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← 2013-10-21 | 2013-10-23 →
nubbins`: assembling zines, fun times
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.39 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 56 @ 0.00673194 = 0.377 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 2013 @ 0.00113 = 2.2747 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 81 @ 0.00673876 = 0.5458 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.66100003 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.66 = 3.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 8000 @ 0.00014237 = 1.139 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.6201 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.6201 = 1.8603 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.61688001 = 3.0844 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.612101 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.61208335 = 7.345 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.612 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6138 @ 0.00087597 = 5.3767 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 400 @ 0.00114979 = 0.4599 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 95 @ 0.00114979 = 0.1092 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 5 @ 0.07 = 0.35 BTC [+]
taub: its going to a milllion!!!
taub: i could've should've done so much different
taub: i seriously had buy orders at the lows which i pulled last second
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 4 @ 0.06999999 = 0.28 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4536 @ 0.00087733 = 3.9796 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 207 @ 0.00114979 = 0.238 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 697 @ 0.0011499 = 0.8015 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 120 @ 0.00201794 = 0.2422 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.002006 = 0.2006 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 27 @ 0.00632 = 0.1706 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 42 @ 0.00609883 = 0.2562 BTC [-] {8}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 38 @ 0.00600038 = 0.228 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 41 @ 0.006 = 0.246 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 73 @ 0.00571081 = 0.4169 BTC [-] {6}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00566721 = 0.5667 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.00614999 = 0.1537 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 6555 @ 0.00011993 = 0.7861 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 4000 @ 0.0011499 = 4.5996 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1761 @ 0.00011993 = 0.2112 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.613 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 6577 @ 0.0001402 = 0.9221 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.613 BTC [+]
bitesak: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 203.00000, Best ask: 203.10999, Bid-ask spread: 0.10999, Last trade: 203.11000, 24 hour volume: 32421.85068733, 24 hour low: 187.79998, 24 hour high: 205.50000, 24 hour vwap: 196.27046
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 282 @ 0.00210001 = 0.5922 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 476 @ 0.0021 = 0.9996 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.613 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1000 @ 0.00200011 = 2.0001 BTC [-] {6}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.611 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 177 @ 0.002 = 0.354 BTC [-]
bitesak: ;;next
gribble: See latest update from Onefixt here: https://twitter.com/BitcoinOracle/
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.61 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 7101 @ 0.0019031 = 13.5139 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [O] [O.USD.C200T] 7 @ 0.13863583 = 0.9705 BTC [-]
TATI: $5 spread on coinbase buy/sell price
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] [PAID] 0.69348300 BTC to 1`386`966 shares, 50 satoshi per share
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 40 @ 0.00596 = 0.2384 BTC [+]
TATI: (unusual)
kakobrekla: 2$ on the cfds
dexX7: where are btc cfds traded?
TATI: satoshi square
kakobrekla: i was looking at ava trade before
kakobrekla: its 3bucks now
Sandu: is there any proof of US/China mining?
TATI: proof of what now?
TATI: the government? labcoin?
Troic: proof of government
ozbot: Things that matter these days ; things that don’t matter these days. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mirce
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 1 @ 0.123 BTC [-]
Sandu: why MP is not sharing the evidence?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.NSA] 900 @ 0.0002 = 0.18 BTC [-]
jurov: Sandu maybe evidence wrt china involvement is there in plain sight?
jurov: ;;nethash
gribble: 3040531.14261
jurov: 3th . just btw.
jurov: no. it's 3000th :)
jurov: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 265303 | Current Difficulty: 2.677312494824211E8 | Next Difficulty At Block: 266111 | Next Difficulty In: 808 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 days, 9 hours, 8 minutes, and 17 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 373795571.281 | Estimated Percent Change: 39.61597
Sandu: is the dif spike evidence in itself?
Troic: circumstantial evidence ?
Sandu: this is not evidence
jurov: do you think that's all just kncminer?
Sandu: there are plenty of asic producers
assbot: [MPEX] [S.BBET] 1000 @ 0.00046 = 0.46 BTC [-]
Jere_Jones: There is a significant difference between the Chinese people getting into the mining game and the Chinese government getting into the mining game. The US people have been mining for years yet that does not mean the US government has ever set up a mining operation. The evidence would have to show governmental entities are responsible for at least some mining.
ozbot: Estimate of ASIC pre-orders (6,000 to 8,000 TH/s by end of 2013)
jurov: anyway, that is of no concern to me who is mining
jurov: what's worse, that iDiff-Dec has to be priced around 0.3 BTC (difficulty 3e9)
Jere_Jones: I would argue that it does make a difference.
Jere_Jones: If private individuals were mining, profit is important. A government doesn't have that restriction.
jurov: orly, how many private miners do actually profit today?
Jere_Jones: I do.
jurov: actually i think chinese govt (or Party-affiliated entrepreneurs) can buy stuff from friedcat at manufacture price, won't have to pay market rates for electricity, etc.. and thus would be more profitable
Jere_Jones: But the moment I think mining is no longer profitable, I turn my machines off. Because mining, to me, is about the money. Mining to some people is about "securing the network", and that's ok.
Jere_Jones: Mining to a government will be about control and power. Profit is almost a non-concern.
asciilifeform: or, alternatively, destroying it.
jurov: Jere_Jones so you think you profit or you actually did the math for your machines?
Apocalyptic: destroying is falls under power
Jere_Jones: I have already made back the purchase price and the machines currently pay for their electricity.
jurov: okay, but i asked for profit, nor mere roi :)
jurov: *not mere roi
Jere_Jones: Profit means I get more out than I put in, right?
jurov: yes. at least in $.
Jere_Jones: I, currently, would be poorer if I turned them off.
Jere_Jones: I am profitable every day in BTC and $ with my mining. I expect that many people are. I'm not special.
Jere_Jones: The problem is getting into mining now is not, according to my maths, not going to be profitable.
jurov: omg all that you're saying is sooo vague...
jurov: let's have concrete example: say you borrowed $$$ a year ago and put them into asic preorder that was recently delivered
jurov: would you be richer or poorer now?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.652 BTC [+]
Jere_Jones: I don't know of a single asic where that would be profitable
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.6695 BTC [+]
Jere_Jones: But, also, there are no asics you could have preordered a year ago where you just got it.
Jere_Jones: Even BFL. A preorder a year ago would have been delivered months ago.
jurov: you see. so the profit motive just is not there and miners who are talking about profit are under self-delusion.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.67338 = 3.3669 BTC [+] {3}
Jere_Jones: *New* miners who are talking about profit are self-delusional. I agree.
jurov: going in one year ago is not new
Jere_Jones: In the mining space, I'd say that a year ago is old school. When I say "new", I mean that you haven't purchased anything and are looking to start.
Jere_Jones: You could probably say that no machine purchased in the last month will ever be profitable (in BTC).
Jere_Jones: ^ Correction: I would say that. You may or may not say that. :)
jurov: anyway, what i'm up to is: you compared profit motives of individuals vs. govt ... but there is no such thing with mining
Jere_Jones: I disagree.
Jere_Jones: I mine because it is profitable.
Jere_Jones: When it is no longer profitable, I will stop.
Jere_Jones: Profit *is* my motivation to mine. Except my usb block eruptor. I'll probably keep that guy going for ever... just 'cause. :)
kleeck_: My friends who went out and bought multicore processors for their mining rigs are really kicking themselves for mining at a loss those years ago.
kleeck_: Oh wait. No they aren't...
Jere_Jones: Future value of bitcoin does figure into my profit calculations.
kleeck_: Fair enough.
kleeck_: (Their investment was pretty small compared to modern asics, also. To be fair.)
jurov: it's hard to discuss when we have different definitions of profit. For me, profit is computed considering *whole* investment.
jurov: For Jere_Jones it's obviously only electricity.
kleeck_: Oh come on. Profit is clear: a financial gain, esp. the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something.
kleeck_: This isn't a philosophical debate.
Jere_Jones: Concrete example: If I bought a batch 2 avalon for 80-ish btc. They have made back that 80-ish btc. They continue to make more $ than they cost in electricity. That, to me, is profitable.
jurov: Okay then. If.
kleeck_: That is absolutely profitable. Not just to you.
gecko_gs2: Let's just all agree that we gonna be rich
gecko_gs2: And get drinking
Jere_Jones: I think jurov has a very significant point that people starting to mine now can't claim profit as a motive because they will never make a profit.
kleeck_: shoo gecko_gs2, the grownups are talking.
Jere_Jones: Thus they are a) delusional, b) stupid, or c) have other motives.
gecko_gs2: Lemme get shitfaced
gecko_gs2: Then we'll talk
kleeck_: Jere_Jones, as per my CPU mining scenario, we can't really know that. You are correct that under current ROI calculations it is not profitable. However, if Bitcoin rises appropriately those individuals could see excellent return on their mining investment.
kleeck_: I know people who were mining at a loss back at the start. BTC wasn't worth the electricity and hardware.
kleeck_: Then, all of the sudden it was. Then it was worth much, much more.
Jere_Jones: Is it a profit if you paid for your gear in btc and never make that btc back? Even if the btc you earn is worth more $ than the btc you spent?
Jere_Jones: Buying and holding the btc would be more profitable.
kleeck_: That would be the difference between the current scenario and the CPU miners scenario. I don't think they really had a place to buy coins.
Jere_Jones: There are several reasons to sink mad amounts of cash into mining equipment, but profit due to pool mining isn't one of them.
kleeck_: Not that I recall, at least.
Jere_Jones: Back then it was OTC all the way. That was before my time though.
kleeck_: I thought it was silly. :)
kleeck_: Oh, neat, you have 1000 worthless 1s and 0s...
kleeck_: I just cry now.
Jere_Jones: That's what I think about the altcoins. :)
kleeck_: ^ Yeah! Actually. The exact same way I feel about altcoins now is how I felt about btc then.
kleeck_: Does that mean I should start mining altcoins?
Jere_Jones: I'm floored that dustcoin says mining btc is the most profitable right now.
kleeck_: How can that be?
ozbot: Cryptocoin Mining Information, Profitability and Calculators
Jere_Jones: I'm trusting them to do the math right. I haven't done it myself.
