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← 2014-06-25 | 2014-06-27 →
Vexual: g'day cazalla
cazalla: hey Vexual
Vexual: how are ya mate?
cazalla: tired, missus is out getting hair done so im stuck with baby
cazalla: you?
Vexual: yeah painfully sober
Vexual: did you see big clive palmer with al gore?
cazalla: nah, i don't follow it closely nor do i vote
cazalla: what's he up to?
Vexual: he flew gore in to stand next to him at a press conference and give the nod to repealing the carbon tax with a view to setting up interational emmissions trading
cazalla: on his own dime or taxpayers?
Vexual: well there are no details
Vexual: hes a funny bugger
cazalla: you would've loved dinner last night, crumbed rabbit, pan fried for 5 and then into oven for 30m
Vexual: he rolled up to parliment in his vintage silver shadow a few weeks back, van morrison blasting, hopped out and gave a speech to the waiting press about how politicians should pay for their own cars
Vexual: what did you have with it?
cazalla: rocket salad
cazalla: and some thai dipping sauce from coles heh
Vexual: that sounds too good
cazalla: have a bunch of livers to make pate with on weekend too
Vexual: rabbit pate is a thing?
cazalla: supposedly, i've never had or made it before, i've been keeping livers frozen as it didn't seem worthwhile to make a small amount and i butcher them as needed so it's not like i have a lot of livers at once
cazalla: i can't imagine it taste too different from chicken pate etc
Vexual: maybe not
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 22 @ 0.04100001 = 0.902 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.04100002 = 0.656 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 38 @ 0.041 = 1.558 BTC [-]
assbot: Savetoby.com | Only YOU have the power to Save Toby!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 23 @ 0.04050001 = 0.9315 BTC [-]
Vexual: I'll have the Lapin Braisé
cazalla: lol toby
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82100 @ 0.00082367 = 67.6233 BTC [-] {6}
benkay: so how much did the rabbit go for?
benkay imagines thepyruvatebay.se
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12700 @ 0.00082588 = 10.4887 BTC [+]
Vexual: its about $16kilo dressed
mircea_popescu: o look at all the logs
mircea_popescu: !up Ken`
moiety: I've been thinking about salmon since you left
mircea_popescu: came out pretty good
moiety: i'm gonna have to get some today
Vexual: skin on needs to be fryed hard on that side
cazalla: skin is the best bit
Vexual: yeah but if it's not fried fast enough it's chewy
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bitcoinpete not so sure i did. o wait, http://trilema.com/2014/most-wrong-and-absolutely-wrongest/ right you are
assbot: Most wrong and absolutely wrongest pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: cazalla i usually throw it away
mircea_popescu: this sushi place i go to has salmon skin rolls, i'm like... wtf, make me an orange and banana peels salad next
Vexual: i remove it just for knife skills
cazalla: sacrilege
cazalla: i wish i could buy skin only
moiety: ew
Vexual: lets do a deal
Vexual: the diff in price at the shop is more than the knife skills and the weight combined
moiety: they left the scales on haddock once in a restaurant i as at. i don't know if it was a mistake or that happens anywhere in the world but just.. no.
mircea_popescu: AirbndUberApp, that sounds unavoidable.
Vexual: cazalla, remember these people probabl;y get real atlantic salmon too
mircea_popescu: "it's like airbnb of messaging and uber of boarding houses rolled into a joint and whazzup dude ?"
Vexual: we get it's cousin
mircea_popescu: Vexual ba is on a river. salmon lives here.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12500 @ 0.00082588 = 10.3235 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: moiety: i was marooned on the sofa for some time due to a rather fast large spider travelling around my livingroom floor <<< ahahaha so cute
cazalla: Vexual: how about aussie salmon :P ugh
mircea_popescu: bloctoc: they would have to be sold at a later date since there are no buy orders yet. << actually that 25 was a buy order iirc
Vexual: i love me some aussie salmon
cazalla: really?
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal: Example was. If Bitpay is worth 1Billion usd, FB forks over 1 Billion USD, FB valuation stays same << this is an example out of the "spherical chicken in vacuum" variety.
cazalla: Vexual: i always throw them back
Vexual: what are you trying to catch?
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal: The site profits off total volume, not someone forking over a risky bet on one side << nobody prevents you from covering the short end after bet is approved.
mircea_popescu: if you figure your odds are 2:5 put 2 btc on the short odds then put .8 on the long odds and there you go.
moiety: scottish salmon is lovely cazalla
Vexual: mircea_popesu:saw your blog salmon, looked nice and fat; was it local?
dub: I dont think aussie salmon has anything to do with salmon
cazalla: dub: spot on
moiety: oh
cazalla: it's foul
mircea_popescu: Vexual ya
cazalla: Vexual: tailor, whiting, bream, kingies
mircea_popescu: dub agreed. it's prolly scottish salmon
cazalla: get some leather jacket too
Vexual: is that in order>?
cazalla: aussie salmon is a great game fish but shitty eating
dub: cazalla: if aussie salmon is what I think it is then you are probably fucking it up
cazalla: Vexual: depends on time of year and where I am, I don't do much fishing down here in Melbourne, more so when I go up Sydney with my brother/father
Vexual: its called kahawai in nz
Vexual: aussie salmon
dub: you need to bleed it
cazalla: dub: maybe I am but I've tried numerous times and it always taste awful
cazalla: yeah I've bleed it
Vexual: did you ever smoke it?
cazalla: nope, how's that?
Vexual: well its an oily fish, so it smokes well
cazalla: i mean, you can get it at the fish market for 2.99 a kg that's how bad it is
moiety: smoked salmon is gorgeous
dub: its not oily if you bleed it
Vexual: where are you from dub?
mircea_popescu: <dub> its not oily if you bleed it << he's found the cure for colesterol.
dub: dublandistan
Vexual: in australia we call what you know as salmon ocean trout
Vexual: and it'll slap you in the face its so good
Vexual: but then theres aussie salmon, which isnt salmon
Vexual: but thats what we call it
Vexual: coz is tastes gooode
assbot: Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2P4K0HT.txt )
benkay: !b 4
benkay: Vexual what's wrong with you
benkay: when did you start making sense
benkay: who's taken over Vexual's computer?
Vexual: temporarily sober
moiety: he's sober today
benkay: o wait i read that in the log!
benkay: my sympathies
assbot: This is a thing: Greenscreen-clad workers who secretly flip models' hair during shampoo commercials. http://t.co/tfHvykkxS8 ht /MakingOfs
dub: just about got my cholesterol bled out on the way home
dub: pulled out from outside bar, dodge slow traffic lane, wot in clear lane, oncoming bbw buts across gab in slow lane into mine
dub: gap*
moiety: o.o
dub: ABS engaged, no seatbelt yet, jimmies retracting
Vexual: did you fuck her?
BingoBoingo: What, was the sidewalk to narrow for this bbw?
dub: Vexual: nearly
Vexual: lol
Vexual: is your scooter okay?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 22 @ 0.04498489 = 0.9897 BTC [-] {2}
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 511511.43 Est. Next Diff: 402819.45 in 1812 blocks (#38304) Est. % Change: -21.25
Vexual: can't evenm tut at the devs
davout: "in australia we call what you know as salmon ocean trout" <<< i saw already opened oysters being sold there Oo
Vexual: sydney?
davout: le gross
davout: melbourne
Vexual: oh
Vexual: sydney oysters are really good, its a thing
Vexual: and yes, they are provided open, because you are not an otter
BingoBoingo: What, I'm hairy and spend a lot of time in the water
Vexual: yes you can probly open an oyster, but in polite company..
BingoBoingo: Fuck you! I'm an otter!
Vexual: ok leave his unshucked
Vexual: ;;seen nubbins'
gribble: I have not seen nubbins'.
Vexual: whats that cats name?
moiety: ;;seen nubbins`
gribble: nubbins` was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 11 hours, 19 minutes, and 49 seconds ago: <nubbins`> http://i.imgur.com/FxQz6tB.gif
moiety: so are btc-e scam now? or have i just been unlucky?
Vexual: whats the problem?
moiety: i withdrew via wire transfer. its £91 short
punkman: moiety, one of these days btc-e will disappear, don't be a bagholder
moiety: wasnt planning on using it again, just a one off thing for quickness...stupidly
moiety: 1018/ 1003 after fees. 911 received
punkman: maybe there's an extra moiety fee
moiety: i cant find anything else like this on them at all
Vexual: bank wire are expensive, i dont know about btce
moiety: i'll hunt them down with manuls if thats the case
moiety: btce says 1.5% fee which was accounted for though Vexual
davout: Vexual: "and yes, they are provided open, because you are not an otter" <<< men open their oysters
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20500 @ 0.00082555 = 16.9238 BTC [-]
moiety: o apparently they just add another £100 fee on
BingoBoingo: moiety: Does Scotland have capital controls?
moiety: not that i know of but apparently its a worry in independence
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 511511.43 Est. Next Diff: 405267.07 in 1803 blocks (#38304) Est. % Change: -20.77
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 98 @ 0.19660978 = 19.2678 BTC [+] {9}
pankkake: wait you can buy F.DERP too?
assbot: Vallance +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00082297 = 5.5962 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: !up Vallance
BingoBoingo: ;;ident Vallance
gribble: Nick 'Vallance', with hostmask 'Vallance!~Admin@', is identified as user 'Vallance', with GPG key id 6F25D26878495E5B, key fingerprint 13E5460851BAFFA53AC574336F25D26878495E5B, and bitcoin address None
BingoBoingo: ;;gettrust Vallance
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask Vallance!~Admin@ Trust relationship from user BingoBoingo to user Vallance: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=BingoBoingo&dest=Vallance | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Vallance | Rated since: never
Vallance: Thanks
BingoBoingo: You're welcome
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21000 @ 0.00082267 = 17.2761 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: What brings you here today Vallance?
Vallance: Well, just trying to become more pro-active about using the WoT and I follow MPOE quite a bit and enjoy the opinions this channel shares.
Vallance: It's becoming increasingly more difficult to find a place to have an intelligent conversation about Bitcoin in public on the internet.
bloctoc: !ticker MPEX F.DERP
BingoBoingo: Vallance: It is indeed a problem
BingoBoingo: Vallance: What other sort of stuff do you do in the republic of Bitcoin?
Vallance: Myself and a couple others run a small Bitcoin exchange known as BitSpot. It's not an exchange as in the sense of BitStamp or BTC-E, it's more in the sense of CoinMama or the former BitInstant
BingoBoingo: Interesting
[]bot: Bet placed: 2 BTC for Yes on "World Cup 2014: Germany to net more than 7 goals" http://bitbet.us/bet/938/ Odds: 92(Y):8(N) by coin, 90(Y):10(N) by weight. Total bet: 6.36090125 BTC. Current weight: 61,518.
Vallance: We were hoping to target our suburban town and cause a good stir but our physical business traffic isn't near what we hoped.
BingoBoingo: Well, Kentucky...
Duffer1: i've never heard of coinmama
Vallance: They've been around for a little bit, the main thing about them is that they accept credit cards and debit cards.
Vallance: I have no idea how it's working out for them though.
BingoBoingo: Ah, Ashland is in the inconvenient part of Kentucky
Vallance: Yeah, it's almost like trends and technology are a couple years behind for most people here.
Vallance: Although I do believe there are large sums of people who could benefit from Bitcoin in the area
BingoBoingo: Kind of hoping Ashland was closer to Paduca which would be a reasonable drive
Vallance: Yeah, the farthest someone has came to us has been from Cincinatti
Vallance: Actually it is this guy, just came down last week: http://andyschroder.com/BitcoinFluidDispenser/
assbot: Andy Schroder -
assbot: Invest | BitSpot
Vallance: It's something we're working on, yes.
Vallance: It's just the problem with juggling the legalities and how things would "technically" work.
punkman: no that's not the problem
Duffer1: TaT said it earlier
Duffer1: what happens when paypal enters the room and says "thanks for warming my seat."
bloctoc: I heard today from reliable sources that gas stations don't want a phone that close to their pumps. needs to be bluetooth.
Vallance: Well, the vision I have in mind is to form somewhat of a decentralized liquidity network that anyone could become a part of either through a stake in the liquidity or operating an ATM.
BingoBoingo: Vallance: A physical location in the US and an investment solicitation... seems dangerous...
Vallance: Yeah, that's why we have the brakes on.
Vallance: Thinking of re-structuring our business affairs
punkman: did you IPO already?
Duffer1: i hear argentina is nice :P
Vallance: no, not at all.
Vallance: The truth is we started out just as anyone would with Bitcoin trading I suppose
punkman: most people start with the CSS
Vallance: Next thing you know it snowballs into a real business
bloctoc: Do you have an indication that ATMs are providing liquidity?
bloctoc: I haven't seen anyone boasting about how much money their ATM is making.
Vallance: I believe the ATMs will build good infrastructure for Bitcoin and associate it with new people
Vallance: Also the ATMs would help lower the costs of transaction fees that people are facing by using Western Union & MoneyGram
punkman: so where are you at now, roughly how much BTC volume per month?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 48 @ 0.04749499 = 2.2798 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: !up Vallance
Vallance: A decent day is around $10,000 worth of volume a day. I know it's not huge, but we don't want to promote more than we can handle.
BingoBoingo: Vallance: Honestly I'd kill the Invest page now
Vallance: Our margin is 10% both ways.
bloctoc: $10,000 through an ATM? or is that on the internet?
Vallance: That's total
punkman: Vallance: not too bad
BingoBoingo: And start flensing the javascript on the site.
bloctoc: yeah that's a nice thing you got going
Vallance: You're right, I will turn it off right now, just totally forgot in all honesty. We're understaffed.
punkman: you don't want to use Counterparty either
pankkake: ;;ticker --market bitcoin-central --vol
gribble: 63.36856219
Vallance: I've had a lot of chats with the founders of Counterparty and Counterwallet, I feel pretty good about their platform.
Vallance: I'm honestly surprised about how it's not more popular?
Vallance: Besides Counterparty I only have experience with Mastercoin, which I'm not a big fan of
BingoBoingo: Both platforms can have their problems.
punkman: they only have problems
bloctoc: Vallance are you providing KYC/AML as part of your network? I'm asking because I have a Lamassu
pankkake: well mastercoin is made by people who don't know what they are doing, counterparty is in a slighly better position
Vallance: Yes, that's the plan.
Vallance: The people who run our ATMs (or could even be theirs) would just need to handle cashing out the machine and maintenance
BingoBoingo: So... What's the procedure if I just drive in with a shoebox full of cash?
