg
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16300 @ 0.00081533 = 13.2899 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: Newlyweds planned to watch World Cup in Salvador, Brazil - ended up in San Salvador, El Salvador | inside World Soccer
nubbins`: i might as well paste a link to havelock saying it's the stuff you don't want us to know about ;D
sexy_saffron: uploading to imgur now!
sexy_saffron: lots of pics on there too :P
mircea_popescu: nubbins` ok, fair point. i take it back.
sexy_saffron: thanks! gfycat is amazing
sexy_saffron: so what are these pics for anyway?
moiety: you need to do girl cut tops nubbins`! :P
mircea_popescu: sexy_saffron we used to have a bot here, you'd go !boobs or something and it'd paste a tumblr pic.
mircea_popescu: but it got upgraded
nubbins`: moiety: we do occasionally :D
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
sexy_saffron: ah cool
mircea_popescu: good job. your address ?
pankkake: haha i love the pic
sexy_saffron: 1LnFxghYfkVyH22zEdDEpsswaH6dUHfLL8
sexy_saffron: thanks!
mircea_popescu: pankkake pro's a pro.
sexy_saffron: I do custom videos for bitcoin if anyone is interested ;)
mircea_popescu: sexy_saffron i am actually. here's the scoop : you ever read the last psychiatrist ?
moiety: Please let me know nubbins` i'd definitely like a b-a night set - top and/or shorts ( ok ok i know the shorts is asking too much... it's just the -assets over the ass was too much to resist XD)
pankkake: registering on the wot (http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets) might help you get some business
mircea_popescu: moiety wow what a concept.
moiety: IKR
nubbins`: check your bitcoin assets
mircea_popescu: no, "check my bitcoin assets"
moiety: #bitcoin on the lower back with matching shotes with the -assets
moiety: shorts****
moiety: lololol
moiety: omg
sexy_saffron: I've never read that!
moiety: so every bitcoiner would also want a set for his chick right?
mircea_popescu: sexy_saffron ok, he's a guy with a great blog. i want him to come here. what i want you to do is make a short, say 5 minute film, in which you beg him to come visit bitcoin-assets
mircea_popescu: hole #3, asciilifeform
sexy_saffron: I could do that!
mircea_popescu: ok. wanna work on a script ? you happy with another .1 ?
pankkake: this is quite an amazing idea
mircea_popescu: pankkake no ?
mircea_popescu: sexy_saffron ok, you have any experience with acting ? can you adlib begging or do i have to put it in ?
sexy_saffron: you can send the script to sexy_miss_saffron@hotmail.com!
sexy_saffron: I can handle it ;)
moiety: i love the mash od + and - here in the same breath
mircea_popescu: nah i'll just put it here.
moiety: of*
sexy_saffron: I'm actually rending my 200th video right now lol
sexy_saffron: *rendering
mircea_popescu: cool. ok so : the points you have to get in there clearly visible are "#bitcoin-assets on Freenode" and "http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=bitcoin-assets" for the case he doesn't have a client
mircea_popescu: everything else is up to you, but let the guy know he has a wonderful blog, we think he's a genius and we really want him over here. go as over the top as you'd like.
nubbins` claps
Duffer1: i'd put .02 on that
nubbins`: ;;rated mircea_popescu
gribble: You rated user mircea_popescu on Thu Oct 17 15:12:06 2013, with a rating of 2, and supplied these additional notes: patron of the arts.
moiety: is i bad i started laughing there?
moiety: it*
nubbins`: moiety, nah
mircea_popescu: moiety nope. sex is supposed to be fun.
mircea_popescu: nubbins` do i make a great leader of the free world yet or what.
moiety: hes perfect... in an instant nubbins`
nubbins`: mp, you're a few steps closer today
mircea_popescu: ah the long road to golgotha.
sexy_saffron: ok I'll add it to my schedule once you transfer the .1, how should I send you the link once it's done?
moiety: mircea_popescu: it is! why do so many forget this?!
mircea_popescu: sexy_saffron you should post it here.
mircea_popescu: i don't have a problem paying in advance, but i'll require you get in the wot for it.