Jere_Jones: Anyway, I have to take off. Thanks for the conversation, I enjoyed it.
kleeck_: Same.
kleeck_: Take care.
jurov: Thanks too!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 5 @ 0.06715 = 0.3358 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: ok kleeck
gecko_x2: working on the jamaican rum
gecko_x2: soon we'll talk :)
gecko_x2: like grownups
gecko_x2: get ready
jurov: cuz alcohol makes one an adult. right.
kakobrekla: no, thats cigs.
pankkake: smoking cigars is the first step toward homosexuality
pankkake: oh, I'm back to 13-20 ignores
gecko_x2: there we go
gecko_x2: 4 very adult comments
gecko_x2: right off the bat :p
pankkake: butts
gecko_x2: i should eat something before we get going here :p
jurov: manboobs!
jurov: mmm
gecko_x2: baby, i got the sauna ready
gecko_x2: wanna join?
jurov: is it designated secure?
gecko_x2: absolutely
jurov: ooh
gecko_x2: and it comes with a massage
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 140 @ 0.00114963 = 0.1609 BTC [+] {2}
bob__: ;;nethash
gribble: 3051328.76913
gecko_x2: "LMAO. Yep. That's right. Some people are happy to go collect in the region of around $700,000. And no, I'm not tough, self employed investigators debt collectors are."
gecko_x2: i'm gonna have to agree with Mr. NineLives on this one
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 92 @ 0.00111 = 0.1021 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: if i could get out with 50% loss at this point i would
gecko_x2: at 95%, it doesn't matter
gecko_x2: but nevertheless, sam's actions are despicable
gecko_x2: and someone is gonna react
gecko_x2: if i were this sam guy i'd pay back the remaining funds and fucking vanish
gecko_x2: right now
gecko_x2: for me personally it's only about 10 btc so i dun care
gecko_x2: but someone will
gecko_x2: man i'd be so gone if i were sam
gecko_x2: i'm thinking this whole labcoin operation could be a ff operation by the illuminati
gecko_x2: and spare me the fucking ridicule
jurov: you're outdoing yourself today
gecko_x2: the illuminati is real, and bitcoin is fucking right in the middle of the radar
gecko_x2: that's fact
gecko_x2: everyone here is known to them
the20year: and they're using HAARP to hack your brains
gecko_x2: physical address, full med history, place of birth
jurov: we are the new world order!
gecko_x2: doon't be fucking naive
jurov: you think mircea is one of them?
the20year: It's a fact
deadweasel: don't be a drunk dickhead, gecko_x2
gecko_x2: no clue
gecko_x2: i'm not
jcpham: my vagina hurts from reading
the20year: He's one of their shills, trying to spread disinformation
gecko_x2: how many times do we have to go through this
jurov: if you have no clue on mp, where are your "facts", then?
gecko_x2: at first it's just 'conspiracy theory'
gecko_x2: then it becomes real
the20year: or it stays one
the20year: Remember hybrid corn in the 30s?
gecko_x2: i have no clue on MP
gecko_x2: none
jurov: yes! let's start illuminati cell
the20year: Hybrid corn was going to kill every single person in the US when they introduced it in 1930, and only those who consumed heirloom corn would die
gecko_x2: it's time to wake up ppl
the20year: err only heirloom eaters would live
gecko_x2: information means shit
jurov: what's the program supposed to be? managed depopulation? i guess we can manage it
gecko_x2: things that happen means shit
gecko_x2: i knew this reaction would come
gecko_x2: immediately
gecko_x2: it makes me more convinced
gecko_x2: you need to learn psychology
gecko_x2: and how information acts through time
kakobrekla: you need to learn reverse psychology :)
the20year: that the thousands of conspiracy theories that falter are forgot?
gecko_x2: in the past 6 months you've all learned that the NSA have gigantic computers with string theory shit that knows all about you
jurov: honestly, i have no problem to believe in anything. but even bilderberg group turned to harmless circlejerk
the20year: I'm not saying that every conspiracy is wrong, but plenty of them are, enough so that every single one needs to be heavily debated
gecko_x2: and still you sit here and argue like this was some kind of kindergarden game
gecko_x2: it's not
the20year: gecko, since patriot act was inacted the government essentially had a license to do that
gecko_x2: bitcoin is dangerous
jurov: circlejerk isn't kindergarten game, so much i admit
Apocalyptic: no doubt it is gecko_x2
the20year: because those computers can track every single transaction? Seems pretty beneficial to the NSA to me
gecko_x2: bitcoin is like a silver bullet for the werewolves
the20year: It's easier to track the flow of money via bitcoin than it is paper money
the20year: If the NSA is truly all encompassing, then they have every single IP and mac address that a bitcoin could flow through, and a nearly infinite amount of laundering won't fix that
gecko_x2: absolutely they have lol
gecko_x2: absolutely
gecko_x2: you need to learn how to logically deduct information
the20year: Same NSA that has broken nearly every type of encryption can't grab IPs and use them to find MAC addresses off of providers?
gecko_x2: the reason for all the news about snowden and NSA is not to 'reveal' something
Apocalyptic: "<the20year> Same NSA that has broken nearly every type of encryption" really dude ?
the20year: The same NSA that has spread malware and viruses to grab such information?
gecko_x2: it is to program our subconscious minds to realize that there is nothing we can do
the20year: Apocalyptic: they've got backdoors to just about everything
Apocalyptic: shit my gnupg is backdoored
gecko_x2: that they have awesome power and we must submit
the20year: Apocalyptic: if you're connected to the internet, then they know who you are
gecko_x2: the NSA have specialized teams for every OS out there
gecko_x2: they called them 'Tailored Access Group'
the20year: and somehow the magic bitcoin has foiled them for good
gecko_x2: they can't break strong crypto
deadweasel: gecko_x2, are you going to do anythign about it besides flail around in tin-foil clothing and cowboy hats in IRC?
the20year: Except if they have quantum computers, they can
gecko_x2: but endpoint security is so weak they don't have to
gecko_x2: they have audio and timing data on every keyboard ever manufactured
the20year: but they can't track your bitcoins?
Apocalyptic: <gecko_x2> they have audio and timing data on every keyboard ever manufactured // now we reach a new level
deadweasel: how far down the rabbit hole do we go today?
gecko_x2: they can decode what you are typing on your keyboard in realtime by measuring the tiny vibrations of the soundwaves your keyboard makes from the surface of the window in your room
gecko_x2: from space.
gecko_x2: in realtime
gecko_x2: wake the fuck up.
deadweasel: probably, so what?
gecko_x2: Apocalyptic new level? they were doing this in the fucking 50's
jurov: they decode and manage all of your brainwaves. HA! you can't outdo that!
naemsi: measuring soundwaves from space would be a feat.
deadweasel: i'm awake, I knew about this in 1990 when the programs started. I acted like you for about 9 years until I alienated everyone I loved by trying to 'SAVE THEM FROM THE GOVERNMENTS'
deadweasel: So what are you trying to accomplish?
kakobrekla: yet they still dont clean up my desktop
kakobrekla: fuckers
deadweasel: lazy fuckers
gecko_x2: there is official domumentation on how they acquire every model of typewriter manufactured in the world in the 50's
deadweasel: so fucking what?
gecko_x2: and analyse them so that they can trace any letter ever written
gecko_x2: this is NOTHING NEW
deadweasel: exactly
gecko_x2: these guys are NOT STUPID
deadweasel: so what's your point? We all realize the current situation. We also realize the liklihood of being targeted is directly tied to what actions we take on their 'turf
gecko_x2: true
deadweasel: or areas they have targeted.
gecko_x2: my point here is just don't be naive
gecko_x2: don't think this is a game
gecko_x2: after 20 years something you type in the forums or here might come back and haunt you
deadweasel: I'm not. I believe everything that happens on a keyboard with my hands is in their datastore. I also believe they won't look at it until some automated system pops me as suspcious enough to investigate
gecko_x2: they will store and analyse everything
deadweasel: gecko_x2: I realize that, I don't like it.
deadweasel: but it's done.
deadweasel: 20 yr down the line I should have my own property... They are welcome to come talk to me about my forum posts from 20 years before....
deadweasel: but it's not going to happen.
deadweasel: statute of limitations for one.
gecko_x2: deadweasel well that's where you are wrong, once they decide they want to get rid of you, they can use the data
gecko_x2: and they will
gecko_x2: but not for LOGICAL reasons
the20year: so i'm curious , if the NSA can read your typing from space, how come they didn't get snowden's?
gecko_x2: but POLITICAL
deadweasel: gecko_x2: the government is not as efficient as you seem to believe.
gecko_x2: the20year because snowden is a ff op
gecko_x2: it's a psyop
gecko_x2: they WANT you to know this
gecko_x2: because it makes you AN ANIMAL
jurov: then you are a psyuop, too!
gecko_x2: it makes your brain work like the brain of a DOG
gecko_x2: it makes you locked in as a slave
the20year: But since you stopped taking your meds, you can think clearly now
gecko_x2: it takes away your humanity
gecko_x2: they are harvesting souls
gecko_x2: that's what they do
gecko_x2: it's very very hard to resist it
deadweasel: 'they' are now harvesting souls?
gecko_x2: extremely hard
jurov: gecko_x2: you are a psy op. get away
deadweasel: I just found mine, so I'm not giving it up no how.
gecko_x2: you must be so fucking strong
deadweasel: i'm sorry, you lost me.... when you started talking.