Vallance: At an ATM or within our office?
Vallance: We haven't had anyone drive in with a shoebox yet
Vallance: You would be surprised at the old, nearly looking homeless people who have sold us a handful of Bitcoin though
BingoBoingo: Vallance: In your office.
Vallance: Didn't even know how to transfer it
Vallance: Scan your ID and sign a piece of paper
BingoBoingo: Person comes in with a shoebox of cash, and a printout of an address to pay to with a GPG signature.
punkman: Vallance, register with gribble, you can probably pick up some good volume marketmaking on OTC
punkman: oh never mind
punkman: you are authed
Vallance: That's what I did, I've been really wanting to become more active here.
Vallance: I've lurked the irc logs and the trilema blog quite a bit.
BingoBoingo: ;;rate Vallance 1 Lending +v
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user Vallance has been recorded.
Vallance: We're really trying to re-work our current system and way of handling things first and foremost. We started with the p2p trading and the problem is we're still operating in that fashion. People enjoy the broker-client relationship but it just doesn't scale that well.
BingoBoingo: Vallance: P2P trading is probably where the better margins are.
BingoBoingo: If you go exclusively mass market Paypal eats your lunch and people who hate paypal settle for BitStamp's two cans, a string, and a rectal probe
Vallance: I know, it's really insane at how hard it is to move money around the USA.
BingoBoingo: If you were to offer a network of atms across a region, maintain an office for inperson service, and have some limited interaction with the web you could carve a nice niche.
Vallance: If it was up to me then I would've moved to Panama, but my wife wasn't having it.
BingoBoingo: Panama's overcrowded
Vallance: That's the goal Bingo.
Vallance: I'm honestly open to anywhere else but here
BingoBoingo: Also, since money transmitting across the whole US is a pain, just license in kentucky, a few neighboring states, and the rest of the US can be serviced by other people.
BingoBoingo: At a minimum probably grab licenses for Illinois, Ohio, and Tennessee
Vallance: As far as geographical area, I don't see any real competition in any of those areas, including Kentucky.
Vallance: or anyone showing interest yet
BingoBoingo: Well, the midwest and mid south are underserved.
Vallance: We've had quite a few people travel about 100 miles to exchange
Vallance: What blows my mind is the type of people we've encountered that is involved in Bitcoin
BingoBoingo: I'd consider the 6-8 hour drive if I had fiat to dispose of.
Vallance: Also most of our online business is composed of small transactions ranging from $100-$300
Vallance: That is where we make our margins, it isn't that much to them.
Vallance: At the end of the day though it adds up for us
Vallance: In the works of trying to negotiate a deal with Western Union that would allow people to send us payments through their service as a "Bill Payment" so they would only have to pay $5
assbot: A SWAT Team Blew a Hole in My 2-Year-Old Son | Alternet
pankkake: so they moved up from dogs. great.
Vallance: Wow, that is insane.
Vallance: Even if the child survives what about the loud deafening bang and flash that happened right over top of him
Vallance: I'm sure that will have a permanent effect
punkman: BingoBoingo: and you want to drive around with shoeboxes full of cash
punkman: you aren't even gonna make it to the gasenwagen
punkman: Vallance, you can !up yourself now
Vallance: Punkman, thanks
BingoBoingo: punkman: You can still fit a lot of pennies in a shoebox
punkman: BingoBoingo: I suppose they won't care so much about dogecoins
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11200 @ 0.00082267 = 9.2139 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: punkman: Vending machines are still a think. Probably the best way for a vending machine operator to get bitcoin from vending machines is... Exchanging the cash directly.
Vallance: I had someone contact me a couple months ago about KYC/AML Identification services. They may have been a new company, can't clearly remember. They are supposed to streamline and handle all your compliance requirements for you when interacting with customers on exchanging funds.
Naphex: Vallance: i'm not sure how many people will handover 3rd party data
Naphex: or how many exchanges/bussiness will want a 3rd party holding highly private data
Vallance: That's how I felt too
Vallance: It's honestly one of the things that I'm most torn about. In all reality I want to know as least as possible.
Vallance: I just want to know if the money you're sending is good, that's all I would like to know but then the government and state have to get involved.
Naphex: one of the problems with 3rd party validation, is who would get goverment wrath. I doubt they'd be going after the validation service instead of the exchange
Naphex: everyone just attacks the person who moves the money, so might as well just do your own AML/KYC
Vallance: The only real problem as far as moving money has went has been with Chase Bank, they're horrible.
Vallance: Credit Unions are the ideal people to bank with but unfortunately my preferred one around here isn't a part of the CU Swirl Network
Vallance: Hey, does anyone know what is going on with UpDown.bt ?
Naphex: Vallance: never heard of it before, is that binary options?
Vallance: I seen a few accusations fly around at Bitcointalk.org, I've been following their business seeing how it goes since they came out
Vallance: Yeah but they don't publish their feeds and now it doesn't even seem like they are paying out immediately (that's something I don't understand with automated services and Bitcoin)
Vallance: The biggest thing of it all is that they are a Gold Member at the BitcoinFoundation
Naphex: well flashing a Bitcoin Foundation Gold Member
Naphex: is in no way a sign of trust :)
Vallance: Oh, trust me I know
Vallance: They were shilling for them in a couple press releases on TBF
pankkake: so they still vouch for services - they have learned nothing
Vallance: but what gets me is that they don't even show where they are getting their data from, or will they disclose it
Vallance: They were very open about that.
punkman: Vallance: does uptdown.bt start the timer when they see your tx at zero conf?
pankkake: by the way http://btcoracle.com/ French competitor
assbot: BTCOracle | bitcoin binary options trading
Naphex: punkman: probably, i'd suck to do 60seconds binary options with 3 confirmations :)
Vallance: I've only tested it like twice with small amounts, I don't remember.
Vallance: Yeah I really like BTCOracle
pankkake: they're in my non-bitcoin web of trust
BingoBoingo: Vallance: Are you or your business in the foundation?
punkman: pankkake: do they start the timer at zero conf?
pankkake: I don't know, I never used it myself
punkman: can't believe no one cares to put this in their FAQ
Vallance: The TBF hasn't even done anything positive for Bitcoin, all they have done is promote companies that end up ripping people off.
Vallance: They also made themselves a target to be slaughtered by the media because of their scandals
pankkake: " We use the time of the transaction from http://blockchain.info/ to determine the exact second where the option was created, and then we use the list of mtgox transactions that is available via the http://Bitcoincharts.com/ mtgox historic API to determine both the opening price and the closing price of the option. "
assbot: Bitcoin Block Explorer - Blockchain.info
assbot: Bitcoin Charts
pankkake: " In case of lag from blockchain.info timestamp, we will use the timestamp from our own client. We will always check for the earliest possible timestamp we can get to ensure you have the smoothest experience possible. "
pankkake: that FAQ should be updated
punkman: pankkake: cool, just gave it a try
Vallance: Okay so planefinder.net is telling me there are 4786 planes in the air and UpDown.bt is telling me 6318
Vallance: Flightradar24.com is saying around 6,300
assbot: Yahoo's Mayer 'apologized' for being late to advertiser dinner - CNET
punkman: good, Marissa's bet needs some drama
assbot: BitBet - Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer to be Yahoo CEO no more :: 0.06 B (40%) on Yes, 0.09 B (60%) on No | closing in 11 months 3 weeks | weight: 99`832 (100`000 to 1)
Vallance: Shares move down 9 percent after she overslept, lol.
Vallance: Why wouldn't you just come up with a bullshit story, i'd imagine it's hard enough being a female CEO of a tech company.
pankkake: perhaps it is the bullshit story
Duffer1: 9% because someone was late?
punkman: %book
atcbot: 65k@280 30k@279 50k@278 | 972k@199 750k@175 216k@160
Apocalyptic: talk about ration investors
Apocalyptic: *rational
assbot: Match.com, Mensa Create Dating Site For Geniuses - Slashdot
Apocalyptic: pankkake, did you register ?
pankkake: what's the required IQ?
pankkake: not that I've done serious IQ tests
Apocalyptic: no idea
davout: pankkake: i think mensa requires 150 or sthg
pankkake: yes, so I probably can't
cazalla: oh wow, pokerstars was sold for 4.9b
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12618 @ 0.00082182 = 10.3697 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25882 @ 0.00082272 = 21.2936 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 566.96, Best ask: 569.0, Bid-ask spread: 2.04000, Last trade: 569.0, 24 hour volume: 8263.87757571, 24 hour low: 554.45, 24 hour high: 572.87, 24 hour vwap: 563.04930274
atcbot: [X-BT] Bid: 199 Ask: 278 Last Price: 279 24h-Vol: 70k High: 279 Low: 222 VWAP: 258
assbot: BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021746 BTC (Total: 434.93 BTC). Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00023849 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43592 @ 0.0008251 = 35.9678 BTC [+] {3}
pankkake: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=665403.0 no one even mentions the only profitable investment on Havelock
assbot: Why Do You Invest?
pankkake: they just like shit too much
mircea_popescu: which was that ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22673 @ 0.00082369 = 18.6755 BTC [-] {3}
punkman: but they are all profitable in lols
mircea_popescu: profitlolable
punkman: who's lambchop
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
pankkake: mircea_popescu: XBOND
mircea_popescu: was that namworld's ?
pankkake: no, ThickAsThieves. Namworld issued on BTC-TC
pankkake: the two loans I know of, on BitFunder, defaulted
mircea_popescu: wait, namworld's loans you mean ?
mircea_popescu: lol the butthurt of the world financial system @ argentina is palpable. order a payment to argentine anything ? "risk flagged transaction". why ? o, well... because we dun want argentina to has moneyz. won't you reconsider ?
mircea_popescu: chetty boehnerheaded will be a thing. longer than boneheaded, but it's worth it.
pankkake: so, argentina defaults?
mircea_popescu: it just doesn't pay.
mircea_popescu: justusranvier http://i.imgur.com/X85yxzk.jpg << i submit this to you. what's it look like, from a purely visual perspective ?
mircea_popescu: to me it looks like a bloody spamsite.
pankkake: what's the difference?
mircea_popescu: pankkake well that's the joke lol
pankkake: right; so my question here was more rhetorical: what next, since they won't be able to borrow anytime soon?
pankkake: of course, I remember the early "greece should default" voices and they were right
mircea_popescu: they will, and they are. just, not from the western block.
pankkake: weird
BingoBoingo: Well, Argentina buys some F.MPIF and backs their currency with that
mircea_popescu: what's mpif, 400 btc or so ?
pankkake: oh, that's why canada closed just-dice in retaliation
assbot: Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0WE0STH.txt )
mircea_popescu: bitrisk! the game of international intrigue
Naphex: mircea_popescu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdWfJiVzKXU - I think it turned out alrighty :)
assbot: Introducere BTCXchange.ro - YouTube
mircea_popescu: anyway, what's next. real estate shock and possibly another currency
mircea_popescu: Naphex 4 views, how could it go wrong :D
Naphex: mircea_popescu: haha, i ment the content. just uploaded it
mircea_popescu: guy has me watching ads nao.
Naphex: might as well :)
Naphex: a pretty boring day
mircea_popescu: Naphex a ok. so what's this for ? tv doesn't take 143 second clips now does it ?
Naphex: mircea_popescu: nah, TV will have something different
Naphex: also need some better voiceover for tv
mircea_popescu: yeah the woman sounds like she's had a lot of fun in her youth.
Naphex: as well multi-currency is in testing, its gonna go live sometime next week.
Naphex: straight with EUR and USD support
assbot: The scary thing, I more inclined to believe this than the louder mining manufacterers are getting their acts together http://t.co/rjLcP6YjPO
mircea_popescu: pretty cool
pankkake: same bank for both?
Naphex: pankkake: yep
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo your grammer!
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: 140 characters...
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27404 @ 0.00082225 = 22.5329 BTC [-] {2}
pankkake: indeed apparently, the less a manufacturer advertises the more it delivers
BingoBoingo: am was a casulty of twatter's tyranny
ThickAsThieves: <+moiety> i withdrew via wire transfer. its £91 short /// I've heard some places are taking taxes out automatically without saying so, is the 91 equivalent to some income tax rate or such?
ThickAsThieves: <+bloctoc> I haven't seen anyone boasting about how much money their ATM is making. /// I've seen some data from Robocoin users that do quite well - paid off their machines in 1-3mos
mircea_popescu: <pankkake> indeed apparently, the less a manufacturer advertises the more it delivers <<< not just in mining.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.0477 = 0.954 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: <+punkman> good, Marissa's bet needs some drama /// lol this is how news looks when you piss of an advertiser
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> to me it looks like a bloody spamsite. /// or at least made by amateurs
assbot: Website-uri ce n-au nici o vina. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: pic is kinda self-explainatory
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 49 @ 0.0477 = 2.3373 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: nah kid is more like suspicious.
pankkake: tried to translate a comment. "deci iti faci toti trollarii numai din ciocolata? :)" => "So you do all trollarii only chocolate? :)"
pankkake: alternative is "So you do all trollarii only Business cards? :)"
ThickAsThieves: this Mayer article just brings to light how consistently useless CNET is
Naphex: pankkake: romanian has a way of carrying meaning into sentences that will prolly never translate :)
ThickAsThieves: sucks that she;s the first CEO that was ever late to a function
BingoBoingo: Has CNET ever been useful for anything other than discovering which flip phone can maintain contact with a tower?