sexy_saffron: what is the wot?
assbot: first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki]
mircea_popescu: web of trust. the thing nubbins` called above to see my rating.
nubbins`: ;;ident sexy_saffron
gribble: Nick 'sexy_saffron', with hostmask 'sexy_saffron!8717c805@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified.
nubbins`: ;;ident nubbins`
gribble: Nick 'nubbins`', with hostmask 'nubbins`!~leel@stjhnf0157w-142163082159.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOP.nl.bellaliant.net', is identified as user 'nubbins`', with GPG key id CF2950F23C844002, key fingerprint 5015BD3D0AE659C8B8632F31CF2950F23C844002, and bitcoin address None
pankkake: nb: if you don't have a GPG key you can register with a bitcoin address
moiety: we all have them sexy_saffron :D honestly best way to go, itsa not like having it does you any harm
nubbins`: pankkake +1
pankkake: but anyway, best way to get recurring business
chetty: having a wot rating will likely get you more business
mircea_popescu: that's a definite.
moiety: i should add this shouldnt i... i fully understand i wa just being picky... i'll update the wiki
sexy_saffron: I don't mind entering your wot!
pankkake: moiety: I'm not so sure about that; actually I want to write something on why people should use GPG vs bitcoin for signing things
pankkake: but yes, if it makes more people sign up
mircea_popescu: moiety i loved the picky, but irl people aren't all that well equipped to drop gpg in.
nubbins`: less of a barrier to entry
mircea_popescu: sexy_saffron so then go for it.
sexy_saffron: ya I'd rather do bitcoin address, I can generate those super quick
moiety: well this is what i was thining pankkake ... i left it out because i felt it actually went against my reasoning for setting up gpg and i dont want to sound hypocritical. wee bit on the end or should leave as is?
mircea_popescu: sexy_saffron mind that you can never lose it
mircea_popescu: or you lose your identity.
mircea_popescu: and while at it, register your nick with nickserv.
moiety: mircea_popescu: thing is though... i feel anyways, if they took ten minutes to learn btc, they cant take ten to learn gpg? especially if it supports their business in the way their clients seek?
pankkake: moiety: you can say "you can generate a gpg key later and use your existing bitcoin address right now"
mircea_popescu: it goes like /msg nickserv register <tr1n8frikitona> <businessenquiriesforshanti@gmail.com> to quote an earlier girl.
mircea_popescu: moiety a first time keygen is > 10 minutes.
mircea_popescu: then there's the keyserver upload.
pankkake: gpg requires finding the appropriate GUIs too
moiety: ooooh like that pankkake
moiety: also would it be helpful if i offered block change + step by step on a disk or usb?
mircea_popescu: sexy_saffron how did you find bitcoin anyway ?
pankkake: block change?
moiety: exchange* not change* ...block change might be an interesting view tho?!
pankkake: I don't understand it either :p
moiety: like not even exchange whats the word... just the chain
moiety: so like for total noobs
sexy_saffron: bitcoin is just the best way to do business, hands down
assbot: Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3YK9P52.txt )
pankkake: !b 1
moiety: youd get a step by step with a cd or usb rather than links that so many seem allergic to
sexy_saffron: it was a logical choice as a payment processor
mircea_popescu: atta girl.
mircea_popescu: keep at this you'll end up my image lmao.
sexy_saffron: awesome!
pankkake: moiety: I see, bundling the required applications etc. I've seen the idea in practice, it's good, hovewer it puts a lot of trust in you providing non-malicious binaries
sexy_saffron: but what are you collecting the pics for?
moiety: why doesn anyone do anything?
mircea_popescu: im not collecting the pix. couldn't care less, really.
sexy_saffron: so whats the significance of the code?
pankkake: he's just trying to be more eccentric than usual
mircea_popescu: sexy_saffron http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-07-2014#744256 << there, answered before. in the logs :D
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
moiety: pankkake: aye but i thought about this... the peple buying are noobs yes? most likely...or they wouldnt need the chain. so in all reality they are either not going to realise they need to trust me... or trust me due to why ive told them
pankkake: moiety: yes, indeed
moiety: the best businessmen take the plunge, aye?
