Hide Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2013-08-03 | 2013-08-05 →
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.006053 = 0.0605 BTC [+]
Rawted: btc garden going to have a hard time issuing the next 2 million shares over .016
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 83 @ 0.01697 = 1.4085 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01697 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 666 @ 0.01698 = 11.3087 BTC [+]
weex: for now, it looks like they priced their ipo just right
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: a two year old died in foster care?
Diablo-D3: probably raped to death
Diablo-D3: fucking british
kidkrypto: well i bailed on garden at a bit over .017
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 3 @ 0.002681 = 0.008 BTC [-]
kidkrypto: always thought those coins were a dumb idea
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.008387 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8 @ 0.001918 = 0.0153 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.001919 = 0.096 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8 @ 0.001918 = 0.0153 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 83 @ 0.00192 = 0.1594 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.001921 = 0.9605 BTC [+]
ozbot: S.MG, July 2013 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.03926 = 0.0785 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25 @ 0.001922 = 0.0481 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 300 @ 0.001923 = 0.5769 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 26 @ 0.001924 = 0.05 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 8 @ 0.01697 = 0.1358 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 166 @ 0.006053 = 1.0048 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 400 @ 0.001924 = 0.7696 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 105.00003, Best ask: 105.19873, Bid-ask spread: 0.19870, Last trade: 105.19873, 24 hour volume: 8096.98383083, 24 hour low: 102.00000, 24 hour high: 105.88520, 24 hour vwap: 103.84199
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 26 @ 0.01697 = 0.4412 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.049 BTC [+]
mod6: ;;later tell thestringpuller hey whats up. saw you were lookin for me. have been afk for a few days - been moving. drop me a pm if you need.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 574 @ 0.001924 = 1.1044 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1500 @ 0.001924 = 2.886 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 70 @ 0.01697 = 1.1879 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 25 @ 0.01697 = 0.4243 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 210 @ 0.01697 = 3.5637 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.05 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.05 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2 @ 0.01615 = 0.0323 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01615 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 36 @ 0.01615 = 0.5814 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 73 @ 0.01615 = 1.179 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 26 @ 0.01615 = 0.4199 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 90 @ 0.01614 = 1.4526 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.01614 = 3.228 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 112 @ 0.01613 = 1.8066 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 526 @ 0.001924 = 1.012 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.06 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 4.067 = 28.469 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 65 @ 0.01695 = 1.1018 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2 @ 0.01695 = 0.0339 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 6 @ 0.00104986 = 0.0063 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: so i'm talking to an old friend, haven't spoken in years. he's an accountant.
mircea_popescu: he asks what am i doing, i say i'm having a triple cognac and doing my books.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.001858 = 0.0037 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4936 @ 0.00082899 = 4.0919 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1198 @ 0.001858 = 2.2259 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 142 @ 0.001848 = 0.2624 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 375 @ 0.006053 = 2.2699 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 550 @ 0.006053 = 3.3292 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 5 @ 0.001799 = 0.009 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 145 @ 0.0169 = 2.4505 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000247 BTC [+]
kidkrypto: any of you play bitfantasy yet?
thestringpuller: kidkrypto: is that the weird 2d mmo?
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 6 @ 0.4323 = 2.5938 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3907 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 10 @ 0.3906 = 3.906 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 6 @ 0.3904 = 2.3424 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 4 @ 0.3903 = 1.5612 BTC [-]
kidkrypto: thestringpuller: yeah, it's pretty fun actually
kidkrypto: sorta reminds me of LORD 2 from BBS days
thestringpuller: Shit's all top down
thestringpuller: looks like a mud almost
kidkrypto: pretty much a graphical mud
thestringpuller: LORD II was a rougelike though
thestringpuller: like dwarf fortress no?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 679 @ 0.006053 = 4.11 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 101 @ 0.006102 = 0.6163 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5050 @ 0.00083097 = 4.1964 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1350 @ 0.00083132 = 1.1223 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.008292 = 0.0166 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00621 = 0.1553 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.066 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00621 = 0.1553 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00621 = 0.1553 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006211 = 0.3106 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 383 @ 0.00625 = 2.3938 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.01041 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.01043 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.03926 = 0.157 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006281 = 0.157 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006282 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 14 @ 0.006299 = 0.0882 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.03927 = 0.1571 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 2 @ 0.01136 = 0.0227 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 20 @ 0.007708 = 0.1542 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000241 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.007707 = 0.0154 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 14 @ 0.00024 = 0.0034 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 8 @ 0.0254 = 0.2032 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1953 @ 0.00082959 = 1.6202 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.01631 = 3.262 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 54 @ 0.006299 = 0.3401 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.006299 = 3.1495 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 446 @ 0.00638 = 2.8455 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.00638 = 0.0255 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 100 @ 0.008 = 0.8 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 3 @ 0.007708 = 0.0231 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 109 @ 0.007707 = 0.8401 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 8 @ 0.007705 = 0.0616 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 112 @ 0.00185 = 0.2072 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 199 @ 0.001849 = 0.368 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 658 @ 0.001848 = 1.216 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.001848 = 0.0092 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 147 @ 0.001847 = 0.2715 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 27 @ 0.001847 = 0.0499 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 102 @ 0.001847 = 0.1884 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7115 @ 0.00082877 = 5.8967 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1085 @ 0.00083132 = 0.902 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 259 @ 0.001847 = 0.4784 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 73 @ 0.001828 = 0.1334 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 439 @ 0.001827 = 0.8021 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 416 @ 0.001825 = 0.7592 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2500 @ 0.001824 = 4.56 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 456 @ 0.001822 = 0.8308 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 108 @ 0.00182 = 0.1966 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 651 @ 0.001819 = 1.1842 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15 @ 0.001811 = 0.0272 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 102 @ 0.001811 = 0.1847 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 17 @ 0.00181 = 0.0308 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 600 @ 0.001809 = 1.0854 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2769 @ 0.001802 = 4.9897 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 704 @ 0.001801 = 1.2679 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4225 @ 0.0018 = 7.605 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 38 @ 0.006379 = 0.2424 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 6 @ 0.0377 = 0.2262 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.00638 = 0.1276 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.0167 = 1.67 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 167 @ 0.00104987 = 0.1753 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.BBET] [PAID] 1.72599136 BTC to 3`000`000 shares, 57 satoshi per share
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 9 @ 0.00104986 = 0.0094 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 8 @ 0.0254 = 0.2032 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 157 @ 0.0255 = 4.0035 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 38 @ 0.0167 = 0.6346 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.03926 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.03926 = 0.0785 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.001861 = 0.1861 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.066 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 26 @ 0.001795 = 0.0467 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.00638 = 0.051 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 30 @ 0.001795 = 0.0539 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.0018 = 0.18 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 105 @ 0.0164 = 1.722 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.001792 = 0.0179 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.001788 = 0.0089 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.001787 = 1.787 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4000 @ 0.001786 = 7.144 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1261 @ 0.001785 = 2.2509 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.BBET] 160 @ 0.00099999 = 0.16 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6616 @ 0.00082855 = 5.4817 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 300 @ 0.00082639 = 0.2479 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2184 @ 0.00082633 = 1.8047 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 193 @ 0.00083132 = 0.1604 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: !ticker M S.BBET
assbot: [MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0.00099999 / 0.00099999 / 0.00099999 (160 shares, 0.16 BTC), 7D: 0.00099999 / 0.00099999 / 0.00099999 (1360 shares, 1.36 BTC), 30D: 0.0005505 / 0.00062236 / 0.00102899 (24759 shares, 15.41 BTC)
thestringpuller: !ticker M S.MPOE
assbot: [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00082043 / 0.00082745 / 0.00083132 (104725 shares, 86.66 BTC), 7D: 0.0007936 / 0.00081098 / 0.00083132 (2234006 shares, 1,811.75 BTC), 30D: 0.0007725 / 0.0008196 / 0.00097228 (10634479 shares, 8,716.03 BTC)
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.00638 = 0.051 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3739 @ 0.001785 = 6.6741 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.00638 = 3.19 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.00639 = 3.195 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 59 @ 0.0259 = 1.5281 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 928 @ 0.0164 = 15.2192 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.0164 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 14 @ 0.01631 = 0.2283 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 3 @ 0.0163 = 0.0489 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 70 @ 0.01621 = 1.1347 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 70 @ 0.0162 = 1.134 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.00639 = 0.0128 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 164 @ 0.00639 = 1.048 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000254 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 898 @ 0.006423 = 5.7679 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 102 @ 0.006423 = 0.6551 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 101 @ 0.006423 = 0.6487 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00643 = 0.643 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 141 @ 0.006447 = 0.909 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 250 @ 0.006498 = 1.6245 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 650 @ 0.0065 = 4.225 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 51 @ 0.0065 = 0.3315 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0065 = 0.65 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0065 = 0.65 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 62 @ 0.0065 = 0.403 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.3903 = 0.7806 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.001799 = 0.009 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.0018 = 0.018 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.001824 = 0.0182 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.0065 = 0.013 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 115 @ 0.0065 = 0.7475 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 12 @ 0.4342 = 5.2104 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.014 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 370 @ 0.0065 = 2.405 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.006587 = 1.3174 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.006588 = 0.1318 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.006588 = 0.6588 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.006588 = 0.1318 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006599 = 0.33 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 950 @ 0.006599 = 6.2691 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.03927 = 0.3927 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00675 = 0.1688 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.01669 = 0.8345 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3700 @ 0.00083054 = 3.073 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.001824 = 0.0182 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.001824 = 0.0365 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 3 @ 0.01669 = 0.0501 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0027 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 4 @ 0.002799 = 0.0112 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 489 @ 0.006749 = 3.3003 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.008328 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.008326 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0384499 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 40 @ 0.01669 = 0.6676 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01669 