Naphex: pankkake: "So you build all your trolls only of chocolate?" :)
ThickAsThieves: "CNET has contacted Yahoo for comment. "lolz
pankkake: oh. so trollarii really means troll (that's why I tried to translate) :)
Naphex: yeah, troll's slanged
ThickAsThieves: twitter has contacted reddit's instagram for comments
pankkake: I wonder if community manager is ever a real job. I've only seen interns do it
mircea_popescu: troll in english taken as is by romanian (because romanian considers all languages merely badly spoken, more retarded cases of using romanian) and then flexion applied
mircea_popescu: trollerii : plural, masculine noun of to troll
ThickAsThieves: the comments are even worse
pankkake: gendered trolls? awesome
mircea_popescu: troalele would be a bunch of she-trolls.
punkman: it's trollari in greek too
mircea_popescu: that's gypsy and verbal.
mircea_popescu: ;;google polari
gribble: Polari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polari>; aGLIFF Film Festival: aGLIFF Festival | aGLIFF - Polari: <http://agliff.org/>; Polari - British gay slang - Chris-d.net: <http://chris-d.net/polari/>
mircea_popescu: but yeah, you can have a whole language out of applying romanian grammar to english lexemes
mircea_popescu: dar da, poti haza o whoala limba din aplicarea grammarei romane pe lexeme englezesti.
mircea_popescu: it's even shorter, definitely lulzier
mircea_popescu: <pankkake> I wonder if community manager is ever a real job. I've only seen interns do it << it's generally what you hire slaves under training collars to do as their first thing.
pankkake: intern, slave, what's the difference? :)
mircea_popescu: slave gets laid.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30900 @ 0.00082018 = 25.3436 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: ;;ud training collar
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=traing%20collar | ... Training Day · Training Day'd · Training Day-ed · training film · Training for the Olympics · training heels · Training Issue · Training it ... traing collar isn't defined.
mircea_popescu: lol such innocence.
pankkake: that's not really slang
mircea_popescu: yeah, it is.
pankkake: great, France just approved a law where books are more expensive if bought online
BingoBoingo: Technical jargon
pankkake: because how dare you buy your books outside of crappy stores with no choice
ThickAsThieves: fee market
mircea_popescu: i find it very amusing that france, one of the most socialist places in the history of the world,
pankkake: not that it will change in any way how I shop. more money for amazon in the end… lol
mircea_popescu: is actually also one of the most rabidly conservative.
pankkake: that's what I tell my fellow Frenchmen. the right is fairly popular, but also fairly socialist
pankkake: and the French are clearly afraid of everything
mircea_popescu: it's almost as if they regret 1984 isn't a thing. either as depicted in fiction or as enacted by the soviets, they want the dull gray concrete damn it
pankkake: protect us from Anglo-Saxon culture, homosexuals and the free market, etc.
pankkake: and immigrants, how could I forget
ThickAsThieves: "PAMM technology allows a trader to open a "Slave" Account and follow a trading strategy of another professional and experienced bitcoin trader (Master)." "Using PAMM Account rating, charts and feedback from other traders you can easily tackle the tough task of selecting a successful and professional Master to follow." ~BTC-e
pankkake: (despite the majority of immigrants being white people from the EU)
pankkake: ThickAsThieves: OMG really? I love it
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves "how to select a losing strategy out of an array of moves made by people who opveral made money"
pankkake: but they used Slave and Master
pankkake: maybe they code in Django and are upset
Azelphur: oh god not the slave and master thing again
Azelphur facedesks
mircea_popescu: "at this company we have a strict insulting variablespace policy. all functions are to be named in reference of parts of female anatomy. all variables are to be named in reference of parts of male anatomy."
ThickAsThieves: So the manipulators on BTC-e dont even need to schedule pumps anymore
mircea_popescu: cunt(dick,balls,shithole);
pankkake: it's how most developers I know write test code
Azelphur: the annoying part is that master and slave have been around since the dawn of time, it's a technical term and you can't just go write random bullshit, this is what people don't seem to get
mircea_popescu: Azelphur i beg your pardon ? they have changed the world!
Azelphur: If you say "set the jumpers on that drive to replica" nobody has a fuckin clue what you are on about
Azelphur: mircea_popescu: haha, indeed *facedesk*
mircea_popescu: you just don't understand progress.
Azelphur: clearly ;)
pankkake: especially since it would be wrong to say replica then!
Azelphur: pankkake: exactly, haha
mircea_popescu: pankkake maybe we should start doing this preemptively.
mircea_popescu: start calling stupid bitches "replicas". like you know, knockoff watches.
Azelphur: hahaha
pankkake: you already called developers fungible :(
mircea_popescu: works incredibly well you know ? schmuck comes in here to mouth off xmj style crap, "replica, please!"
chetty: hmm so what do we call stupid bastards ...there are more of them ya know
mircea_popescu: need something that doesn't end in a thus tickling my expectation it's a feminine romanian noun.
Azelphur just ordered a LG G Watch \o/
assbot: who the fuck sent 10.8 BTC to the "correct horse battery staple" brainwallet? : Bitcoin
BingoBoingo: chetty: You call the stupid dudes basic bitches
ThickAsThieves: replicunt
xmj: i love mircea_popescu
xmj: he's really pleasant.
xmj: <3
ThickAsThieves: Convicted Heavy Metal ‘Christian’ Singer Admits Being Atheist, Duped Fans to Sell Music
ThickAsThieves: (As I Lay Dying)
assbot: BitBeat: Why Bitcoin’s Scoring in Argentina - MoneyBeat - WSJ
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 18 @ 0.045 = 0.81 BTC [-]
Duffer1: someone duped a zealot in order to sell something
Duffer1: i'm shocked
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 575 @ 0.0408204 = 23.4717 BTC [-] {16}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 135 @ 0.0401001 = 5.4135 BTC [-] {5}
BigBitz: !up up up! :)
assbot: Hospitals Soon See Donuts-to-Cigarette Charges for Health - Bloomberg
chetty: not unexpected, but its still creepy
assbot: The problem of enforcement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37100 @ 0.00081968 = 30.4101 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: o look, pantera and silbert are actually making sane investments.
ThickAsThieves: i wonder if i'm the guy who had the same trilema credits hash or whatever as someone else
ThickAsThieves: my cookie didnt work for a few days, then it did, but now i only have 4 credits left, or maybe thats' just the guest credits
pankkake: it's the guest credits
ThickAsThieves: and i need to reinitiate my cookie
mircea_popescu: sounds like the guest. put your cookie back in.
mircea_popescu: the collision was, some guy made an order, trilema came back "pay x". he didn't. months later, other guy made order, trilema said "pay x" same x.
mircea_popescu: has nothing to do with cookies or such
moiety: mew
ThickAsThieves: So to distill your post, are you saying that we give up freedom for i-cant-believe-its-not-freedom because it's easy/comfortable/safe and now you want some real-butter IRC because you tasted real-butter bitcoin? Or are you just pointing out that people typically think they are more free than they really are (or, at least, willing to acknowlege).
mircea_popescu: im pointing out that now it just became cheaper to have actual freedom
mircea_popescu: and so irrespective of anyone's wish, that's what we'll do.
moiety: ThickAsThieves: I've heard some places are taking taxes out automatically without saying so, is the 91 equivalent to some income tax rate or such? << totally can't pinpoint exactly. in one breath they say it's their fee, in the next it's the banks but i've never had fees from my bank for incoming before. lesson learned.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves to round out this point, do you know how justice worked in classical greece ?
ThickAsThieves: maybe i used to, now i just know what i see in movies
ThickAsThieves: if freedom is cheaper, isn't it also less valuable?
mircea_popescu: well basically, anyone having a problem with someone could sue before the city. the arguments reduced to "the other party sucks". if the suit was successful the other party was banished (killed, originally, but then they softened).
ThickAsThieves: like maybe it's just incantbelieveitsnotfreedom, just in a bigger box
mircea_popescu: if not, the accuser was.
ThickAsThieves: so each had equal risk
mircea_popescu: now contrast this with the very invasive modern style, as epitomised by the us system : you're allowed out of prison as long as you promise to not x y z
chetty: the counter party risk is something we really need
mircea_popescu: there's this constant negotiation and apportioning of things.
mircea_popescu: the greeks didn't have it. it was an all or nothing affair.
ThickAsThieves: except it surely wasnt for everyone
mircea_popescu: either you sue this guy under the title that he's basiclaly human waste,
mircea_popescu: or else stfu
mircea_popescu: whereas in english law you had a billion different causes for action. you can sue saying "this is a nice guy that has my cow"
ThickAsThieves: surely some bribed and pulled strings and framed people
mircea_popescu: famously plato tried to bribe the jury with 30 minae in socrates' case
mircea_popescu: this, in open court.,
mircea_popescu: (amusingly, 30 minae is also what neaira's ass cost.
mircea_popescu: anyway. it's my understanding that it's that apportioning that's the cause of evil.
mircea_popescu: just like an artisan is exactly NOT the guy who has a three ring binder telling him how to move and what shovel to use when, as per company policy
mircea_popescu: a free man is exactly NOT the guy who has to make a deal as to anything with anyone. none of this "to fly on the plane you must turn off your portable perfume dispenser" bs.
ThickAsThieves: while i dont disagree, it does kinda feeling we're just bitching that liars and scammers exist
mircea_popescu: how so ?
ThickAsThieves: well you are arguing for transparency, truth, efficiency, "realness"
ThickAsThieves: opposed to compromise, deception, obfuscation
mircea_popescu: i dun think so.
chetty: The court said Thursday that President Barack Obama exceeded his authority when he invoked the Constitution's provision on recess appointments to fill slots on the National Labor Relations Board in 2012.
chetty: ThickAsThieves, truth is cheaper
ThickAsThieves: not emotionally, in installments
chetty: ThickAsThieves, well it grows on you :)
mircea_popescu: where's that hobbes quote about how everyone's life is basically the result of surrender to the state, which may at its option dispose of it ? thus everyone's a slave ?
mircea_popescu: fundamentally, it used to be cheaper to surrender, now it's cheaper to not. fundamental change of paradigm
ThickAsThieves: some seek comfort, some seek truth
ThickAsThieves: i kinda think it's all just smelling of roses
ThickAsThieves: observing the ebb and flow of necessity and invention
ThickAsThieves: order and chaos
Vexual: i ordered braised rabbit
ThickAsThieves: like your barbarian story
ThickAsThieves: and how i ended it differently
ThickAsThieves: same shit
mircea_popescu: doesn't seem too related.
ThickAsThieves: zoomed out, it does to me
ThickAsThieves: maybe it took the bullshit of our current state for someone to inspire to create Bitcoin, in turn, maybe you are the next Hitler
ThickAsThieves: and you'll inspire someone to dismantle you
mircea_popescu: the problem with being hitler is that you can actually reach this point where you've read too much to be one.
mircea_popescu: in general it happens in highschool.
ThickAsThieves: i mean it in a more black swan kinda way i guess
ThickAsThieves: you wont be hitler
ThickAsThieves: youll be Popescu
chetty: the cycles will go around, probably wont be MP but hitler will come again, someday
ThickAsThieves: maybe your vision for the world has horrible implications
ThickAsThieves: and someone needs to come along and fix it after youve gotten your way
pankkake: I see plenty of potential Hitlers
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14350 @ 0.00081941 = 11.7585 BTC [-] {2}
ThickAsThieves: has the topic of this NK comedy movie been brought up here?
assbot: North Korea threatens war on USA over 'gangster filmmaker' Seth Rogen and James Francos Kim Jong-un assassination movie - People - News - The Independent
ThickAsThieves: Government warns of 'merciless' retaliation if US doesn't ban the actors' comedy
mircea_popescu: hm, i dun has a vision. what am i, some sort of reformer ?
mircea_popescu: i'm an intellectual, and therefore a critic.
ThickAsThieves: dont sell yourself short
ThickAsThieves: youre building something and you know it
mircea_popescu: yeah, tools to break things with.
chetty: long live the breakage
ThickAsThieves: wasnt S.WOL sposed to fire yesterday?
mircea_popescu: Vexual: is your scooter okay? <<< ahahaha such zing.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves yeah i guess so huh!
mircea_popescu: mike_c hows teh bitcoin side ?
thestringpuller: ;;seen nubbins`
gribble: nubbins` was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 19 hours, 9 minutes, and 11 seconds ago: <nubbins`> http://i.imgur.com/FxQz6tB.gif
thestringpuller: ;;later tell nubbins` You got a hook up on printing cardboard cutouts?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: pankkake: wait you can buy F.DERP too? << yeah, next month
mircea_popescu: moiety sounds like you got charged a wire fee
mike_c: bitcoin side almost done. expect to ship it tmw.
mircea_popescu: what's that, two weeks ?
mircea_popescu: there you go tat.
ThickAsThieves: i meant the ipo
ThickAsThieves: says 6/25
mircea_popescu: well it listed on the 25th
ThickAsThieves: "War of Life will offer one block of 500`000 (five hundred thousand) shares for a nominal value of 0.00003 BTC each, for a total equity value of 15 BTC starting on June 25th, 2014."
ThickAsThieves: i see no block
mircea_popescu: well it's not done it before the 25th, so there we go :D
ThickAsThieves: i'm still confused, but whatever
mircea_popescu: i must be a native asshole the way i phrase these things, i had fully intended it be done yest, but look that it actually supports eventual reality.
moiety: D; was my passport money! another day, another lesson though right :]
mircea_popescu: anyway, the story is, was gonna do it yest but wanted to have bitcoin active so waiting a little for mike.
mircea_popescu: i see no real downside in holding it back a day or w/e
ThickAsThieves: other than not doing what you said
ThickAsThieves: in writing
mircea_popescu: other than not doing what i had intended / you thought i said! what i actually said however, is starting on.
pankkake: http://www.coindesk.com/anonibet-talks-bitcoin-foundation-membership-world-cup-contest/ " company decided to formally support the Bitcoin Foundation"
assbot: Anonibet Talks Bitcoin Foundation Membership, World Cup Contest
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves it's like, "tvs from 59.99". doesn't mean any tv in the shop is 60 bux
ThickAsThieves: cmon now
ThickAsThieves: dis nigga all coy
mircea_popescu: pankkake look at that lol.
mircea_popescu: if im supposed to be butthurt i'm not vessy boy.
BingoBoingo: ;;lasers
gribble: ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!*
ThickAsThieves: the difference with not firing the ipo when you said you would is i gotta spend more time watching the orderbook to get in, which i suppose could be your plan, letting bids swell
chetty: omg, MP got a date wrong, hang him
mircea_popescu: you can just put a bid in for your price neh ?
ThickAsThieves: and then a day later my price is below needed?
mircea_popescu: holy shit that thing's full.
ThickAsThieves: hey mp, you have a stock exchange
ThickAsThieves: just reminding you!
mircea_popescu: i had no idea lol.
mircea_popescu: ok, sorry everyone! the order shall fire at, lemme see here
thestringpuller: ;;lasers
gribble: ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!*
mircea_popescu: 1403821800 aka GMT: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 22:30:00 GMT
chetty: non-bitcoin scams: Bloomberg reports that China’s chief auditor discovered 94.4 billion yuan ($15.2 billion) of loans backed by falsified gold transactions
mircea_popescu: obviously there's no reason to distrust new york.
mircea_popescu: or how did that go
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves ma pleasure rly.
