Hide Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2013-11-24 | 2013-11-26 →
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.329101 = 3.291 BTC [-] {4}
benkay: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 775.0, Best ask: 786.96996, Bid-ask spread: 11.96996, Last trade: 786.97996, 24 hour volume: 20070.55598152, 24 hour low: 755.0, 24 hour high: 855.0, 24 hour vwap: 809.53373
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 500 @ 0.00310138 = 1.5507 BTC [-] {9}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 600 @ 0.0031 = 1.86 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: !ticker h am100
assbot: [HAVELOCK:AM100] 1D: 0.00310000 / 0.00341661 / 0.00429899 (4748 shares, 16.22208690 BTC), 7D: 0.00270000 / 0.00386841 / 0.00586900 (63718 shares, 246.48727386 BTC), 30D: 0.00270000 / 0.00536566 / 0.00889000 (184192 shares, 988.31198895 BTC)
thestringpuller: ;;ud work
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=work&defid=682271 | Refers to a supply of contraband to be sold for profit. Distinguished from "stash" or "personal", in that "work" is usually only sold and often con...
ozbot: Urban Dictionary: work
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.17009999 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 58 @ 0.00310001 = 0.1798 BTC [-] {2}
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 799.88, Best ask: 799.96996, Bid-ask spread: 0.08996, Last trade: 799.96996, 24 hour volume: 19941.45532611, 24 hour low: 758.95852, 24 hour high: 855.0, 24 hour vwap: 808.62323
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 5 @ 0.09999999 = 0.5 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6161 @ 0.00078257 = 4.8214 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: thestringpuller: Old news.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.32714285 = 2.29 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 340 @ 0.00308323 = 1.0483 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 3999 @ 0.00210022 = 8.3988 BTC [+] {6}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.326 = 3.912 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 31 @ 0.325 = 10.075 BTC [-] {2}
thestringpuller: i'm glad bitcoin-assets is on top of everything
thestringpuller: the only channel that actually makes sure the bitcoin world is running correctly
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 2721 @ 0.00066 = 1.7959 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1215 @ 0.00066 = 0.8019 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 400 @ 0.00213581 = 0.8543 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5800 @ 0.00012 = 0.696 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8400 @ 0.00078142 = 6.5639 BTC [-] {2}
taub: hm
taub: i dont know
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 38 @ 0.00320999 = 0.122 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 41 @ 0.00335897 = 0.1377 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9150 @ 0.00078482 = 7.1811 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9600 @ 0.00078523 = 7.5382 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6900 @ 0.00077995 = 5.3817 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 800 @ 0.00339411 = 2.7153 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 20 @ 0.325 = 6.5 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 57 @ 0.31561403 = 17.99 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.3125 = 3.125 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 28 @ 0.3125 = 8.75 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1097 @ 0.00213553 = 2.3427 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 328 @ 0.002145 = 0.7036 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1300 @ 0.00078538 = 1.021 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 871 @ 0.00214991 = 1.8726 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 450 @ 0.00215 = 0.9675 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13350 @ 0.00078545 = 10.4858 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 218 @ 0.00066 = 0.1439 BTC [+]
kleeck: hi
nubbins`: <--hung over
truffles: noob
kleeck: lol
kleeck: Today is going to be stressful enough without a hangover.
nubbins`: in my defense, i'm up and have eaten breakfast and it's only 8:45
kleeck: Hah.
kleeck: Coffee cures all.
nubbins`: nod, on my second cup :D
nubbins`: we put off a show last night, it went great
nubbins`: and i drank many pints
kleeck: Nice, man!
nubbins`: yeah, it was pretty validating
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.3211075 = 1.2844 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 7579 @ 0.00010125 = 0.7674 BTC [-] {9}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2421 @ 0.00009607 = 0.2326 BTC [-] {8}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 797 @ 0.00215319 = 1.7161 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 254 @ 0.0022 = 0.5588 BTC [+]
nubbins`: ok, back to bed. try again in a few hours
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.36899946 BTC [+]
Guest67219: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 831.00001, Best ask: 839.48999, Bid-ask spread: 8.48998, Last trade: 831.00001, 24 hour volume: 19889.29678185, 24 hour low: 758.95852, 24 hour high: 855.0, 24 hour vwap: 813.17677
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 165 @ 0.00066 = 0.1089 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.36899946 = 0.738 BTC [+] {2}
pascal257: so ukto will announce that he defaulted?
kleeck: Haha. This Newegg lawsuite is awesome.
ozbot: Newegg trial: Crypto legend takes the stand, goes for knockout patent punch | Ars Technica
kleeck: "We've heard a good bit in this courtroom about public key encryption," said Albright. "Are you familiar with that?
kleeck: "Yes, I am," said Diffie, in what surely qualified as the biggest understatement of the trial.
kleeck: "And how is it that you're familiar with public key encryption?"
kleeck: "I invented it."
thestringpuller: LOL DIFFIE HOFFMAN?
thestringpuller: said dat
kleeck: :)
thestringpuller: pascal257: you have inside information on the ukyo loan?
thestringpuller: !ticker m s.mpoe
assbot: [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00077981 / 0.00078521 / 0.00079094 (232388 shares, 182.48 BTC), 7D: 0.0007725 / 0.00080971 / 0.00085604 (1732434 shares, 1,402.78 BTC), 30D: 0.0007725 / 0.00082362 / 0.00088996 (5137819 shares, 4,231.62 BTC)
nubbins`: who's diffie hoffman?
thestringpuller: created the diffie-hellman key exchange
nubbins`: i think you might have your names mixed up
kleeck: yea
kleeck: that's not him
nubbins`: diffie is a last name ;)
kleeck: this is Whit Diffie
kleeck: He worked WITH Hellman though
kleeck: He is as much a legend.
thestringpuller: too early for me to remember mah history
kleeck: and I love seeing patent trolls get trounced.
thestringpuller: won't patent trolling become obsolete soon?
thestringpuller: if someone patents something in america, just like move to china no?
kleeck: In 1976, he published "New Directions in Cryptography" with Martin Hellman. The paper's cover sheet was displayed on the screen in court.
kleeck: "Is it fair to say that the jury is looking at a little bit of history, in terms of cryptography?" asked Albright.
kleeck: "You embarrass me," said Diffie. "But yes, I think it's fair."
kleeck: You can patent things internationally.
thestringpuller: how does that work?
kleeck: IPC
kleeck: International Patent Classifications
truffles: why would u avoid paying for some1 else's hard work
kleeck: I wouldn't.
kleeck: Patent Trolls buy patents and then claim they have the rights to things that they often don't.
thestringpuller: Everything should just be open source
ozbot: WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization
thestringpuller: run SaaS
thestringpuller: if you want moolah
kleeck: I don't believe that's the answer.
kleeck: I do like openSource though.