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 120 @ 0.0167 = 2.004 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 21 @ 0.001771 = 0.0372 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.00177 = 0.885 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.001768 = 0.0035 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 386 @ 0.001768 = 0.6824 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2900 @ 0.001767 = 5.1243 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 581 @ 0.001767 = 1.0266 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.006749 = 0.0742 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 9479 @ 0.001766 = 16.7399 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 171 @ 0.0167 = 2.8557 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.0167 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 42 @ 0.01689 = 0.7094 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00669 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.006689 = 0.0736 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.006655 = 0.0666 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.006516 = 0.013 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.006515 = 0.0717 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 35 @ 0.006361 = 0.2226 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 265 @ 0.006699 = 1.7752 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 15 @ 0.0167 = 0.2505 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.385 = 1.155 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.385 = 1.155 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.006698 = 0.0134 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 35 @ 0.006699 = 0.2345 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 53 @ 0.0167 = 0.8851 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.0167 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 19 @ 0.479 = 9.101 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.479 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.4841 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006624 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006623 = 0.1656 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 18 @ 0.006622 = 0.1192 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.006622 = 0.6622 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.006621 = 0.0993 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.0066 = 0.0198 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.006382 = 0.0447 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.006381 = 0.1914 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 801 @ 0.006258 = 5.0127 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MG] 1 @ 0.00025 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006707 = 0.1677 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.006708 = 0.2012 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 21 @ 0.001766 = 0.0371 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.001765 = 0.1765 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.001761 = 0.0352 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 150 @ 0.001761 = 0.2642 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 70 @ 0.00175 = 0.1225 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.00175 = 0.875 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2900 @ 0.00174 = 5.046 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 400 @ 0.00173 = 0.692 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 250 @ 0.001728 = 0.432 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1200 @ 0.001727 = 2.0724 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4291 @ 0.001726 = 7.4063 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.039 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.011 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.011 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 185 @ 0.006709 = 1.2412 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2100 @ 0.00083054 = 1.7441 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 550 @ 0.00083132 = 0.4572 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.01623 = 1.623 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 16 @ 0.01623 = 0.2597 BTC [-]
saulimus: btct login: "access temporarily denied"?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.011 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.01 = 8.02 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 67 @ 0.00244 = 0.1635 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1389 @ 0.0002446 = 0.3397 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.01136 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.01136 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 59 @ 0.01135 = 0.6697 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 18 @ 0.01135 = 0.2043 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 20 @ 0.0113 = 0.226 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006501 = 0.1625 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006501 = 0.1625 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006501 = 0.1625 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.001799 = 0.018 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.001735 = 0.0868 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 57 @ 0.001731 = 0.0987 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.001731 = 3.462 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 300 @ 0.00173 = 0.519 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4619 @ 0.001727 = 7.977 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 709 @ 0.001726 = 1.2237 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1909 @ 0.001725 = 3.293 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2900 @ 0.001722 = 4.9938 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.001721 = 8.605 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1100 @ 0.001716 = 1.8876 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 41 @ 0.001711 = 0.0702 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 350 @ 0.001711 = 0.5989 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3000 @ 0.001711 = 5.133 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2324 @ 0.00171 = 3.974 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4100 @ 0.00083013 = 3.4035 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50 @ 0.00082863 = 0.0414 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 111 @ 0.008328 = 0.9244 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 141 @ 0.0255 = 3.5955 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9850 @ 0.00082863 = 8.162 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.006592 = 0.0461 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006593 = 0.1648 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.006595 = 0.6595 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.002799 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 10 @ 0.00718312 = 0.0718 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006601 = 0.165 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006601 = 0.165 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 15 @ 0.002449 = 0.0367 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006601 = 0.165 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.006221 = 0.0187 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.00622 = 0.0933 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006203 = 0.1551 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.006202 = 0.6202 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00617 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.006169 = 0.0308 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 374 @ 0.006161 = 2.3042 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.006301 = 0.0252 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006551 = 0.1638 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1700 @ 0.00083132 = 1.4132 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 6 @ 0.02133 = 0.128 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0065 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.0163 = 0.815 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 10 @ 0.000236 = 0.0024 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 29 @ 0.01678 = 0.4866 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 100 @ 0.008399 = 0.8399 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006311 = 0.1578 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.006497 = 0.0195 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 90 @ 0.000235 = 0.0212 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 102 @ 0.00631 = 0.6436 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.008399 = 0.0168 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 40 @ 0.001801 = 0.072 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.039 = 0.078 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.039 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 52 @ 0.039 = 2.028 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 232 @ 0.001801 = 0.4178 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006311 = 0.3156 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.03926 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.03926 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.03927 = 0.1571 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.03927 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006348 = 0.1587 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.0018 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.0018 = 0.0036 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.03941 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.03942 = 0.1577 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.001803 = 0.0036 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 1 @ 0.0010457 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 1 @ 0.00103 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 1333 @ 0.001025 = 1.3663 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 981 @ 0.00102 = 1.0006 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 25 @ 0.001011 = 0.0253 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 2370 @ 0.00101 = 2.3937 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 250 @ 0.001008 = 0.252 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 1369 @ 0.0010055 = 1.3765 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 25 @ 0.0002447 = 0.0061 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01677 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00625 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4 @ 0.001801 = 0.0072 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 405 @ 0.001799 = 0.7286 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 16 @ 0.0002447 = 0.0039 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006289 = 0.1572 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.00629 = 0.0566 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006202 = 0.1551 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001798 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006497 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006351 = 0.1588 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006351 = 0.1588 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006352 = 0.3176 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.001799 = 0.009 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 332 @ 0.0018 = 0.5976 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001797 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001789 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001789 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.03911 = 0.1173 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.03911 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 16 @ 0.03911 = 0.6258 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 337 @ 0.001794 = 0.6046 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2023 @ 0.001798 = 3.6374 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11 @ 0.001799 = 0.0198 BTC [+]
jurov: Thinking about stirring shit about how passthroughs pay out BitBet divs.
jurov: One share gets 57.5 satoshi and rounding error is thus almost 2% .
kakobrekla: shit is there to be stirred
kleeck: Can you go into more details?
kleeck: How do passthroughts have anything to do with BitBet?
kakobrekla: well its an old practice
kleeck: passthroughs*
kakobrekla: ah that.
jurov: kleeck, not sure abut BTCT but BF allows to pay dividend only whole satoshi per share
kleeck: BF restricts dividends?
jurov: MPEx (and CoinBR) on the other side, rounds only a result after multiplying by quantity
kleeck: Oh. You're talking rounding.
kakobrekla: well at least you get something here
kakobrekla: at bitstamp, you have to pay to get robbed
kakobrekla: -have
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 24 @ 4 = 96 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 4 = 24 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1170 @ 0.001798 = 2.1037 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 44 @ 0.02573 = 1.1321 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001797 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 1 @ 0.00104984 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.006375 = 0.1275 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8000 @ 0.001795 = 14.36 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11 @ 0.001799 = 0.0198 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 425 @ 0.00103999 = 0.442 BTC [-]
dub: ;;nethash
gribble: 302190.606118
dub: ;;bsstats
gribble: Error: "bsstats" is not a valid command.
dub: ;;bcstats
gribble: Current Blocks: 250149 | Current Difficulty: 3.7392766136474565E7 | Next Difficulty At Block: 251999 | Next Difficulty In: 1850 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 0 hours, 17 minutes, and 8 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 42917295.8926 | Estimated Percent Change: 14.77433
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 16 @ 0.006409 = 0.1025 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001751 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.00175 = 0.0053 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001727 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11 @ 0.001726 = 0.019 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 69 @ 0.001725 = 0.119 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006301 = 0.3151 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 220 @ 0.0063 = 1.386 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25 @ 0.001732 = 0.0433 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.001728 = 0.0035 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8 @ 0.001728 = 0.0138 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001728 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.001739 = 0.0035 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.001739 = 0.0035 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12 @ 0.00174 = 0.0209 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.00174 = 0.0035 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6 @ 0.001753 = 0.0105 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 41 @ 0.001754 = 0.0719 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.00176 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.001782 = 0.0089 BTC [+]
BigBitz|wrk: what does "Access Temporarily Denied" mean? :P
Graet: usually you get something like that for too many failed login attempts in a time period
BigBitz|wrk: That's not good.
Graet: after a set time it will allow you to try again
BigBitz|wrk: is burnside the only admin here?
BigBitz|wrk: ie; can someone check my balance is still there :|
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.001782 = 0.0089 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 30 @ 0.001783 = 0.0535 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.001784 = 0.0054 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 18 @ 0.001785 = 0.0321 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.001798 = 0.036 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.001799 = 0.09 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 70 @ 0.0018 = 0.126 BTC [+]
Graet: well if someone was trying and not doing the 2fa bit your account would be safe
BigBitz|wrk: I guess someone trying to hack my account. Lame.