ThickAsThieves: so now maybe a good time to buy gold
pankkake: ;;bc,xau
gribble: 1 XAU = 1315.500000000000 USD = 2.31598035246 BTC
Duffer1: isn't there a bitbet it'll close at under 1k by the end of the year?
ThickAsThieves: i'll take that bet that it wont
ThickAsThieves: i was trying to chart BRK.B today because of the new bitbet, it's well-priced
Duffer1: you probably wouldn't win very much :P
mircea_popescu: artifexd can []bot take a search and return the result from bitbet ?
ThickAsThieves: BRK.B shareprice just hit the top of a longterm channel, but it's a steep one so it could get to $135 still
Duffer1: what do you think of tesla closing at 250+ ?
ThickAsThieves: pretty likely
ThickAsThieves: people are musk-wild right now
Duffer1: it's not unfounded
ThickAsThieves: a new batch of people discovered he has a solar co too, so that exploded upward too
ThickAsThieves: longterm, sure
pankkake: is he the new steve jobs?
Duffer1: steve was a twat
ThickAsThieves: he doesnt care about consumers like jobs
pankkake: care, as in fuck?
ThickAsThieves: pretty much yeah
ThickAsThieves: i didnt mean care "for" that's for sure
Duffer1: i like the nature of elons projects
ThickAsThieves: but similar in that he's doing what makes sense to him and fuck otherwise
Duffer1: space and renewables
ThickAsThieves: but i think TSLA can be had at cheaper prices as all
Duffer1: i agree
Duffer1: by the time i'm even aware of an offer the speculators have driven price beyond all reason
ThickAsThieves: just like altcoins
ThickAsThieves: thats how they git ya!
Duffer1: maxcoin lol...
ThickAsThieves: MaxCoin $ 810,048 $ 0.035170 23,032,368 MAX
pankkake: I got banned from /r/litecoin, and before that had posts stealth-deleted. they're bagholding so hard!
Duffer1: 800k market cap my bleeding arsehole
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15700 @ 0.00082107 = 12.8908 BTC [+]
pankkake: it's the power of asshole pumping
Duffer1: there's only 18.4 btc buys on mcxnow
ThickAsThieves: my guess is you can squeeze out about 10% of an altcoins market cap if you sell no faster than 10% of the time it's existed
[]bot: Bet placed: 3 BTC for No on "Gold <= 1000 USD in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/785/ Odds: 15(Y):85(N) by coin, 19(Y):81(N) by weight. Total bet: 4.77957601 BTC. Current weight: 60,446.
Duffer1: hehe
Duffer1: i'm not a gambler, but that one doesn't seem like a risk at all
pankkake: now I want to bet yes :p
pankkake: didn't gold go from 2000 to 1something some year ago?
pankkake: I unfortunately bought gold just before
Apocalyptic: It did
Duffer1: ouch
ThickAsThieves: it hit a little under 1200 in the past year
ThickAsThieves: i think that was bottom
pankkake: http://www.coindesk.com/government-sale-bitcoin-establishes-fungibility-precedent/ Regardless of the morality of pre-trial asset forfeiture, the sale via auction of approximately $17 million worth of bitcoin by the USMS will establish the first governmental precedent for bitcoin fungibility, which could become significant for future bitcoin-related cases involving ‘blacklisting’, or ‘tainted bitcoin’.
assbot: Government Sale of Bitcoin Establishes Fungibility Precedent
assbot: The Bitcoin Economy's 'Backbone' Is Bitstamp, An Exchange Run By Two Young Slovenians - Forbes
pankkake: wait their lanyards say "fucking amazing"
kakobrekla: >“We’re the backbone of the entire Bitcoin industry,” says Kodrič, 25, who’s wearing a black t-shirt with “Zero Excuses” in fluorescent green capital letters.
ThickAsThieves: kako why arent you in the picture?
kakobrekla: who is kako?
ThickAsThieves: some dude
kakobrekla: some schmuck
Duffer1: good lord
moiety: he won't even allow his reflection to be snapped :P
kakobrekla: i see you are kept busy moiety - gg
moiety: thanks. i hope it's enough. i was trying to be as connected as possible over the move.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.79952895 BTC to 9`635 shares, 18677 satoshi per share
kakobrekla: thats prolly more phonecalls than i had in a year
moiety: lol me too normally XD
assbot: DSON - Doge Serialized Object Notation
moiety is becoming allergic to anything doge - can't click
thestringpuller: it may give you a seizure in sex weeks
moiety: bahahaha omg just took a drink, coffee everywhere
benkay: <mircea_popescu> it just doesn't pay. // how is this not a default? am i missing the sarcasm?
benkay: pf nvm okay
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.19494037 = 1.9494 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 25 @ 0.04397947 = 1.0995 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: DogeCoin and Dystopia | Bingo Blog
pankkake: thestringpuller: with the url, I was thinking "this may be a json like doge but that's such a silly thing why do I even think about that"
pankkake: I love it. it has a bunch of libs too
punkman: 26-06-2014 Pending More YES than NO on this bet
punkman: lol
kakobrekla: has been tried on numerous occasions, never was or will be accepted
moiety: BingoBoingo: perfect
BingoBoingo: moiety: You didn't watch the horror video did you?
moiety: i've banned myself from streaming but its only 35 so will do now
moiety: jesus christ is the dogers in lego form
BingoBoingo: I recommend against watching it if you enjoy your eyes and ears
moiety: << already scarred
moiety: why the fuck have people been telling me this movie is good?
BingoBoingo: moiety: Because you run a dogecoin cam site on the side?
BingoBoingo: Or did you take that cam thing out
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 511511.43 Est. Next Diff: 395074.76 in 1754 blocks (#38304) Est. % Change: -22.76
moiety: nah it's still there. I had to make them a dedicated room for cam spam.
ThickAsThieves: i watched half of the lego movie in a flight
ThickAsThieves: it's kids stuff
ThickAsThieves: the everything is awesome song is pretty awesome tho
moiety: half? did you try to exit the plane half way?
ThickAsThieves: of course
ThickAsThieves: no, i ran out of other things i felt like doing
ThickAsThieves: so picked up the movie halfway in
ThickAsThieves: it was one of those shitty systems where you cant initiate a movie from anytime you want
moiety: do you really wish you had seen it form the start? 35 seconds was enough for me to want to peel my own skin off
ThickAsThieves: no i have no desire to go back and see what i missed
BingoBoingo: It really is the worst socialist propoganda I've been exposed to.
ThickAsThieves: the only thing worth taking from the movie is that song
ThickAsThieves: cuz it's so ridiculous that i like it
moiety: i can now thank BB for two of the most awful things i have ever seen and cannot unsee
BingoBoingo: $36 coffee?
ThickAsThieves: the song is sorta like AMAZING COMPANY
[]bot: Bet created: "Bank of England to raise Bank Rate before February" http://bitbet.us/bet/968/
moiety: jesus they can't be helped: "i need an online wallet" "don't use an online wallet, use dropbox!" *facedesk*
pankkake: from 11 to 0.5, lol
moiety: BingoBoingo: first sharpie bum boy, now lego scarring, don't make it a hattrick please. i value my sanity.
pankkake: moiety: encrypted wallet.dat on dropbox is certainly more secure - actually I can't find any drawback in terms of security or privacy
pankkake: not that I would recommend it
BingoBoingo: pankkake: Well other than the frequent dropbox security breaches let everyone know you have a wallet.dat
moiety: just no to dropbox out of principle
assbot: The Laundry Quarters Delivery Startup Is Dead (And in Hell?)
pankkake: oh, I hate dropbox, I consider that everything you put there is public
moiety: dropbox: so insecure we wrote a paper to prove it
pankkake: BingoBoingo: at least they decided to end it early
BingoBoingo: The comments are the best "I admire their "give up" attitude." "Not enoug people give up"
BingoBoingo: !up MobGod
pankkake: BingoBoingo: http://www.overcomingbias.com/2014/02/fail-faster.html (I thought I linked this here before, but perhaps only in a blog comment)
assbot: Overcoming Bias : Fail Faster
punkman: ;;buy 10000 ATC @ 0.02 BTC
gribble: Order id 20898 created.
pankkake: that 2 BTC sports bet rule is harsh
atcbot: 65k@280 30k@279 50k@278 | 972k@199 750k@175 216k@160
BingoBoingo: But Bitbet had to stop the bleeding
pankkake: understandable, just saying there might be less expensive solutions
pankkake: I don't bet on sports, I would bet on starcraft but I ended up being the only one (and losing)
BingoBoingo: I don't think any of the line books that tried e-stuff were able to keep it up
ThickAsThieves: <+pankkake> I don't bet on sports, I would bet on starcraft but I ended up being the only one (and losing) /// it's kinda surprising how little Bitcoin has penatrated the gamer community
ThickAsThieves: penetrated*
pankkake: perhaps because gamers seldom penetrate (ha ha!)
ThickAsThieves: i'd totally bet on single Dota 2 games
ThickAsThieves: that i could play in with friends
pankkake: but anyway, gamers were mining quite early, but perhaps they sold early too
jborkl: Hi, got your message thestringpuller
ThickAsThieves: gamers/programmers, not gamers/woot customers
pankkake: but yeah I don't get it
ThickAsThieves: twitch.com taking bitcoin might help
jborkl: I think in Korea Starcraft betting was popular
ThickAsThieves: or Steam using bitcoin
pankkake: I don't use steam but I often see gift codes for sale in btc
jborkl: thestringpuller : Thank you also
assbot: Google turns on its crazy modular phone in public for the first time | The Verge
ThickAsThieves: it's like a PC, but inside out!
ThickAsThieves: as the GoPro IPO was today
pankkake: I'm not sure the concept will ever be practical but I'd really like it. that's why I like full grown PCs
pankkake: I don't have to find the best compromise, I just have the best
ThickAsThieves: The stock was priced near the top of its range at $24 a share and quickly rose to $30 in early trading, meaning the company is worth a little more than $3 billion.
pankkake: only 3 instagrams
FabianB: $traded
empyex: FabianB: Traded in last 24 hours: S.MPOE
moiety: i wish steam would accept btc
moiety: i do like steam, must admit
kakobrekla: hahahah
kakobrekla: >I'm not unable. I'm unwilling. There is a difference. I won't bother you with details of licenses and fiduciary duties, blah, blah, blah... Instead I will just say that any recommendation I gave could be viewed as a conflict of interest due to my affiliation with something that could be irrationally misconstrued as a security. Therefore, I am not willing to give you a recommendation on a specific investment, only to educate you so th
kakobrekla: may be better prepared to choose one for yourself.
kakobrekla: gold.
kakobrekla: >due to my affiliation with something that could be irrationally misconstrued as a security < got that shit right.
mike_c: you arguing on tardtalk again?
kakobrekla: no was banned 3 times, jus readin
kakobrekla: best place for humor
mike_c: that did sound funny. link?
kakobrekla: hm lemme try find
assbot: Why Do You Invest?
BingoBoingo: Wonder when this sort of scam is finding bitcoin? http://carbondaletimes.com/051614habitat
assbot: Jury indicts Campus Habitat owner | Carbondale Times
BingoBoingo: Dude buys thing, then buys thing again from himself
mike_c: hah. that is humor. "At first I started investing in these things because I thought I was actually helping the bitcoin ecosystem. It turns out I've been helping the twat-waffles of the bitcoin ecosystem."
mike_c: i don't know what a twat-waffle is, but he sounds right to me.
mike_c: !t h smg
assbot: [HAVELOCK:SMG] 1D: 0.00004912 / 4.92E-5 / 0.00005000 (1100 shares, 0.05412084 BTC), 7D: 0.00004912 / 4.931E-5 / 0.00005016 (1340 shares, 0.06607088 BTC), 30D: 0.00004000 / 5.6E-5 / 0.00007570 (15620 shares, 0.87466372 BTC)
mike_c: ;;calc 0.00004912 / 0.000091
gribble: 0.53978021978
pankkake: http://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinStocks/comments/29313f/why_do_you_invest/ for more lulz. I mean, there's a clear objective demonstration that investing on havelock is a pretty sure loss, and they… ignore it
assbot: Why Do You Invest? : BitcoinStocks
mike_c: havelock share of s.mg is worth 54% of a mpex share of s.mg.
assbot: Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0P6WE32.txt )
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.04397982 = 0.8796 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7300 @ 0.00082511 = 6.0233 BTC [+]
assbot: If you’re one of the numerous Buenos Aires printing shops I’ll be harassing over the day pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mike_c: pic?
mircea_popescu: ya sec adding a detailed one
mircea_popescu: there we go
punkman: no pink?
Mats_cd03: ;;ident mircea_popescu
gribble: Nick 'mircea_popescu', with hostmask 'mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu', is identified as user 'mircea_popescu', with GPG key id 8A736F0E2FB7B452, key fingerprint 6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452, and bitcoin address None
mircea_popescu: i don;t think they have cunts in this cuntry.
Mats_cd03: a makes sense now
assbot: Bitcoin’s Most Controversial Startup | I Travel Easy
mike_c: you know what makes an article easier to read? italicizing the entire thing.
mircea_popescu: that and comic m
chetty: that is like the like worst article evea
ThickAsThieves: pff ya lambchop just pretending xbond didnt exist
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves: i think that was bottom < something like that
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves what was total volume on it ?
pankkake: ThickAsThieves: PMed him. we'll see
ThickAsThieves: 2000btc sold i think
pankkake: that article looks like a spambot creation
ThickAsThieves: i'd have to look it up, my memory is shit
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: >“We’re the backbone of the entire Bitcoin industry,” says Kodrič, 25, who’s wearing a black t-shirt with “Zero Excuses” in fluorescent green capital letters. <<< ahahaha epic
punkman: shouldn't that say "CANS + STRING"
punkman: maybe another tshirt for nubbins to print
assbot: Summary 26 May-25 June | #Bitcoin-Assets Reception
BingoBoingo: #BITCOIN-ASSETS: All Cans, No String
ThickAsThieves: a set of shirts, where one shirt has a can and half a string, and the other shirt has the other can
moiety: :D sorry it was such a long time span
pankkake: http://cdn.funnie.st/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Thongs-6.jpg <= a can and a string, #bitcoin-assets style
mike_c: heh. or one can on front, one on back, string wraps around your side.
mircea_popescu: benkay just ftr i based your sarcasm :D
moiety: i wouldve like nubbins` to print a top with #bitcoin lower back and then wee shorts with -assets on the arse
mircea_popescu: mike_c ah, my sides.