kleeck: It's ok to own a thing you create.
thestringpuller: If it's art sure.
kleeck: Why does it matter what it is?
thestringpuller: but you shouldn't be able to own something someone else can easily discover
kleeck: Sure.
kleeck: I believe in limits.
thestringpuller: you shouldn't be able to own science no?
kleeck: Define "Science"
thestringpuller: what's next, monsanto starts patenting our genes?
nubbins`: stallman had lucid thoughts on this
nubbins`: anything for the betterment of mankind can't be patented
nubbins`: art/creative things can
kleeck: nubbins`, I think that's a thought worth exploring.
nubbins`: of course, this fails in practice
thestringpuller: kleeck: I use science in the sense of, "a calculus used for discovery", or "something discovered using the scientific method".
nubbins`: because why would you spend $x00 million dollars developing something
nubbins`: if you can't make heaps of cash off it?
kleeck: Big Pharma would be so sad!
nubbins`: so would all the people dependent on complex medications
thestringpuller: those patents expire pretty quick
nubbins`: or the ones with diseases for which there is not yet any treatment
thestringpuller: from what I can recall
thestringpuller: the whole "generic thing"
nubbins`: yeah, but there are ways around that
nubbins`: add some useless feature to drug x, market it as x', the new generation!
nubbins`: why the fuck would anyone want shitty generic x when fabulous new x' is available?
thestringpuller: down with Monsanto!!!!
thestringpuller: this reminds me of Venture Brothers
nubbins`: <Luke-Jr> quickcoin: before the Church, people were just superstitious idiots
nubbins`: oh my sides
thestringpuller: oh that luke-jr
thestringpuller: i love mircea comment on him
thestringpuller: to the public everyone thinks "oh luke-jr is a core developer! what a great guy"
thestringpuller: "Luke-jr is not part of the Bitcoin devteam. He.s a loud and mostly useless contributor, such as pretty much everyone with a github + my cat."
nubbins`: i'm pretty sure he's not a troll
nubbins`: but he acts in pretty much the exact same manner as one
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 221 @ 0.0022 = 0.4862 BTC [+] {2}
thestringpuller: oh god now I'm deep into trilema again
thestringpuller: this is what happens when you have like 18000 credits
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.36 BTC [-]
ystarnaud: too bad thats not the US lol
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 91 @ 0.00321297 = 0.2924 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 209 @ 0.0030656 = 0.6407 BTC [-] {4}
gribble: The operation succeeded.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
jurov`: i'm here
thestringpuller: well that's the thing I meant to send you yesterday
jurov`: ok, moment
ozbot: 609482679.88835 | Next Diff in 709 blocks | Estimated Change: 12.7610% in 4d 7h 1m 45s
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.36 BTC [-]
ozbot: Canadian banks to be compelled to share clients' info with U.S. - Politics - CBC News
nubbins`: if only there was some sort of way to store monetary value without having to use a bank
mike_c: The law forces all banks and other financial institutions outside the U.S. to search for customers who have certain "indicia."
mike_c: nice how we can make laws for the world.
mike_c: you would think the rest of the world would get to vote in US elections in that case.
nubbins`: puerto rico can't even vote, you think they're gonna let canadians do it?
nubbins`: anyway, this seems like a direct violation of the charter
mike_c: which charter?
nubbins`: of rights and freedoms
mike_c: oh that one.
nubbins`: just some silly document we have here in canada ;)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1075 @ 0.00307751 = 3.3083 BTC [-] {7}
mike_c: " you know, Americans do not come to Canada for the low taxes," says Wrobel.
mike_c: ^ true dat
nubbins`: they come here for the weed and syrup
mike_c: and skiing
nubbins`: ah yes, and that
mike_c: and cuban cigars
mike_c: lots of good things up north, but low taxes aren't one of them :)
nubbins`: oh right, those aren't allowed down there
nubbins`: well, ya know. gotta pay for the "free" healthcare somehow.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.33000005 = 0.66 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.322 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 8 @ 0.12814998 = 1.0252 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1500 @ 0.00010509 = 0.1576 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 123 @ 0.003075 = 0.3782 BTC [-] {4}
dexX7: what's that? thread number 3?
Guest67219: dafuq my username..
Guest67219: banned on linux, wtf?
ThickAsThieves: scumbag loopholes!
kakobrekla: funny thing is, the bet was open for hours after the price condition was satisfied
deadweasel: dammit pankkake , I thought I would get some work done today. damn you for following gold thread!
pankkake: thankfully I have nothing going on in my life
mike_c: those threads mess up my chi, but they are like a train wreck. I can't not read them.
mike_c: hah! i'm listed in there now. nice.
deadweasel: yeah, that's my last sticking point, because false scammer accusations are scammy.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.3449 = 0.6898 BTC [+]
nubbins`: just finished adding up everything from last night
nubbins`: the show/print sale was a success!
deadweasel: congrats nubs!
nubbins`: thanks! all the bands seemed pretty happy with their take, and everyone had a blast
nubbins`: my hangover is gone now too!
deadweasel: a win-win
nubbins`: nod. gonna plan another one for february
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4300 @ 0.00078569 = 3.3785 BTC [+]
ozbot: Dustin Paxton's victim says brain damage kept him from fleeing - CBC News - Latest Canada, World, En
nubbins`: been following this story on and off for a few years, really fucked up
nubbins`: apparently there's now a publication ban on the victim's name too, for some reason
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.345 = 1.725 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.33900011 = 0.678 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.354 = 0.708 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.36308304 = 4.357 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 500 @ 0.0022 = 1.1 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.3391 = 0.6782 BTC [-]
deadweasel: pankkake lol, stuartuk doesn't like your business model!
deadweasel: although business model is a very generous term :)
pankkake: I'm a failed bitcoin entrepreneur
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.36899946 = 1.476 BTC [+] {2}
deadweasel: aren't we all
kakobrekla: nope nope nope nope
pankkake: there's a guy who lost 0.0001 BTC and created a thread about it
pankkake: because of weight+fee
pankkake: the calculator wasn't there at the time, I think
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 55 @ 0.0330029 = 1.8152 BTC [-] {6}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 45 @ 0.03119355 = 1.4037 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.3689496 = 2.9516 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 400 @ 0.00250051 = 1.0002 BTC [-] {14}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.36899947 = 1.107 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: > Man, the entire world is going to know how they are.
kakobrekla: couldnt have asked for better promo i guess
ozbot: James Franco & Seth Rogen - Bound 3 (Vague) - YouTube
mike_c: what does he write these in that he is getting the stupid fancy apostrophe instead of normal %27? i know he wouldn't be writing trilema posts on windows!