Apocalyptic: <deadweasel> 'they' are now harvesting souls? // sure they di
gecko_x2: yet you happily buy your food with symbols they create
gecko_x2: and never ask why you get something for nothing
deadweasel: I did see a new tractor called the Soul-Harvester 540D. Diesel powered.
the20year: i don't use foodstamps, so i don't get food for free
deadweasel: gecko_x2: we have all asked those questions, it's why we are in this room.
deadweasel: doesn't mean we have many choices.
gecko_x2: the dollar bills are the symbols
deadweasel: to feeding ourselves.
gecko_x2: yea i know i know
the20year: then pay with change
Apocalyptic: deadweasel, go harvest some roots and feed yourself
gecko_x2: that's why i even bother to irritate you
gecko_x2: because i know here it might make a difference
gecko_x2: don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to antagonize
gecko_x2: just someone might get a clue and go study for themselves
deadweasel: well, except for your unprovable statements (which I don't want to go over), I agree with you mostly.
deadweasel: The trend is correct...
gecko_x2: yeah
gecko_x2: i don't know everything
gecko_x2: i'm just a fucking slave like you
gecko_x2: so..
gecko_x2: i believe they will lose.
gecko_x2: that's my point
deadweasel: ok. agreed.
gecko_x2: i believe they are failing right now
gecko_x2: in the end, the ppl will rise up and get rid of them
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 34 @ 0.00578852 = 0.1968 BTC [-] {2}
gecko_x2: ok.. gecko:out for now :)
deadweasel: adios.
gecko_x2: thx for putting up wif my rant :D
the20year: maybe you could move to detroit, no one would find you there
jurov: if *that* would be so easy... seems around here we have sizeable group of peeps who believe there is powerful homosexual lobby, that wants to:
gecko_x2: the20year just remember, 'The Declaration of Independence' is not the complete name of the original bill
jurov: 1. enforce freedom to choose your sex
gecko_x2: the original name was 'declaration of independence from the brittish bankers'
jurov: 2. take away childern from heterosexual families and give them to homosexuals and pedophiles
the20year: Where's proof of that gecko_
gecko_x2: the20year dun have it right now.. sry
jurov: 3. start compulsory sexual education starting in kindergardens that will learn nasturbation and sexual deviations
gecko_x2: i could try to find
the20year: Because google isn't showing anything
gecko_x2: but too much on the todo list atm
gecko_x2: ofcourse it isn't
jurov: so that majority of population will be homosexuals or deviants
gecko_x2: there is an audio file on the net
gecko_x2: if i find it i'll link
kakobrekla: are you alex jones ?
jurov: gecko_x2: read what i have written, can you believe that?
gecko_x2: jurov absolutelyu
gecko_x2: it's all part of the plot
gecko_x2: my speciality is the fact that right now
gecko_x2: in this chan
gecko_x2: on this day
gecko_x2: we are discussing this
gecko_x2: seriously
gecko_x2: that is extremely relevant
gecko_x2: when you consider what information is, how the human mass psyche works
gecko_x2: that gives us a roadmap
gecko_x2: the very fact that this convo is taking place
gecko_x2: in itself is proof
gecko_x2: the truth always acts in certain ways
gecko_x2: it spreads like a virus
gecko_x2: until it reaches a tipping point
jurov: while lies stay hidden?
gecko_x2: in the beginning it's just a few 'cooks'
jurov: i see you're truly an expert
gecko_x2: think about it
gecko_x2: 2 years ago
gecko_x2: the shit they write about snowden and the NSA today would have seemed incredibly stupid
gecko_x2: today
gecko_x2: it's fucking daily stuff
gecko_x2: that is the process
gecko_x2: that is the humman mass subconscious psyce at work
gecko_x2: sry 4 typos
jurov: i *did* consider such stuff. for several years and came up with markedly different outcomes
jurov: would not be productive to discuss them with you
jurov: nice example how really the delusions work
gecko_x2: jurov ok i'll read
gecko_x2: but if ur not familiar, and this might be a poorly chosen link
gecko_x2: but if you haven't watched, here's just a short 5 min explanation
ozbot: Former KGB Agent Explains how Elites Brainwash The Pulic from reality - YouTube
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 4 @ 0.13300025 = 0.532 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 10000 @ 0.00012261 = 1.2261 BTC [-] {9}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 143 @ 0.0058 = 0.8294 BTC [+]
jcpham: why is someone always ranting in this channel
ozbot: John McAfee is developing a $100 device to block the NSA - TechSpot
jcpham: is it the same person using different nicks
jurov: what? you think it's the same as s.nsa?
gecko_x2: i've been ranting on efent for over 20 years now
gecko_x2: i have logs of everything
gecko_x2: efnet*
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 62 @ 0.00579 = 0.359 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: if i'm a change agent, then so be it
gecko_x2: all i know is i'm gonna keep ranting until i die
gecko_x2: i have already given up everything normal ppl value
gecko_x2: family, friends, reputation, ownership
gecko_x2: and i've never felt more alive
gecko_x2: i own nothing
gecko_x2: except a few bitcoins and alittle gold and silver
gecko_x2: i have basically no contact with my family except for 1
gecko_x2: i have no friends
gecko_x2: no career
gecko_x2: no nothing
gecko_x2: so if i'm a subversive change agent, i'm not aware myself
bitesak: kakobrekla: Do you know how that mcafee is different to the pirate box: http://daviddarts.com/piratebox/?title=PirateBox
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 57 @ 0.00566 = 0.3226 BTC [-] {3}
kakobrekla: dunno
jurov: afaik mcafee does connect to internet
ozbot: Cheek - Parempi mies feat. Samuli Edelmann - YouTube
bitesak: doesn't seem like Internet connected, "Everyone in those three blocks can then communicate with each other and that will obviously change as users move in and out of a local area."
TomServo: jurov: Seems extremely silly to try and draw a fireplace/smoking analogy with no mention of frequency.
TomServo: But I must be delusional.
jurov: no, you just missed a point
TomServo: Was the point not that it's hard for people to accept that a fire can be harmful?
jurov: yes. and you try to rationalize it away..."oh but if it's not often it's okay"
ozbot: Salem - King Diamond - YouTube
jcpham: turn around and leave now nubbins`
jcpham: while you still can!
jurov: utter madness lurks here!
nubbins`: DDDDD:
nubbins`: wiat
nubbins`: i mean, wait
nubbins`: i'm mad too
ozbot: We Just Released Magento and ZenCart Plugins - The Coinbase Blog
ThickAsThieves: BIPS is integrating with BigCommerce too
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.60787776 = 5.4709 BTC [-] {6}
gecko_x2: why is mp's client cycling?
gecko_x2: did the illuminati finally get to him?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 98 @ 0.00224967 = 0.2205 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 190 @ 0.0056906 = 1.0812 BTC [-] {10}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 100 @ 0.0011499 = 0.115 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: mp you are the illuminist zionist elitist globalist scum?
gecko_x2: if not, prease press 1
mircea_popescu: im not zionist
mircea_popescu: and what's illuminist mean ?
gecko_x2: wb man
gecko_x2: we were worried about you
gecko_x2: you're client was cycling on our asses
gecko_x2: and we didn't know if the CIA got you in the bathtub
gecko_x2: your*
deadweasel: please, don't lump me into your crazy ideas.
deadweasel: just had to take another whack at you, you're all hanging out today!
jurov: dead weasel in the bathtub
deadweasel: jamaican rum. Clear liquors are for rich women on diets.
deadweasel: - Ron Swanson
nubbins`: i want to see someone running 49 printers off one of those asicminer hubs
pankkake: now to find someone with 49 printers (bernanke?)
taub: ;premium bitstamp mtgox
taub: ,premium bitstamp mtgox
pankkake: ;;premium bitstamp mtgox
gribble: bitstamp premium over mtgox is currently -3.80669144981 %.
taub: ty
taub: well that has shrunk
taub: did they open deposits back up?
pankkake: wow, close. I might lose that bitbet :/
pankkake: if true good news anyway…
taub: i dont know i can live with outit
taub: without gox that is
nubbins`: sure you can
nubbins`: gox is for squares
jerrys1: hello
jerrys1: can anyone help me determine this chart http://bitcoinwisdom.com/markets/mtgox/btcusd on the bottom right there is green/red box which is 'trades'
jerrys1: the colors are green and red. It seems gree/red is not buy/sell but some other relationship
jerrys1: where can one see the buys completed and the sells completed or how does it work?
bob__: green/red is the price went up or the price went down.
jerrys1: but sometimes i see like. red 185. red 185 green 185
jerrys1: wtf?
bob__: hah, yeah. wtf indeed.
jerrys1: right now there is: red 201.75 green 202 green 201.9994 green 201.9993 green 202
jerrys1: ok another question. are the bids/asks ever met in the middle?
jerrys1: or if i place 20btc for ask at 205$ USD itl always stay like that until someone buys it?
jerrys1: and if I want to buy btc. I can buy your 20btc at 205$ USD OR i can place an Ask for say 20 BTC at $200 USD?
mircea_popescu: gecko_gs2 im sick.
gecko_x2: just the flu i hope?
mircea_popescu: yeah something like that
jurov: gecko_x2: and have you read trilema today? quite a piece has appeared
gecko_x2: i haven't
gecko_x2: to be honest i have a bunch of trileman pages constantly open in my browser, but lately haven't been able to read because they are too brilliant for my current state of mind, which dwells in shit and misery
gecko_x2: but someday i will read
jurov: exactly this one is well suited to your misery
gecko_x2: that girl is beautiful
gecko_x2: link then plz
jurov: it basically says that since we, as a culture, decided to deprecate rape, we're all dooomed
gecko_x2: i'm still working on the airgap and cardano articles
jurov: oh, nevermind then. such a sudden change of context would you do no good.
gecko_x2: but that girl makes me want to be born again with some other genes than my current finnish shit genes
gecko_x2: yeah jurov, but i'll keep that in mind
phungus: < mircea_popescu> and what's illuminist mean ?
phungus: part of the illuminati
phungus: aka, part of the evil satanic cult cladestinely controlling world events as puppet masters
phungus: :-)
jurov: phungus, you'll better read trilema, too. to know who is the vile one around xD
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 188 @ 0.00223999 = 0.4211 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: where did the girl go
gecko_x2: are u deleting posts mp?
jurov: calm down. trilema frontpage shows different random post every time
gecko_x2: i closed the tab and now i miss her
mircea_popescu: phungus sounded more like part of illuminisme
gecko_x2: could u link back to the pic?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 590 @ 0.0011499 = 0.6784 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: jurov i live to please :D
gecko_x2: to be honest, i find trilema extremely interesting, but having been without marihuana now for a few weeks
gecko_x2: i have issues with concentration
gecko_x2: so i've just left the tabs open for a better day
jurov: i guess trilema is best read in designated secure sauna
gecko_x2: yes and remember, if you fuck with me, i'll take you behind the sauna :p
gecko_x2: and we all know what happens there
jurov: frolicking in the snow!
ozbot: Grey Squirrels Frolicking in the snow | Flickr - Photo Sharing
gecko_x2: nah jurov
gecko_x2: behind the saune means bullet through your skull usually
gecko_x2: in this country
gecko_x2: but dun worry just kiddin
gecko_x2: still looking for that pic
gecko_x2: i lost it
Sandu: mircea_popescu how do you know that the yanks and the chinese are mining?
gecko_x2: even browser history won't help me
gecko_x2: guess it shall forever remain as a shadow in my memories then
gecko_x2: but she was beautiful
gecko_x2: trilema is hard to read because i need to pause after each sentence
gecko_x2: it's not something you read as usual
gecko_x2: as in glaze over the first few words and then deduct the rest in your mind while jumping to the next paragraph
gecko_x2: like you read most of the crap nowadays
mircea_popescu: Sandu that has not been released so far.
nubbins`: that's tantalizing
gecko_x2: mircea_popescu did i meantion that i despise my own country and the ppl in it?
gecko_x2: not a good place to be.