mircea_popescu: * sexy_saffron (8717c805@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets << and the code is just some random stuff webirc spits out
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5458 @ 0.00082117 = 4.4819 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: pankkake there's nothing usual about me!
moiety: well pankkake this is hat they tell themselves.. and we dont care how good they are, as long as they can treat bitcoin well ... implement it and encourage their friends... yeah?
moiety: what*
sexy_saffron: I tell all the reddit girls to use bitcoin
pankkake: you know, one of the best insults (well, it was friendly) I ever received was "you're not that unusual actually"
pankkake: she was so proud of it :)
moiety gasps
pankkake: !up sexy_saffron
moiety: dude... people that are proud of their insults usually have no reason to be that way
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.034 = 0.51 BTC [-]
moiety: public insults* totally a difference
mircea_popescu: wait what ?
mircea_popescu: !up sexy_saffron
pankkake: what are you doing ChanServ?!
mircea_popescu: chanserv you being a bad boy ?
mircea_popescu: is this kakotrolling ?
moiety: chanserv just liks to stir.. i am sure of it
assbot: Exuvius Multi-Tool Collar Stays (4-Pack) - Massdrop
sexy_saffron: ;;eregister sexy_saffron 1KGkZ1cAbsKH3rQNBoxe8N4KU9DBkfz1KT
gribble: Error: '1KGkZ1cAbsKH3rQNBoxe8N4KU9DBkfz1KT' is not a valid GPG key id. Please use the long form 16 digit key id.
sexy_saffron: it won't let me register with a bitcoin public address :(
mircea_popescu: you want ;;bcregister
thestringpuller: ;;bcregister
gribble: (bcregister <nick> <bitcoinaddress>) -- Register your identity, associating bitcoin address key <bitcoinaddress> with <nick>. <bitcoinaddress> should be a standard-type bitcoin address, starting with 1. You will be given a random passphrase to sign with your address key, and submit to the bot with the 'bcverify' command. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes.
mircea_popescu: ;;eregister is for gpg
sexy_saffron: ;;bcregister sexy_saffron 1KGkZ1cAbsKH3rQNBoxe8N4KU9DBkfz1KT
gribble: Request successful for user sexy_saffron, hostmask sexy_saffron!8717c805@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Your challenge string is: freenode:#bitcoin-otc:7583d0f0d3507e7c987b8206989e5f95b31a26bd74ae7ec143b26c24
assbot: Bitcoin address authentication - bitcoin-otc wiki
pankkake: you need to confirm the address is yours
thestringpuller: you gotta run bcverify now
mircea_popescu: ;;ident sexy_saffron
gribble: Nick 'sexy_saffron', with hostmask 'sexy_saffron!8717c805@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified.
thestringpuller: ;;bcverify
gribble: (bcverify <signedmessage>) -- Verify the latest authentication request by providing the <signedmessage> which contains the challenge string signed with your bitcoin address of record. If verified, you'll be authenticated for the duration of the bot's or your IRC session on channel (whichever is shorter).
moiety: sexy_saffron: you alright love?! never mind the -v and +v but this is another good idea why its no dear... see the challenge string... copy it and go decrypt it with cmd
pankkake: with bitcoin, you can only sign
thestringpuller: easy to sign with bitcoin
thestringpuller: signmessage
pankkake: whereas gpg auth provides both sig and decrypt methods
moiety: its the same thing though no, just wallet?
assbot: Bitcoin address authentication - bitcoin-otc wiki
moiety: ok ok im adding a btc addressbit to my first steps...*disclaimer* wont be as holdy handy as the gpg
sexy_saffron: ;;bcverify GywpdNN8x7MfYwqkZL48GXbKqdB6YBSQt7/F8SfEM0c7GnZXGIDO3kcVjDWJP4ca4waXGOcLWbzMT/GclQSDuL0=
gribble: Registration successful. You are now authenticated for user 'sexy_saffron' with address 1KGkZ1cAbsKH3rQNBoxe8N4KU9DBkfz1KT
mircea_popescu: o hey wd.
mircea_popescu: ;;rate sexy_saffron 1 Pro fetish model.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user sexy_saffron has been recorded.