ThickAsThieves: <+BingoBoingo> #BITCOIN-ASSETS: All Cans, No String /// sounds like a slogan for strip joint
mircea_popescu: that'd be all jugs no strings
ThickAsThieves: hilarious, now media says SELL! "Barclays has given Netflix an Underweight rating, with a price target of $390, which is around 11% lower than its current stock price."
ThickAsThieves: We'd like to make at least 11% on this trade, thank you kind public.
mircea_popescu: pankkake: moiety: encrypted wallet.dat on dropbox is certainly more secure - actually I can't find any drawback in terms of security or privacy << stock "encrypted" wallet leaks a lot of metadata.
mircea_popescu: gpg the file, then ok.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves fwiw i don't see the case for netflix. what are they going to do ?
moiety: gpg is the only encryption for me :D
pankkake: compared to online wallet, all the same - you're leaking to the online wallet
ThickAsThieves: they arew going to go down to 390
ThickAsThieves: hopefully, cuz i shorted at 444.44
mike_c: netflix is doing good original content. it's a new HBO.
ThickAsThieves: netflix will do fine
mircea_popescu: "Young male founders must all be drinking the same Soylent. Either that or they have a hard time…" USING THE NOGGIN ?
ThickAsThieves: they justw wont grow as quickly as market wants
ThickAsThieves: so stock will go in waves
mircea_popescu: mike_c you know what tried that ? the original company hiring the pierce muppet as a male twink escort.
mircea_popescu: it left one of the largest craters in dotcom history.
ThickAsThieves: it wont be long before TV is computer and channels are websites, etc, just as netflix gains ground, theyll gain competition from all over
mircea_popescu: !up cuwirebeard
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves but not money.
mircea_popescu: you know how people used to make a living writing books ? and you know how it wasn't long before all books were blogs and whatnot ?
ThickAsThieves: i think they can surive and even grow in the long term, i just wouldnt invest in them long term
ThickAsThieves: verizon emailed me saying they are sad i'm gone today, and that theyve change
Duffer1: imo they'll need to do a lot better than what they currently offer
Duffer1: what do you have now?
ThickAsThieves: i dont have a cell
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves i did say the case tho. i mean, grow, sure, fine. doing what ?
ThickAsThieves: i had their mifi
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10549 @ 0.00082432 = 8.6958 BTC [-] {2}
Duffer1: ah thought you meant broadband
cuwirebeard: And just as govts burn(ed) books theyll burn...internets!
ThickAsThieves: curation of original content, convenience -- the new equivalent of a good TV channel
mircea_popescu: what govt burned book s?
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves this i wish to see
mircea_popescu: Subject: Your FED TAX payment (ID:03SIRS815097882) was Rejected
mircea_popescu: From: "TAX@irs.gov" <tax@irs.gov>
mircea_popescu: sucks to be me i guess
ThickAsThieves: happens to the best of us
mike_c: i got a paper version of that scam recently
mircea_popescu: restart a client server ?
mircea_popescu: why not a plantanimal
ThickAsThieves: youll pull through it
mike_c: actually got me for a second.
BingoBoingo: Was that it?
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 566.3, vol: 5331.23512684 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 568.297, vol: 3770.40863 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 573.05, vol: 6526.95326517 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 583.53, vol: 62.06868508 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 577.718145, vol: 2677.55970000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 574.42282, vol: 7.83281339 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 569.53665, vol: 40.24475231 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: ;;more
gribble: 570.829819679
mircea_popescu: pankkake: understandable, just saying there might be less expensive solutions << perhjaps, but you gotta understand, there's no game in the world that's cheaper than 1k.
mircea_popescu: just busing the competitors in and that's the budget.
ThickAsThieves: how much do you guys think the SR coins will auction for?
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves: that i could play in with friends << private bet is your friend.
BingoBoingo: I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Silbert bid above market
ThickAsThieves: problem is no one i know in dota uses bitcoin, and oddly a couple weeks ago they just all stopped signing on
mircea_popescu: depends who buys it. if any non alligned buyer actually makes a serious offer, upwards of 25mn. if nobody gets involved and the original plan can proceed, 15mn or so.
ThickAsThieves: but if it were ubiquitous in the game, itd get used
mod6: %ob
atcbot: 65k@280 30k@279 50k@278 | 972k@199 750k@175 216k@160
benkay: <mircea_popescu> benkay just ftr i based your sarcasm :D // pardon?
benkay: ah wd ty
benkay: my goal is to have at least 5 in the top-of-all-time
benkay: bash kinda has silly dynamics what with winner-taking-all
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closing in 5 hours 39 seconds | weight: 2`345 (100`000 to 1)
mike_c: no reason to go to 1 on that. should have been 80k, 90k.
ThickAsThieves: i wanted the price to be murky
mircea_popescu: At the risk of stemming the stimulating debate revolving around OGNasty's smartiferous proposition "losing money on various bitcoin investings is teh road to riches,"
ThickAsThieves: bet early!
assbot: Havelock Securities At A Glance: The SRS BZNZ Edition
mircea_popescu: smartiferous should totally be a thing. the ooze of ferrous craneus
assbot: Ferrous Cranus
ThickAsThieves: it is happening tomorrow after all, and who knows what info will leak
mircea_popescu: !up Lycerion
mircea_popescu: eh get out ?!
mircea_popescu: !up mircea_popescu
assbot: BitPagos Raises $600,000 Seed Round to Boost Bitcoin Use in South America - Venture Capital Dispatch - WSJ
ThickAsThieves: no derpy enough
mircea_popescu: benkay iitl you know ?
Apocalyptic: mircea_popescu, you must !up via pm prolly
mircea_popescu: NO! I SHALL SAY UP IN HERE AGAIN unless assbot appeases me
benkay: ah
benkay: !down mircea_popescu
benkay: bwahahahahahahah
assbot: Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/31RAWPB.txt )
benkay: !b 4
ThickAsThieves: i photobombed ur bash
mircea_popescu: lake titicaca... ole titicaca...
assbot: Animaniacs - Lake Titicaca - YouTube
kakobrekla: !up Lycerion
mircea_popescu: mike_c havelock share of s.mg is worth 54% of a mpex share of s.mg. << nuts huh
mike_c: probably overvalues havelock share.
BingoBoingo: Who even does that PT?
mircea_popescu: just cp discount !?
mike_c: it's not even a share of s.mg. it's a share of a unit of havelol's smg fund. but the discount is counterparty, plus the difference of havelock investor opinion vs. mpex investor opinion (or IQ).
mircea_popescu: drastic.
mircea_popescu: so basically poor investor can lose 50% ayear even with an achor ?
mircea_popescu: is this one of those "made roi hand over fist" ognasty situations ?
mike_c: well, they made money on a fiat basis :D
assbot: Argentina pag el vencimiento de los bonos reestructurados | Axel Kicillof, Litigio con los holdouts - Infobae
mircea_popescu: argentina paid its conversion debt and is going to stiff the vulture funds.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26300 @ 0.00082355 = 21.6594 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: Peronism, The Falkland Islands, Financial Shennanigans, Argentina is basically the Eric Cartman of International Intrigue
mircea_popescu: not so far off.
assbot: [MPEX] [D.BPAY] 65 @ 0.23999999 = 15.6 BTC
ThickAsThieves: "I was an idiot and assumed that the "random" button on brainwallet.org was truly random, but it clearly is not. My coins were taken by someone who is clearly smarter than myself and this is completely my fault by creating Bitcoin addresses on a website that I assumed was safe. There's a $20k life lesson that I'll never forget, that's for sure. Also, to elaborate, I did not use the
ThickAsThieves: passphrase functionality on brainwallet.org, I used the random button to create the addresses."
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30750 @ 0.00082541 = 25.3814 BTC [+] {3}
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 511511.43 Est. Next Diff: 401594.40 in 1735 blocks (#38304) Est. % Change: -21.49
assbot: Why the 1929 Chart Is a Bunch of Nonsense - MoneyBeat - WSJ
ThickAsThieves: i love how their main argument is that the % is much less severe than portrayed, like everything would be daisies if the market dropped 40% or whatever
assbot: Time to Officially Stick a Fork in That 1929 Chart - MoneyBeat - WSJ
ThickAsThieves: (note they used same scale they said was no good before)
ThickAsThieves: theyve also time-shifted the red line forward to look further laong
ThickAsThieves: (and upward)
nubbins`: re: can/strings
nubbins`: i like
nubbins`: esp. the wrapping around the side
FabianB: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 307972 | Current Difficulty: 1.346258011452534E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 308447 | Next Difficulty In: 475 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 21 hours, 5 minutes, and 27 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 16587491540.4 | Estimated Percent Change: 23.21183
nubbins`: ;;later tell thestringpuller you mean like life-size cardboard cutouts? the kind you'd find at a Lord of the Rings premiere?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18731 @ 0.0008256 = 15.4643 BTC [+] {2}
thestringpuller: nubbins`: yea
thestringpuller: doesn't have to be full sized
thestringpuller: maybe half
nubbins`: tough to ship, i always thought they got those things made locally
thestringpuller: interesting
thestringpuller: can't you ship in normal boxes?
nubbins`: yeah, i suppose
nubbins`: you thinking full-color prints?
thestringpuller: possibly
thestringpuller: well that's ideal
thestringpuller: but depends on cost
assbot: 6 Mysterious Deaths That'll Make You Believe in Conspiracies | Cracked.com
pankkake: author of the article kills himself, 6 bullets in the head
BingoBoingo: If only
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "FIFA World Cup 2014 total goals over 158" http://bitbet.us/bet/898/ Odds: 49(Y):51(N) by coin, 49(Y):51(N) by weight. Total bet: 2.40421879 BTC. Current weight: 44,592.
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to drop under $400 before August" http://bitbet.us/bet/944/ Odds: 19(Y):81(N) by coin, 20(Y):80(N) by weight. Total bet: 10.87602464 BTC. Current weight: 64,370.
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "FIFA World Cup 2014 total goals over 158" http://bitbet.us/bet/898/ Odds: 64(Y):36(N) by coin, 62(Y):38(N) by weight. Total bet: 3.40421879 BTC. Current weight: 44,563.
punkman: /join #bitcoin-otc
benkay: butts
benkay: $bait
assbot: ninjashogun +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves nice lol. "it is time, once and for all" too.
kakobrekla: !up ninjashogun
ninjashogun: thanks kakobrekla. I don't remember exactly who I spoke to in here before, if we've spoken and you trust me enough for voice you can give me whatever WoT rating with assbot is necessary and justified based on our interaction for me to type Up.
ninjashogun: based on our interaction so far*
ninjashogun: I just registered on WoT today, because I've started discussing trades elsewhere. I haven't traded on anyone from here before, though I've connected with real-world people (real identities).
benkay: !down kakobrekla
kakobrekla: hey at least some words came out of this one
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves i like how the original title included "scary" but then editors took it out
mircea_popescu: "“I have been in this business for over 43 years, yet I do not ever recall getting as slammed with the same email as many times as I have about"
mircea_popescu: yeah dude totally, recall the email slamming of 1959 ?
mircea_popescu: that was some numerous email slamming back then.
mircea_popescu: "Here’s a look at the chart comparing point moves and percentage moves. On a percentage basis, this spooky comparison doesn’t look quite so frightful."
mircea_popescu: ajhajajaa ok good stuff.
mircea_popescu: " Daniel Wiener, chief executive at Adviser Investments in Newton, Mass., blamed the Internet"
mircea_popescu: too good stuff.
mircea_popescu: "From Mr. Brown:
mircea_popescu: “The reason why this bothers me is twofold – first, it frightens investors into making poor decisions – big decisions that will have a major impact on their mental health and financial condition well into the future. Second, the more we see this kind of pornography, the more likely it is to have an impact on crowd psychology and become a self-fulfilling prophecy. "
mircea_popescu: clearly. i blame asciilifeform. he wrecked the us economy.
mircea_popescu: pls to gasenwagen for him asap.
mircea_popescu: "It’s like putting a disturbed, isolated teenager in front of violent first-person shooter video games all day. If we know that most Americans are scared to invest in their own future, what’s the reason to fuel that fear even further? Sadism? Or just plain exploitative greed?”"
mircea_popescu: AAaaaahjahaha
mircea_popescu: dude, exploitative greed. teenager. videogames. it's got it all.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves that was the one most lulzy piece of lulz i have seen in my entire life. ty vm.
benkay: she's alive
mircea_popescu: pankkake: author of the article kills himself, 6 bullets in the head << 6 mysterious bullets to the head that'll make you believe there's a god ?
princessnell: missed me?
benkay: eh
mircea_popescu: we were starting to think you got like a regular job orsomething
mircea_popescu: "Frankly, it’s time to put the “scary parallels” between now and 1929 to rest. This isn’t 1929. Not even close. Anyone who tells you differently is talking nonsense."
mircea_popescu: how does it help me ? maybe it's fucking worse.
mircea_popescu: "hey us economy, remember that time in 1929 when you had lupus ?
mircea_popescu: well this time ain't that time. ain't even close. now you got bladder cancer."
hanbot: was watching logs, wondering if they eventually went out and asked the homeless people what they thought of that chart, mircea_popescu
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39039 @ 0.00082466 = 32.1939 BTC [-] {2}
hanbot: and no, it's not for "helping" with anything other than ostrich impressionism
benkay: princessnell and hanbot at once?
benkay: cuntspiraci!
hanbot: now there's a catchy pasta name
mircea_popescu: hanbot you know that's a point
mircea_popescu: they're starting to miss numbers in the paint-by-the-numbers set.
mircea_popescu: !up Adohgg
benkay: there's a pun in there
moiety: i finally have curtains with poles and everything :D homelyness ftw
moiety: hi hanbot!
hanbot: hiya moiety
moiety: how are you liking argentina hanbot? settled in?
mircea_popescu: wait, poles ?
moiety: yeah lol curtain poles... there were just blinds up before when i moved in
hanbot: it's a nice country, good coffee. haha, curtaindancing?
moiety: i could stick a red light in the window see what happens i guess XD
moiety: he may well be! but mine don't look like that
moiety: mine are more boring
mircea_popescu: he does have the cutest butt doesn't he.
moiety: ihave these ones http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mDx0wlUQZZ0W1p4BvqSl7Gg.jpg i wonder if i could do a swap?
hanbot: i'm having a hard time getting past the juxtaposition of butt and flossing o.O
moiety: i didn't even notice the floss... not gonna lie
mircea_popescu: yours look kinda small.
mircea_popescu: hanbot he's shaving
mircea_popescu: old style.
moiety: someone clever hid all his bath towels, good work.
hanbot: oh i see
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13200 @ 0.00082315 = 10.8656 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: 0 results for 'derpage from:ninjashogun' - #bitcoin-assets search
assbot: Anti-Amnesty Group Asks Americans To Mail ‘Gently Used Underwear’ To Obama, Boehner « CBS DC
mircea_popescu: how's that supposed to work
thestringpuller: ;;calc sin(3.14)
gribble: 0.00159265291649
thestringpuller: ;;calc sin(90)
gribble: 0.893996663601
[]bot: Bet created: "Julian Assange to leave Ecuadorian Embassy" http://bitbet.us/bet/969/
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 92 @ 0.0166 = 1.5272 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: i hate clicking on images in this channel during work
cazalla: does anyone know a Shane Stevenson, Matthew K (don't know last name) behind the recent cointree.com.au exchange?
