Hide Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2013-12-28 | 2013-12-30 →
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16000 @ 0.00084576 = 13.5322 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1550 @ 0.00084978 = 1.3172 BTC [+]
Duffer1: "Looking for a reason to give up on humanity? Study climate change. That shit isn't changing back."
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8150 @ 0.00084978 = 6.9257 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41263 @ 0.00084425 = 34.8363 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12233 @ 0.00084729 = 10.3649 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1902 @ 0.00084999 = 1.6167 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8200 @ 0.00084999 = 6.9699 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6520 @ 0.00084553 = 5.5129 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13569 @ 0.00085009 = 11.5349 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15700 @ 0.00085038 = 13.351 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2750 @ 0.00085049 = 2.3388 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11350 @ 0.00085028 = 9.6507 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15750 @ 0.00085028 = 13.3919 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18400 @ 0.00085043 = 15.6479 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 5 @ 0.08545799 = 0.4273 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.08989998 = 0.1798 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 3 @ 0.08989999 = 0.2697 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 25 @ 0.02499871 = 0.625 BTC [+] {7}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12613 @ 0.00085028 = 10.7246 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 138 @ 0.001 = 0.138 BTC
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1718 @ 0.00085028 = 1.4608 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8532 @ 0.00084651 = 7.2224 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22450 @ 0.00085083 = 19.1011 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14100 @ 0.00084834 = 11.9616 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 153 @ 0.00324 = 0.4957 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16957 @ 0.00085177 = 14.4435 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.00084831 = 10.519 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8450 @ 0.00084825 = 7.1677 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6628 @ 0.00084812 = 5.6213 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3150 @ 0.00084808 = 2.6715 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13000 @ 0.00085222 = 11.0789 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15800 @ 0.00085222 = 13.4651 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12273 @ 0.00084779 = 10.4049 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 13 @ 0.09060768 = 1.1779 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7272 @ 0.00084909 = 6.1746 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2015 @ 0.00084909 = 1.7109 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9000 @ 0.00084909 = 7.6418 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8600 @ 0.0008495 = 7.3057 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 300 @ 0.0008514 = 0.2554 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2476 @ 0.00084909 = 2.1023 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4474 @ 0.00084751 = 3.7918 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15718 @ 0.0008514 = 13.3823 BTC [+]
ozbot: Overstock CEO: 'I don't own bitcoin, but I'm a fan' - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blogTerm Sheet
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4000 @ 0.0008514 = 3.4056 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6100 @ 0.0008506 = 5.1887 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10432 @ 0.00084751 = 8.8412 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10650 @ 0.00085088 = 9.0619 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.290002 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13847 @ 0.00084651 = 11.7216 BTC [-] {3}
KRS|Gotyawallet: pankkake ya got that one, great news isnt it
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20512 @ 0.00084944 = 17.4237 BTC [+]
KRS|Gotyawallet: Did you see the article finance.fortune.cnn.com did on mpex and coins.br
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1777 @ 0.00085199 = 1.514 BTC [+]
pankkake: yes, even saw the journalist coming here, it was… painful
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16279 @ 0.00084737 = 13.7943 BTC [-]
VanCleef: mpex tanking, abort abort
KRS|Gotyawallet: quick, where's the red phone
VanCleef: someone get india and china on the phone and tell them to flush this crap
KRS|Gotyawallet: someone call Fontas
VanCleef: i dont get why this room still exists
VanCleef: nothing to invest in
KRS|Gotyawallet: sure there is..everyone's got IPO's in the works..so does my neighbor's dog
KRS|Gotyawallet: IPO's gone wild
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17203 @ 0.00084627 = 14.5584 BTC [-] {2}
VanCleef: i'll take 1 million shares plz
KRS|Gotyawallet: Order confirmed. He has doge coin available through his brokerage too.