Sandu: mircea_popescu by yourself, you mean
jurov: gecko_x2: so move elsewhere... especially since you boasted you don't have any property nor family ties...
gecko_x2: jurov i just returned from 8 years abroad
mircea_popescu: Sandu you were asking me.
gecko_x2: nothing is free in this life
Sandu: mircea_popescu so why aren't you releasing it?
gecko_x2: and i find this place absolutely appalling
mircea_popescu: surprisingly... that also hasn;'t been released so far.
gecko_x2: ppl here live like dogs, threat others as dogs, and are totally unaware that they are doing so
gecko_x2: that's what extreme socialism and collectivism does to a human mind
KRS1-: coinbase = mtgox (almost)
Sandu: last one, haha
Sandu: and why exactly hasn't it been released so far?
ozbot: Next low for LTC is coming : litecoin
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 13 @ 0.0706923 = 0.919 BTC [+] {2}
gecko_x2: fuck this fucking shit :(
gecko_x2: sry.. i'm wenting
gecko_x2: don't ever set foot in finland gais
gecko_x2: it's true hell on earth
KRS1-: screw finland..what are they good for anyway
KRS1-: stuck up pricks...
gecko_x2: that's right
ozbot: The Bard`s Song (Studio) - YouTube
deadweasel: gecko_x2, you may want to balance your worldview with some positives. There is good in this world, albeit it exists in evil's shadow.
deadweasel: but it is there.
gecko_x2: yes mas i know
gecko_x2: you need to understand
gecko_x2: just spent the best years of my life away
gecko_x2: returned only to find this horror
deadweasel: nothing is wasted is if you learned something.
pankkake: http://gotinsurancecolorado.org/ look for "spread the word"
ozbot: Got Insurance
gecko_x2: right again
deadweasel: so if you came back to horror, become the only positive thing there. It will grow.
deadweasel: help those in need, they will improve, you will be happier than simply ranting about the issues -- which makes me terribly depresesd, if I recall years 12-24.
KRS1-: gecko_x2 good song
gecko_x2: sry deadweasel, i'm planning to get the fuck away from here again
gecko_x2: just means i have to disappoint my few remaining friendly souls once again
deadweasel: don't apologise to me. I'm just trying to talk to the 'me' that might be in you right now. it's very familiar.
gecko_x2: it's not easy
gecko_x2: but this shit just aini't worth it
deadweasel: everything you know will be destroyed before you come out the other side. this is the process.
gecko_x2: these ppl are DOGS
deadweasel: love it
gecko_x2: i heard that man
gecko_x2: i hear you
deadweasel: then, from the ashes... who knows?
deadweasel: anyway, I hear you too gecko_x2 ... i know it.
deadweasel: it can be overwhelming and ugly.
deadweasel: at least you are seeking
Sandu: <Sandu> mircea_popescu how do you know that the yanks and the chinese are mining?
ozbot: Dio - Holy Diver - YouTube
Sandu: I've pasted my previous msg by mistake, nevermind it
gecko_x2: k gais here goes a real cheesy one.. don't jufge
gecko_x2: judge
ozbot: MAGNUM - Don't Wake The Lion - (Too Old To Die Young) (LIVE 07) - YouTube
assbot: [MPEX] [O] [O.USD.C125T] 2 @ 0.34413722 = 0.6883 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.0738999 = 0.2217 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: nice.. followed by this
ozbot: Dream Theater- Space-Dye Vest - YouTube
gecko_x2: i'm sentimental because i made up my mind
gecko_x2: to leave my country of birth for good
deadweasel: where to?
gecko_x2: no clue atm
gecko_x2: don't make any diff
gecko_x2: i know my first stop
gecko_x2: that's it
gecko_x2: gonna live on my it knowledge, my knowledge of gold bullion coins, and my knowledge of
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 14 @ 0.07390495 = 1.0347 BTC [+] {2}
deadweasel: other places have problems too... so if it doesn't make any difference, why would you leave?
deadweasel: where are you?
gecko_x2: i know that man
gecko_x2: that's no prob
gecko_x2: no prob
gecko_x2: i speak perfect english
gecko_x2: to be frank
deadweasel: ok, Frank, where is your first stop?
gecko_x2: i think i'm moving to where i truly belong
deadweasel: you truly belong wherever you are.
gecko_x2: where i've been for the past 20+ years
gecko_x2: that place is called efnet
jurov: sigh
gecko_x2: that's where i'm fucking going
gecko_x2: there is nothing else
gecko_x2: everyone knows me there
gecko_x2: physically, someplace alittle warmer
gecko_x2: where ppl don't bark like dogs
deadweasel: well, you can't go anywhere then.
deadweasel: enjoy.
gecko_x2: then, after the crash
gecko_x2: who knows
gecko_x2: wrong deadweasel
gecko_x2: i can handlle myself just fine anywhere
deadweasel: i don't think you can handle yourself at all. you're all over the place.
gecko_x2: well you're wrong there bud
deadweasel: incoherent, rambling at times, to come back to just a general malaise.
gecko_x2: yeah
deadweasel: can't actually put into words what you're going to do ro what's actually wrong. except barking dogs...
gecko_x2: that's what you call life
deadweasel: nope, it's called belief.
deadweasel: you have too much, in too many things.
deadweasel: and you are too sure
gecko_x2: but dun worry man, dun worry about me
gecko_x2: if there is anything you can learn from this fucking rant, take it
Bunnyh: i'm finnish too, and don't really understand that barking dogs thing. maybe i'm one of them!
gecko_x2: that's because you've never seen the other side
deadweasel: Bunnyh: quit fucking barking!
gecko_x2: this country is sick
gecko_x2: sick to the core
deadweasel: they all are -- they have governments.
kakobrekla: 'this' being what?
gecko_x2: ppl telling other ppl that they have to carry their 70 litres of beer through a kilometer long hot metal tube
gecko_x2: if they want to enjoy it
topace: HIM dividends up 50% this month!
gecko_x2: that is psychological sickness
gecko_x2: this country is mother fucking sick to the bones
gecko_x2: there is no respect left
kakobrekla: what is this 'this' you speak of?
gecko_x2: it's just dogs sniffing other dog's asses
gecko_x2: you'll see
gecko_x2: in time
jurov: lol if only that's the problem...you're welcome in k.u.k. legacy countries... we like our beer fresh from cooled tank
gecko_x2: or then you won't
gecko_x2: and die in HYKS realizing you never lived at all
gecko_x2: no thanks
KRS1-: where would you prefer to live gecko_x2 if you had free choice of anywhere
gecko_x2: i have my placed scouted
kakobrekla: invalid question
kakobrekla: there is no free will
gecko_x2: i won't list them here
gecko_x2: just speaking my mind
gecko_x2: feell free to /ignore at any time
deadweasel: very close. :)
deadweasel: but still fun
Bunnyh: who's telling who to carry their 70 litres of beer through a kilometer long hot metal tube? i don't understand
gecko_x2: bynnyh hold..
deadweasel: explain plz, beer tubes?
gecko_x2: yes hold
deadweasel: is like a waterslide, for beer?
kakobrekla: beerslide then
ozbot: SS: Tulli panee stopin varustamojen laittomalle viinarallille - Kotimaan uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat
kakobrekla: watch the foam.
gecko_x2: read the 157 comments
gecko_x2: you'll see.
gecko_x2: fuck sick dogs
gecko_x2: nothing more.
deadweasel: So, your entire country is fucked because you found a webpage with stuff you don't like?
deadweasel: this world is fucked
gecko_x2: no mas
gecko_x2: this is 20 years of this shit
deadweasel: who is mas?
gecko_x2: mas= FRIEND
deadweasel: oh, thank you!
gecko_x2: right.
gecko_x2: efnet l33t speak..
jurov: you should definitely come to some ex-Austria-Hungary country. no such bs.
gecko_x2: i know
KRS1-: ignored
deadweasel: Another language... article about beer....
gecko_x2: just spent 8 years in the baltics
gecko_x2: and going back for now..
gecko_x2: later maybe south
deadweasel: gecko_x2: man, you're losing your grip a little, if you ever had it. If you have meds, take them again. Running away from sick dogs is no way to live.
gecko_x2: hehe
deadweasel: plus, wherever you go, there you are....
gecko_x2: look this rant isn't about asking your opinion
deadweasel: don't give a shit, here it is.
gecko_x2: it's just one man telling about his life
deadweasel: you ain't told us shit about your life. Just a beer tube and sick dogs.
gecko_x2: no need to get angry or judgemental
deadweasel: other than you being a little manic, I haven't judged.
deadweasel: I actually understand you because I have been you.
gecko_x2: this is irc
deadweasel: which will probably frighten you.
deadweasel: because, I'm inside of you, RIGHT NOW.
gecko_x2: RAEP
gecko_x2: lolol
gecko_x2: anyways.. time for more music
deadweasel: ok, enough shirking work. I"m just gonna leave. Nice talking gecko_x2
gecko_x2: k mas... be good
ozbot: Evanescence - Fallen (Full Album) - YouTube
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.61 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.601 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 18 @ 0.60000001 = 10.8 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.6 = 1.2 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.590001 = 1.18 BTC [-]
ozbot: BetCoin.tm's Allegedly Fraudulent, Unethical and Illegal Activity – Bitcoin Magazine
ThickAsThieves: but what if betcoin are they guys that bought satoshidice?
jurov: On the whole, the global Bitcoin space is a self-policing community that uproots and exposes scams and unethical Bitcoin service operators with ruthless efficiency.
jborkl: oh damn, that is so untrue
jborkl: lol
jurov: "it is important to say that the majority of the bitcoin gambling operators believe in honesty and integrity" oh my
mircea_popescu: jurov lawl.
mircea_popescu: bitcoin magazine being the chief example of such.
mircea_popescu: i don't recall the last time they pushed a scam.