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller but u dun have to.
mircea_popescu: cazalla nop
pankkake: I was going to say "this pic looks like gummo". but it's gummo :(
assbot: [MPEX] [S.WOL] 500000 @ 0.00004005 = 20.025 BTC {7}
mircea_popescu: Harmony Korine
thestringpuller: didn't he make that movie kids?
mircea_popescu: but wd on your muy well informed cinematometer.
thestringpuller: with the rapist kids with aids?
bitstein: He wrote it.
thestringpuller: ^- there we go
bitstein: That movie was horrifying.
thestringpuller: yea. I have no idea why the fuck I watched it.
bitstein: I really liked Spring Breakers.
pankkake: I watched it because of the music
mircea_popescu: sort of like, a la carte trainspotting.
assbot: Pastiches ... consommer sans modration - Temps
assbot: Bethlehem - Schuld Uns'res Knoch'rigen Faltpferd - "Gummo" ('97) Soundtrack - YouTube
pankkake: I've read "La vie sexuelle de Tintin", that was quite a WTF
mircea_popescu: time once and for all to put la vie sexuelle de tintin once and for all to rest.
[]bot: Bet created: "Microsoft stock to close at over $45 in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/970/
punkman is contemplating starting a clothing label called cans+string
hanbot: so, bikinis?
punkman: mankinis
FabianB: $vwap s.wol
empyex: FabianB: S.WOL 1 day: average: 0.00004006 high: 0.000041 low: 0.00003999 volume: 500000 btc: 20.030063 7 day: average: 0.00004006 high: 0.000041 low: 0.00003999 volume: 500000 btc: 20.030063 30 day: average: 0.00004006 high: 0.000041 low: 0.00003999 volume: 500000 btc: 20.030063
mircea_popescu: and there we go!
kakobrekla: all gone eh ?
mircea_popescu: ya one fell swoop, 33%ish over par
kakobrekla: noice!
mthreat: bitstein: Have you been to this? http://satoshiatx.com/
assbot: Satoshi Square - Bitcoin Social Club and Exchange
bitstein: Not yet. I think it opens on July 4th for that party. I'll probably go.
FabianB: $unconfirmed
empyex: FabianB: 1763
FabianB: $vwap s.bbet
empyex: FabianB: S.BBET 1 day: no data 7 day: average: 0.00052229 high: 0.0005234 low: 0.0005 volume: 2100 btc: 1.0968 30 day: average: 0.00049389 high: 0.000525 low: 0.00047 volume: 10248 btc: 5.061385
mircea_popescu: FabianB what's unconfirmed do again ?
mircea_popescu: justusranvier "We’ll see why nobody uses arbitrarily-complex verbal contracts in practise by looking at what happens when something goes wrong." << this is nonsense. marriage is always and in all places the most complex contract, and almost always verbal.
mircea_popescu: when something goes wrong... people fuck.
mircea_popescu: one of the best things about a lot of floor space and stuff like parquet is that you can go for long chair rides
asciilifeform: lol! mr spam was here, and where was i.
asciilifeform: missed it all.
asciilifeform: and he's in wot? great!
asciilifeform: because now we can:
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user ninjashogun has been recorded.
asciilifeform: ;;unrate ninjashogun
gribble: Successfully removed your rating for ninjashogun.
asciilifeform: ;;rate ninjashogun -1 nice try, usg - http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ninjashogun.txt
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user ninjashogun has been recorded.
mircea_popescu: in the news : whatsapp revenue climbs to record 3.8 bn for quarter 2 (about $8500 per user), making the ~250mn profit trickling down to facebook slightly better than what it'd have got if it simply bought gilts for 20bn.
justusranvier: mircea_popescu: I consider marriage contracts to be relatively simple, especially the verbal ones before the state started getting involved.
mircea_popescu: how do you score simpleness then ?
mircea_popescu: and they are still verbal today.
justusranvier: If a contract is fully specified in some tangible form, then the amount of entropy in the explaination is inversely proportional to the simpleness.
mircea_popescu: so by this measure marriage contracts are the most complex contracts that can exist.
asciilifeform: justusranvier: let's try degenerate case. 'mr x owes mr y the following amount, in satoshis...' [followed by a 100MB turd from rng]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not even going there, we supplement "meaningful" to serve his position.
asciilifeform wonders if anyone's ever crapped out a contract containing 'halting problem'
mircea_popescu: the eastern sages, yes
Mats_cd03: asciilifeform: hahahaha lol.
justusranvier: Marriage: party A provides resources. Party B provides certainty of genetic lineage.
justusranvier: If either side fails to perform the contract no longer exists.
justusranvier: Before the State took over and made things rediculous
mircea_popescu: this is a silly view of marriage.
mircea_popescu: yesterday i had a girl over, and the local girl and the new girl managed the use of the kitchen together.
mircea_popescu: also they shared the bidet.
mircea_popescu: this was in the contract.
mircea_popescu: now you go ahead and write that down.
mircea_popescu: According to a TechCrunch article, Zuckerberg's vision for Internet.org was as follows: "The idea, he said, is to develop a group of basic internet services that would be free of charge to use – 'a 911 for the internet.' These could be a social networking service like Facebook, a messaging service, maybe search and other things like weather. Providing a bundle of these free of charge to users will work like a gateway
mircea_popescu: drug of sorts – users who may be able to afford data services and phones these days just don’t see the point of why they would pay for those data services. This would give them some context for why they are important, and that will lead them to paying for more services like this – or so the hope goes."
mircea_popescu: this has got to be the most fucktarded business model i ever read.
mircea_popescu: so what, the reason i don't; buy an android tho i could afford to buy the engineer designing it is that... wait for it... it never occured to me to get... internet weather ?
mircea_popescu: god have mercy.
justusranvier: It's a perfectly fine business model.
mircea_popescu: apparently there's lots we agree on :D
justusranvier: The spooks want Total Information Awareness. Zuckerberg is paid to get as many people as possible to opt in to surveillance.
asciilifeform: 'the '90s called, they want their aol retardation back'
justusranvier: That's his actual business
punkman: it would be a perfectly fine business model if they'd make some money from their crappy ads
justusranvier: As long as he keeps getting more people to voluntarily give him their data, he keeps getting paid
mircea_popescu: justusranvier but that's your theory. i am a businessman, i read what's written.
mircea_popescu: what's written is still dumb.
mircea_popescu: punkman right ? remember the days back when 1% CTR was LOW ?
punkman: mircea_popescu: I do
mircea_popescu: hey mike_c you got like 10 btc with your name on it! s.wol mktcap like 400 atm.
punkman: I could indeed make money while I was sleeping then
asciilifeform: next phase is to convince folks to voluntarily move into labour camp, etc. to get Free! internet/food/whatever
mircea_popescu: i couldn't sleep while making money
mircea_popescu: it was too exciting
punkman: that too
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform isn't that where you live ?
mircea_popescu: zingy zing-zing
punkman: bought cans-string.com :P
asciilifeform met day's uranium quota, plays cards
mircea_popescu: this calls for some cats going "cans string???"
mike_c: mircea_popescu: sweet! new ATH
mircea_popescu: mike_c lol ya.
justusranvier: mircea_popescu: As you said, the business model on it's face is retarded. There's no way it could legitimately generate a profit.
mircea_popescu: pretty much
justusranvier: Facebook et al have been like that from the beginning
mircea_popescu: now this is true... i guess facebook just used the capital judiciously.
mircea_popescu: "if you gave us all this money for nothing, now here's 3x as much nothing"
justusranvier: So if it's not possible for them to legitmately generate profits, and they continue to as business, then at some point the most plausible explaination is their profit somes from some other source
mircea_popescu: btw, anyone read zuck's 10 page whitepaper on future of internets last year ?
mircea_popescu: justusranvier not necessarily. pirate didn't have "some other source"
mircea_popescu: manias are manias.
justusranvier: So Booz Allen Hamilton has one of their subsidaries start buying up analytics from advertising firms. Those firms become Facebook's customers.
mircea_popescu: he got lucky to be hit with easy money just right.
justusranvier: Money gets transferred cleanly from three-letter-agency to Facebook without any obvious trail.
mircea_popescu: yeah. right. this totally works.
justusranvier: As long as you've got a buyer hidden somewhere with (effectively) infinately-deep pockets, then they can just put out RFQs and let it appear as if the "free market" has spontaneously formed an industry.
mircea_popescu: http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=atlantic+media << a fine example of how well that works in practice.
assbot: 4 results for 'atlantic media' - #bitcoin-assets search
mircea_popescu: actual practice.
punkman: justusranvier: hidden things aren't what they used to be
mircea_popescu: the general rule is that no bureaucracy can hide anything.
justusranvier: Not for very long, no.
mircea_popescu: only people can hide, starting with the salami and ending where you please.
Mats_cd03: asciilifeform: 3 hours spent trying to convince you he understands the usb stack better than you do. hilarious
assbot: C3TV -Seeing The Secret State: Six Landscapes
punkman: dude takes some incredible photos
benkay: <mircea_popescu> when something goes wrong... people fuck. // and when things go right...
assbot: Trevor Paglen :::: WORK
mircea_popescu: benkay also.
assbot: The Last Psychiatrist: Who Bullies The Bullies?
mircea_popescu: "This cover story details #young #vulnerable #feminist writer Amanda Hess's frustration with disinterested male law enforcement when, after writing an article about receiving rape threats from a troll, she received rape threats from a troll."
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 29 @ 0.0439594 = 1.2748 BTC [-]
Mats_cd03: oh man
Mats_cd03: "and then he stalked her on Facebook!" the humanity
mircea_popescu: "Anonymity makes the internet mean and gives trolls= men too much power."
mircea_popescu: oh boy, am i ever so grandiosely positioned for that one. can't wait.
mircea_popescu: You may at this point roll your eyes epileptically and retort, "well, who cares 'what the system wants', the fact is anonymity does embolden the lunatics, shouldn't we try to restrict it?" Great question, too bad it's irrelevant. You've taken the bait and put all your energy into accepting the form of the argument. The issue isn't whether we should abolish online anonymity, since this will never happen. For every Ameri
mircea_popescu: can senator trying to curb anonymity there's going to be a Scandinavian cyberpirate who will come up with a workaround, and only one of them knows how to code. Besides, there's no power in abolishing anonymity, the power is in giving everyone the pretense of anonymity while secretly retaining the PGP keys to the kingdom.
mircea_popescu: look at that, guy groks things enough to know pgp is the correct reference ?
mircea_popescu: dude make a wot account already, i'll rate you.
Mats_cd03: This is the subtle shift: what starts out as "misogyny is bad" becomes "anonymity facilitates misogyny."
Mats_cd03: crystallized something i have felt for a long time but am not eloquent to describe
Mats_cd03: eloquent enough, anyway.
princessnell: TLP is gr8, a fellow traveler i think
mircea_popescu: what's that mean ?
mircea_popescu: RSM how's this working out for you
RSM: we have ~129BTC in the wallet but have to pay £15k soon for 1(GH/s) of Scrypt ASIC's off AlphaT
RSM: plus have 5(TH/s)@5kW hashing
mike_c: ;;calc 129 / 131000
gribble: 0.000984732824427
mike_c: ;;calc .0006 / .000985
gribble: 0.609137055838
mike_c: i guess the market says there is a 40% chance you'll steal all the coin
RSM: 796 has nowhere near the any speculators like BCT did
RSM: lol I've been hear since 2011
mike_c: ;;ident RSM
gribble: Nick 'RSM', with hostmask 'RSM!56b97cb3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified.
RSM: why steal now after 4 years
mike_c: i don't think you will, the market does.
Blazedout419: RSM has alpha got a working prototype yet?
assbot: FU all you trolls and doubters where are you now??????????/
RSM: no, but they scrapped the internal PSU and are usuing offshelf already ceritifed PSU's now. So we're hopping they can do waht KNC did with Jupiters from recieving chips to shipping within a week
dub: bitches better recognize
Mats_cd03: been hear huh? i am compelled by your education
bitstein: The Last Psychiatrist is one of the best things on the Internet.
assbot: Rhythm Quest - Closer To All Your Dreams - YouTube
mike_c: in my brief mining career i blew out a PSU. mining is such a wretched activity.
Mats_cd03: be forewarned, asset-ers are not friendly to mining ventures as a general rule
thestringpuller: but it's so much fun
thestringpuller: Mats_cd03: pfft ThickAsThieves started his hustle mining
Mats_cd03: and when was that
mike_c: but not actually mining
Mats_cd03: two years ago?
thestringpuller: Like Spring?
thestringpuller: check logs son
mike_c: just pretend mining. lot harder to blow out psu's that way
Mats_cd03: aite
kakobrekla: !s test
Mats_cd03: nice
mike_c: !s from:kakobrekla test
assbot: 16 results for 'from:kakobrekla test' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=from:kakobrekla+test
mike_c: awesome
Mats_cd03: !s from:ThickAsThieves
assbot: 37982 results for 'from:ThickAsThieves' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=from:ThickAsThieves
RSM: our main paln is to hopefully at least ROI on the 19GH/s) of scrypt and the current 5(TH/s). that's give us at least 150BTC then wait for then next bubble. We have dividends already covered for at least the next twelbve months.