Graet: always possible, hopefully there is another explanation :)
Graet: i dont know anything specific about this site, just speaking generically :)0
saulimus: I got that too
Graet: usually after 30-60 minutes it will time out and you will be able to try again
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.001802 = 0.0054 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 57 @ 0.001802 = 0.1027 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] [PAID] 1.00000000 BTC to 2`000`000 shares, 50 satoshi per share
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.008399 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 14 @ 0.01672 = 0.2341 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 2 @ 0.00103999 = 0.0021 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.008399 = 0.0168 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 16 @ 0.0002444 = 0.0039 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 9 @ 0.008399 = 0.0756 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.478 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 75 @ 0.0002444 = 0.0183 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.049 = 20.245 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.049 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 2 @ 0.00103999 = 0.0021 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 400 @ 0.00103999 = 0.416 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5650 @ 0.00082999 = 4.6894 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00718311 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 6 @ 0.00103999 = 0.0062 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 10 @ 0.0018166 = 0.0182 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 18 @ 0.00103999 = 0.0187 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 4 @ 0.0018166 = 0.0073 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 7 @ 0.00103999 = 0.0073 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.007181 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 7 @ 0.00103999 = 0.0073 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2200 @ 0.00082863 = 1.823 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.00082562 = 6.8526 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5750 @ 0.0008239 = 4.7374 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.0165 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 333 @ 0.001796 = 0.5981 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.14999999 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0363 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.0383 = 0.383 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 24 @ 0.0022 = 0.0528 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 7 @ 0.000254 = 0.0018 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.006208 = 0.0745 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006207 = 0.3104 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 63 @ 0.006204 = 0.3909 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 52 @ 0.006203 = 0.3226 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.006202 = 0.6202 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 52 @ 0.0062 = 0.3224 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0062 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0062 = 0.31 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 62 @ 0.006177 = 0.383 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006176 = 0.3088 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.006175 = 1.235 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 374 @ 0.006161 = 2.3042 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.00616 = 0.0616 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 486 @ 0.006159 = 2.9933 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.006158 = 6.158 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006111 = 0.3056 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 201 @ 0.00611 = 1.2281 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 838 @ 0.00604 = 5.0615 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 209 @ 0.006039 = 1.2622 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.006033 = 0.0302 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 23 @ 0.006032 = 0.1387 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.006004 = 0.6004 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.006003 = 0.6003 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.006003 = 1.8009 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005904 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 90 @ 0.001796 = 0.1616 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001796 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3150 @ 0.00082948 = 2.6129 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.008399 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6350 @ 0.00082999 = 5.2704 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 722 @ 0.00083132 = 0.6002 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4278 @ 0.00083142 = 3.5568 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 250 @ 0.002421 = 0.6053 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 500 @ 0.00242 = 1.21 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 100 @ 0.0024 = 0.24 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 19 @ 0.0024 = 0.0456 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.002329 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 11 @ 0.008399 = 0.0924 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 4 @ 0.008399 = 0.0336 BTC [+]
KRS1: <thestringpuller> XBOND pays for itself in 10 days with fees
KRS1: How so? The fund doesnt pay that much in dividends. Kind of confused.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006008 = 0.1502 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.006007 = 0.036 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 19 @ 0.006006 = 0.1141 BTC [-]
pankkake: if you take into account the price you can sell it at?
ThickAsThieves: he's equalizing that liquidity is free
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 1 @ 0.00103999 BTC [-]
KRS1: I guess that would be the way I'd see it pankkake
KRS1: I bought a bunch myself.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.049 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.05 = 20.25 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 1 @ 0.0011 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.441 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.05 = 20.25 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 20 @ 0.01627 = 0.3254 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 617 @ 0.00103999 = 0.6417 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 6 @ 0.00103999 = 0.0062 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001792 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.001793 = 0.0179 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25 @ 0.001794 = 0.0449 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8 @ 0.001795 = 0.0144 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 67 @ 0.01626 = 1.0894 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 418 @ 0.01626 = 6.7967 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 1 @ 0.00103999 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 1 @ 0.00103999 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: I would say by september xbond will finally have equidistant liquidity costs for buyers and sellers, so it seems it all works out. Kind of a butt kicker for people who didn't buy more during IPO
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 2000 @ 0.00103999 = 2.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 4 @ 0.00103999 = 0.0042 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7950 @ 0.00082948 = 6.5944 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1633 @ 0.0008239 = 1.3454 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: these scalping muhter fuckers
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 25 @ 0.00103999 = 0.026 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 30 @ 0.001792 = 0.0538 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.001792 = 1.792 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.00233 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.002685 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 183 @ 0.01626 = 2.9756 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.006016 = 0.6016 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 87 @ 0.006015 = 0.5233 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.006015 = 0.9023 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006014 = 0.3007 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 86 @ 0.006014 = 0.5172 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0391 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 39 @ 0.03901 = 1.5214 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: New 3-day high for AM farm, 51.5TH
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 184 @ 0.039 = 7.176 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006249 = 0.1562 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1350 @ 0.00625 = 8.4375 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 492 @ 0.01625 = 7.995 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.006248 = 0.125 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.006247 = 0.0125 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.03941 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 16 @ 0.03941 = 0.6306 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 41 @ 0.01622 = 0.665 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01622 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.01622 = 0.811 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.003 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.003 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 18 @ 0.008399 = 0.1512 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.03941 = 0.1971 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0383 = 0.1149 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 168 @ 0.0383999 = 6.4512 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.03844988 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 209 @ 0.03845 = 8.0361 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006238 = 0.156 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.03849999 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 133 @ 0.0385 = 5.1205 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 46 @ 0.0386 = 1.7756 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 285 @ 0.0386999 = 11.0295 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 166 @ 0.0387977 = 6.4404 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 49 @ 0.03879775 = 1.9011 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006236 = 0.1559 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006235 = 0.1559 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 73 @ 0.03941 = 2.8769 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006234 = 0.1559 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 5 @ 0.001798 = 0.009 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006233 = 0.1558 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006233 = 0.1558 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006233 = 0.1558 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006233 = 0.1558 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 7 @ 0.1999 = 1.3993 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.03951 = 0.079 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.03952 = 0.3952 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 119 @ 0.03952 = 4.7029 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006233 = 0.1558 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 11 @ 0.008399 = 0.0924 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.006234 = 1.2468 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006233 = 0.1558 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.006232 = 0.0312 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006232 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: ;;estimate
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | 42548360.7944 based on data since last change | 43047784.7754 based on data for last three days
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.05 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.006238 = 0.0749 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006237 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 49 @ 0.006237 = 0.3056 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006239 BTC [+]
pankkake: slowly getting back to 20% of the network? :)
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.006249 = 6.249 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: i'm guessing they got the new batch of blades going
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 285 @ 0.01663 = 4.7396 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: ;;bcstats
gribble: Current Blocks: 250171 | Current Difficulty: 3.7392766136474565E7 | Next Difficulty At Block: 251999 | Next Difficulty In: 1828 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 19 hours, 2 minutes, and 42 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 42548360.7944 | Estimated Percent Change: 13.78768
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 2 @ 0.00104499 = 0.0021 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 196 @ 0.0165 = 3.234 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 165 @ 0.01663 = 2.744 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 16 @ 0.006328 = 0.1012 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.01666 = 0.0833 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 33 @ 0.0165 = 0.5445 BTC [-]
dandate2: what is the difference of AM100 on havelock and asicminer-pt on btct?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006326 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006055 = 0.1514 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006054 = 0.3027 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.006052 = 0.0605 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 16 @ 0.00605 = 0.0968 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: I run AM100, BTCT runs AM-PT
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00603 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.006029 = 0.0422 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006018 = 0.1505 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 86 @ 0.006017 = 0.5175 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: AM100 is fractional shares
ThickAsThieves: there are a number of other differences
pankkake: AM100 is available on BTCT too, as TAT.ASICMINER
ThickAsThieves: please make sure to read the text before purchase
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 35 @ 0.0165 = 0.5775 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: that's correct
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006323 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8 @ 0.001741 = 0.0139 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.00174 = 0.087 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.001733 = 0.0052 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 19 @ 0.001732 = 0.0329 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 916 @ 0.001731 = 1.5856 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1543 @ 0.00173 = 2.6694 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.06 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 42 @ 0.039 = 1.638 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.065 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.069 = 8.138 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.07 = 12.21 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.07 = 8.14 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.078 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00602 = 0.1505 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.006019 = 0.0542 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 14 @ 0.006017 = 0.0842 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.006011 = 0.0421 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 28 @ 0.00601 = 0.1683 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006009 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.03951 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.03952 = 0.2766 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.03971 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.03972 = 0.1589 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 12 @ 0.03997 = 0.4796 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.03998 = 0.3598 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 14 @ 0.03999 = 0.5599 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 32 @ 0.03999 = 1.2797 BTC [+]
dandate2: why did HIM crash?
dandate2: did it actually crash or does it just look like it did from the 1:10 split
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0388 BTC [+]
Hollywood: it splut a long time ago if thats what you meann
Hollywood: split
FabianB: !t h HIM
assbot: [HAVELOCK:HIM] 1D: 0.12539000 / 0.13249772 / 0.14200000 (52 shares, 6.88988126 BTC), 7D: 0.12200001 / 0.14330755 / 0.20000000 (2433 shares, 348.66726056 BTC), 30D: 0.12200001 / 0.1935343 / 0.35400000 (6130 shares, 1186.36526627 BTC)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 100 @ 0.00104498 = 0.1045 BTC [-]
FabianB: looks like it crashed a little in the last 7 days
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00618 = 0.618 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0388 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 7 @ 0.4401 = 3.0807 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.01662 = 0.831 BTC [+]
KRS1: crashed a little
KRS1: is that like saying that something is little big
KRS1: so funny coming from financial markets, everyone in btc uses the word crash
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 9 @ 0.001731 = 0.0156 BTC [+]
FabianB: KRS1: well, almost halfing is crashing in a normal market i think, but in bitcoin land.. pretty common, so the word crash might be a little hard
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01662 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 13 @ 0.01 = 0.13 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 7 @ 0.003501 = 0.0245 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 4 @ 0.0027 = 0.0108 BTC [-]
KRS1: yeah
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.006229 = 0.0249 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 19 @ 0.00623 = 0.1184 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006232 = 0.3116 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006232 BTC [+]
KRS1: taking some getting used to..also keep forgetting the volume for btc markets is shit so..