jurov`: mike_c: maybe it's turdpress
mike_c: probably
pankkake: wordpress does this by default, yes
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.36899947 BTC [+]
pankkake: and it's the correct typographic characters for English. it should replace start and end " too
mike_c: if by "should" you mean "should not", then i agree with you.
pankkake: “I actually have these on my keyboard layout, but often don’t bother using them”
pankkake: what’s wrong with writing correctly?
mike_c: i would disagree with you, but then i would be considered a scammer.
pankkake: he does add spaces before ?! which is highly incorrect however
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 462 @ 0.00344782 = 1.5929 BTC [+] {7}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 30 @ 0.36899947 = 11.07 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.36899947 = 4.428 BTC [+] {2}
pascal257: any information on HIF?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 30 @ 0.34566664 = 10.37 BTC [-] {10}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 38 @ 0.003609 = 0.1371 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 185 @ 0.00330077 = 0.6106 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 17 @ 0.03657642 = 0.6218 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.36899999 = 2.583 BTC [+] {4}
pascal2571: someone from the US willing to proxy a packet to the EU?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.36 BTC [-]
gesell: pascal2571: data packet?
pascal2571: nope a physical packet ^^
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 47 @ 0.003609 = 0.1696 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: pascal2572: How big of a packet?
benkay: mircea_popescu: thoughts on switching options from whole-bitcoin contracts to lots of 10k or 100k satoshi?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 42 @ 0.0036488 = 0.1532 BTC [-]
benkay: badbios rising
jurov`: lol splitting options, where did we end up...
kleeck: What do you guys think?
kleeck: Is DPR the monster they say he is?
jurov`: did you see they dug out 1000 btc being sent from satoshi to dpr?
jurov`: *were sent
ozbot: Satoshi Nakamoto And Silk Road Link - Business Insider
dexX7: maybe dpr knew that the feds baited him
dexX7: and he ordered the hits to counter :p
dexX7: it's shocking that he has a diary with stuff like "got word that that blackmailer was executed" and no file/disk encryption
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.36796666 = 1.1039 BTC [+] {3}
ozbot: BitBet - Litecoin (LTC) to rise above 10USD each before Dec 25th
jurov`: thestringpuller around? pm
kleeck: is ltc over 10$?
bwq: yup
bwq: still rising too
bwq: 10.16 atm
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.37528571 = 2.627 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.39333331 = 2.36 BTC [+] {3}
Diablo-D3: honestly I dont care what mp's blog says
pankkake: don't read, look at the picture
Diablo-D3: oh that
Diablo-D3: I saw the ritz cracker one days ago and already +1ed it on g+
Diablo-D3: actually, I shared it on g+
pankkake: lol, those look like junk food
Diablo-D3: pankkake: basically, she could sue the school system for feeding her kids known toxins that cause irreparable brain damage and death
Diablo-D3: they are junk food, it contains grains
pankkake: only talking about the looks :p
Diablo-D3: pankkake: the blogosphere had a fit over that school
Diablo-D3: they have no right to feed something to kids that the parents have not expressly authorized
Diablo-D3: printing it in a handbook is not authorization
Diablo-D3: but thanks to how the news cycle goes, Ill probably never find out what happens
Diablo-D3: pankkake: lol I just saw your comment
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 446 @ 0.00221167 = 0.9864 BTC [+] {4}
pankkake: probably only paleo nuts will understand the racist part
pankkake: it's even racist in the liberal sense, as milk tolerant people are mostly white IIRC
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 54 @ 0.00222998 = 0.1204 BTC [+]
deadweasel: Milk tolerant people make me sick.
ozbot: Lactose Intolerance by Ethnicity and Region - Milk - ProCon.org
Diablo-D3: pankkake: white because they're european, btw
Diablo-D3: cows were domesticated by either the romans or the greeks, I forget
Diablo-D3: the cows we have now, I mean
Diablo-D3: we've been eating them a lot longer than that, though
kakobrekla: i dunno why lactose intolerant are still alive
pankkake: they're most of humanity actually!
pankkake: I don't know if I am one. I did throw up cold milk once
Diablo-D3: I know Im not one, but Im half german half irish
kakobrekla: its not about what comes out of your moth
Diablo-D3: so that sort of comes with the genes
kakobrekla: mouth
kakobrekla: just what comes out of your ass
Diablo-D3: yeah wha kak said
Diablo-D3: if you get the shits after eating dairy products
deadweasel: naturally we lose lactase enzymes as we grow older (read: away from mommas tits)
Diablo-D3: you're lactose intolerant
kakobrekla: fuck i love tits
kakobrekla: also i like milk
deadweasel: Only bedouins don't, because they've been living on it for a thousand years
kakobrekla: a giant baby.
deadweasel: now they're all trrsts
deadweasel: because milk
ThickAsThieves: i think you can buy titmilk online no?
kakobrekla: i can order room service
ThickAsThieves: the only nonracist option
Diablo-D3: ThickAsThieves: only in japan
kakobrekla: just takes 9 months
Diablo-D3: and its rather expensive
pankkake: but I've drank hot chocolate milk for a long time
Diablo-D3: honestly, I dont care for milk
Diablo-D3: its too thin
kakobrekla: honestly milk doesnt care for you Diablo-D3
Diablo-D3: like, Ill use heavy cream and cheese, but never milk
kakobrekla: so just part your ways and shut up
Diablo-D3: and very little heavy cream
deadweasel: raw milk and goat milk don't trigger many lactose intolerant people.
Diablo-D3: kakobrekla: heh
Diablo-D3: I spent my entire childhood eating a bowl of cereal ever morning
deadweasel: could be a product of pasturization
Diablo-D3: I wonder how much damage that caused
Diablo-D3: deadweasel: it is
Diablo-D3: pasturization produces many toxins, some of which cause cancer
kakobrekla: well what can you do, even cancer causes cancer
kakobrekla: theres not getting away from it
jurov`: !ticker m s.mpoe
assbot: [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00077981 / 0.00078318 / 0.00078569 (106440 shares, 83.36 BTC), 7D: 0.0007725 / 0.0008084 / 0.00085604 (1656724 shares, 1,339.30 BTC), 30D: 0.0007725 / 0.00082358 / 0.00088996 (5142119 shares, 4,235.00 BTC)
kakobrekla: even if you nick suggests otherwise, you are a mortal Diablo-D3
Diablo-D3: kakobrekla: I dont believe thats true
jurov`: !ticker m s.bbet
assbot: [MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.00045 / 0.00046739 / 0.00059 (10080 shares, 4.71 BTC), 30D: 0.00045 / 0.00061535 / 0.00071 (32042 shares, 19.72 BTC)
pankkake: as entire meals
Diablo-D3: I am mortal _for now_)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 13504 @ 0.00009312 = 1.2575 BTC [-] {13}
kakobrekla: you are mortal until you get cancer
kakobrekla: then you are dead.