KRS|Gotyawallet: such profit
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22976 @ 0.0008502 = 19.5342 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4820 @ 0.00084491 = 4.0725 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10580 @ 0.00084408 = 8.9304 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7750 @ 0.00085272 = 6.6086 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16800 @ 0.00084392 = 14.1779 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4950 @ 0.00085284 = 4.2216 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13700 @ 0.00085284 = 11.6839 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6500 @ 0.00085284 = 5.5435 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8150 @ 0.00085144 = 6.9392 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 75 @ 0.0215929 = 1.6195 BTC [-] {21}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 12 @ 0.02001674 = 0.2402 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 53 @ 0.01978542 = 1.0486 BTC [-] {10}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 98 @ 0.01770002 = 1.7346 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.07452499 = 0.2981 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 24 @ 0.02059999 = 0.4944 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14480 @ 0.00084467 = 12.2308 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 500 @ 0.00281276 = 1.4064 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11250 @ 0.00084569 = 9.514 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.0008438 = 7.0035 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 331 @ 0.00281624 = 0.9322 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 40 @ 0.00285 = 0.114 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 24 @ 0.02089999 = 0.5016 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 164 @ 0.00285 = 0.4674 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 1000 @ 0.001 = 1 BTC
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.29 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 350 @ 0.00285 = 0.9975 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7000 @ 0.00084854 = 5.9398 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] [PAID] 0.66306875 BTC to 9`575 shares, 6925 satoshi per share
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17089 @ 0.00084854 = 14.5007 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.28706324 = 2.2965 BTC [-] {6}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 9 @ 0.02150001 = 0.1935 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.28500012 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3605 @ 0.00084727 = 3.0544 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 22 @ 0.02301001 = 0.5062 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15600 @ 0.0008493 = 13.2491 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9750 @ 0.0008497 = 8.2846 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 24 @ 0.02219999 = 0.5328 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.075 = 0.225 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10775 @ 0.00085044 = 9.1635 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2125 @ 0.0008514 = 1.8092 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5994 @ 0.00084997 = 5.0947 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 350 @ 0.00285 = 0.9975 BTC [-]
benkay: asciilifeform: why do you need to reverse the xilinx toolchain?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1090 @ 0.00285 = 3.1065 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: benkay: can't make a self-reconfiguring Xilinx without knowing the exact bitstream format and internal layout.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21200 @ 0.00085203 = 18.063 BTC [+] {2}
asciilifeform: likewise, and even more elementary: can't make a self-reconfiguring xilinx (or other fpga based) system without x86/unix in the loop unless you can ditch the vendor's toolchain
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.0711 = 0.711 BTC [-] {3}
asciilifeform: interestingly, xilinx and other vendors used to publish their internals, but that stopped in the mid-90s when they moved to a 'rent our code' business model
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22150 @ 0.000853 = 18.894 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25450 @ 0.00085182 = 21.6788 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 46 @ 0.00286 = 0.1316 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3702 @ 0.00085176 = 3.1532 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 474 @ 0.002888 = 1.3689 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1800 @ 0.00084935 = 1.5288 BTC [-]
benkay: sounds like the xilinx tools are designed to implement a certain set of routines in silicon but the silicon itself can't change the implemented routines until you bake the configuration of the fpga into the fpga itself. am i close?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.00085045 = 7.484 BTC [+] {2}
benkay: asciilifeform ^^
mircea_popescu: soo, who's drunk and who;s sober ?
Duffer1: <--sober
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23500 @ 0.00084726 = 19.9106 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: though i suppose the other 140 ppl are too drunk to type...
kakobrekla: mebbe they havent gptten rid of real life yet
Duffer1: how are your pet gnats?
mircea_popescu: i got them all collars and stuff
mircea_popescu: little gnat housies.
Duffer1: don't give them internet, it's the devils tool, corrupt their impressionable minds
benkay: or any touchscreen
benkay: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 766.00001, Best ask: 770.11, Bid-ask spread: 4.10999, Last trade: 764.97999, 24 hour volume: 4554.52435218, 24 hour low: 735.0, 24 hour high: 779.0, 24 hour vwap: 758.20762
mircea_popescu: jesus i get all these season's greetings emails from romanians that are written in english and full of errors.
mircea_popescu: why da fuck do these people do this.