RSM: sorry 1(GH/s) of scrypt
kakobrekla: problem with from is it works on ":" only and well many use comma instead
dub: dude fuck off back to the forum
thestringpuller: http://en.bitcoinwiki.org/Namecoin << Lol "Relationship to Bitcon" what a typo
assbot: Namecoin - Bitcoin Wiki
kakobrekla: dunno if we should all switch to colon or make search use comma to parse 'to' as well
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 25 @ 0.04101311 = 1.0253 BTC [-] {4}
mike_c: who uses comma?
kakobrekla: i used to it seem, now im down to nothing
assbot: CanadianBullion - 1 oz 2014 BitCON Silver Round
RSM: we own the bragging rights to being the oldest publicly traded bitcoin security afaik or at least mining stock. IPO started january 2012
mike_c: meh. "to" seems unreliable regardless. not sure it adds much over simple "from + name" search anyway
mike_c: !s from:kakobrekla mike_c
assbot: 74 results for 'from:kakobrekla mike_c' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=from:kakobrekla+mike_c
mike_c: !s from:kakobrekla to:mike_c
assbot: 1 results for 'from:kakobrekla to:mike_c' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=from:kakobrekla+to:mike_c
mike_c: whoa
kakobrekla: see, there is comma a few times
asciilifeform: 'six landscapes' film << neat. wonder if the author has already fellated a nailgun.
kakobrekla: and mostly nothing.
mike_c: yeah. i don't think 'to' needs improving, just ignoring.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ << somebody with a reddit account please drop this in the whatever sluts subreddit
assbot: I’ll pay for your tits pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: and anyone that does a lot of camsites or whatever - spread it wouldja.
kakobrekla: ;;rate mthreat 1 spammicide searchinator
mthreat: <kakobrekla> see, there is comma a few times << I see what you mean. For the "to", I just extracted using regex: "^([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+): "
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user mthreat has been recorded.
RSM: I want to move RSM trading potentially on to Counterparty, but afaik there's no way to ever halt trading if we want to move. Offtopic my speculation is that Etherum is taking so long as their trying to wait for side-chains possibly?
mircea_popescu: <mike_c> ;;ident RSM << guy's like nefario's oldest chav friend.
mircea_popescu: his spelling's not much improved over the years either.
RSM: why Chav coz i can't spell?
kakobrekla: mthreat dunno if theres a better solution, dont worry about it
RSM: I'm dsylexic too fu@k and you should see my handwriting
mircea_popescu: pretty much yeah
mike_c: dyslexia makes you replace 'c' with '@'? that sucks.
kakobrekla: the keys are right next to each other
RSM: I studied fast Fourier transforms and matrix manipulation as an under grad though so at least i can count
mike_c: you can manipulate the matrix?? that is impressive.
kakobrekla: the agents. they are here.
RSM: it's just patens to foloow
mircea_popescu: "We have dividends already covered for at least the next twelbve months." << what sense does this make ?
kakobrekla: ascii and mp were right all along.
mircea_popescu: do you provision for dividends orsometing ?
RSM: yeah currently about ~5.5BTc in the div fund
mircea_popescu: moiety you got a reddit hon ?
RSM: I'm starting a motion to raise the salry fund as the two current Linux system admins are paid peanuts
RSM: one of them is an abosulte CLI genuis. he's a slackware guru for the last four years
Mats_cd03: im sure you think so
RSM: currently building a 05 fee LTC P2Pool node with a dedicated server going in the DCtomorow gonna make it public based in Kansas City
RSM: sorry 0% fee
RSM: they've got it merged-mining ten chains so far lolz
moiety: mircea_popescu: I do. Just for posting about derp.net
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21200 @ 0.00082487 = 17.4872 BTC [+]
moiety: lol np
asciilifeform: 'agents, they are here' << 'we had no doubts that the dacha [place of n. s. khruschev's forced retirement] was festooned with microphones, but as to where the receiving devices and tape reels were emplaced - no one had any idea. somehow this did not interest us... ... i must say that the apparatus worked in a rather mediocre way, and the eavesdropping was conducted so shabbily, especially in the latter years of
asciilifeform: father's life. the guards who had replaced melnikov, often, instead of switching the tape reel to record, confused the buttons. then, from father's walls, you could hear muffled singing, instrumental pieces, stage concerts - the microphones had turned into speakers. sometimes, i allowed myself a laugh - would feign surprise at the ghostly music and offer to locate its source. in a moment, silence would always fa
asciilifeform: (bio of n. s. khruschev, by his son. translation mine.)
asciilifeform: ('Никита Хрущев. Пенсионер союзного значения.' Сергей Хрущев.)
kakobrekla: amazing.
thestringpuller: ;;google site:trilema.com dr. foreskin
gribble: These fucktards have to be immortalised, they're worse than Dr ...: <http://trilema.com/2014/these-fucktards-have-to-be-immortalised-theyre-worse-than-dr-foreskin-even/>; Bitcoin pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/category/bitcoin/>; The psychology of the bagholder pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: <http://trilema.com/2014/the-psychology-of-the- (1 more message)
gribble: bagholder/>
mircea_popescu: !up greencabbige
greencabbige: can I talk now?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.194 = 0.97 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: yes, for 30 minutes
greencabbige: looks like it
greencabbige: oh thought you lot wanted rid of me?
mircea_popescu: !s #bitcoin-assets +m
mircea_popescu: ;;google #bitcoin-assets +m
gribble: #bitcoin-assets +m pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2014/bitcoin-assets-m/>; NEXT: 02-05-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: <http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-05-2014>; NEXT: 06-05-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: <http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-05-2014&bots=true>
kakobrekla: + is a special char
greencabbige: RSM is www.796.com and I had a bit of gossip for you's in that IBWT is potentially working on a UK based securities exchange. he wants me to bring some shares over and manage it, but rsm board very worried of uk regulators.
kakobrekla: !s "+m"
mthreat: may need to URL encode it
mthreat: !s %
assbot: Error - search.bicoin-assets.com : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=%
mthreat: yep
mircea_popescu: edge case anyway
assbot: 1050 results for '" m"' - #bitcoin-assets search
kakobrekla: the search sez " m"
mthreat: the "+" would be %2B url-encoded
mircea_popescu: greencabbige so your 12 months dividends are going to be 5.5 btc in the future ?
kakobrekla: !s "+m"
kakobrekla: werks
mthreat: yep
mircea_popescu: 25-06-2014 17:04:04 <mircea_popescu> !t m d.bpay > ?
mthreat: now my [broken] terminal client (SecureCRT) double-url-encodes it. heh
kakobrekla: thats your reward for making the thing
kakobrekla: it will never work for you.
mthreat: it's ok, i'm stoic
mircea_popescu: that'd be an excellent epitaph
greencabbige: if you divide the current RSM wallet by the amount of shares rsm doesn't own then that's a value of over 0.0010btc alone. While current lowest offer is 0.0006btc. Once we get a tracking code for 1(GH/s) of scrypt supposedly and hopefully within the next three to five weeks we're moving and buying all shares back below 0.0010. Where's the days of BTCT sepecualtion i share price went over 0.015 last summer our wallet w
mircea_popescu: greencabbige you got your 2012 books published anywhere ?
mircea_popescu: mthreat yours?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12000 @ 0.00082525 = 9.903 BTC [+] {2}
kakobrekla: hm mthreat , "+m" will match "m"
mthreat: kakobrekla: yeah, +m just means "m is required" in the search language
greencabbige: possibly somewhere although i did it all my self then so very messy. Like I said our share price was 0.015 what saved us is I offered 0.002 per share for new funds to buy three KNC Jupiters. the shareholders we mostly against it, but i new those bfl's wernt worth shit. So it kind saved our bacon, but drastically lowered share price as I bought in 200% more shares and there's no knew buyers on 796.
mircea_popescu: kinda loud neh ?
kakobrekla: yes, but even when quoting it
kakobrekla: im not saying '+m' but '"+m"'
mthreat: kakobrekla: right. there's no way to search for the plus sign.
assbot: BrainWallet.org exploited and bitcoins stolen | Mineforeman
kakobrekla: aha ok
mthreat: kakobrekla: all text gets tokenized
mircea_popescu: greencabbige so you started a mining security in jan 2012 at 0.015, now trading at 0.006 and don't have any books.
bitstein: mthreat: love that plate
greencabbige: we've been on three exchanges now everything is fully recorded in our old thread. yes i have loads of old spreadsheets. Although the accounts guy didn't comne on board until last summer We orginally raised 200BTC in early 2012 then 120BTc last summer.
mthreat: bitstein: thx
asciilifeform: Math.random() << lol!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21800 @ 0.00082758 = 18.0412 BTC [+] {2}
bitstein: Both of them.
greencabbige: I think our intial seed funding from the orgianlly IPO was about $2.5k we now about 480k in bitcoins alone, a server, 5TH/s and a 30% depsoit on 1(GH/s) of scrypt.
greencabbige: $80k in the wallet
asciilifeform: 'the morel [sic] equivalent of opening other peoples physical wallets and taking the cash found within.' << more like digging out a bag of gold some anonymous idiot buried under park bench
Mats_cd03: if you want to be in the black a year from now, sadly your best play is just to take off with the funds
Mats_cd03: the sad state of being involved in an enterprise you can't control and don't understand
greencabbige: no we can get 200BTC by next year and bitcoin could go to $5k. We have a cool $1million to play with then.
mthreat: amazing plan!
kakobrekla: why am i hearing dollars, who said that?
greencabbige: better than fu~k all if you ask me
asciilifeform: amazing currency!
greencabbige: as hardware is priced in dollars
greencabbige: during a bubble all the current in stock gear that won't roi will easily roi
mircea_popescu: this would be the epitome of do it yourself finance / citizen dentistry.
Mats_cd03: whats your plan when hash goes to 1000ph and all your gear makes fractions of a penny?
asciilifeform: citizen appendectomy.
benkay: <asciilifeform> 'the morel [sic] equivalent of opening other peoples physical wallets and taking the cash found within.' << more like digging out a bag of gold some anonymous idiot buried under park bench // or...morels
mircea_popescu: also i am noticing in disbelief i missed out a 0. it's not 0.015 to 0.006 but to 0.0006
assbot: Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/19MV24T.txt )
benkay: !b 1
greencabbige: ffs matt do you think I can't use a calcualtor or know anything about any of that sh~t I've been hear since 2011. So aint even gonna answer that.
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 0.0006 / 0.015
gribble: 0.04
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20579 @ 0.00082812 = 17.0419 BTC [+] {2}
benkay: four hundredths your money back in two years!
kakobrekla: ognasty did better.
kakobrekla: only 65% loss there.
mircea_popescu: but that's a social club
greencabbige: ok if you really wanna know with all our old gear we've sold it on ebay for more than we calcualted we'd a flogged out of it in the endz
mircea_popescu: greencabbige so is it true that nefario used you to launder all the fraudulent claims he made for various holdings on his own exchange after he closed it down ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24067 @ 0.0008282 = 19.9323 BTC [+]
greencabbige: news to me
Mats_cd03: if selling burned gear is how you anticipate roi, you're in for a bad time
greencabbige: i hardley now the guy, I met him once briefly
mircea_popescu: that it can't be, as the charge was levied back in 2012.
mircea_popescu: well, no, not really.
Mats_cd03: GL finding a bagholder, that will surely be a feat of strength if you can manage it again
assbot: FU all you trolls and doubters where are you now??????????/ | Page 2 | Bitcointa.lk
greencabbige: ffs getting tired of this shit now. for a start if we sell it on ebay then people can buy it with a credit card to gety into a bitcoin. one of the only the ways to get in to bicoin safely with a credit card. Why all the attacks?
mircea_popescu: i think seinfeld has the answer to that.
assbot: Seinfeld: No Resources, No Skills, No Talent, No Ability, No Brains. . . - YouTube
greencabbige: ok if oyu're all gonna tag team on me with your littel club I'll just leave then should and carry on. We don't need any new money. we're currently in the strongest position we've ever been.
Mats_cd03: greencabbige: because mining now is a net loss. i hope you come back to this conversation when you have toasted your runway
Mats_cd03: and consider the cacophony of voices insisting you're fucking wrong.
mircea_popescu: if this club is littel i shudder to think what bigness looks like.
benkay: disregard them greencabbige it's an echo chamber
benkay: they just reinforce the same set of tired old mantras
benkay: "business is hard"
benkay: "mining is -ev"
benkay: fn cult i tell ya
mircea_popescu: actually it was more like "where's your books" and "why are you -96%"
mircea_popescu: but same principle.
assbot: RagnarDanneskjol +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
mircea_popescu: !up RagnarDanneskjol
benkay: is danneskjol some sort of proxy for "bitch of"?
benkay: linguistic transform
RagnarDanneskjol: bitch is my phone
benkay: right on
mircea_popescu: tlb brings a good point. how come in the war between spooks and techs, it's the TECHS that get accused of being mysogynistic ?
mircea_popescu: im pretty certain fewer women work for the nsa and generally for the us secret service community than for silicon valley firms
mircea_popescu: at least from the supposedly secret usg employment rolls i've seen to date.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31042 @ 0.00082822 = 25.7096 BTC [+] {4}
mircea_popescu: "If I had to put my chips and my children against an 8 year rotation of civil service nincompoops vs. some nerd with an open marriage who spent $15M on a "bachelor pad" so he could score chicks of questionable emotional stability, I'm going with the group my private sector lawyers have an outside chance of pwoning."
mircea_popescu: somebody fundamentally gets it.
mircea_popescu: you don't fuck with people with bachelor pads and open relationships.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9642 @ 0.00082416 = 7.9466 BTC [-]
dub: is there bitcoin for iphone yet?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00082372 = 4.2833 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: iphcoin coming soon
benkay: man okay guys talk me off this cliff
benkay: iphone wallet
benkay: spv makes it possible right?
dub: blockchain has an iphone-app page
dub: clearly I dont have an iphone to check with
benkay: but a non api app
benkay: this is doable, i b'leev.
assbot: voisine/breadwallet GitHub
benkay: k nm saved by the market
benkay: "WARNING: installation on jailbroken devices is strongly discouraged
dub: friend wants to accept buttcoin but suffer appleblight
dub: alternative is $50 droidphone i guess
bloctoc: dub coinpocket works
RagnarDanneskjol: tell him to try airwallet [disclosure, its hosted by me]. doesnt seem wise using appstore wallets as they might disappear tomorrow
bloctoc: coinpocket can export private key. not disparaging airwallet - just never used it.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 29 @ 0.04299997 = 1.247 BTC [+]
assbot: alecpap +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
kakobrekla: !up alecpap
alecpap: kakobrekla, thanks
moiety: brb, imma actually have to add a pic on reddit to post.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 37 @ 0.01561 = 0.5776 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74350 @ 0.00082112 = 61.0503 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: Redditor lost ~$20,000 worth of bitcoin due to insecure wallet generator. /u/BtcRobinHood steps in and return the money to its rightful owner. : bestof
assbot: btclittlejohn comments on PSA: brainwallet.org's "random" button uses low-entropy Math.random()
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15100 @ 0.00082374 = 12.4385 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3550 @ 0.00082057 = 2.913 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: moar lulz
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44430 @ 0.00082019 = 36.441 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.04397156 = 0.5277 BTC [+] {3}
mircea_popescu: Why would the The Economist's rich and powerful demo want to be ruled? Because they aren't powerful, only rich, all that time getting rich did not translate to any power, only the trappings of power. So they've postulated a fantasy power structure/NBA owners that explains why they can't enjoy their lives as they think they should-- to absolve themselves of the guilt they feel for having money/intellect/opportunities an
mircea_popescu: d NOT being able to do anything with it except spend it on the system-wide approved gimmicks: Trading Up, college educations, the National Bank of S&P 500.
mircea_popescu: ok, quite splendid. the us is chock full of supposedly rich people who are about as powerless as a random south american whore
mircea_popescu: the notion that you can somehow be rich without being powerful is perhaps the lulziest part of the bezzle system.
thestringpuller: damn transaction scripts are hard to grasp at first
asciilifeform: the notion that you can somehow be rich without being powerful << actually the u.s. system is quite like the classical soviet world of 'special access' groceries, gov.-issued dachas, official limousines
asciilifeform: bureaucrat gets fellated in various little ways, in exchange for... a readiness to get down on his knees, ready to please.