pankkake: if you kill enough animals you won't get cancer
jurov`: you aren't mortal after death? good to know
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.39999997 = 0.8 BTC [+] {2}
ThickAsThieves: immortality, only a stone's throw away
drdudebro: how long does it take for a bet to resolve once closed?
drdudebro: the resolution date passed too
pankkake: usually less than 24h
deadweasel: my south african friend tells me having sex with infants cures HIV. he's not a doctor.
pankkake: some doctors give worse advice
Diablo-D3: deadweasel: yes, and he should be executed for warcrimes
deadweasel: mine, in fact. "We'll do the Lyme test next week!"
drdudebro: waiting on the arnold rothstein bet
deadweasel: Diablo-D3: agreed.
pankkake: drdudebro: perhaps give result in comments with link to proof
drdudebro: Someone just has to watch the damn episode i guess
pankkake: yeah, that too, but it's the kind of bet that might to be resolved as fast as others I guess
pankkake: not be
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.39799999 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.39799999 BTC [-]
ozbot: Visit of ASICMINER's Immersion Cooling Mining Facility
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 85 @ 0.00362735 = 0.3083 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 145 @ 0.00364983 = 0.5292 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 42 @ 0.00334429 = 0.1405 BTC [-] {4}
dub: topace: your css sucks
dub: topace: the header logo/image is on top of the signin link
pankkake: worksforme
dexX7: uh, speaking of that
dexX7: highcharts sucks also
dexX7: i hate it
pankkake: why?
dexX7: it's ugly
pankkake: what's better?
dexX7: and every "bitcoin" website uses it
dexX7: i don't know
pankkake: don't be a hipster! mainstream isn't always bad
pankkake: it's fairly configurable actually, I've seen it look not ugly
dexX7: yes, there was one case
thestringpuller: make your own shit with d3
dexX7: rtbtc.com/clarkmoody is great
ozbot: Rickshaw: A JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive time-series graphs
dexX7: looks great and fast, but no candles
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1700 @ 0.00078881 = 1.341 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.389 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.39499 = 0.79 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.395 = 0.79 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.39779999 = 1.1934 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.39799999 = 1.99 BTC [+] {2}
pascal257: [WTS] 3537 ADDICTION direct shares - Message me with your offer
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.39999998 = 0.8 BTC [+]
ozbot: [WTS] 3537 ADDICTION shares
mike_c: 3 weeks and no takers :)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 80 @ 0.00223309 = 0.1786 BTC [+] {2}
ThickAsThieves: [WTS] 3537 My Personal Toenail Clippings
mike_c: possibly worth more
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.4 = 1.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.00364798 = 0.1824 BTC [+]
pascal257: as long as I don't get reasonable offers, I don't see why I should sell
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.00364798 = 0.1824 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.41 BTC [+]
pascal257: I should run an IPO around them with super special earlybird shares
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 30 @ 0.00364799 = 0.1094 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 54 @ 0.00365 = 0.1971 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 534 @ 0.00223983 = 1.1961 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 30 @ 0.0036899 = 0.1107 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 71 @ 0.00360001 = 0.2556 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 131 @ 0.0036 = 0.4716 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 97 @ 0.0022399 = 0.2173 BTC [+]
ozbot: Invest in Bitcoin Bourse System shares
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 783 @ 0.00233801 = 1.8307 BTC [+] {5}
pascal257: That dood has same humor
ThickAsThieves: he already IPO'd a while back and failed
ThickAsThieves: if i recall it wasnt the WORST thing, but still not worth buying
pascal257: it's just another bitcoin exchange
pankkake: he started offering on the French forum, so we had the delight earlier
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 120 @ 0.002392 = 0.287 BTC [+]
pascal257: and he evaluated his business at 7k BTC
pankkake: as you don't need to be out of noob jail to post there
ThickAsThieves: i should IPO
pankkake: didn't you?
pascal257: maybe I can IPO with my next dump
pankkake: well the SMG passthrough was kinda "IPO"
ThickAsThieves: its a PT
pankkake: by IPO I mean selling overpriced stuff obviously :)
pascal257: ahahaha
pascal257: "Advertising in forums is never the best idea as the trolls are waiting you."
pascal257: whos trolling whom
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 900 @ 0.00239199 = 2.1528 BTC [-] {2}
pankkake: in the french forum « yes mr. hollande [our President. no idea why he called me that]. next defamation attack and i'll sue you »
pankkake: perhaps the costanza avatar? :o
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 83 @ 0.00330884 = 0.2746 BTC [-] {2}
pascal257: The Bitcoin Card®
pascal257: I'm wondering if he actually has the trademark for that
pascal257: that might be worth something
pankkake: oh didn't that website get a lot of press?
pankkake: I know one bitcoin card site did, and never ended up doing anything
pascal2571: how easy is it to register a SARL?
pascal2571: it seems that dood owns a bunch of them
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 550 @ 0.00239511 = 1.3173 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 300 @ 0.00246 = 0.738 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 119 @ 0.0036846 = 0.4385 BTC [+]
jurov`: ah, markus weiler?
jurov`: i'm going to piss him off big time soon (by way of bitcoinbourse.eu, another lame project of him)
jurov`: as i am share^W bagholder of it, we had very funny email exchange
Apocalyptic: pankkake, do you like Hollande ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.15000091 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 200 @ 0.00218077 = 0.4362 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.3999 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 50 @ 0.00218077 = 0.109 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 131 @ 0.00202962 = 0.2659 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 402 @ 0.00200477 = 0.8059 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.39 BTC [-]
pankkake: no :D
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.3999 = 0.7998 BTC [+]
pankkake: pascal257: it used to require minimum capital, but now SARL can start at 1€
mindfck: sup ppls
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.3999 BTC [+]
nubbins`: well hello
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2042 @ 0.0019995 = 4.083 BTC [-] {11}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2903 @ 0.00197244 = 5.726 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 50 @ 0.0355 = 1.775 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.409 = 0.818 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.0036814 = 0.1841 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.409 = 0.818 BTC [+]
deadweasel: howdy nubs
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.409 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: cant belive i just ordered a book
kakobrekla: physical kind
mike_c: tree-killer.
kakobrekla: they ran out of the cotton paper versions
BingoBoingo: That's definitely going to cut down on it's expected lifespan kakobrekla
pankkake: I only buy physical books
pankkake: it's nice to have books at home
kakobrekla: i tend to lend books to others after im done with them
kakobrekla: they mostly dont come back
kakobrekla: so i accepted the fact that im giving them away
pankkake: so they're kind of like bitcoins
kakobrekla: i dunno why keep books
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23950 @ 0.00079063 = 18.9356 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: its not like you are going to read it again
pankkake: well I haven't read most of them
kakobrekla: and if you dont remember something from the book
kakobrekla: apparently it wasnt interesting enough to be worth remembering
pankkake: books make you smarter, because people see you have a lot of books and think you must be smart
kakobrekla: i wouldnt know, you are the smart one
jurov`: pfft... was it at least bound in human leather?