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 9 @ 0.001043 = 0.0094 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: HIM tanked because of increasing difficulty brosefs
thestringpuller: if ASCIMINER receded then everyone else will too
thestringpuller: I would say that effectively constitutes the start of a mining "crash"
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 36 @ 0.01662 = 0.5983 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.01666 = 0.0833 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.01666 = 0.833 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.01669 = 3.338 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.01671 = 3.342 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 9 @ 0.01673 = 0.1506 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 184 @ 0.0165 = 3.036 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 4.013 = 28.091 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.012 = 8.024 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.012 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 4.01 = 32.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 6 @ 0.01673 = 0.1004 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01679 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 446 @ 0.01686 = 7.5196 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 47 @ 0.0169 = 0.7943 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6 @ 0.001799 = 0.0108 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 33 @ 0.0018 = 0.0594 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.001801 = 0.0054 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.001802 = 0.0054 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 23 @ 0.001803 = 0.0415 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8 @ 0.001804 = 0.0144 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.001805 = 0.0903 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 166 @ 0.001807 = 0.3 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.001808 = 0.904 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.001809 = 0.9045 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.001824 = 0.0182 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 60 @ 0.001825 = 0.1095 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 183 @ 0.001842 = 0.3371 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 205 @ 0.001843 = 0.3778 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 7 @ 0.0084 = 0.0588 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 2633 @ 0.001043 = 2.7462 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 88 @ 0.00104499 = 0.092 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 25 @ 0.001049 = 0.0262 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 1369 @ 0.0010497 = 1.437 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 45 @ 0.00104985 = 0.0472 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 3282 @ 0.0010499 = 3.4458 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 4000 @ 0.00104999 = 4.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 38558 @ 0.00105 = 40.4859 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006319 = 0.158 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.03999 = 0.16 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 35 @ 0.04 = 1.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 35 @ 0.04 = 1.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 80 @ 0.04 = 3.2 BTC [+]
dexX7: jurov: maybe i missed it, but what is the starting price for CB.IDIFF-O?
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 3 @ 0.0084 = 0.0252 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.011 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 50 @ 0.01025 = 0.5125 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000255 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 20 @ 0.03387 = 0.6774 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.09 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 4.099 = 28.693 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.0085 = 0.017 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 5 @ 0.001045 = 0.0052 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 10 @ 0.000244 = 0.0024 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 25 @ 0.0002444 = 0.0061 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 3.96000001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 563 @ 0.001802 = 1.0145 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2324 @ 0.001802 = 4.1878 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 1 @ 0.00105 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 3 @ 0.00105 = 0.0032 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006286 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 1 @ 0.00105 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.0404 = 0.3636 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 10 @ 0.00105 = 0.0105 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 8 @ 0.0085 = 0.068 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 20 @ 0.0086 = 0.172 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 8 @ 0.00865 = 0.0692 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 6 @ 0.008669 = 0.052 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1152 @ 0.0008239 = 0.9491 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4198 @ 0.00082303 = 3.4551 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 44 @ 0.00103 = 0.0453 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 377 @ 0.001805 = 0.6805 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1572 @ 0.001802 = 2.8327 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.0018 = 0.09 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0405 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.00178 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.001761 = 0.0035 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15 @ 0.00176 = 0.0264 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 406 @ 0.001743 = 0.7077 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1976 @ 0.001742 = 3.4422 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 19 @ 0.0259 = 0.4921 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 20 @ 0.0259 = 0.518 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 30 @ 0.02639 = 0.7917 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 80 @ 0.0264 = 2.112 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 9 @ 0.0264 = 0.2376 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.151 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0388 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 3 @ 0.00105 = 0.0032 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 25 @ 0.00105 = 0.0263 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 500 @ 0.02433 = 12.165 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 38 @ 0.02433 = 0.9245 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 20 @ 0.02433 = 0.4866 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 5 @ 0.024 = 0.12 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 5 @ 0.0236 = 0.118 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 21 @ 0.02331 = 0.4895 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 5 @ 0.0233 = 0.1165 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 15 @ 0.0232 = 0.348 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 38 @ 0.02296 = 0.8725 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 2 @ 0.02204 = 0.0441 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 11 @ 0.02183 = 0.2401 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 34 @ 0.02176 = 0.7398 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 14 @ 0.021 = 0.294 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006243 = 0.1561 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 24 @ 0.006244 = 0.1499 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 21 @ 0.006246 = 0.1312 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006248 = 0.3124 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 273 @ 0.006314 = 1.7237 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 67 @ 0.006315 = 0.4231 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 77 @ 0.001743 = 0.1342 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.001743 = 0.0872 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 99 @ 0.001742 = 0.1725 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 41 @ 0.0205 = 0.8405 BTC [-]
jurov: dexX7:hi, it will be 0.00750, we plan to make same offers as on bitfunder
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 33 @ 0.01655 = 0.5462 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01655 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 166 @ 0.0165 = 2.739 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006107 = 0.1527 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.006106 = 0.0366 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 41 @ 0.006105 = 0.2503 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006104 = 0.3052 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 114 @ 0.0061 = 0.6954 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.0404 = 0.1616 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 21 @ 0.0405 = 0.8505 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 35 @ 0.0408 = 1.428 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: jurov: is it possible to make an MPB-PT on CoinBR?
jurov: o and everyone: please vote on https://btct.co/security/CB.IDIFF-O
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 35 @ 0.0208 = 0.728 BTC [+]
jurov: thestringpuller: what do you mean?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 10 @ 0.01012 = 0.1012 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.01012 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.01011 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 24 @ 0.02824 = 0.6778 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 7 @ 0.01677 = 0.1174 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 200 @ 0.02824 = 5.648 BTC [-]
dexX7: jurov: maybe i missed it, but what is the starting price for CB.IDIFF-O?
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 50 @ 0.0207 = 1.035 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 6 @ 0.0208 = 0.1248 BTC [+]
jurov: it will be 0.00750, we plan to make same offers as on bitfunder
dexX7: so it's roughly current hashrate x 2?
jurov: yes atm
dexX7: thanks
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 39 @ 0.01651 = 0.6439 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 96 @ 0.0165 = 1.584 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 17 @ 0.0165 = 0.2805 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 461 @ 0.01625 = 7.4913 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 480 @ 0.01625 = 7.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 500 @ 0.01624 = 8.12 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 80 @ 0.01623 = 1.2984 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 822 @ 0.01622 = 13.3328 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 3 @ 0.02824 = 0.0847 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 1 @ 0.0208 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 19 @ 0.0208 = 0.3952 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 39 @ 0.0208 = 0.8112 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 20 @ 0.0208 = 0.416 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3871 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.387 = 0.774 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 2 @ 0.021 = 0.042 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.001808 = 0.0036 BTC [+]
jurov: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 250182 | Current Difficulty: 3.7392766136474565E7 | Next Difficulty At Block: 251999 | Next Difficulty In: 1817 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 8 hours, 33 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 42133295.7527 | Estimated Percent Change: 12.67766
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 330 @ 0.021 = 6.93 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 3 @ 0.021 = 0.063 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 1565 @ 0.0212 = 33.178 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.001798 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 37 @ 0.0212 = 0.7844 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 80 @ 0.0404 = 3.232 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0404 BTC [-]
pankkake: "I've never heard of BTCGarden and I bought 2012 stocks."
thestringpuller: jurov: nvm. are the diff futures still on bitfunder?
jurov: yes, they will be on both bf and btct
thestringpuller: what are they called IDIFF?
thestringpuller: or are they no on there at the moment?