mircea_popescu: now you can even self-voice in here.
sexy_saffron: hooray!
mircea_popescu: ok so, .1 again to the same addy for the tlp beg film ?
moiety: yay good for you sexy_saffron :D
pankkake: ;;rate sexy_saffron 1 delivers cute and sexy pictures
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user sexy_saffron has been recorded.
mircea_popescu: and use gfycat, it's great.
mircea_popescu: o no shit, it doesn't have sound. nm me.
sexy_saffron: sure! I'll put it in my schedule for shooting tomorrow!
moiety: im totally not in the huff pankkake totally not bothered
sexy_saffron: I'll just come back here with a dropbox link
sexy_saffron: any particular outfit ideas?
mircea_popescu: not really, whatever you feel like, but give a good show.
moiety: just get a pi nd hold everything yourself
mircea_popescu: i wanna impress this guy.
sexy_saffron: sounds good ;)
assbot: The Last Psychiatrist
mircea_popescu: that's him. drop by when it's done, proly have more work for you then.
sexy_saffron: cool, you guys can buy my videos with bitcoin too if you'd like, here's my clipstore: www.clips4sale.com/74849
sexy_saffron: I do lots of sales on my subbreddit too
mircea_popescu: how long you been at this btw ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13364 @ 0.00082175 = 10.9819 BTC [+] {2}
pankkake: " Foot Smelling Blowjob After a Run " not my fetish, but I just love those kind of weird things :D
sexy_saffron: 6 months!
mircea_popescu: pankkake you told me you had all of them. i demand my boney mack! i was bamboozled and misdirected.
sexy_saffron: I love weird videos too! My balloon boob videos have been really popular
mircea_popescu: sexy_saffron you're incredibly smooth. all you or do you have a manger with some experience behind you ?
pankkake: I don't think I ever said that. I have many, and I am curious about all of them
sexy_saffron: nope, just me and my husband!
sexy_saffron: making porn in our tiny appartment!
mircea_popescu: well, keep at it.
sexy_saffron: will do ;)
mircea_popescu: it's a dying thing, supposedly, but you're in a position to roll with the best of em, so.
pankkake: "Watch as I blow my full nose into a few tissues" just awesome lol
assbot: Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3TV9YQJ.txt )
sexy_saffron: not even close to the weirdest one lol
pankkake: ok, I found one I might like, but I'm not saying which :p
mircea_popescu: pankkake also careful not to show your face.
mircea_popescu: this shit matters.
pankkake: there actually was a picture of me naked (no penis though) on the internet, with face
moiety: in what alternate universe or were you a minor pankkake
pankkake: lol wat
pankkake: it was for a calendar promo
moiety: i just cant belive you did that XD
moiety: a calendar for what tho?! penii?
pankkake: it's actually great; you feel really good about your body afterwards
pankkake: more people should do (semi)pro shoots
moiety: i almost did but i htought yous would be like..err mo gtfo pls kthx
kakobrekla: <pankkake> there actually was a picture of me naked (no penis though) on the internet, with face < mine is still online
moiety: hey my benkay has rearry improved!
pankkake: I didn't say yes right away but he showed me his work, was a really nice person
pankkake: kakobrekla: url?
sexy_saffron: time to go make hamburgers so I'm off, but feel free to stop by my subbreddit and say hi! :)
moiety: dude he wont even let a reflection capture him at this point in life
pankkake: bon appetit
jurov: nubbins url?
jurov: er.. pankkake
moiety: was nice meeting you sexy_saffron :] enjoy your tea!
sexy_saffron: thanks, you too! cya!
pankkake: I only have the raw shots left, the image that was selected I didn't even save it
moiety: its ok, its in his personal collection im betting
moiety: because..always backups
moiety: see rolf harris got 5 years 9 months today
moiety: unrelated obviously
moiety: maybe i dunno
moiety: pankkake: we have people you can talk to
pankkake: for what?
moiety: issues
moiety: i jut playing
moiety: but are you serious?