Tyklol: mircea_popescu: because it works
Tykling: oh, wait, I may have misread - I thought you meant phishing type mails
Duffer1: Salutări frate român. Vacanță vesel brânză. Sper că și subțire dumneavoastră sunt bine.
Duffer1: from english to romanian with errors :)
twizt: haha
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00085094 = 10.1262 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4450 @ 0.00085094 = 3.7867 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11600 @ 0.00085365 = 9.9023 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7200 @ 0.00085218 = 6.1357 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12485 @ 0.00085378 = 10.6594 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9746 @ 0.00085088 = 8.2927 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26853 @ 0.00085402 = 22.933 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4651 @ 0.00085471 = 3.9753 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7600 @ 0.00085447 = 6.494 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 15 @ 0.037 = 0.555 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20000 @ 0.00085447 = 17.0894 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10550 @ 0.00085479 = 9.018 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12850 @ 0.00085659 = 11.0072 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24850 @ 0.00085855 = 21.335 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8400 @ 0.00085899 = 7.2155 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20200 @ 0.00085597 = 17.2906 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3800 @ 0.00085384 = 3.2446 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11050 @ 0.00085384 = 9.4349 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3050 @ 0.00085889 = 2.6196 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5000 @ 0.0000823 = 0.4115 BTC [-] {17}
jborkl: Well Hashfast is coming unraveled quickly
benkay: o ya?
benkay: do tell.
benkay: i like their approach to the DOM
Duffer1: 225Th batch one starts shipping by dec 31
benkay: "who cares about where the actual fuck the viewport is pointed?!"
benkay: "just reorganize all the content all the time!"
jborkl: Well, they have not shipped and now reached the drop dead refund date. The thread is interesting to keep up with but it appears the same as the Tom
kakobrekla: lolwat
benkay: no hashfast bitbets?
jborkl: I do not believe they will ship , but that is me. I have seen this story too many times now
jborkl: In the next 30 days or more
Duffer1: they announced a few days ago they'll start shipping first batch by dec 31, it would take bfl levels of gall to say that and not actually be ready
benkay: or just standard bitcorp incompetence.
jborkl: Well Avalon, BFL, basic all said the same basic stuff.
jborkl: Actually basic and Avalon did much worse
jborkl: The ecosystem was just smaller to feed on then
twizt: lol
twizt: all those pics look like renders
twizt: of the 'chip'
twizt: like the bullshit product mockups u can buy from fiverr
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11748 @ 0.00085642 = 10.0612 BTC [-] {2}
Duffer1: ya they're all mockups so far, it'll be interesting to see if they can do what they say
pankkake: the twitter account has more
BingoBoingo: These last minute "pre-shipping" announcements seem more like fishing for a last few suckers than anything helpful to people who would have already "Pre-ordered"
Duffer1: ya could be
BingoBoingo: Pretty sure Labcoin did this. BFL managed to do this several times. Avalon did this when they mined on customer rigs before shipping them.
KRS|Gotyawallet: wouldn't you?
KRS|Gotyawallet: someone would have to convince me pretty hard not to
KRS|Gotyawallet: but i wouldn't take it too far and be greedy
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 25 @ 0.09199097 = 2.2998 BTC [+] {4}
kakobrekla: "too far" varies too much.
Duffer1: labcoin pulled a lot of shit, but they didn't even try to develop something
KRS|Gotyawallet: labcoin was a straight up scam
Duffer1: yep
BingoBoingo: I guess soon it will become obvious if Hashfast was a straight up scam as well.