thestringpuller: sorry for being a n00b
jurov: so i named mine similarly, there are some difference but can be directly compared
thestringpuller: yea I know MP has IDIFF futures but I thought you offered difficulty futurues
jurov: it's the same thing :)
thestringpuller: Well I'm not seeing the diff futures on BF
thestringpuller: i wanted to see if they had more depth than mpex like when you offered them every month back in the fall
thestringpuller: / winter
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.4402 BTC [+]
Rawted: <pankkake> "I've never heard of BTCGarden and I bought 2012 stocks." lol
ozbot: BitFunder.Com - Join the crowd, every BIT helps
jurov: ^^ thestringpuller. and these i'm marketmaking so there's always some depth
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.03913 = 0.1565 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: the diff stands for difficulty.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 30 @ 0.00105 = 0.0315 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: oh wow these have a lot of depth
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 166 @ 0.0018166 = 0.3016 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 63 @ 0.0212 = 1.3356 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 250186 | Current Difficulty: 3.7392766136474565E7 | Next Difficulty At Block: 251999 | Next Difficulty In: 1813 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 2 hours, 56 minutes, and 41 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 42403164.8474 | Estimated Percent Change: 13.39938
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 285 @ 0.00105 = 0.2993 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3622 @ 0.00083142 = 3.0114 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8600 @ 0.00083231 = 7.1579 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78 @ 0.00083323 = 0.065 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: well priced too
thestringpuller: good shit
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.1 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 5 @ 0.0065 = 0.0325 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 6 @ 0.0018166 = 0.0109 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 1 @ 0.0018166 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 2 @ 0.02824 = 0.0565 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 3 @ 0.0165 = 0.0495 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 85 @ 0.01633 = 1.3881 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 593 @ 0.01622 = 9.6185 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.01622 = 0.811 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 900 @ 0.0162 = 14.58 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2 @ 0.0162 = 0.0324 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 74 @ 0.0162 = 1.1988 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 47 @ 0.0162 = 0.7614 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.01615 = 16.15 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 88 @ 0.01613 = 1.4194 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 220 @ 0.01613 = 3.5486 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.01612 = 0.0806 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.01611 = 0.0806 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 68 @ 0.0161 = 1.0948 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 130 @ 0.0161 = 2.093 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.0161 = 16.1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.01608 = 0.804 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.01607 = 3.214 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 7 @ 0.01606 = 0.1124 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 27 @ 0.00105 = 0.0284 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 30 @ 0.01606 = 0.4818 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 444 @ 0.01603 = 7.1173 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1000 @ 0.01602 = 16.02 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 12 @ 0.01602 = 0.1922 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.01601 = 1.601 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1887 @ 0.01601 = 30.2109 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.03875 = 0.1938 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4 @ 0.001794 = 0.0072 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25 @ 0.001795 = 0.0449 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001805 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.001806 = 0.0181 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4 @ 0.001807 = 0.0072 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 28 @ 0.001808 = 0.0506 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.001809 = 0.009 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 30 @ 0.00181 = 0.0543 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 16 @ 0.001818 = 0.0291 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.001819 = 0.1819 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 277 @ 0.00182 = 0.5041 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 3 @ 0.01677 = 0.0503 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01677 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 94 @ 0.00105 = 0.0987 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 36 @ 0.01678 = 0.6041 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25 @ 0.00181 = 0.0453 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001819 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 346 @ 0.00182 = 0.6297 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 378 @ 0.001821 = 0.6883 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 15 @ 0.008669 = 0.13 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.0083 = 0.083 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 95 @ 0.00105 = 0.0998 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 5 @ 0.008003 = 0.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 5 @ 0.008002 = 0.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [MININGCO.ETF] 1 @ 1.95 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 575 @ 0.02824 = 16.238 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15 @ 0.001751 = 0.0263 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6 @ 0.00175 = 0.0105 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 83 @ 0.00175 = 0.1453 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.00175 = 0.0035 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.001747 = 0.0035 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 13 @ 0.001746 = 0.0227 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 80 @ 0.001745 = 0.1396 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 67 @ 0.001744 = 0.1168 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.001743 = 0.1743 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 365 @ 0.001742 = 0.6358 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 693 @ 0.001741 = 1.2065 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5717 @ 0.00174 = 9.9476 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3500 @ 0.001734 = 6.069 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 685 @ 0.001733 = 1.1871 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.001732 = 0.866 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 673 @ 0.001732 = 1.1656 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 150 @ 0.001731 = 0.2597 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 653 @ 0.001731 = 1.1303 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4207 @ 0.00173 = 7.2781 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25 @ 0.001725 = 0.0431 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.001725 = 8.625 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 650 @ 0.00172 = 1.118 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7245 @ 0.00172 = 12.4614 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1588 @ 0.00172 = 2.7314 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 450 @ 0.001717 = 0.7727 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5676 @ 0.00171 = 9.706 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 165 @ 0.00171 = 0.2822 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2918 @ 0.001709 = 4.9869 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25 @ 0.001708 = 0.0427 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 19 @ 0.001708 = 0.0325 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.001707 = 0.1707 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.001707 = 0.8535 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.001704 = 0.852 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7628 @ 0.001703 = 12.9905 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.01677 = 0.0839 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 10 @ 0.02824 = 0.2824 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 20 @ 4.1 = 82 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 5 @ 0.02119 = 0.106 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 5 @ 0.002875 = 0.0144 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 10 @ 0.02824 = 0.2824 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 400 @ 0.00104999 = 0.42 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 19085 @ 0.00105 = 20.0393 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 100 @ 0.00105 = 0.105 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 50060 @ 0.00105 = 52.563 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.075 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.075 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.075 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.09 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 1 @ 0.00107 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.1 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04061 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04069 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.03875 = 0.0775 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.03875 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.1 = 16.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.1 = 20.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.101 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.112 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006203 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 2 @ 0.0002442 = 0.0005 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.151 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.13 BTC [+]
dexX7: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rlo0uu "many" (i have no relation) tor sites taken down, hoster arrested and js exploit installed, tormail included
ozbot: TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.14 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001794 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10 @ 0.001795 = 0.018 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 86 @ 0.001796 = 0.1545 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 127 @ 0.0018165 = 0.2307 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 55 @ 0.0062 = 0.341 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 19 @ 0.001797 = 0.0341 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 481 @ 0.001797 = 0.8644 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: dexX7 myeah
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 225 @ 0.0010699 = 0.2407 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.388 = 1.164 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: unfortunately for the usg, bitcoin is much larger than the united states ever could have been
mircea_popescu: no question by now of ever being that anymore anyway.
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 17 @ 0.02824 = 0.4801 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 13 @ 0.02119 = 0.2755 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 20 @ 0.02119 = 0.4238 BTC [-]
dexX7: yeah, the conclusion in that tweet is kinda ridiculous
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3879 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.388 = 1.94 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006202 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.006239 = 0.0499 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 33 @ 0.00624 = 0.2059 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 123 @ 0.006319 = 0.7772 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 335 @ 0.00632 = 2.1172 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: still. i guess all the people that wondered why i'm rejecting tor for mpex back during the floods have more reasons to scratch their heads.
assbot: [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 18 @ 0.02599 = 0.4678 BTC [+]
pankkake: I wonder why people were using a hoster on TOR, kinda defeats the purpose
pankkake: and it's obviously to hunt down "pedophiles"… yeah right
pigeons: i wonder why people use online wallets for bitcoin, etc
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.01604 = 3.208 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01604 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 3 @ 0.01603 = 0.0481 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.01603 = 1.603 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 213 @ 0.01601 = 3.4101 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 625 @ 0.01601 = 10.0063 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 87 @ 0.01601 = 1.3929 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.01601 = 1.601 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 15634 @ 0.016 = 250.144 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 14112 @ 0.016 = 225.792 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.006203 = 0.093 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 686 @ 0.016 = 10.976 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2000 @ 0.016 = 32 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006316 = 0.1579 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.006317 = 0.0253 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006318 = 0.3159 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.00632 = 0.1896 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 130 @ 0.00632 = 0.8216 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.006329 = 0.1266 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 80 @ 0.00633 = 0.5064 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 26 @ 0.006397 = 0.1663 BTC [+]
smidge: :)
pankkake: I'm not sure I understand, it's actually easier to break the captcha without using wolfram alpha, who responds using images
kakobrekla: WA does have some api no?
smidge: either way the captcha is a joke
kakobrekla: so far its prooven beyond expectations
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1682 @ 0.016 = 26.912 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.00176 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 16 @ 0.001713 = 0.0274 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.001712 = 0.1712 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 71 @ 0.001706 = 0.1211 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.001705 = 3.41 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 47 @ 0.001704 = 0.0801 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.001704 = 1.704 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.001704 = 8.52 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.001704 = 1.704 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2372 @ 0.001703 = 4.0395 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.001703 = 1.703 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 60 @ 0.001702 = 0.1021 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 45 @ 0.001701 = 0.0765 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.001701 = 1.701 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.001701 = 3.402 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.0017 = 0.85 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 150 @ 0.0017 = 0.255 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1113 @ 0.001699 = 1.891 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.00169 = 16.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.00168 = 16.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.00167 = 16.7 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1909 @ 0.001655 = 3.1594 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 300 @ 0.001651 = 0.4953 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.001651 = 8.255 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6731 @ 0.00164 = 11.0388 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04079 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.0408 = 0.1632 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04089 = 0.0818 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.0409 = 0.6135 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 64 @ 0.041 = 2.624 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 50 @ 0.0010699 = 0.0535 BTC [-]
pankkake: well the captcha is a failure in the way it's harder for humans than machines…
dexX7: lol true
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 9 @ 0.001798 = 0.0162 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 14 @ 0.001798 = 0.0252 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: not the one in question
kakobrekla: you just gotta do it once
mircea_popescu: pankkake actually it probably is.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 14 @ 0.001783 = 0.025 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla lol.
pankkake: my thought process would be "how do roman numbers work again… oh well fuck it"
mircea_popescu: if people were in on all the jokes would there still be lolz to be had ?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 16 @ 0.0161 = 0.2576 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 150 @ 0.01601 = 2.4015 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: <smidge> either way the captcha is a joke / <kakobrekla> so far its prooven beyond expectations << probably tiome to start a bash.assets ?
kakobrekla: i was thinking about that a few months ago
mircea_popescu: then thestringpuller can add all my shit.
pankkake: "Ken. I love you."
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2 @ 0.016 = 0.032 BTC [-]
pankkake: "I applaud your prioritizing skills, Ken."