pankkake: yes, it was for those black-and-white calendar with naked men everyone was doing at the time
moiety: just realised pankkake probably wasnt the one to ask a serious question to
pankkake: it was my piercer's and he did it once a year with his best-looking clients
moiety: imma need proof
moiety: :]
moiety: the calendar would be fine
pankkake: the website doesn't exist anymore
moiety: i also take email attachments just so the channel knows
moiety: well thats fail
moiety: youre so hard to play with pankkake but so much fun cus i never know whos trolling the other the most
mircea_popescu: <pankkake> it's actually great; you feel really good about your body afterwards more people should do (semi)pro shoots <<< he has a point.
pankkake: https://unsee.cc/rubigeso/ here is 25% of what is close to the selected picture
assbot: Unsee — Free online private photo sharing
mircea_popescu: moiety you feeling tempted ?
pankkake: it seems to be a custom occurence in some countries, like russia
pankkake: where you put good pro-made pics, not drunken pics, on your social profiles
pankkake: s/custom/common/ is what I meant I suppose
assbot: If you read Boing Boing, the NSA considers you a target for deep surveillance - Boing Boing
mircea_popescu: aqhaha nice kakobrekla
mircea_popescu: <pankkake> it was my piercer's and he did it once a year with his best-looking clients << pankkake has a prince albert ?
pankkake: I used to have an industrial (bar through the ear)
mircea_popescu: why so many piercing stories start with "i used to" ?
moiety: tempted by the offer you mean mircea? i was borderline but if youre not acceptable irl .. i dun think you are online either - may need clarification from pankkake's photographer ;P
mircea_popescu: wait wut
mircea_popescu: moiety i jus' meant, do you want to add your tits to my post ?
moiety: also what piercings do you have pankkake?
pankkake: only the industrial which is fully closed by now
moiety: mircea_popescu: i was just kidding about pankkake .. i just meant if youre useless to people irl, youe not going to have the desired effect in a pic online either
pankkake: did it mostly because I was curious, I don't like most piercings on men
mircea_popescu: moiety ok ill ask you again after you have a couple more drinks
moiety: ikr? i dont know why but im the same. looks weird for me to see a belly piercing on a dude
pankkake: lol, yeah, that one certainly is not masculine
mircea_popescu: why should it be masculine ?
assbot: Liberty World Problems
moiety: it doesnt have to be... just if your tastes are being thrown onto the bed, you might not want someone with a prettier jewellry cabinet doing it? i'll just stfu now lol
mircea_popescu: so is this basically three guys and a dog being ironic and shit ?
moiety: i think i should have internet docked fri-sun pls
moiety: i dunno but i just replied to one of their threads
mircea_popescu: WASHINGTON — Just weeks before Blackwater guards fatally shot 17 civilians at Baghdad’s Nisour Square in 2007, the State Department began investigating the security contractor’s operations in Iraq. But the inquiry was abandoned after Blackwater’s top manager there issued a threat: “that he could kill” the government’s chief investigator and “no one could or would do anything about it as we were in Iraq,
mircea_popescu: ” according to department reports.
mircea_popescu: American Embassy officials in Baghdad sided with Blackwater rather than the State Department investigators as a dispute over the probe escalated in August 2007, the previously undisclosed documents show. The officials told the investigators that they had disrupted the embassy’s relationship with the security contractor and ordered them to leave the country, according to the reports.
mircea_popescu: After returning to Washington, the chief investigator wrote a scathing report to State Department officials documenting misconduct by Blackwater employees and warning that lax oversight of the company, which had a contract worth more than $1 billion to protect American diplomats, had created “an environment full of liability and negligence.”
Duffer1: did someone honestly expect things that to go any other way?
Duffer1: -that
moiety: i'd be interested in the undocumented things
Duffer1: get the guys from VICE interested, honey badgers of news
pankkake: !up RagnarsBitch
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 39 @ 0.035 = 1.365 BTC [+] {3}
[]bot: Bet placed: 2 BTC for Yes on "LTC to fall against BTC" http://bitbet.us/bet/864/ Odds: 84(Y):16(N) by coin, 82(Y):18(N) by weight. Total bet: 5.13865103 BTC. Current weight: 80,921.