kakobrekla: is that thing even legal?
jurov`: http://www.humanleather.co.uk/ from cadavers.. why not?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.4145 = 0.829 BTC [+] {2}
kakobrekla: well i guess you know what the problem is when you have a market for dead bodies
asciilifeform: lampshades are conspicuously missing from the catalogue.
jurov`: same problem as with replacement organs?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.41977 = 0.8395 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: sorta, but that takes way more sophistication
jurov`: plus, human leather can be donated without killing anyone... morbidly obese people get excess skin removed routinely
kakobrekla: i dont care, mind or anything. just saying
dub: cadavers and lazy chinese
dub: and excess 'murican as jurov` notes
jurov`: "made from america's excess"
s3gfault: BitBET are fucking theives. 10BTC stolen.
kakobrekla: yes we heard, its terrible
pankkake: ~macbook :/
s3gfault: they have no concept of PR
kakobrekla: s3gfault they should pay you for PR since you are doing such a good job
kakobrekla: maybe write them an email
s3gfault: they're a joke. people should stay away from them
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 133 @ 0.00368739 = 0.4904 BTC [-] {2}
dub: I tried to make a bet with someone but they were too stupid to use bitcoin and sent funds after the bet closed :(
dub: its a real problem
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 75 @ 0.00369 = 0.2768 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.41977 = 0.8395 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: s3gfault have you considered getting a 'NEVER FORGET BITBET' tatto, that should raise awareness and give them hell
s3gfault: dub: bitbet should automatically return funds sent after the bet closed. its trivial to implement. its not complicated at all. they are theives
kakobrekla: i think thats the best option at this point
s3gfault: i've spent a lot of time spamming reddit and the forums telling people about bitbet scammers so i've already done damage to their brand, which they deserve for being theives
pankkake: https://bitpay.com/directory I wondered if those 12000 businesses were real. now be can check. pretty cool
kakobrekla: if you do it on the your forehead, you will get the most out of it
s3gfault: pankkake is just a bitbet shill.
s3gfault: kakobrekla is just a bitbet shill
pankkake: s3gfault: I don't talk to people with macbooks, they obviously don't know how to manage their finances properly
kakobrekla: lol true dat
dub: he makes a good point
asciilifeform: and what about macbook with human leather keyboard cover?
s3gfault: pankkake is a bitbet shill
pankkake: well, bitbet is scamming me too
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.42 = 0.84 BTC [+]
pankkake: cause I got 0 :(
s3gfault: pankkake: who has a macbook? you?
kakobrekla: ( s3gfault )/( ~macbook@bas2-toronto09-1176443948.dsl.bell.ca )
dub: canadian to boo(o)t
s3gfault: pankkake: i dont talk to people who are stupid enough to think that their ident describes what hardware they're using.... gullible fools
dub: moosecocks and macbooks
kakobrekla: oh wait is this your real name, Mr. Macbook?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.42 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: your parents must be real smart
pankkake: well you're running Mac OS at least
s3gfault: kakobrekla is a bitbet shill
pankkake: well, I hope
dub: his username on his AIX IRC workstation is marcbook
s3gfault: pankkake: nope. spoofing packet headers
dub: oh dear
s3gfault: pankkake is just a bitbet shill
dub: we don't take kindly to spoof around here
pankkake: I confirmed by ctcp version, you have nothing to spoof
kakobrekla: now you dont have to repeat that any more
kakobrekla: mkay?
s3gfault: kakobrekla: thanks, at least you're honest
pankkake: though it's easy to force irssi to return something else
kakobrekla: and you are stupid.
pankkake: of course he's honest
s3gfault: you two are in here 24/7 shilling for bitbet
s3gfault: very sad
dub: guys chill, don't get the hacker angry
jurov`: s3gfault: don't forget me, i'm not a shill but a s.bbet dealer
kakobrekla: he is the worst
kakobrekla: sprading the stolen funds
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.43834142 = 3.0684 BTC [+] {3}
s3gfault: ICBIT is putting MPEX to shame. only idiots would ever use MPEX
kakobrekla: taking off fees
pankkake: oh you're that guy too
Apocalyptic: pankkake, what's the link to the golden topic again please
s3gfault: pankkake keeps track of people who type in here , because he's here that often
s3gfault: very sad
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.43979999 = 0.8796 BTC [+]
pankkake: actually it's pretty sad
s3gfault: are havelock AM shares 1/100?
s3gfault: or whole shares?
Apocalyptic: i'm in for some more lulz
Apocalyptic: thanks pankkake
pankkake: s3gfault: both. AM1, AM100. pretty explicit
s3gfault: pankkake you're on ignore because you're a bitbet shill.
kakobrekla: how do you know he wrote then
s3gfault: so, AM is still off its 4BTC/share high?
pankkake: he can ignore me after typing
kakobrekla: thank you log!
assbot: Last 10 lines bashed and pending review. (http://dpaste.com/1483025/plain/)
kakobrekla: !b 10
s3gfault: kakobrekla: sucessfull troll is successful
kakobrekla: too late
kakobrekla: you didnt make it in the bash
mircea_popescu: someone said my name ?
pankkake: won't do you much good as you come here just a few minutes every few days or so
s3gfault: OMFG here's the theif himself!!!!
kakobrekla: shills are running low on funds MP, pay up
s3gfault: obvoiusly bitbet doesn't realize that bad PR means bad business
pankkake: is the web submit of bash working? I think I submitted stuff that never appeared
mircea_popescu: is this the snackman guy or the tiberius guy ?
pankkake: or perhaps it was found unfunny :(
s3gfault: i have 1000 shells with different IP's. im am l33t hax0r. this is actually a bot htat will come in here daily saying that bitbet is a scam
pankkake: don't think snackman would mention icbit
s3gfault: f33r my l33t hax0ring sk1llz
kakobrekla: pankkake unfortunatley it must go through my fuckedup funny filter, maybe i should find a helping hand
s3gfault: i know how to use SSH
mircea_popescu: pankkake or be in toronto.
kakobrekla: its one of the 1000 shells
s3gfault: u guys are such n00bs. 'omfg his IP says hes in toronto, he must actaully be there' 0000000fmz0gm lol
kakobrekla: he just told you doh!
dub: its a shell with spoofed packets man
s3gfault: yeah you guys are soooooooo dumb
s3gfault: oooooofmzgozmg
dub: the sad thing here is this guy is not actuall 8 years old
s3gfault: who would want to live in that icebox anyway?
kakobrekla: wait are we typing random characters now?
kakobrekla: i can do that too
kakobrekla: gx<lcdmcacm<ycmvxm,cmb,b<xgvlm<sv
kakobrekla: any good?
kakobrekla: hows the entropy on that
mircea_popescu: that read like bitcoin codebase
mircea_popescu: oops i mean, standard.