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 268 @ 0.016 = 4.288 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2 @ 0.016 = 0.032 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 262 @ 0.016 = 4.192 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: pankkake hm, ?
pankkake: from the ActiveMining thread
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12 @ 0.001642 = 0.0197 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 23 @ 0.001642 = 0.0378 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 300 @ 0.001642 = 0.4926 BTC [-]
dexX7: you saved it lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 192 @ 0.016 = 3.072 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3927 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 4 @ 0.4044 = 1.6176 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 4 @ 0.016 = 0.064 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.176 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.18 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.199 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 4.2 = 33.6 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.21 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.224 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 4.235 = 38.115 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.24 = 16.96 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.24 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.249 = 8.498 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.25 = 42.5 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 79 @ 0.041 = 3.239 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 50 @ 0.006 = 0.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.266 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 22 @ 0.0051 = 0.1122 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 200 @ 0.0051 = 1.02 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.266 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 728 @ 0.005 = 3.64 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.14999998 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.001641 = 0.1641 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 900 @ 0.001641 = 1.4769 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.001642 = 0.1642 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1700 @ 0.001641 = 2.7897 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3200 @ 0.00164 = 5.248 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.016 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 225 @ 0.0010699 = 0.2407 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.27 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.271 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.273 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.29 = 21.45 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.3 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.3 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 4.339 = 39.051 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.348 = 8.696 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.348 = 17.392 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.349 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 22 @ 4.35 = 95.7 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 49 @ 0.00164 = 0.0804 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.001637 = 0.3274 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2751 @ 0.001637 = 4.5034 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 249 @ 0.001637 = 0.4076 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.001633 = 0.0817 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1701 @ 0.001633 = 2.7777 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 614 @ 0.016 = 9.824 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 380 @ 0.016 = 6.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 313 @ 0.016 = 5.008 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.016 = 0.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 20 @ 0.0159 = 0.318 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.01581 = 0.0791 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 691 @ 0.01581 = 10.9247 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2 @ 0.0158 = 0.0316 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5455 @ 0.0158 = 86.189 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 226 @ 0.001756 = 0.3969 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 106 @ 0.006384 = 0.6767 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006385 = 0.3193 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.006386 = 0.6386 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 244 @ 0.00639 = 1.5592 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.394 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.395 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.396 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.397 = 8.794 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.4 = 22 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.403 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.405 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.45 = 22.25 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 70 @ 0.0002442 = 0.0171 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 2101 @ 0.00105 = 2.2061 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 33 @ 0.041 = 1.353 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.041 = 0.41 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.14999998 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.001751 = 0.0035 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.006382 = 0.1915 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.04142 = 0.2899 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.04142 = 0.4142 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.04143 = 2.0715 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 45 @ 0.04179 = 1.8806 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 125 @ 0.01582 = 1.9775 BTC [+]
dexX7: btcgarden 30 btc till .01
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04179 = 0.209 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 216 @ 0.001634 = 0.3529 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 299 @ 0.001633 = 0.4883 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 485 @ 0.001633 = 0.792 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.0419 = 0.838 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.001633 = 0.8165 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 3 @ 0.01551 = 0.0465 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 30 @ 0.0419 = 1.257 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.301 = 17.204 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.301 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.3 = 43 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.3 BTC [-]
ozbot: BP Copying/Invention slots @ Iro POS open - Sell Orders - EVE Online Forums
mircea_popescu: don't i just kick ass ?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.0155 = 0.0775 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 45 @ 0.0155 = 0.6975 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.0155 = 0.775 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.0154 = 1.54 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 110 @ 0.01533 = 1.6863 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.01532 = 0.0766 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 6 @ 0.00107 = 0.0064 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 190 @ 0.0155 = 2.945 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 110 @ 0.0155 = 1.705 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 10 @ 0.0155 = 0.155 BTC [+]
afrotec: garden tanking
smidge: damn asicminer burped and dcx index went through the roof, wtf
rulother-gs: Dunno not even a 1000 shares
smidge: somethings broken i think
afrotec: wow i didnt even notice am
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 12500 @ 0.00105 = 13.125 BTC [-]
smidge: how much did it go up? 4.1 to 4.45 (max), right?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 20 @ 0.01512 = 0.3024 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 94 @ 0.01511 = 1.4203 BTC [-]
VanCleef: tanking hard
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 6 @ 0.01511 = 0.0907 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 11 @ 0.0151 = 0.1661 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 33 @ 0.01505 = 0.4967 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.01504 = 0.752 BTC [-]
smidge: thats 8.5%, yet the index also went up like 8% http://dcx.smidge.com
smidge: did something else go up this hour?
dexX7: am
smidge: yes i know, i mean another security
smidge: besides am
VanCleef: you just cant beat realstic valuations
dexX7: nothing really remarkable asmidge
smidge: im trying to figure out what sent the index up 8% when am is "only" 50% of the index
smidge: hm, the formula seems fine
thestringpuller: smidge you scammer
dexX7: well am went from ~4 to 4.3
smidge: heh
dexX7: daily high 4.45
smidge: no it went from 4.1 to 4.45
smidge: yep
smidge: 8.5%
thestringpuller: smidge is scammin' us with his indices
gribble: See latest update from Onefixt here: https://twitter.com/BitcoinOracle/
gribble: Bitcoin-Analysis (BitcoinOracle) on Twitter: <https://twitter.com/BitcoinOracle>; Bitcoin Chat Rooms - Bitcoin Chat (Currencies) - irc2go.com: <http://en.irc2go.com/?q=bitcoin>; bitcoin-analysis freenode - Internet Relay Chat: <http://irc.netsplit.de/channels/details.php?room=%23bitcoin-analysis&net=freenode>
smidge: thestringpuller you better take it slow, or i'll ipo it
smidge: :)
thestringpuller: I only invest in private things.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 10992 @ 0.00105 = 11.5416 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4024 = 0.8048 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: Or stuff I have inside information on.
arij: can i buy some smidge
smidge: then this is for you
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.04193 = 0.2516 BTC [+]
smidge: arij no
arij: serious?
smidge: hehe of course you can
rulother-gs: Tat am was around .036 yesterday, that would of been a great snag
smidge: but let me fix our reference index 1st
smidge: :)
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.266 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 60 @ 0.01504 = 0.9024 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2 @ 0.01504 = 0.0301 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 8 @ 0.01504 = 0.1203 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2 @ 0.01503 = 0.0301 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 250 @ 0.01502 = 3.755 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 47 @ 0.01501 = 0.7055 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 15 @ 0.015 = 0.225 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 217 @ 0.015 = 3.255 BTC [-]
smidge: ciphermine was stable too, at 5.3 ltc
smidge: i dont get it
dexX7: did the number of outstanding shares change?
smidge: i am not getting those dynamically
smidge: fixed value in db
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.299 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.3 = 8.6 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.349 = 8.698 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.35 = 21.75 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.364 = 21.82 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.369 = 8.738 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.37 = 17.48 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.38 = 43.8 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.397 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.4 = 13.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 50 @ 4.433 = 221.65 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 691 @ 0.015 = 10.365 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006301 = 0.1575 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0063 = 6.3 BTC [-]
saulimus: why would anyone want to sell at less than ipo?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 33 @ 0.01501 = 0.4953 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.19000001 BTC [+]
pankkake: panic
dexX7: impatience or the need for coins
VanCleef: the golden turd that was just a turd?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 73 @ 0.01501 = 1.0957 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.03875 = 0.0775 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 48 @ 0.0388 = 1.8624 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006254 = 0.1564 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006253 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.00625 = 6.25 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.006223 = 0.0124 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 87 @ 0.006151 = 0.5351 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 135 @ 0.00615 = 0.8303 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.4014 = 1.2042 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 25 @ 0.4015 = 10.0375 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.145 = 0.29 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.141 = 0.282 BTC [-]
pankkake: if it goes down enough I might buy garden for keeps
pankkake: by the way AM100 is still cheap on havelock!
dexX7: smidge: did you forget that cm is nominated in ltc and not btc?
smidge: ye ssir
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 200 @ 0.0010321 = 0.2064 BTC [-]
dexX7: ah well, i guess that's it then :)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 1000 @ 0.001031 = 1.031 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 800 @ 0.00103 = 0.824 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.0388 = 0.97 BTC [+]
smidge: erm no, i have counted that in. sorry, im doing too many things at once...
dexX7: hm but there was no change in the last hours anyway
dexX7: hehe np
smidge: yes, so even if, its not responsible for the "bubble"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5757 @ 0.0008285 = 4.7697 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 250 @ 0.002843 = 0.7108 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.008011 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: you guys make mining terrible
thestringpuller: jkjkjkjk
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.03875 = 0.1938 BTC [-]
smidge: i knew that am was a bargain at 4 :D
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 12500 @ 0.00105 = 13.125 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: was even more of a bargain at 3.7 yesterday and the day before
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2 @ 0.01501 = 0.03 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 98 @ 0.015 = 1.47 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 600 @ 0.015 = 9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 394 @ 0.015 = 5.91 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 288 @ 0.015 = 4.32 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 35 @ 0.01406 = 0.4921 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.01405 = 0.0703 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 250 @ 0.01405 = 3.5125 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2 @ 0.01404 = 0.0281 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 127 @ 0.01505 = 1.9114 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 17 @ 0.04193 = 0.7128 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: saulimus less than ipo is still more than nothing, aka fundamental value.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 17 @ 0.0388 = 0.6596 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.015 = 1.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 74 @ 0.04193 = 3.1028 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 26 @ 0.04194 = 1.0904 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.03889 = 0.3889 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.038899 = 3.8899 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 10 @ 0.015 = 0.15 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 90 @ 0.015 = 1.35 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 10 @ 0.015 = 0.15 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.19000001 BTC [+]
dexX7: anyway, aiwell is something like the chinese theymos
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.221 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: my head just exploded a little
mircea_popescu: chinese how ? shorter ?