[]bot: Bet placed: 1.23713184 BTC for No on "LTC to $15USD or above before August 3rd" http://bitbet.us/bet/855/ Odds: 12(Y):88(N) by coin, 22(Y):78(N) by weight. Total bet: 2.18913185 BTC. Current weight: 33,335.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.19 = 0.57 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17770 @ 0.0008238 = 14.6389 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14250 @ 0.00082183 = 11.7111 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.00082154 = 8.6262 BTC [-] {2}
kyuupichan: Silly me for thinking diff might actually drop this time
cazalla: mircea_popescu: i didn't find the pics save worthy tbh, curious about the stretch marks on fulloffantasies though, never seen a woman with many on her legs yet none on belly
cazalla: seeing that i'm not paying, didn't make sense to open my mouth while she was here
kyuupichan: That EBA document is good for the lulz. They're so cocksure of the advantages of fiat that they can't see the steamroller headed their way.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.03510002 = 0.5265 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 25 @ 0.19999998 = 5 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29800 @ 0.00081534 = 24.2971 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2658 @ 0.00082032 = 2.1804 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20504 @ 0.00082168 = 16.8477 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 188 @ 0.03213775 = 6.0419 BTC [-] {8}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 149 @ 0.01027226 = 1.5306 BTC [-] {11}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 37 @ 0.03 = 1.11 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6900 @ 0.00082381 = 5.6843 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18689 @ 0.00082353 = 15.391 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 118 @ 0.0070009 = 0.8261 BTC [-] {6}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8100 @ 0.00082168 = 6.6556 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32900 @ 0.00081911 = 26.9487 BTC [-] {3}
[]bot: Bet placed: 1.11111111 BTC for No on "Light Sweet Crude Oil (WTI) Jan 2015 over $200 at any point in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/776/ Odds: 32(Y):68(N) by coin, 37(Y):63(N) by weight. Total bet: 15.59652523 BTC. Current weight: 57,431.
[]bot: Bet placed: 1.11111111 BTC for No on "Iron Ore 62% Fe, CFR China (TSI) Jan 2015 over $200 at any point in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/775/ Odds: 30(Y):70(N) by coin, 34(Y):66(N) by weight. Total bet: 6.82548116 BTC. Current weight: 57,430.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 31 @ 0.03599677 = 1.1159 BTC [+] {2}
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 785138.67 Est. Next Diff: 561318.11 in 1868 blocks (#40320) Est. % Change: -28.51
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 18 @ 0.03599856 = 0.648 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: kyuupichan kinda how the shit works.
mircea_popescu: cazalla afaik women mostly get that around puberty and during pregnancy. maybe her thighs grew suddenly.
assbot: puzzle - Imgur
asciilifeform: ^ photo taken several hours ago at the washington 'independence day' fest. find the three interesting things.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 17 @ 0.03614338 = 0.6144 BTC [+] {2}
punkman1: good logs today
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7050 @ 0.00081946 = 5.7772 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 23 @ 0.03699999 = 0.851 BTC [+] {3}
punkman1: asciilifeform: what's that pan under the car
asciilifeform: we have one winner.
asciilifeform: army truck leaks oil, clearly.
dignork: no license plate on army vehicle?
mircea_popescu: o look, the red star came back ?!
asciilifeform: dignork: over here they only have to have one on the boot
cazalla: is the windscreen broken or is that something else
cazalla: cracked i should say
asciilifeform: plastic.
dignork: asciilifeform have a horrible camera?
asciilifeform: that goes without saying
mircea_popescu: it's not the camera, it's the operator :D
dignork: HF/VHF radio?
asciilifeform: how'd that be interesting
thestringpuller: the good tjhleaga.lel,df,de,hnf.ne
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5295 @ 0.00081802 = 4.3314 BTC [-]
dignork: asciilifeform: I'd assume in the city they'd use UHF
asciilifeform: that thing comes with the truck. almost bought precisely this truck once, at a surplus shop - it was advertised at 700 usd.
dub: theres a guy in the back talking to the crackhoes
mircea_popescu: they';re expensiuve to upkeep tho
asciilifeform: prehistoric machine, for aficionados.