Apocalyptic: <kakobrekla> hows the entropy on that // pretty bad
s3gfault: i'm a l33t hax0r. i can use SCREEN and SSH. I watched a youtube video that showed me how. I also am a master at metasploit. be careful.
kakobrekla: dammit :(
Apocalyptic: better get some cardano
s3gfault: i have backtrack5
kakobrekla: i will
s3gfault: i bet you guys dont' even know what backtrack is. its only for l33t hax0rs.
dub: you know whats leet
s3gfault: bitbet is a scam. and theives
dub: huwawei shit doesnt have traceroute
dub: it has tracert
dub: leetest of all hacking tools
s3gfault: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=339544.0 PROOF that BITBET is a scam and will steal your bitcoins
ozbot: BitBet Stole ~$7,000 from me (10 BTC)
s3gfault: i will post this daily from one of my l33t ssh sh3lls
s3gfault: i'm a l33t hax0r
kakobrekla: make it hourly then
s3gfault: kakobrekla: just put it in the topic, and i wont have to bother
Apocalyptic: he already admited to be a shill
Apocalyptic: one step at a time dude
mircea_popescu: lmao @dork examining diffie.
mircea_popescu: "o, you have no phd. please say this matters so i can continue believing i've not wasted my time and money"
mircea_popescu: pankkake earlier linked material, some laughable company sueing people because it thinks it invented rsa
mircea_popescu: or some such shit.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: My favorite part was the incomplete and incromprehensible paper where someone hypothesized the possibility of Public key infrastructure being the same as Diffe inventing PKI and releasing it to the public, where... it could be recorded and documented as prior art...
mircea_popescu: in a few years everyone will be all "we do not recognise the authority of any us court" and i'll be all like "you dorks, mpex beat you by a few years again"
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo myeah.
mjr_: i don't really recognize any courts authority
mjr_: ;)
mjr_: i mean...i was talking to my friend, and he said that he didn't get a gun because it was illegal
mircea_popescu: josh's got a gun
mjr_: i said...if it was >51% likely that someone was going to break into your home, would you get a gun? he said yeah
mjr_: lol
mircea_popescu: his whole world came undone
KRS1: o/ mjr_
mircea_popescu: from lookin' straight at the sun
mircea_popescu: what is josh gonna do...
mjr_: so...i don't think anyone recognizes their authority, they just do cost benefit calculation as to whether they will get caught and how much it would cost
mircea_popescu: mike_c yeah it's wp. i think it's idiotic but meh, never sat down to bash it into sense
mjr_: nice song mircea_popescu
dub: are there stats on what outcome having a gun has when you get robbed?
mjr_: i'm not sure
mircea_popescu: dub yes. you get fed the gun.
mjr_: i personally don't want or need a gun
dub: I'd guess it makes you more likely to get dead instead of just robbed
mjr_: maybe...
mjr_: im just saying...if you wanted a gun, you simply tally up your "desire" for the gun vs the "cost" of the gun
mjr_: and courts simply put EV costs on your decision
mircea_popescu: but this isn't what we're discussing here.
mjr_: ah
cazalla: fuck, i'd hate to have purchased mcxnow shares only for them to shut down now ha
mjr_: ok
dub: whats the incentive to get a gun though
mircea_popescu: the brokedness of the us legal system is a matter of principle not of cost.
mjr_: that is my point
mjr_: they have zero moral authority
dub: wtf is moral authority
mjr_: it is simply the threat of punishment and repression that causes people to obey
mircea_popescu: dub same incentive as getting a waffle maker. if you make a lot of waffles
mjr_: ok...let's say that the US joins world war 2...to stop hitler or whatever
mjr_: most people say, I can see why you did that...nice job
mjr_: lets say we drone civilians in pakistan, most people do not say good job anymore
dub: most germans probably don't say that, nor japs
mircea_popescu: kleeck: Is DPR the monster they say he is? << more like the retard.
dub: I'd guess >5! of humans possibly not down with that either
dub: >51%
dub: arabs and such
mjr_: lol, yeah...germany is not our biggest fan, and japanese don't wear american clothes and listen to american music
mjr_: i mean, obviously merkle was a little annoyed we spy on her
mircea_popescu: since when is this entire headcount important anyway ?
mircea_popescu: the rich people no longer like the us. end of fucking story.
cazalla: so mcxNOW IPO'd to get funds to grow the service but are now shutting down due to that growth
mircea_popescu: what some goat herder in bumfuck thinks on the matter is about as relevant as what his goats think.
kakobrekla: lolwat
cazalla: check the front page https://mcxnow.com/
mircea_popescu: cazalla you seriously need to stop throwing btc at forum crap.
cazalla: i'm not invested in mcxnow
mircea_popescu: chedck that shit out.
dub: I only go to websites that existed yesterday
mircea_popescu: cazalla a ok, good for you.
cazalla: i just enjoy reading about all these schemes
kakobrekla: but it said 1 million users supported!!!!!11
mircea_popescu: can't blame ya.
mircea_popescu: they're all the best ever.
cazalla: but i think this one takes the cake
dub: dailycaller.com sounds legit
mircea_popescu: there's plenty of cake...
mircea_popescu: dub but for the humor value!
dub: quality news thurr
dub: why no chemtrails in that list
mircea_popescu: who's sebelius ?
Apocalyptic: mcxnow closing ?
dub: dunno but alex jones don't like non of that
Apocalyptic: how surprising
mircea_popescu: who's alex jones
mircea_popescu: jeez i don't internet enough or something
cazalla: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOBlvvunIvE is all you need to know about alex jones
mircea_popescu: i hope this will be at least as good as the tom cruise oprah tyhing
dub: alex jones shares most of your opinions mp
dub: surprised you don't have him on speed dial
mircea_popescu: fat blond guy that reads trilema ?
dub: BingoBoingo: very nice
mircea_popescu: magellan had three ships
dub: BingoBoingo: not sure about the shading under your navbar though, a bit flashy imo
BingoBoingo: dub: Well, I figure one bit of change in the background to separate the header from everything else is at least utilitarian
dub: some nasty UTF-8 action in there too, the devils work
BingoBoingo: Also HTML 5 and microformats
mircea_popescu: no css ?
kakobrekla: now it looks better than trilema
BingoBoingo: Eh, if animated GIFs can make a comeback so can unstyled HTML
nubbins`: style is an illusion
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla it's only natural for people to surpass me in time.
mircea_popescu: for any value of others equal to icons of outrageous rightness
nubbins`: did you know that there's no such crime as "non-state torture" on the books in canada?