ThickAsThieves: vitalik is part of that quantum mining thing
ThickAsThieves: the article is so trashy also
ThickAsThieves: like some tabloid rag making wild claims
mircea_popescu: my sarcastifier ;/
ThickAsThieves: i know, i chose to desarcastify
mircea_popescu: "i chose not to run" lol
mircea_popescu: dude my motherfucking head. this is the last time i kiss on the first date
mircea_popescu: fucking hussies.
ThickAsThieves: mp is twitterpated
mircea_popescu: no, i just got the world's worst flu.
mircea_popescu: i just blew enough filling for a whole key lime pie out of my nose
mircea_popescu: same exact color and consistency too
ThickAsThieves: ah sinus infection
ThickAsThieves: remember not to pick your nose after theyve been down someone's pants
mircea_popescu: how many noses do i have iyo!
ThickAsThieves: one for each pant
mircea_popescu: a man, a pant, a canal - panama!
ThickAsThieves: i have to go to a halloween party
ThickAsThieves: i think i will be kenny powers
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 125 @ 0.00223999 = 0.28 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: cause you're so poor ?
ThickAsThieves: cause i dont like wearing wacky clothes
ThickAsThieves: he wears all black and sunglassed pretty much
ThickAsThieves: sunglasses
ThickAsThieves: so just need mullet and goatee
ThickAsThieves: will have to shave my neckbeard for this
mircea_popescu: i thought kenny got killed anyway
ThickAsThieves: he faked his death
mircea_popescu: wait, i was thinking kenny mccormick
mircea_popescu: dude there's no way to dress for halloween easier than sp kenny. all eh wears is an anorak
ThickAsThieves: that best of sucks
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 51 @ 0.0057 = 0.2907 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 4 @ 0.073999 = 0.296 BTC [+]
ozbot: CSIRO scientists find gold in Western Australian eucalyptus trees - Australia Network News (Australi
dub: money grows on trees nao?
mircea_popescu: does this explain the pandas ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 1596 @ 0.0011499 = 1.8352 BTC [+]
dub: koalas?
mircea_popescu: a that ty
mircea_popescu: whichever azn minibear tat's not fucking
ThickAsThieves: somebody tell kenilworth
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.073999 = 0.74 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.62 BTC [+]
Vexual: i like the shit eating "i get patent cheques" grin of mr koala
ThickAsThieves: ;;nethash
gribble: 3176962.68127
ThickAsThieves: ;;estimate
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | 378407272.822 based on data since last change | 443809787.464 based on data for last three days
ThickAsThieves: its odd watching the coinbase btc/usd price
ThickAsThieves: this morning it was very close to goxprice, but with a $5 spread
ThickAsThieves: now its like $12 under gox
Vexual: with a $2 spead
ozbot: US Dollar: CURRENCY:USD quotes & news - Google Finance
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.59 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: skinnkavaj hiow's litecoin doing these days ?
skinnkavaj: mircea_popescu: It's crashing really hard as expected. From 1st of november the uptrend starts.
Scrat: ThickAsThieves: if there's an upwards trajectory, they benefit by raising the price
mircea_popescu: wait, "as expected" now ?
mircea_popescu: you're getting a feature piece over this lol.
skinnkavaj: I said
skinnkavaj: Low will be
skinnkavaj: 0.007
skinnkavaj: LTC/BTC
mircea_popescu: nope. the first time you mentioned this "0.007" was yesterday.
mircea_popescu: so no, you didn't "say".
Vexual: license to die?
Vexual: the names coin
Vexual: lite coin
ThickAsThieves: ltc is awesome because when bitcoin goes up, it goes down. And when bitcoin goes down, LTC goes down too. Such a giving lover.
ThickAsThieves: so now youve got an ocean of ltc speculators all trying to put a ring on her.
mircea_popescu: poor ltc.
ThickAsThieves: but all she wants to do is go down
dub: skinnkavaj = fontas?
ThickAsThieves: = vancleef=bithub
dub: oh jesus
mircea_popescu: i thoughrt vancleef = madonna
taub: keeping the bitstamp orderbook open for too long crashes my firefox
taub: gah
taub: but its some interesting shit going down there
taub: 100k being thrown around left and right
dub: its firefox
jurov: just bitstamp trying some 'sploits
mircea_popescu: prolly firefox still leaking memory
taub: ThickAsThieves: ltc has been sorta steady in terms of $
taub: 1.7-1.8 during this recent btc bull move
pankkake: that's not very impressive, especially as USD is losing value
taub: yea
pankkake: and I guess it's part of the rise of BTC/USD too
pankkake: I'm glad I don't have USDs in bitstamp :)
taub: :/
pankkake: being an eurofag and all
taub: bfx <> bitstamp price parity has been having troubles
taub: Not enough USD reserve on Bitstamp, you cannot buy on Bitstamp at the moment.
taub: hard to trade bfx off bitstamp charts that way
taub: then again, everybody being thsi long might be a warning flag
ozbot: Disturbed - Indestructible [Full Album] - YouTube
pankkake: that's teenager music
gecko_x2: and who's gonna run this world?
dub: robots
dub: not teenagers thats for sure
gecko_x2: you're gonna die
dub: useless little cunts
gecko_x2: and teenagers are gonna run it
dub: unlikely
gecko_x2: you must be about 25
gecko_x2: enjoy while it lasts
pankkake: teenagers with attitude
jurov: and starry eyes
dub: yes, 25
dub: still a teenager myself
gecko_x2: then /ignore me immediately
gecko_x2: and go live
dub: you lost me at from finland in all honesty
gecko_x2: u dunno anything about that
dub: never had a usful encounter with a fin
gecko_x2: and you shouldn't
dub: and I find racial stereotypes most efficient
gecko_x2: has nothing to do with that
gecko_x2: again
gecko_x2: don't spend you're time here
gecko_x2: go and live
gecko_x2: it's gonna be over in a flash
gecko_x2: i am death
gecko_x2: that's why i annoy you
jurov: i actually was in finland, did not find anything out of ordinary with finnish guys
gecko_x2: if you've seen the world, you would be aware that any people threat their guests better than their own
gecko_x2: always
ozbot: The dork of the month award. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
dub: clearly never been to 'murica then
gecko_x2: and clearly never been arrested abroad.
mircea_popescu: <dub> robots. not teenagers thats for sure <<< that. or meth whores.
pankkake: lol, that heinlein reference still wats me up
jurov: not in slovakia. we treat guests and locals woth the same disdain
jurov: *with . maybe guests even worse
mircea_popescu: pankkake im not even sure what it's supposed to be
pankkake: probably because heinlein wrote starship troopers thus is a fascist?
gecko_x2: lub ur fucking blog mp
mircea_popescu: i mean... guy was a pretty good sf writer neh ? pushed up the standards./
gecko_x2: gonna read everything someday
gecko_x2: but not today
dub: is the quote formatting all fucked up?
pankkake: "October 20" you're missing skinnkavaj saying the first line
mircea_popescu: gecko_x2 it'll be hjard to do, like 5-10mn words in there
pankkake: actually the formatting is mostly broken
gecko_x2: well i'll start from jan '13
jurov: gecko_x2: seriously, visiting finnnish girl asked me why nobody is smiling in the services around here :D
mircea_popescu: pankkake aty
mircea_popescu: what did you rtell her ?
gecko_x2: skinnkavaj = swedish
gecko_x2: means 'skin suite'
gecko_x2: swedish is my mother tongue
mircea_popescu: what's that mean in english ?
gecko_x2: whaty i just said
gecko_x2: suit as in fine suit
pankkake: skin suite? not skin suit?
gecko_x2: suit as in armani suit
gecko_x2: skin suit
gecko_x2: suite yes
gecko_x2: skin suite
pankkake: I'm lost
pankkake: anyway, it means skinny vagina
gecko_x2: i dunno the correct spelling
gecko_x2: but it means as in the suite you wear for business
Vexual: this room is no good, can i see a suite?
gecko_x2: ok just wanted to note
mircea_popescu: so gecko_x2 a suit is a piece of clothing like i wear, a suite is a hotel arrangement
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 121 @ 0.00208678 = 0.2525 BTC [-] {4}
mircea_popescu: neither of these go with skin. you mean leather ?
gecko_x2: exactly
gecko_x2: like i said
gecko_x2: skin suit
mircea_popescu: a ok. so leather suit, like on a biker ?
gecko_x2: yeah
mircea_popescu: aite. leater, not skin. skin is always on a live animal.
gecko_x2: skinn = skin
mircea_popescu: like pig is alive and pork dead.
gecko_x2: kavai = suit
gecko_x2: it sounds weird even in native language
pankkake: so it means furry
gecko_x2: is why i noticed
gecko_x2: suit like in armani suit
mircea_popescu: pankkake in fairness, i knew this very hot chick that only wore leather pants.
mircea_popescu: i think it got to be 50 degrees in her crotch.
gecko_x2: mp i once had one of those in my 2000 audi S8
gecko_x2: only she carried a small zipbag of coke in her pussy, in her leather pants
gecko_x2: across the border.
mircea_popescu: so did it crack under the pressure ?
gecko_x2: 360 BHP freely respirated
Vexual: lol coke diamonds
gecko_x2: awd with bosch electronically locked center diff
ozbot: Direttore magistrale Duca conte PierMatteo Barambani - YouTube
mircea_popescu: btw, am i the only fantocci fan here ?
gecko_x2: top speed limited to 320 kph
gecko_x2: etc..