KRS|Gotyawallet: at least cex.io isn't a scam, its just a straight up rip-off. Never made sense of their pricing in terms of roi..I must hav been doing something wrong because they still have customers.
pankkake: it's all in the referal system
BingoBoingo: Gotchawallet: Well, some people really just want to get mugged
Gotchawallet: i'm under that impression yeah.
pankkake: there was that funny comic about it
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.09199099 = 0.184 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2202 @ 0.00085384 = 1.8802 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 80 @ 0.001499 = 0.1199 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 500 @ 0.0015 = 0.75 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 358 @ 0.00179 = 0.6408 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 111 @ 0.001899 = 0.2108 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18548 @ 0.00085206 = 15.804 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.28500012 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.28500001 = 0.57 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 10 @ 0.03839999 = 0.384 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 28 @ 0.09199099 = 2.5757 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 2000 @ 0.001 = 2 BTC
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35396 @ 0.00085711 = 30.3383 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15850 @ 0.00085944 = 13.6221 BTC [+] {2}
ozbot: Report: NSA Intercepts Computer Deliveries | TheBlaze.com
mircea_popescu: this just keeps getting better an' better.
Duffer1: have you read the der spiegel piece?
mircea_popescu: yeah. it has little to do with the english summary, but hey
Duffer1: i wonder if there's a way to edit windows crash reports, send ms and nsa troll reports instead
Duffer1: dilythium crystals overloaded
BingoBoingo: Duffer1: I imagine repurposing a botnet to spam fake, trollish Windows crash reports might be something some sort of activist could be motivated to do if they had a strong desire of being found.
BingoBoingo: One of those "You don't have to outrun the bear..." cases, except running into the bear's open arms
Duffer1: ya probably not the smartest thing to do
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo what exactly are they going to do ? arrest the guy for being an asshole ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Maybe? Possibly troll him back. Such an effort might be a heroic waste of NSA and MS time.
BingoBoingo: Or some agent could say fuck it and activate the mechanisms leading towards extraordinary rendition to a blacksite and use of Datskovskiy’s soldering iron. Hard to tell what the rogue state will do.
BingoBoingo: Under other circumstances it might lead to the NSA extending some sort of job offer.
BingoBoingo: Capriciousness of action is part of make a rouge state rogue
mircea_popescu: it all sounds like good fun to the average botnet master i'm sure.
BingoBoingo: The mindset that leads people to think spamming could be a profitable venture would probably be the sort that could lead someone to think spamming the NSA into thinking "user won Darwin Award" is the most common means by which a Windows system fails
BingoBoingo: Because the point of collecting the reports is for the juicy dump of data about how a machine is configured. The right way would probably be spamming legit looking reports suggesting people are running WIndows 8.1 on PDP-11s, Vaxen, and other ancient systems
mircea_popescu: i know someone who redirected his domains to the whitehouse when someone else was trying to ddos him
BingoBoingo: Lol, Highlights of 2013.
BingoBoingo: I wonder what ways Bitcoin will be probed in 2014. Bigger DDoS attacks? BitBet being defaced? The IRS accepting pankkake's altcoin?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.04999973 = 0.25 BTC [+] {2}
Duffer1: pankakke's alt?
mircea_popescu: i think we're way past probing
mircea_popescu: meanwhile at the "let's mock retards department", http://trilema.com/2013/queers/
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 102294 @ 0.00085982 = 87.9544 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49200 @ 0.00086361 = 42.4896 BTC [+]
Bugpowder: Anyone have a link to a good discussion of master coin benefits and valuation potential?
BingoBoingo: Bugpowder: Was there ever a good discussion of mastercoin that ended up supposing benefits, valuation potention, or some combination of both in the end?
Bugpowder: I don't know. I'm totally out of the loop on it. What do you think?
BingoBoingo: Bugpowder: Basically mastercoin is this colored coins idea but the developer found a way to try colored coins that involved "Send me your coins and I will make this thing"
Bugpowder: Then it might actually get made!
mircea_popescu: i dunno that such a write-up exists
mircea_popescu: doubt it could be made, either.
ThickAsThieves: plus, who wants to use something called mastercoin
Duffer1: r/mastercoin i can sub to be a mastermind
← 2013-12-28 | 2013-12-30 →