dexX7: haha no, he's the admin of a larger bitcoin forum
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 89034 @ 0.00105 = 93.4857 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 5 @ 0.002326 = 0.0116 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 245 @ 0.002325 = 0.5696 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.038899 = 0.0778 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: yeah, with more idiocy.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 101 @ 0.01584 = 1.5998 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 159 @ 0.01585 = 2.5202 BTC [+]
dexX7: just lurked a little, but they laughed about the reverse image search on the deployment plan :)
saulimus: can someone explain this: people buy 20k BTC at IPO. afterwards all the bids disappear, no one wants to buy. how do the traders get out of their total 20k BTC position?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 187 @ 0.038899 = 7.2741 BTC [+]
saulimus: some assets have some kind of buyback policy if I understand correctly
dexX7: they can't without new bids
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1085 @ 0.0389 = 42.2065 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 817 @ 0.0389 = 31.7813 BTC [+]
pigeons: the greater fools will come
saulimus: that can't be right. doesn't that mean that there will always have to be investors holding btcgarden?
dexX7: that's how it works
saulimus: wtf.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006251 = 0.1563 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.00625 = 0.025 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.006199 = 0.0248 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 54 @ 0.006151 = 0.3322 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 216 @ 0.00615 = 1.3284 BTC [-]
pigeons: suprise! welcome to reality
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.241 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 2 @ 0.001798 = 0.0036 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 70 @ 0.01583 = 1.1081 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.001709 = 0.0034 BTC [+]
saulimus: that means I could start an ipo for 100k BTC, people could only buy at the IPO price maximum and would have to sell at less than that = free money
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 12 @ 0.01465 = 0.1758 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.01451 = 2.902 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 500 @ 0.0145 = 7.25 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 60 @ 0.0143 = 0.858 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01584 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 2 @ 0.0002442 = 0.0005 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.241 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 270 @ 0.01584 = 4.2768 BTC [+]
ozbot: Avalon might be getting a $200 million investment and 20nm technology to become the leader of the mi
CheeseDooles: i might win the lotto
dexX7: well, but you don't know if it would go below the ipo price
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 33 @ 0.01471 = 0.4854 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 184 @ 0.0147 = 2.7048 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.0145 = 0.725 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 270 @ 0.01427 = 3.8529 BTC [-]
saulimus: dexX7, at some point someone would see a better opportunity somewhere else and get impatient. he would have to sell at less than IPO
dexX7: sure, but that's pure speculation
dexX7: pankkake: very crazy news.. thanks
dexX7: i guess an $200m investment into the bitcoin ecosystem is overall very bullish
pankkake: "i might win the lotto" => for bitcoin it would be more appropriate to say "I might solo mine a block"
dexX7: hdhd
dexX7: hehe
smidge: :)
pankkake: what's most interesting to me is "the fund that is composed of six people, four of them billionaires. Again, their names cannot be revealed, we only can say that five of them are British and one of them is from Dubai"
dexX7: yea
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.01426 = 2.852 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 600 @ 0.01425 = 8.55 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 177 @ 0.01425 = 2.5223 BTC [-]
smidge: hm sounds like all of this is up in the air still. doesnt make me want to get rid of AM shares tbh.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001634 BTC [-]
pankkake: isn't cost of manufacturing more important than efficiency for asics? at least right now?
ozbot: Arabic Bitcoin Forum منتدى "بت-كوين" بالعربية
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2 @ 0.001634 = 0.0033 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 15 @ 0.001633 = 0.0245 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 9 @ 0.001626 = 0.0146 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 120 @ 0.001625 = 0.195 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.001623 = 3.246 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2354 @ 0.001622 = 3.8182 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 399 @ 0.001622 = 0.6472 BTC [-]
dexX7: if you want to speculate.. http://www.forbes.com/billionaires/
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001709 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4 @ 0.001709 = 0.0068 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006339 = 0.1585 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001709 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.4053 = 2.0265 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4054 = 0.8108 BTC [+]
dexX7: "Tavistock is the center of many conspiracies, in fact, in conspiracy circles there is a consensus that it is a CIA front." from reddit
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 19 @ 0.02824 = 0.5366 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0412 BTC [-]
dexX7: gridchip is working on an chip, too
ozbot: Gridchip 40nm BTC ASIC chips (btcman)
dexX7: and they were the ones who received that mega avalon chip order
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.0412 = 0.1236 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.251 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.25 = 21.25 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.241 = 12.723 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 17 @ 4.24 = 72.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0412 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006347 = 0.1587 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006347 = 0.3174 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 11 @ 0.001708 = 0.0188 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 3 @ 0.00232 = 0.007 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.001708 = 0.0342 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 2 @ 0.006001 = 0.012 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.006 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04194 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 39 @ 0.001708 = 0.0666 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006338 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4 @ 0.001709 = 0.0068 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3143 @ 0.0008285 = 2.604 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 857 @ 0.00082673 = 0.7085 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.109 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 70 @ 0.002699 = 0.1889 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 190 @ 0.0027 = 0.513 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 100 @ 0.0002442 = 0.0244 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 5 @ 0.00106989 = 0.0053 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 20 @ 0.02824 = 0.5648 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BMF] 43 @ 0.04 = 1.72 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.001626 = 0.0325 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 194 @ 0.001625 = 0.3153 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.001624 = 0.0325 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.001623 = 1.623 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7247 @ 0.001622 = 11.7546 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8831 @ 0.00162 = 14.3062 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.001709 = 0.0085 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 30 @ 0.00171 = 0.0513 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.00176 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.001765 = 0.0053 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 19 @ 0.001766 = 0.0336 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 6 @ 0.01523 = 0.0914 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.227 = 12.681 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.228 = 16.912 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.227 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.228 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.229 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.229 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.001765 = 0.1765 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 320 @ 0.001764 = 0.5645 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2604 @ 0.00082673 = 2.1528 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 946 @ 0.00082438 = 0.7799 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 9 @ 0.001732 = 0.0156 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 250 @ 0.002403 = 0.6008 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 14 @ 0.01524 = 0.2134 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: ;;nethash
gribble: 308278.463304
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1900 @ 0.00083124 = 1.5794 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8550 @ 0.00083141 = 7.1086 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.131 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 6 @ 0.13 = 0.78 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.1281 = 0.3843 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.12751 = 1.2751 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 5 @ 0.123 = 0.615 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.006123 = 0.1531 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 18 @ 0.006122 = 0.1102 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006118 = 0.3059 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 112 @ 0.006101 = 0.6833 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 450 @ 0.0061 = 2.745 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 19 @ 0.01524 = 0.2896 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 8 @ 0.00107 = 0.0086 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 1 @ 0.00107 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0394 = 0.197 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 8 @ 0.001051 = 0.0084 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 75 @ 0.01525 = 1.1438 BTC [+]
KRS1: So what if avalon is getting $200MM investment, although the 20 nm technology is quite attractive, they will have to pay that same $200MM off with increasing difficulty.
KRS1: If I were their CEO I would not sleep that well at night imo
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 20 @ 0.01525 = 0.305 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 505 @ 0.01525 = 7.7013 BTC [+]
dexX7: so what?
dexX7: they sell mining machines
dexX7: that's the source of income, mining will be a minor part of it
FabianB: if that news is real i think they're speculating on an increase of btc price itself too
dexX7: and do you know what could be done with fkn $200m?
dexX7: tv spots etc. etc. :D
dexX7: if this is real, bitcoin will skyrock
mircea_popescu: KRS1 indeed.
dexX7: well.. maybe i'm getting to excited
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 6 @ 0.00739499 = 0.0444 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: dexX7 you are.
dexX7: why? ._.
FabianB: dexX7: no, why should mining let the price increase at all
ozbot: S.MPOE takes strategic investor pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: tv spots woulsd be the single most stupid use of investment.
dexX7: when they do an $200m investment, i'm sure they want to promote it
mircea_popescu: this is because you're you.
dexX7: and that means to promote bitcoin
dexX7: yea
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 25 @ 0.4054 = 10.135 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: there's a lot more to life than tv spots. fo serious.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 40 @ 0.0157 = 0.628 BTC [+]
dexX7: omg
FabianB: dexX7: tv spots are only good if you want to sell to consumers
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.001684 = 0.0051 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.001685 = 0.0337 BTC [+]
dexX7: don't nail me on "tv spots"
mircea_popescu: FabianB and even them...
mircea_popescu: dexX7 why not ? so easy :D
dexX7: well, they do want to sell to consumers or not?
dexX7: k.. "start mining today, make lots of B" isn't really attractive for usual people i guess
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 62 @ 0.002403 = 0.149 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 10 @ 0.002402 = 0.024 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 50 @ 0.0024 = 0.12 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 3 @ 0.002322 = 0.007 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.0157 = 3.14 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: i imagine they want to make a 20nm process
saulimus: what about instead of "war bonds" -> "mining bonds"?
mircea_popescu: we have a grand tradition of winning through not giving a shit about "people" in btc.
ThickAsThieves: dexX7 the story is likely bullshit
saulimus: make a commercial like that.
mircea_popescu: that's why all the forum scams are so lulzy, in the end. going exactly the wrong way
Rawted: assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50000000 @ 0.0007725 = 38625 BTC [+]
Rawted: Two major points need in my view underlining with this occasion.
Rawted: I. This is the largest investment in a BTC company to date. In spite of all the talk happening on internet forums, at pointless conferences and anywhere else, Bitcoin finance begins and ends on MPEx. This is because Bitcoin is not about talking and not based on proof of talk.