mircea_popescu: dub you know, not any poor/minority people you see are autpmatically on drugs.
asciilifeform: in entirely unrelated news,
dub: look at homie on he left, his mind = blown
mircea_popescu: he was just born thay wat
dub: is it actually army? googling the tag on the front doesnt bring anythign current
asciilifeform: dub: those aren't hoes, that's what actual gurlz look like in this town...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform are these people basically running php ?
dignork: mircea_popescu: looks like some rule-based grammar
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not exactly. custom gizmo.
mircea_popescu: dignork designed by fucktards. all the explicit switches in the code, "these ips for fvey" "these ips for non fvey" "hey i just coded this shit one weekend"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes. my point being, that it's ... basically... php.
asciilifeform: this was clearly written by a sysop. or a similar figure, who sits around and waits to be asked to add in case-by-case gibblets.
mircea_popescu: im just looking at your "these are mingblowingly smart people" thesis paper.
mircea_popescu: and drawing small fs all around
dub: probably evolved out of carnivore or earlier
asciilifeform: if usg employs thinking people, they did not write this.
asciilifeform: what, if anything, they are paid to do - remains an enigma
mircea_popescu: how about "they are paid to support their famblies and the american way"
asciilifeform: to be fair this is precisely the kind of turd i would order 'leaked' as a hangout op
punkman1: that looks like C++
dub: this smells like bs
dub: right at the top so there is no mistaking, the bits about how its not targetign five eyes partners
mircea_popescu: dub precisely.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform right
mircea_popescu: for that matter, the crap is probably written in lisp
mircea_popescu: and i don't mean golang.
asciilifeform: this snippet is oddly reminiscent of the wretched truck
asciilifeform: with its chalk-marked regiment number
asciilifeform: leaking engine, b0rked parking brake (note the block under front wheel)
kakobrekla: just put it into gear?
asciilifeform: you'd think.
kakobrekla: what, gears dont work as well?
assbot: Index of /pub/academic/communications/logs/Gulf-War/desert-storm/
mircea_popescu: ya srsly wtf is that.
asciilifeform: probably the 3-ring binder says 'if parking lever is b0rked, use block under wheel...'
mircea_popescu: the transmission of that thing is so heavy should keep it bolted down
mircea_popescu: #banshee# On a lighter note. IRC record. 251 users. :)
mircea_popescu: TAILs (The Amnesic Incognito Live System) software program, a comsec mechanism advocated by extremists on extremist forums.
mircea_popescu: ok, so what's the tails backdoor ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's a bog-standard 'linux live cd' with a copy of tor.
mircea_popescu: a so tor.
asciilifeform: idea being, tor for the morbidly lazy
mircea_popescu: and word('linux'
mircea_popescu: or ' USB ' or ' CD ' or 'secure desktop' or ' IRC ' or 'truecrypt' or ' tor ');
mircea_popescu: ' CD ' and ' IRC ' but 'truecrypt'
mircea_popescu: because space padding is now... half a thing
mircea_popescu: you telling me i just found a bug in teh code ? me ?
asciilifeform: ' IRC ' is to avoid matching 'mircea', lol
mircea_popescu pulls dagger from his back
mircea_popescu: !up aabtc
aabtc: :)
mircea_popescu: "That's great, I love your show Max Stacy, you're changing how people think and hence changing the world.
mircea_popescu: I'm just a young Canadian maintenance professional buying a little gold and Bitcoin every month getting ready for the market crash to happen within 5 years. Then I'll buy a nice Audi R8 from a desperate kleptocrat"
mircea_popescu: yeah dude, totally. an exterminator from misisiauga is going to buy an audi r8 from a "desperate kleptocrat" through the magic of max keiser's.
aabtc: max lost a lot of his relevance pumping shitcoins :/
aabtc: mircea_popescu: what happened to your twitter?
mircea_popescu: afaik a buncha redditards bitched at twitter which suspended it.
aabtc: loool
aabtc: over that andreas thing?
aabtc: hahaha 'we did it reddit!'
mircea_popescu: twas getting stale tbh.
← 2014-07-03 | 2014-07-05 →