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 35 @ 0.00587 = 0.2055 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: usure it's not osx ?
pankkake: it would be a full aluminum ship with glowing USA flag if it was
jurov: dont' matter. as long as it can alunch missiles in case of ddos
mircea_popescu: lmao if that thing ends up beached because ddos...
mircea_popescu: ima go visit the wreck.
kakobrekla: im sure they can avoid it with binoculars
mircea_popescu: maybe theres no way to get on deck
mircea_popescu: like those office buildings you can't open the windows of
Vexual: it looks super fast, is it nuclear powered?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 141 @ 0.00201001 = 0.2834 BTC [-]
Vexual: whats the IBS on the schematic?
Vexual: Id guess Integrated power systems element is the reactor
gecko_x2: i know you're ignoring me on purpouse mp :p
gecko_x2: guess i need to find bettar music..
Vexual: with a sensor data line to mission readiness module
Vexual: got nuke power? check
ozbot: In Flames - Cloud Connected [High Quality] - YouTube
Vexual: mission readiness confirmed
Vexual: see if you can find a photo on the internet of a nuclear warship throwing a top speed rooster tail. you can't
Vexual: top speed is more secret than their computer systems
gecko_x2: clicked..
gecko_x2: increasing vol and leaning back..
gecko_x2: liking
kakobrekla: i dont understand what they are singing
pankkake: pretty much the only melodic death metal that doesn't make me vomit
gecko_x2: there is calm in your indeciscion
pankkake: though I prefer their earlier work[/hipster]
gecko_x2: youtube sidebar gave me lots of memories from this excellent hypocrisy song
gecko_x2: so thx
pankkake: I mostly do understand the lyrics
kakobrekla: yeah you need to put some effort to it
gecko_x2: look
pankkake: and then there's the passive learning of listening to it over the years
gecko_x2: basically all heavy metal is synonymous to bitcoin
gecko_x2: it's all the same story
pankkake: you mean precious metal
gecko_x2: it's what we all are preparing for
gecko_x2: also that yes
gecko_x2: heavy metal = heavy metal
kakobrekla: i dont see the heavy metal resembelence
gecko_x2: it's there man
pankkake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MF69enruobk glorious album, and artwork, and name
ozbot: Hypocrisy - Penetralia - YouTube
gecko_x2: it's all the same story
gecko_x2: u should invite my bud piett over from efnet
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.625 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: he could link you to some real shit
gecko_x2: like this
gecko_x2: excellent links, i thankyou
dub: bitcoin is only 80% smelly neckbeards now haven't you heard
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.63 = 1.26 BTC [+]
pankkake: I'm only smelly 80% of the time
kakobrekla: 80% smelly and 20% neckbeard?
pankkake: my beard looks naturally good thankfully
gecko_x2: pankkake try this little nice tune..
ozbot: IMMORTAL (Official) - "ALL SHALL FALL" music video HD - YouTube
gecko_x2: mine first
gecko_x2: :p :p
gecko_x2: i need moar alcohol
pankkake: well I do go to concerts with earplugs :p
kakobrekla: yes if by moar you mean less.
gecko_x2: haha ofcourse
Scrat: gecko_x2: if you're going to link immortal... why link that one
gecko_x2: let me drink some less alcohol
pankkake: you don't listen to sunn o))) with your ears anyway
Scrat: is abbath's crab walk?
Scrat: is it*
soypirate: pankkake: so true
gecko_x2: haven't clicked pankkake's link yet
pankkake: I love Immortal, they just don't take themselves seriously
pankkake: omg 2:28
gecko_x2: can't click yet
pankkake: I mean 2:28 of immortal
Scrat: pankkake: more like 0:45
Scrat: dat fucking crab walk
gecko_x2: sexy
gecko_x2: ok now clicking pankake
gecko_x2: what are these the elves? :p
pankkake: bathrobes
ozbot: Abbath on Church Burnings - YouTube
gecko_x2: zomg they been in a turkish sauna ? :p
gecko_x2: nah.. this all good but i'm going retro
gecko_x2: lub all metal but getting old
gecko_x2: gonna serve u a surprise
gecko_x2: i mean i'm getting old
gecko_x2: not the music..
pankkake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QbAXXXOJF8 that's when you know it's then end
gecko_x2: remember this my friends?
ozbot: Gorky Park - Moscow Calling (Opening Eurovision 2009) - YouTube
gecko_x2: ehh fuck it
gecko_x2: forhet it
gecko_x2: forget
gecko_x2: bad link
soypirate: hehe
gecko_x2: this is going to shit
gecko_x2: let's do something bettar
soypirate: this guy is the shit:
ozbot: Guildo Horn - Guildo hat euch lieb [Eurovision 1998 - Germany] - YouTube
gecko_x2: like this mother fucking masterpiece
ozbot: Stratovarius - Visions - Full Album - [1997] - YouTube
soypirate: gecko_x2: nice one
dub: ugg bring back vexual
Vexual: :)
pankkake: this chan allows only one drunk at a time
dub: I'd rather hear outback ozzy serial killer anthems than teen masturbation soundtracks
gecko_x2: well strato has worked for me in my past weeks of drunorness
gecko_x2: dunno why
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 260 @ 0.0011499 = 0.299 BTC [+]
pankkake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOBrGj1zw8U I listened to this as a teenager, ew
ozbot: Thy Majestie - The King And The Warrior - YouTube
gecko_x2: zomg italian metal
pankkake: can't be gayer
gecko_x2: in memory of sam?
nubbins`: <jurov> On the whole, the global Bitcoin space is a self-policing community that uproots and exposes scams and unethical Bitcoin service operators with ruthless efficiency.
pankkake: hehe
nubbins`: ahahaha
nubbins`: my sides
nubbins`: where's that from?
jurov: the link above that
pankkake: I'm calling for a labcoin witch hunt, but the actual victims still don't want it
jurov: mircea_popescu: withdrawals please
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 9 @ 0.07398 = 0.6658 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: mmm ruthless
gecko_x2: i liek dat word
gecko_x2: smoke bbl
nubbins`: pankkake: you're just trying to sabotage the sweet divs
nubbins`: like 52 satoshi per share last time i think?
pankkake: something like it, I can't see them in my cryptostocks account because they are too low
nubbins`: well, ya know. people don't wanna admit they got scammed. they'd much rather just pretend it's not happening
pankkake: I understand that, I have a hard time simply admitting I made a bad decision
pankkake: but perhaps that mean I'm/they're not cut for the job
mircea_popescu: so much fun to be had on the internets.
pankkake: and no one's mentionning you
mircea_popescu: depends what you mean by mentioning me.
gecko_x2: virtuals is my bud
gecko_x2: remember that
gecko_x2: and he's on the case of labcoin
gecko_x2: he's the only irl bud i can talk about this shit to
gecko_x2: totally aware
gecko_x2: just wanted to say..
nubbins`: i need to figure out how to make wallpaper paste that's easily removable from walls
mircea_popescu: you can't unscrew a lightbulb.
nubbins`: well, that's more for lack of trying
nubbins`: we're planning to do a seripop-style art installation at an event next month, and i'd love to paper the walls of the bar, but i don't think the bar will appreciate having things permanently affixed to its walls
AndrewJackson: Nubbins, paint your walls with watered down paste first, then the paper will come off easy
nubbins`: yeah, i'm reading something now that says weak cornstarch paste will allow easy removal if i paint the walls rather than the paper
nubbins`: guess i should experiment some
ozbot: LiveLeak.com - Stupid Balkan guy "Tihomir" + hammer drill = FAIL
ozbot: Seripop - Yannick Desranleau and Chloe Lum - Uncountable (Not Comparable)
nubbins`: those guys do some crazy shit with paper
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 4 @ 0.07399 = 0.296 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 405 @ 0.0011499 = 0.4657 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.07399 = 0.222 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 12 @ 0.07399 = 0.8879 BTC [+]
Vexual: nubbins why not fix the artwork to removable board?
dub: fucking google
dub: my phone has turned into rage bait overnight
Vexual: get ubuntu
dub: fuck ubuntu
nubbins`: vexual, we're talking BIG artwork
Vexual: 3mm mdf is cheap
nubbins`: although that would work if the bar won't let us paste the walls
nubbins`: corrugated plastic might be an option too
Vexual: much lighter too, you could fix it with 3m double sided tape
nubbins`: hmmmm.....
nubbins`: gears turning, etc
ozbot: W.A.S.P. - The Headless Children (FULL ALBUM) - YouTube
nubbins`: we wanna put up large versions of these guys puking rainbows all over the bar: http://pinkeyeprints.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/hzvrd-imgur.jpg
ozbot: Google Groups
Vexual: if you want to get real tricky, you could cut shapes into the corflute so that the slightly noticeable grain of the stuff follows the rainbows
mircea_popescu: get those superflat printable lcd things
nubbins`: we were thinking of printing large rectangles of paper with horizontal rainbow stripes, and overlapping them on various angles to make the rainbows swerve in different directions
nubbins`: wouldn't really work without pasting directly to the walls though
nubbins`: although, i suppose we could cut the corflute (!) into curved shapes & just join them together
Vexual: stick each rectangle to the corflute and arrange them to the wall as separate rectangles
nubbins`: if we cut the corflute rectangles on a diagonal, we'd have triangles which could be flipped around to create nice curves
ozbot: Seripop - Yannick Desranleau and Chloe Lum - Hoarding Skin
mircea_popescu: so good news : asciilifeform has fixed phuctor. it works about a degree of magnitude faster now. basicvally no keys are waiting anymore.