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol think you know someone wanna do http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-06-2014#718932 ?
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
mircea_popescu: that'd be the exact antithesis of power.
asciilifeform: correct
asciilifeform: i.e. liveried servitude
mircea_popescu: !up RagnarDanneskjol
asciilifeform: american apparatchik gets a bag of bezzlars, 'his' to use to 'buy' manhattan penthouse. but same purpose as dacha near moscow issued to a similar creature
RagnarDanneskjol: I'm on it. pls standby
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform also with a sort of paper cert.
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol that's what i do all day anyway :D
assbot: Sportsbet stops offering odds on Metro Trains | Crikey
assbot: Council of European Canadians: The Great Fear --- Why do Whites Fear their own Ethnicity?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16100 @ 0.00082392 = 13.2651 BTC [+] {2}
asciilifeform: https://twitter.com/keystricken/status/481292361180258306 << that old rusty gizmo, still generating lulz
assbot: This is AMAZINGLY engrossing. http://t.co/TSOiUtbtwX
decimation: I find the main human weakness w.r.t. generating randomness is a great aversion to repeated outcomes
asciilifeform: for some reason, it's mostly female names/portraits linking to it these days. maybe mircea_popescu can shed light on why.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform males got selected for decisive action, females for an ability to withstand brainhacking.
mircea_popescu: (the better ones get hacked by better guys thus make offspring that suvives better)
mircea_popescu: that thing doesn't look appealing to decisive action, but it does look insidiously like brain hacking.
asciilifeform made pet female play the 'game' shortly after first met. she beat the machine in about two minutes, by counting letters in words from memory, objects in surroundings, etc.
mircea_popescu: "Here's a transcript of an illegal recording not done by the NSA that therefore everyone is ok with, consistent with our new standard of conduct: it is not illegal to make an illegal recording as long as it is given to the media and they profit from it and we can use it to rationalize our lives. Got it." lulzy
decimation: "Of these speakers, Jeffrey Sachs, leading international economic adviser and director of the Earth Institute, is the most articulate in his explicit admission that we must follow the ideology of diversity regardless of what the scientific evidence says."
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31100 @ 0.00081924 = 25.4784 BTC [-] {2}
decimation: mircea, in many US states it is illeagal to record conversations without both party's explict permission
asciilifeform: (the cpp version thereof)
mircea_popescu: decimation well yes.
decimation: the primary purpose of such laws is to protect corrupt politicians from being exposed, of course
mircea_popescu: in those same other states it's illegal to present yourself as a "leading international adviser" while you're a sort of rsm.
decimation: rsm ?
mircea_popescu: !s from:rsm
decimation: are you propsing that Professor Sachs belongs in the same category as bitcoin scammers?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8511 @ 0.00082398 = 7.0129 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: i do, yes.
mircea_popescu: what's he done ?
mircea_popescu: i mean other than running the markov chain apparatus of opinion.
decimation: actually I think that's kind of an insult to the scammers
decimation: at least they ran some risk, he just collects his tenure pay
mircea_popescu: notrly. they don't run any risk if they can help it. and besides, he was young once, he ran the risk of no tenure.
mircea_popescu: a very bad risk, from what i hear.
decimation: true. getting tenure in the us university is a nightmare, from what I've heard
decimation: in fact his entire behavior seems perfectly consistant with your quote from ascii's link http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-06-2014#729369
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
mircea_popescu: actually, i will readily PROVE to you he's exactly in the same category.
assbot: Bitcoin Address 1Bbu9uvaNMWmAGj6sPF3edaA4u1wY2DLtZ
decimation: interestingly it pops up in a link on the last pscyhiactrist's blog
mircea_popescu: interestingly, it's his donation address. with 6 bitcents in it.
mircea_popescu: tlp makes less than trilema. that's my proof sachs = rsm.
mircea_popescu: acceptable ?
assbot: Why Jeffrey Sachs matters
RagnarDanneskjol: Sachs is the Bono of economics - LOL
decimation: so to be clear, you are pointing out that someone who actually has original thoughts has a few bitcents, while sachs is raking in the speaking fees?
mircea_popescu: no. i am pointing out that someone whose brain works quite well but who wastes his time THERE rather than hire makes piddly squat.
mircea_popescu: and the THERE is the there of sachs.
mircea_popescu: s/hire/here, apparently dyslexia is contagious
mircea_popescu: so, the argument goes, invest your btc with rsm, 4% left in three years
mircea_popescu: or invest your intelligence with the bezzle, 4% left in thirty years ?
mircea_popescu: in the end, the fuck's the difference.
extra: hey guys so
extra: i'm meeting the coinbase co-founders at a Q&A tomorrow
extra: any questions you want me to ask them ?
mircea_popescu: what's their burn rate, or alternatively how long they got.
decimation: are they planning on actually making a real exchange on us soil?
extra: good Q
decimation: if so, how many regulators in how many states have they met with? how many lawyers retained?
decimation: because if the answer is 0, they are just dicking around
bloctoc: if the answer is more than 0 they are double plus dicking around
decimation: bloctoc: you might be right, but I suspect the "floor price" of buying into the entire us regulatory system is somewhere in the 10's of millions of dollars, perhaps low hundreds
decimation: it's interesting that this kind of wealth exists today in bitcoin yet no one is willing to spend it on bureaucracy
mircea_popescu: decimation nah, it's not that bad
decimation: mircea what portion of the youth in argentina speak english well enough to read trilema?
mircea_popescu: bout half ?
mircea_popescu: doesn't really matter anyway, a kid that's not bilingual is not literate anyway
decimation: there's much truth to that
mircea_popescu: letters used to come with latin in a package for this reason
decimation: mircea I'm just amazed that there is clearly an opportunity to make a profitable exchange on US soil, yet it appears no one is trying
decimation: at least, not without making any noise about it
mircea_popescu: it[s not that clearly profitable.
decimation: well, there's the issue of the usg taking 96% of your assets at a point of their choosing
mircea_popescu: you're grossly overestimating what it'd cost, it's maybe over 1mn but pretty sure under 10.
decimation: you would have to engage lawyers in 50 states and DC for sure
decimation: or start small and build up
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, do the math. if 100 mn us citizens spend 10 bux to buy from you over a year, out of the 0.2% you charge them you've made... 2mn
mircea_popescu: well done, almost paid with your legalese bill. let's hope all advertising was free
decimation: surely the bezzleers on wall street want a place to play
mircea_popescu: but it won't be free, because there's better way to extract value from the us consumer than taking 2 cents out of his 10 bux
mircea_popescu: yah, and they'll use your exchange
mircea_popescu: because why ?
decimation: heh good point
mircea_popescu: the us "market" is underserved for a reason. you can't get good wine, either, nor good cheese
mircea_popescu: nor good bread nor actual linen shirts nor steel engine blocks.
mircea_popescu: none of these'd be hard to do, legally.
mircea_popescu: the practicalities of a healthy sex life in argentina : as everywhere in south america, abortions are illegal here.
mircea_popescu: the one exception is uruguay, where they're not. so if you manage to knock up a girl in buenos aires, you have to ship her across the river.
asciilifeform: wine... cheese... bread... linen... steel engine << you can get them. just pay and pay.
assbot: Army Nuclear Power Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
asciilifeform doesn't own one
moiety: any redditors around?
decimation: So the US Dod in the past had a program to put a 2.5 mw generator on a truck and put it in a combat zone
asciilifeform: wtf is a redditor
moiety: people who reddit
mircea_popescu: decimation those aren't really something you'd want
moiety: apparently
asciilifeform did once
decimation: then use the energy to convert carbon via fischer-troph to synthetic fuel
mircea_popescu: did you get banned ?
moiety: not yet
moiety: oh asciilifeform lol
assbot: overview for asciilifeform
asciilifeform: apparently not banned yet
decimation: they even put one in a snow fort in Greenland in the '50s http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Iceworm
assbot: Project Iceworm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
decimation: my point is that many americans and 'allies' died in Afghanistan and Iraq transporting fuel to bases
decimation: they can't have a portable nuclear reactor because it would make the evrionmentalists batty
mircea_popescu: more like because it doesn't work so well.
decimation: what, nuclear fission?
mircea_popescu: portable nuclear reacors
decimation: well, like any engineering project it depends on the design
mircea_popescu: So what went wrong? For one thing, the villages that Sachs picked experienced all kinds of problems – from drought to political unrest. For another, the MVP took an idealistic “Field of Dreams” approach. MVP leaders encouraged farmers to switch to a series of new crops that were in demand in richer countries, and experts on the ground did a good job of helping farmers to produce good crop yields by using fertilis
mircea_popescu: er, irrigation, and better seeds.
mircea_popescu: But the MVP didn’t simultaneously invest in developing markets for these crops. According to Munk, “Pineapple couldn’t be exported after all, because the cost of transport was far too high. There was no market for ginger, apparently. And, despite some early interest from buyers in Japan, no one wanted banana flour.” The farmers grew the crops, but the buyers didn’t come.
mircea_popescu: ahjahahaha o god.
mircea_popescu: i wonder how long until these schmucks can earnestly admit "we like going to poor villages in africa because it is enjoyable to peruse in detail the troglodytism of lesser people"
mircea_popescu: all this disavowing pretense of "helping them" and "world better place" bs.
asciilifeform: incidentally, this is the only kind of 'charity' that exists in u.s. - and that their 'export product' is similar, should surprise no one.
mircea_popescu: Of course, Sachs knows that it’s critical to understand market dynamics; he’s one of the world’s smartest economists. But in the villages Munk profiled, Sachs seems to be wearing blinders.
mircea_popescu: Warren Buffett likes to say, “The rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” Through that rearview mirror, we can see that the project never had an economic model that could sustain successes once the MVP dollars ran out.
mircea_popescu: All of the interventions involved – health, agriculture, infrastructure, education, and business seed money – make sense if carried out carefully, over time. But I am surprised by how little Sachs dug into country budgets, and that he didn’t work to convince governments to commit to additional taxation
mircea_popescu: dude wants more taxes. that's the way!
mircea_popescu: and nobody could have predicted that nobody wants crap in the middle of nowhere.
mircea_popescu: this sort of prose should be a penal offense.
decimation: "Another reason Sachs offers for the benefits of diversity is the rather common one that the more contact we have with other ethnic groups, the more we develop trust, forgetting his own previous observation that trust declines in diverse societies, but calling attention instead to some research about the amicable ways in which individuals from different ethnic groups, jet set businessmen and academics, interact with different ethnic
decimation: individuals inside hotels, restaurants, and conferences. "
mircea_popescu: yeah dude, some guy in a five star hotel is so very likely to butcher some other guy in a five star hotel.
mircea_popescu: they have all these points of conflict all over the environment, such as who fucked the blonde escort last
mircea_popescu: and left the flap up
decimation: right but they can sit and chat amicably for a few hours
decimation: so therefore, open the third world's floodgates
mircea_popescu: the benefit of diversity is quite plainly that anytihng that can be butchered should be butchered.
mircea_popescu: "But that’s not his style. He rolls up his sleeves. He puts his theories into action. He drives himself as hard as anyone I know." gates now a "hard work" apologist ?
mircea_popescu: "dude failed but that's ok, he worked hard". wtf just how rotten is that mental space.
decimation: there's no other conclusion than: white people in the west "want" to be invaded, crushed, and forgotten
decimation: in the same way that ascii's hunter finds that the deer walk up to him and lay down
decimation: mircea: re: "pretend-alodial" from your blog: the wikipedia is quite helpful on explaining the current situation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fee_simple
assbot: Fee simple - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
decimation: "In English law, a fee simple (or fee simple absolute) is an estate in land, a form of freehold ownership. It is the way that real estate is owned in common law countries, and is the highest ownership interest possible that can be had in real property. Allodial title is reserved to governments under a civil law structure"
mircea_popescu: why's that so helpful ?
decimation: it makes the situation plain as day: there is no allodial title outside the government
decimation: plenty of people in the west think that they 'own' their land
decimation: in Hawaii, there are six layers of bureaucracy from the state down to the county level, each of which is empowered to tell you what you can do with "your" land
mircea_popescu: sucks for hawaii
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.0420004 = 0.63 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: anyway, fee tail used to exist, as the practical consequence of alodial title
mircea_popescu: it was phased out mostly at the owner's request.
assbot: Reading List: The Death of Money (Fourmilog: None Dare Call It Reason)
decimation: I imagine the arguments in court over long-lived estate's fee tails would be amusing
mircea_popescu: omfg the blue
decimation: browse in 'links'
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34034 @ 0.00082246 = 27.9916 BTC [-] {4}
decimation: the author does agree with your earlier point about having 4% of your remaining assets: "Well, that's far from clear. The one thing one shouldn't do is assume the present system will persist until you're ready to retire, and invest your retirement savings entirely on the assumption nothing will change."
decimation: I'm surprised he hasn't got on the bitcoin bandwagon, he seems to be a likely suspect
mircea_popescu: maybe he doesn't want to advertise it, or maybe he ran off with who knows what braindamage on the topic
← 2014-06-25 | 2014-06-27 →