nubbins`: unless it's some government, the highest it goes is aggravated assault
mircea_popescu: the same is true pretty much everywhere.
nubbins`: interesting, did not know
nubbins`: came up during this Dustin Paxton case
ozbot: Torturer Dustin Paxton smirks as his brain-injured former roommate gives victim impact statement |
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.43979999 BTC [+]
dub: the humanity
mircea_popescu: "He has 44 convictions, mostly property offences but including six assaults, in 20 years."
mircea_popescu: dude what ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1244 @ 0.00212 = 2.6373 BTC [-]
dub: only the state is alowed to torture, my rights
dub: im going to have to dig a libertarian hole in the ground and live in it
nubbins`: mircea_popescu: seems a good candidate for rehabilitation, no?
dub: great
mircea_popescu: yeah, he should be sentenced to live with dub,
mircea_popescu: who can treat him by the magical power of sarcasm
dub: so you don't want to pay taxes but you need someone to lock up bad people and keep them away from you
mircea_popescu: it fixed everything else, why not this dude.
dub: ideology checks out
nubbins`: people don't want to pay taxes?!
mircea_popescu: stop interfering with the strawmans you're messing up the sarcasm flux and this complicates making the world a better place.
nubbins`: ooh shit
mircea_popescu: now we can't have any progress or heavy cream because of you
nubbins`: i like my coffee black anyway
nubbins`: although i've never tried progress in coffee
pankkake: progress in coffee?
dub: www.examiner.com/article/black-man-arrested-62-times-for-trespassing-at-his-own-job
pankkake: anyway, when you go black you don't go back
dub: lol
mircea_popescu: pankkake you know s.mg is actually just about at par ?
mircea_popescu: o the pt. nm.
mircea_popescu: s3gfault: i've spent a lot of time spamming reddit and the forums telling people about bitbet scammers so i've already done damage to their brand, which they deserve for being theives << i can't believe someone actualyl believes this.
pankkake: so basically the mcxnow story is 1) issue very few shares 2) pump it to death 3) issue "ipo" that does not finish but raise millions 4) "oh well, site is too successeful so this is too much work, site closing"
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 11 @ 0.03699902 = 0.407 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: wait. this log is fucken golden
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 250 @ 0.00369482 = 0.9237 BTC [+] {5}
mircea_popescu: s3gfault: you two are in here 24/7 shilling for bitbet s3gfault: you two are in here 24/7 shilling for bitbet
mircea_popescu: literally five minutes after he had just done a lot of damage on reddit.
mircea_popescu: and i bet you he votes.
pankkake: votes?
BingoBoingo: Democracy is broken
pankkake: oh also for mcxnow: trading stopped except for shares
nubbins`: oh, apparently that torture victim was a witness in a hell's angels trial some years ago
pankkake: well if you vote you don't really understand math, anyway. not surprising given the person
mircea_popescu: it'd be pretty funny if icbit, cryptowhateveritwas, mcxnow, blabla all the 10 or so of the things get together and trade each other's shares.
mircea_popescu: in about three weeks the explosion of drama would put the bitfinex boom to shame.
mircea_popescu: o ya, picostocks. remember picostocks ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 229 @ 0.00195879 = 0.4486 BTC [-] {7}
nubbins`: vaguely
mircea_popescu: it's the scamsite that launched a mega-giga-ultra huge mining fund
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 127 @ 0.00193984 = 0.2464 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: with basic tom's hardware
mircea_popescu: who then ran away wioth the money, costing them about 1-2mn dollars at that time
mircea_popescu: which they somehow magically just shrugged off, cause no big deal,
kakobrekla: lol stop reading my other screen
mircea_popescu: and made an even larger imaginary purchase off some other producer
kakobrekla: i got toms hardware open
mircea_popescu: this was going to be delivered about 6 months ago.
pankkake: BingoBoingo: somehow I misted your trust feedbacks. added to my trust settings!
pankkake: love the feedback for Obama
mircea_popescu: buzzdave (the basic frontman) was being pissed all over by mpoe-pr in like... july ?
mircea_popescu: and it's still going.
mircea_popescu: like the bggb woman or w/e.
dub: ;;getrating obama
dub: ;;gettrust obama
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user dub to user obama: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=dub&dest=obama | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=obama | Rated since: never
BingoBoingo: Thank you pankkake, sometimes I try.
ozbot: DefaultTrust is BAD. Very bad.
mircea_popescu: yeah well, having a horde of idiots is worse.
BingoBoingo: pankkake: DefaultTrust is just a user account on BitcoinTalk. Leave them some negative feedback.
mircea_popescu: if it weren't for default trust they'd have no trust at all, as vast majority of "community members" couldn't figure it out
pankkake: by the way, I still have a +1 for TradeFortress because of PR :D
dub: wat is defaulttrust?
dub: googol fails me
pankkake: by default you trust some users on bitcointalk
pankkake: in their web of trust
dub: lolwat
mircea_popescu: dub theymos coded the forum wot so that everyone starts by trusting him
pankkake: more like a pyramid than a web
dub: oh forum wot, wat
dub: exaclty why are fucks given
mircea_popescu: this was part of the forum upgrades for which all those donated 4k btc went
mircea_popescu: or anyway, could be.
frb: lol, i was just reading this thread about the bitbet "scam". it's incredible how many ignorant people own bitcoin and lose them constantly
dub: it starts out incredible, as time passes it just is
mircea_popescu: yeah. the funny part is where they imagine that because they bought some bitcoin they can now opine on how bitcoin runs.
dub: the first rule of bitcoin is that idiots will have them
mircea_popescu: roughly the equivalent of some dork redecorating a call girl's den because if he's going to spend an hour there he needs feng shui
frb: that thread is one of the most amusing on bitcointalk to date
mircea_popescu: imo there were better.
mircea_popescu: tho i can't remember
mircea_popescu: o yeah, the pietilla shit.
pankkake: it's actually amazing to see people managed to have 200 btc but then gave them to crappy scams
pankkake: I blame GPU mining
frb: pankkake: i know. like coinlenders. it's just proof really that a fool and his money are soon parted
frb: just with bitcoin it tends to be a lot of money in a short period
pankkake: well, labcoin, pretty much everything on cryptostocks, etc
mircea_popescu: at least they snuck an ignore mpoe=pr in there because in between t when they stioll had it and t+2 weeks when they no longer had it she had the unmitigated audacity to link them to like, the 2012 personal responsibility thread
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.43948998 = 2.6369 BTC [-] {2}
nubbins`: heh, yahoo internal mail describes MS Outlook as an 'anachronism of the now defunct 90s PC era, a pre-web program written at a time when NT Server terrorized the data center landscape with the confidence of a T-Rex born to yuppie dinosaur parents who fully bought into the illusion of their son's utter uniqueness because the big-mouthed, tiny-armed monster infant could mimic the gestures of The
nubbins`: Itsy-Bitsy Pterodactyl.'