nubbins`: ^ that's ALL PAPER
Vexual: cardboard would work too
nubbins`: at that point, could just tape the paper to the walls, i guess
Vexual: but white corflute could be illuminated from behind
nubbins`: WHOA
nubbins`: yes it could
Vexual: $5 fairy lights
nubbins`: in fact, our washout booth has a backlit corflute wall
nubbins`: even the dimmest light shines through
nubbins`: oh my god, this is going to be amazing
nubbins`: i'm sure there's a bot in an apple chan somewhere that screams MAGICAL DEVICE! every time someone says "magical"
Vexual: i want photos
nubbins`: and photos you shall get
nubbins`: aiming for late november
nubbins`: we actually have some stands left over from a multi-layered glass project that could be useful for holding corflute sheets
nubbins`: hmmmmmm
nubbins`: this gives me a lot to think about
mircea_popescu: amazing #bitcoin-assets
ozbot: MAGIC FOUNTAIN (Official Video) - Art vs Science - YouTube
nubbins`: that video just spurred an impromptu dance party
mircea_popescu: mod6 how's urbit these days btw ? you been keeping any track ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.638415 = 3.8305 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 21 @ 0.07399 = 1.5538 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: nice
mircea_popescu: lol you're special. people were complaining he ate their comments earlier.
gecko_x2: i trust u all know schneier's history and who he is
gecko_x2: anyways
gecko_x2: nice.
mircea_popescu: but more or less.
gecko_x2: schneier is the original crypto guy in our generation
gecko_x2: there is nobody higher really
gecko_x2: atleast publically
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 6 @ 0.07399 = 0.4439 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: his blog is the original public crypto blog
gecko_x2: the primary enemy of the NSA and the illuminati
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 16 @ 0.073999 = 1.184 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: so.. nice.
mircea_popescu: a yeah. kinda went downhill since 2004 tho
gecko_x2: schneier was involved in smuggling the original PGP source code outside of us borders
gecko_x2: they did it by printing it out on A4's and physically mailing it
gecko_x2: back then the pentagon defined him as enemy of the state
gecko_x2: he later fought off those charges in US courts
gecko_x2: during the 80's
gecko_x2: would never be possible today
mircea_popescu: aren't you confusing him with zimmermann ?
gecko_x2: umm yes
gecko_x2: but this isn't clear
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 27 @ 0.075 = 2.025 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: schneier was zimm's bud
gecko_x2: so we dunno
gecko_x2: afaik
BingoBoingo: Schneier is just the Dude who submits algorithms to NIST competitions and never makes it past second place.
gecko_x2: i trust schneier more than zimm
gecko_x2: look
gecko_x2: the surname zimmerman is jewish
gecko_x2: sch is nit jew
gecko_x2: not*
gecko_x2: no jew surname begins with sch
gecko_x2: aka zion, aka illuminati
mircea_popescu: gecko_gs2 for the record, schneier was like 17 in 1980.
gecko_x2: noted
gecko_x2: still
gecko_x2: zimmerman, spielberg, lucas
gecko_x2: all zionists
gecko_x2: bunot sch
gecko_x2: but not*
gecko_x2: afak
gecko_x2: afaik
gecko_x2: damn i need more alcohol and music :D
gecko_x2: schneier is german
gecko_x2: arian
gecko_x2: now the zionists form the basis of the illuminati
gecko_x2: and the banker system known as the city of london
gecko_x2: 'the city' being the key word
gecko_x2: and yes, the huge dildo shaped building in london really does represent a penis
gecko_x2: that's how these guys work
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.6455 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: their latest trick is called 'the shard'
gecko_x2: it represents themselves fucking the ppl in the world in the anus with a broken glass bottle
gecko_x2: you can look it up.
KRS1: yeah, and the phone company killed kennedy.
gecko_x2: what
gecko_x2: kennedy wanted to introduce debt free money
gecko_x2: and so he was taken out
gecko_x2: that's all there is to it
ozbot: Metallica - Whiskey in the jar - YouTube
KRS1: I think it was Northeastern Bell.
gecko_x2: Bell = illuminati
gecko_x2: the shape of a church bell represents the shape of their power structure
gecko_x2: the narrow top, the wide middle part and then the scum of the earth
KRS1: I think it was corporate or maybe one of their subsidiaries. Maybe billing.
gecko_x2: every church you visit on the earth has it's doors shaped in a certain way
gecko_x2: that shape represents the vagina
KRS1: Just had to make a new tinfoil hat. My old one fell apart.
KRS1: this one fits much better.
dub: I've lost count if this guy is trolling or an acutal fruitcake
gecko_x2: you all know how every church door is shaped with the pointy top
gecko_x2: represents the vagina and the clit
KRS1: he's got a lot of energy, he was talking all this jazz when i left the office at 4:30
gecko_x2: that's why men used to leave all their weapons outside
KRS1: just don't mention Finland.
gecko_x2: i assure you it's all true.
KRS1: Of course it is.
KRS1: I'm with ya bro.
gecko_x2: i'm not boosting my ego
gecko_x2: just stating the obvious
gecko_x2: you go to any capital on this planet
gecko_x2: look up the biggest building there is
gecko_x2: and it's one of 7 banks
gecko_x2: try it and u see
KRS1: hmm.
gecko_x2: any capital
gecko_x2: biggest building
dub: fails in my country
gecko_x2: look at the logo
gecko_x2: which is?
dub: its not finland
gecko_x2: ofcourse, you have to know the etymology of the word 'bank'
dub: of course
gecko_x2: do you know where that comes from?
dub: let me guess, if its made of concrete and steel its secretly a bank
gecko_x2: before humanity knew of that word, all 'banks' were called credit anzthalt'
mircea_popescu: dub same root as bankruptcy, italian (lombard) middle ages.
gecko_x2: but that word was born in london england
asciilifeform: banca, money changer's bench. thought everybody knew that one.
gecko_x2: where they figured out that it's useful to build your gold deposit house on top of a hill
gecko_x2: or 'bank' in brittish english
mircea_popescu: gecko_gs2 nah.
gecko_x2: because it was easier to fend off the ppl rushing to the place once they realized that they had issued much more receits for the gold than there actually was gold
gecko_x2: building the vault on a 'bank' or a hill was a good idea because it slowed the ppl down, and made it easier to push them down with sharp sticks
gecko_x2: when there was a 'bank run'
mircea_popescu: no dood. banca yielded banque in french, and either or both of these yielded bank in english
mircea_popescu: sometime around 1500 or so
gecko_x2: no no no
dub: finland says no
gecko_x2: that's all 'official'
gecko_x2: all 'official' stuff u learn in school is a lie
gecko_x2: the word bank comes from the bank of england
gecko_x2: which was the first gold vault to be built upon a hill
gecko_x2: to make it easier to fend off the people
gecko_x2: with sharp spears
gecko_x2: know your histiry dudes
gecko_x2: your REAL history
dub: he right
KRS1: idk we just some dumb bitcoin monkeys what do we know
mircea_popescu: so what's the alternative etymology fior bankruptcy then ?
mircea_popescu: hill got ruptured ?
gecko_x2: pretty much yeah
gecko_x2: there is a even more interesting etymology that ties into this
mircea_popescu: gecko_gs2 you ever been in the old bank of england building ?
gecko_x2: if you want to know, or should i stfu?
gecko_x2: mp nope.
mircea_popescu: well... you'd have known its not actually on a hill.
gecko_x2: the real history of the tie
dub: if you fold up the bank does it look like twin towers?
dub: I bet it does
gecko_x2: mp afaik it actually was
mircea_popescu: how the fuck it actually was, it's close enough to the thames.
gecko_x2: but i'm no expert.. i just like etymology
gecko_x2: and i really like to know the TRUE reason for things
gecko_x2: which is not the same as you are thought through these school books
gecko_x2: what was that main publisher again
mircea_popescu: but you know, some proposed reason doersn't become true just because it contradicts the common answer.
dub: dood it becomes true when alx jones screams it
gecko_x2: dun remember, anyways check the back's of every school book published in the west
mircea_popescu: anyway. the old lady of threadneedle street.
gecko_x2: and it will lead you back to the illuminati
mircea_popescu: aka the company and governor of the bank of england
gecko_x2: this is not aj data
gecko_x2: not at all
gecko_x2: but aj is right in his own way
gecko_x2: was it gummerus
gecko_x2: and wellin & göös or something
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.61000001 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5073 @ 0.00085765 = 4.3509 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: every school book in the north
dub: for the love of god, shut the fuck up
dub: and preferably kill yourself immediately
Vexual: do the spears msut be spharp?
gecko_x2: i didn't like that dub
gecko_x2: i go away now
dub: yet you live on..
Vexual: and thats why we have skyscrapers
ozbot: Ratt- Dance - YouTube
mircea_popescu: anyway, the notion of putting a bank uphill is silly... all the customers'd get tired hauling all the gold
mircea_popescu: you want it low down
Vexual: security by gravity
KRS1: Anyone here know anything about trading gold
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 727 @ 0.00085934 = 0.6247 BTC [+]
gecko_x2: uhh mp
gecko_x2: the origins of fractional reserves stems from the gold receits in amsterdam
gecko_x2: where the ppl stored their gold in a safe vault for a receit
gecko_x2: later they noticed that periodically there was always a bank run
gecko_x2: when the ppl noticed that there were way more receits than there could ever be gold
gecko_x2: and so they built the bank vault on a hill to slow the ppl down once they came running
nubbins`: my sides
Vexual: theres no hills in amsterdam
gecko_x2: but in london there is
mod6: when i think of finland: http://i.qkme.me/3u7ql0.jpg
asciilifeform: mod6: whatever happened to that fellow?
gecko_x2: nice.
mod6: probably eaten by a grue.
mod6: or got his dick stuck in an iceberg.
gecko_x2: "The Bank's headquarters have been in London's main financial district, the City of London, on Threadneedle Street, since 1734. It is sometimes known by the metonym The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street or The Old Lady, a name taken from the legend of Sarah Whitehead, whose ghost is said to haunt the Bank's garden.[12] The busy road junction outside is known as Bank junction."
mircea_popescu: mod6 honestly, all finn chicks i ever met were pretty hot and kinda slutty
mircea_popescu: nice skin too
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform im pretty sure it was a sa op and got neatly closed.
dub: isnt there like 9 chicks to every dude
mircea_popescu: dub possibly. perkele.
gecko_x2: "When the idea and reality of the National Debt came about during the 18th century this was also managed by the Bank. By the charter renewal in 1781 it was also the bankers' bank – keeping enough gold to pay its notes on demand until 26 February 1797 when war had so diminished gold reserves that the government prohibited the Bank from paying out in gold. This prohibition lasted until
gecko_x2: 1821."
mod6: huh, well that seems like a saving grace.
mircea_popescu: gecko_gs2 no, actually, it weas much earlier. the 1711 south sea bubble was a mostly failed attempt to finance the english natl debt with paper.
mircea_popescu: there had been a natl debt since there was a nation. everywhere.
gecko_x2: gold was before debt
gecko_x2: gold carries no debt
gecko_x2: only storing gold carries debt
gecko_x2: and storing it.. they tried with holes foro ages
gecko_x2: for*
gecko_x2: until they realized a bank was much better than a hole
gecko_x2: because when the ppl come storming, you dont want to sit in a hole
gecko_x2: you want to be uphill
nubbins`: sitting in a bank
nubbins`: exchanging bitcoins in the lobby
gecko_x2: right
Vexual: id rather be in a hole
mircea_popescu: i never heard of a foxhill...
nubbins`: does the hole have pens you can use?
gecko_x2: i don't know if any of you know that 'the city' really means
gecko_x2: are you aware that today the city has their own police force, their own army, their own justice system and their own judges?
gecko_x2: if you take a trip to london tomorrow
mircea_popescu: and their own obgyns ?
gecko_x2: and walk into 'the city'
nubbins`: hahaha
gecko_x2: and do something to get arrested
gecko_x2: the police that arrest you will carry guns
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3000 @ 0.00085372 = 2.5612 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: which the rest of the english police do not
nubbins`: police not carrying guns is sort of the exception
gecko_x2: because they are a separate police force from a separate legal juridistiction
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 8696 @ 0.0011499 = 9.9995 BTC [+] {2}
gecko_x2: you need to be aware of this shit my friends
gecko_x2: the city has their own army too
gecko_x2: headquarters are called MI5
gecko_x2: the rest of england's secret service is called MI6
gecko_x2: 2 different entities
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 818 @ 0.00223965 = 1.832 BTC [+] {7}
nubbins`: "We’re police officers without the salary, the title and the gun."
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1000 @ 0.0001402 = 0.1402 BTC [-] {2}
gecko_x2: in bond movies they are always referring to MI6
gecko_x2: never ever referring to MI5
gecko_x2: that's also by design
gecko_x2: you need to learn your fucking history
dub: have you got kids?
gecko_x2: it's 4:47 am here
gecko_x2: what do you think?
dub: I guess that means no, how much bitcion would it take to have you sterilised?
gecko_x2: oh.. nice one
dub: seriously, the genome is broken enough without you polluting it further
gecko_x2: i go afk now then
dub: have you considered homosexuality?
gecko_x2: do we have a change agent here?
gecko_x2: who cares.. cyas
Vexual: he makes a good point tho
KRS1: just shh vexual dont get him started again
KRS1: the IQ of this channel went down about 30
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4312 @ 0.00085324 = 3.6792 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: id think he will have confused himself into unconciousness soon
gecko_x2: "bank (n.1)
gecko_x2: "financial institution," late 15c., from either Old Italian banca or Middle French banque (itself from the Italian word), both meaning "table" (the notion is of the moneylender's exchange table), from a Germanic source (cf. Old High German bank "bench"); see bank (n.2)."
gecko_x2: "Bank holiday is from 1871, though the tradition is as old as the Bank of England. To cry all the way to the bank was coined 1956 by flamboyant pianist Liberace, after a Madison Square Garden concert that was packed with patrons but panned by critics."
gecko_x2: "bank (n.2)
gecko_x2: "earthen incline, edge of a river," c.1200, probably in Old English but not attested in surviving documents, from a Scandinavian source such as Old Norse banki, Old Danish banke "sandbank," from Proto-Germanic *bangkon "slope," cognate with *bankiz "shelf" (see bench (n.))."
gecko_x2: "bank (v.)
gecko_x2: "to act as a banker," 1727, from bank (n.1). As "to deposit in a bank" from 1833. Figurative sense of "to rely on" (i.e. "to put money on") is from 1884, U.S. colloquial. Meaning "to ascend," as of an incline, is from 1892. In aeronautics, from 1911. Related: Banked; banking."
dub: he's gone full retard
gecko_x2: "Meaning "to ascend," as of an incline"
gecko_x2: there u go buddy
gecko_x2: coming to you buddy
gecko_x2: bench (n.)
gecko_x2: Old English benc "long seat," from Proto-Germanic *bankiz "bank of earth," perhaps here "man-made earthwork," later "bench, table" (cf. Old Frisian bank "bench," Old Norse bekkr, Danish bænk, Middle Dutch banc, Old High German banch), from PIE root *bheg- "to break." Used for "office of a judge" since late 13c. Sporting sense "reserve of players" (in baseball, North American football,
gecko_x2: etc.) is by 1909, from literal sense of place where players sit when not in action (by 1889).
gecko_x2: bench (v.)
gecko_x2: "to take out of the game," 1902, from bench (n.) in the sporting sense. Related: Benched; benching. Old English also had a verb form, but it meant "to make benches."
gecko_x2: bank = man made hill
gecko_x2: there u go buddy
gecko_x2: now i goto bed :p
gecko_x2: "bed (v.)
gecko_x2: Old English beddian "to provide with a bed or lodgings," from bed (n.). From c.1300 as "to go to bed," also "to copulate with, to go to bed with;" 1440 as "to lay out (land) in plots or beds." Related: Bedded; bedding."
gecko_x2: bed (n.)
gecko_x2: Old English bedd "bed, couch, resting place, garden plot," from Proto-Germanic *badjam "sleeping place dug in the ground" (cf. Old Frisian, Old Saxon bed, Middle Dutch bedde, Old Norse beðr, Old High German betti, German Bett, Gothic badi "bed"), from PIE root *bhedh- "to dig, pierce" (cf. Hittite beda- "to pierce, prick," Greek bothyros "pit," Latin fossa "ditch," Lithuanian bedre
gecko_x2: "to dig," Breton bez "grave"). Both "sleeping" and "gardening" senses are in Old English. Meaning "bottom of a lake, sea, watercourse" is from 1580s.
KRS1: good god are you trying to fill up the logs or something
KRS1: u might be more annoying than that other gecko from the insurance commercials.
gecko_x2: that lizard is funny
gecko_x2: i'm not
KRS1: nope
KRS1: not entertaining in the least bit.
gecko_x2: coming to you buddy
gecko_x2: i been watching strike back
gecko_x2: the best tv action serie evar.
ozbot: CBC stories on leaked report 'irresponsible': minister - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News
adis99: hey can we remove password on the new bet?
ozbot: BitBet - Bitcoin will drop back below $150 before end of 2013
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.6489 = 5.8401 BTC [+] {3}
BingoBoingo: adis99: It seems essentially by publishing the password.
adis99: in comments?
nubbins`: man, i just watched the video from that cbc article and it's making my brain hurt
BingoBoingo: adis99: Do you have a better place to publish it?
adis99: well i didnt mean to make it private ;)
adis99: i dont mind if its unlocked or password published
BingoBoingo: adis99: I'm kind of wondering why they allowed such a puny bet to be protected from market forces.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.611 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.611 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6000 @ 0.00084879 = 5.0927 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4912 @ 0.00085327 = 4.1913 BTC [+] {2}
adis99: sry lost internet
adis99: so you guys think Bitcoin price will go below 150 USD or not?
gecko_x2: absolutely
gecko_x2: after it goes to $2000 first
gecko_x2: maybe even NINE THOUSAND
gecko_x2: look mr. adis99
gecko_x2: the mere fact that you ask this question practically guarantees the outcome
gecko_x2: by the laws of the universe
gecko_x2: but you dont know when
gecko_x2: that's the real question
gecko_x2: WHEN will it go to 150
adis99: well let me specify, by the end of this year?
gecko_x2: and when it gores there, what will 150 mean?
gecko_x2: well. no.
gecko_x2: or maybe yes
adis99: how can you be sure?
gecko_x2: but then again, if that happens
adis99: ohh ok
gecko_x2: what will 150 be worth?
gecko_x2: what will it mean?
adis99: it that happens i win bet
adis99: :P
gecko_x2: will it equal 300 od today?
gecko_x2: or more?
gecko_x2: or less?
gecko_x2: you see
gecko_x2: in this life, everything you think will happen will happen
gecko_x2: because you are the life itself
gecko_x2: you see?
gecko_x2: now, i go for a smoke
adis99: i see, sounds like you a a philosopher ;)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.39 BTC [-]
gecko_x2: no i just hate the illuminist black magicians
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.64737498 = 5.179 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.64889999 = 6.489 BTC [+] {4}
KRS1: oh god again
KRS1: dude go to #illuminati or something
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4000 @ 0.0008601 = 3.4404 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1825 @ 0.00014894 = 0.2718 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: TheSeven: How is Amazing Labcoin Amazing along on Cryptostocks?
Kleeck_: Amazing, really.
BingoBoingo: Kleeck_: You try the Phuctor yet?
Kleeck_: No sir.
Kleeck_: How do I phuct the phuctor?
BingoBoingo: Kleeck_: First or Fist you have a GPG public key you paste into http://nosuchlabs.com then you bookmark it and return to check it periodically, and so the Phuctor works.
Kleeck_: Why do I care about Phuctor?
Kleeck_: aside from the awesome name?
BingoBoingo: Kleeck_: Because it offers a service that was wanted.I tells you if public keys were obviously weak. It is amazingly more valuable to test your correspondents keys than your own since encryption depends on theirs anyway.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.6589 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 55 @ 0.00199999 = 0.11 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8550 @ 0.0008601 = 7.3539 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: Luke-Jr: Any thoughts on Phuctor>
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