mircea_popescu: doesn't sound very internal.
mircea_popescu: unless it was written by the world famous punk accountants
dub: they should try notes
dub: its not even email
nubbins`: shush about notes, i had to use it for 3 years at my last job
mircea_popescu: i wonder how many people who see the trilema comic sans realise that this means that 1. they had no better fonts and 2. they had comic sans.
nubbins`: oh, look at that
mircea_popescu: the definition is font-family: 'Comic Sans MS' even, so it doesn't even work if you're using some linux font named "Comic Sans"
pankkake: you trolled me :/
mircea_popescu: pankkake verily.
pankkake: well it's package corefonts in my distro. I think many packages require it
pankkake: I have an excuse!
mircea_popescu: yeah, that being that you use a distro made by lame fontppl
mike_c: wait, its not because we don't have better fonts. comic sans ms is first. so you are weeding us out up front.
nubbins`: pankkake: grains are bad for you?
mircea_popescu: mike_c you could have your own defaults.
pankkake: actually I can probably block it with INSTALL_MASK
nubbins`: i just rename papyrus to comic sans ms
pankkake: nubbins`: according to paleo and other diets yes
mircea_popescu: nubbins` pankkake : yes, because of aflatoxins
mircea_popescu: probably tyhe most widely ingested carcinogen on planet earth.
nubbins`: paleo diet, that sounds trendy
pankkake: milk definitively is a bad idea to give to everyone
nubbins`: lots of people can't digest dairy
pankkake: well some cheeses are easier, but cow milk is probably the hardest
nubbins`: my wife can't eat cow cheese anymore, but goat cheese is fine
nubbins`: there's also this odd lactose-free cow cheese that's fine
nubbins`: melts funny tho :(
pankkake: I have a hard time with the taste of goat anything
nubbins`: nod, texture is odd too
mircea_popescu: goats are sorta like small cows with springs anyway
pankkake: also, one day I saw a goat eat shit directly out of another goat's anus
nubbins`: hahahahaha
nubbins`: so, a dog with hooves
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 6 @ 0.0369833 = 0.2219 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: more like a cat with wool and square eyes
nubbins`: nah, cats don't eat turds
mircea_popescu: you never seen cats much
nubbins`: my cat doesn't, anyway
nubbins`: dogs, on the other hand, will eat anything
nubbins`: puke, shit, rocks, whatever
nubbins`: idiots
mod6: ^^^
nubbins`: whenever my friend brings his dog over, she makes a beeline for the litter box and devours any turds or piss-soaked rocks that are present
nubbins`: how the fuck does behaviour like that evolve?
mod6: srsly. wtf is with that.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 6 @ 0.03699999 = 0.222 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: maybe your friend's dogfood is that bad ?
nubbins`: maybe, i don't think this is an unusual case tho
mircea_popescu: cats will eat placenta, which makes them about as weird as french women
nubbins`: hey, nutrients!
mod6: yikes
nubbins`: there was a woman in my city who offered a service where she'd prepare your placenta for consumption
mod6: *ahem* pass the gravy.
nubbins`: she just cooked it in her oven at home
nubbins`: ground it and put it into capsules
nubbins`: i can only assume animals eat it because it's nutrient-rich, not sure about humans
mod6: vitamin-v
nubbins`: vitamin hey i just queefed out a kid, let's eat the messy leftovers
mod6: you get the forks and knives, i'll get the blowtorch
nubbins`: make a nice flambé
mod6: haha.
nubbins`: "i can't decide between the placenta flambé and the cum brulée"
mod6: "hey mircea, grab the custard!"
mircea_popescu: i already cut it
cazalla: apparently it helps with postnatal depression
ozbot: BitBet - Peercoin to rise above 0.002 Bitcoin each before Nov 30th
cazalla: that is to say that women that take placenta capsules are less likely to suffer from postnatal depression
mircea_popescu: check out all the doods playing dangerously with their 0.02 btc
pankkake: oh, I was wondering if they really did that
pankkake: I didn't check the date, usually I do because I hate those
pankkake: they really deserve a higher fee :D
mircea_popescu: let em have fun.
ozbot: BitBet - Arnold Rothstein will die by season's end on Boardwalk Empire
mircea_popescu: check out the guy betting at 291 weight
mircea_popescu: bitbet scam thread gold #2 ?
cazalla: i thought he would
pankkake: well there was that old one I linked
cazalla: guess it'll be next season
pankkake: and the guy commented on http://bitcoinscammers.com/bitbet-us/ too
pankkake: lose 0.0001, spend a few hours talking about it.
nubbins`: redefine the word "scam" while you're at it
nubbins`: i ordered a pizza and it didn't have enough mushrooms, scam
nubbins`: smoking gave me cancer, scam
mircea_popescu: call 911
mircea_popescu: Yeah, Bitbet is a scam. Run a search on TRILEMMA and you can see them banter. They sound like a bunch of assholes with just enough education to think they are better, but not enough to be successful.
mircea_popescu: can't believe the guy misspelled his search term.
pankkake: > not enough education to be successful
nubbins`: heheheh
ozbot: List of college dropout billionaires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
pankkake: lol, there is even a *list*
pankkake: The average net worth of billionaires who dropped out of college, $9.4 billion, is approximately triple that of billionaires with Ph.D.s, $3.2 billion.
mircea_popescu: who knew his argument is that broken./
mircea_popescu: not only i'm overeducated and pretty close to that billion, but it seems it even correlates inversely.
mircea_popescu: way to go john q public, you got more things wrong than there even were on the test!
ozbot: The Official MCXNOW - REALSOLID SCAM Thread - Please add to this if u scammed.
mircea_popescu: wait a minute. the mcxnow was related to the realsolid guy ?
mircea_popescu: that latter day dank ?!
mircea_popescu: bwahahahahaa
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Yeah, he started it because no one wanted to list his abandoncoin.
mircea_popescu: i can't believe someone bought that.
mike_c: $32 for an audiobook? really?
pankkake: why buy it?
mike_c: tpb doesn't seem to have a lot of audiobooks.
pankkake: if it's not too private, I can search for it in some other place
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 45 @ 0.00374 = 0.1683 BTC [+]
mike_c: ah, found it. thanks though.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 474 @ 0.00180676 = 0.8564 BTC [-] {13}
drmandude: I just won a bet, but ended up with less than I bet...
drmandude: is that normal
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 977 @ 0.00173459 = 1.6947 BTC [-] {8}
mircea_popescu: drmandude did you bet relatively late ?
drmandude: probabl
drmandude: just seems kinda like a buzz kill to lose money on winning a bet
BingoBoingo: drmandude: That weight is a dangerous thing... BitBet has that calculator on the page for a reason...
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