Rawted: wow grats mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: (well, minus bfl, which was starting to figure it out towards the end)
Rawted: thats amazing
mircea_popescu: Rawted ikr?
dexX7: by the way
dexX7: it's quite a coincidence
dexX7: yesterday a paypal insider announced they want to jump on bitcoin
dexX7: today it's $200m in avalon
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.4054 = 2.027 BTC [+]
dexX7: through insider informations :)
mircea_popescu: every week there's something announced/promised/etc. that part
dexX7: mircea_popescu: $200m and 38k are still different liga and 6 billionaires vs. "an bitcointalk user", too
dexX7: *38k btc
dexX7: true
mircea_popescu: depends how you want to look at it. on one hand 200 is more than 4 or w/e. on the other, something that happened is more than something that's announced.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 40 @ 0.4054 = 16.216 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.008011 = 0.0801 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.00801 = 0.016 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 3 @ 0.008005 = 0.024 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 100 @ 0.008001 = 0.8001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.008 BTC [-]
dexX7: yea, sure
mircea_popescu: "Bitcoin Examiner has been gathering rumors around the web and was informed by an anonymous source about this highly secretive meeting, which is set to occur this Monday or Tuesday" ehehe
mircea_popescu: so cute.
dexX7: wow
FabianB: lol
mircea_popescu: but to get back : great if they did manage it, and if they didn't it's still unavoidable.
mircea_popescu: mining will be pushed ot the extreme. in spite of thios not making more blocks a day or more bitcoins a block,
mircea_popescu: that's exactly what that buffett quote was all about.
dexX7: which one?
dexX7: i just recall a short interview where munger said it's ratpoison
ozbot: Munger/Buffett Disagree on Corporate Tax Rates | Fox Business Video
mircea_popescu: was on the forum, girl'll dig it up in a moment.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 46 @ 0.0157 = 0.7222 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 244 @ 0.01571 = 3.8332 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 46 @ 0.006145 = 0.2827 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.006149 = 0.0676 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.006193 = 0.0743 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 4 @ 0.007861 = 0.0314 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 13 @ 0.00786 = 0.1022 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 28 @ 0.00107 = 0.03 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 172 @ 0.00107499 = 0.1849 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 11 @ 0.02824 = 0.3106 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 16 @ 0.0205 = 0.328 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 26 @ 0.01571 = 0.4085 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 294 @ 0.01571 = 4.6187 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 300 @ 0.00083141 = 0.2494 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 977 @ 0.00083155 = 0.8124 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0395 = 0.1185 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.0396 = 0.1584 BTC [+]
dexX7: thanks
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 6 @ 0.0157 = 0.0942 BTC [-]
jurov: mircea_popescu: withdrawal pls
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.01571 = 0.0786 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.01584 = 1.584 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: jurov will be tomorrow the earliest, there's some trouble with the blockchain
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0061 = 0.305 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006095 = 0.3048 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 154 @ 0.006091 = 0.938 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 496 @ 0.00607 = 3.0107 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: (with my copy of it i mean)
jurov: O.o sauce?
jurov: ah so
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 5 @ 0.0202 = 0.101 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 20 @ 0.0202 = 0.404 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 10 @ 0.0201 = 0.201 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4054 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: what is going one wit da blockchain?
thestringpuller: !ticker btctc DMS.SELLING
assbot: [BTCT:DMS.SELLING] 1D: 0.0201 / 0.02241 / 0.0264 (3566 shares, 79.9 BTC), 7D: 0.0201 / 0.02286 / 0.0264 (11815 shares, 270.1 BTC), 30D: 0.0176 / 0.02457 / 0.035716 (52750 shares, 1296 BTC)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 5 @ 0.002 = 0.01 BTC [+]
dexX7: talking about bitcoin investments.. i'm still wondering what the main motivation was to buy satoshidice
thestringpuller: it generates btc?
dexX7: well nevermind
dexX7: i looked up the returns
Rawted: there must be a huge market outside of the US for SD
dexX7: more than 80k in less than a year is remarkable
mircea_popescu: it had a good run fo sho
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu you should get kerbal space program
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 18 @ 0.01583 = 0.2849 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.01584 = 0.0792 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 8 @ 0.01597 = 0.1278 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: whassat ?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 169 @ 0.01597 = 2.6989 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: ;;google kerbal space program
gribble: Kerbal Space Program: <https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/>; Kerbal Space Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerbal_Space_Program>; Kerbal Space Program on Steam: <http://store.steampowered.com/app/220200/>
mircea_popescu: o i recall this thing
thestringpuller: some nigga built the appollo rocket
ozbot: Tutorial: Apollo 11 - Kerbal Space Program Wiki
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 7 @ 0.00107499 = 0.0075 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 21 @ 0.02088 = 0.4385 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 20 @ 0.02088 = 0.4176 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: so i guess i need to warn people not to overpay for xbond...
pankkake: unless they really want in for the pre-ipos?
dexX7: "2. Speculation - it is entirely possible for this bond to trade above its face value, because it also provides intangible value with its access to Pre-IPO purchases."
dexX7: ;)
ThickAsThieves: yeah and read what i said after too
ThickAsThieves: i'm referring to like 1-5% or so
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves good luck with that. s.mg trades at 2.5x book for some reason
pankkake: +7%, it's not too crazy. however I put up some sell orders at +19% face value just in case someone goes mad :p
ThickAsThieves: except xbond has a face value and a callback at 105%
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006155 BTC [+]
pankkake: well it would be a 2% loss, if the callback was today
mircea_popescu: i bet you the forum'd be replete with "omg scam"
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: s.mg has a lot of cash on hand despite lack of operating revenue; expenses are ridiculously low per month atm too so why shouldn't it trade high?
mircea_popescu: teh people. will not read, then behave as if that changes reality.
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 20 @ 0.0209 = 0.418 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller i can't say it shouldn't, obviously. which is the similarity with ThickAsThieves' situation.
mircea_popescu: maybe it should, who's to know.
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 3 @ 0.0209 = 0.0627 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: what's that word you two used before?
thestringpuller: was it mania?
thestringpuller: Wow Apollo was a $120 billion dollar endeavor
thestringpuller: and now we just send SUV's to Mars. :(
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 850 @ 0.001693 = 1.4391 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 31 @ 0.01597 = 0.4951 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 44 @ 0.4054 = 17.8376 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 20 @ 0.4055 = 8.11 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.01598 = 3.196 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 60 @ 0.001692 = 0.1015 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 1 @ 0.0209 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.006145 = 0.0492 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04096 = 0.2048 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.016 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 73 @ 0.001668 = 0.1218 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001666 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.00166 = 0.083 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.001643 = 0.0049 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 166 @ 0.001637 = 0.2717 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.001636 = 1.636 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.001624 = 0.0081 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 502 @ 0.001623 = 0.8147 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01608 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 4 @ 0.0209 = 0.0836 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.002102 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.002101 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 3 @ 0.0021 = 0.0063 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5 @ 0.001692 = 0.0085 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 40 @ 0.009999 = 0.4 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: Please be careful speculating on the price of XBOND. The callback cost is 105% (0.00105 bitcoins each).
ThickAsThieves: We can issue more bonds at will; and callback can happen at any time.
ThickAsThieves: This means that if you buy an XBOND at great than 0.00105, you run the risk of loss if it is ever called back before you receive 5% in coupon payments.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 250 @ 0.001056 = 0.264 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 4 @ 0.001055 = 0.0042 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 50 @ 0.00105005 = 0.0525 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 5196 @ 0.00105 = 5.4558 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 4200 @ 0.00105 = 4.41 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 6480 @ 0.00105 = 6.804 BTC [-]
pankkake: more than enough
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 17590 @ 0.00105 = 18.4695 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 19 @ 0.04171 = 0.7925 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: my 5% note is off, but the point remains
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01605 BTC [-]
dexX7: anyway, it's a good thing you care
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 30 @ 0.041 = 1.23 BTC [-]
pankkake: raising the standards? :)
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 73 @ 0.001662 = 0.1213 BTC [-]
dexX7: speaking of standards
dexX7: i stumbled upon BALS
dexX7: tat
dexX7: keep up the idea
ozbot: SANDSTORM: - A Collective Investment Vehicle for BTC. -
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 19 @ 0.00104999 = 0.0199 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 981 @ 0.00105 = 1.0301 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 30 @ 0.0209 = 0.627 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 73 @ 0.001632 = 0.1191 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 300 @ 0.001631 = 0.4893 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 327 @ 0.00163 = 0.533 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2500 @ 0.00083054 = 2.0764 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 37 @ 0.04104 = 1.5185 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 4 @ 0.8067 = 3.2268 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.04103 = 2.0515 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04167 = 0.1667 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 13 @ 0.04052 = 0.5268 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.151 = 8.302 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.15 = 20.75 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.117 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.116 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.115 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.111 = 20.555 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.105 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.102 = 12.306 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.1 = 20.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.443 = 0.886 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006101 = 0.3051 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 68 @ 0.0061 = 0.4148 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.00609 = 0.0122 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.00607 = 0.0546 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.00607 = 0.0304 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.00606 = 0.0303 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 361 @ 0.006054 = 2.1855 BTC [-]
BigBitz: burnside here?
BigBitz: or some other BTCT admin? :)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.039 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.039 = 0.078 BTC [-]
dub: not ususally
dub: or usually
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006167 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 9 @ 0.00104998 = 0.0094 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.04156 = 0.2909 BTC [+]
Ukyo: BigBitz: there is no other btct admin.
BigBitz: I thought that :)
BigBitz: what is the quickest way to withdraw my funds?
Ukyo: request a withdraw and wit
Ukyo: wait*
BigBitz: lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 13 @ 0.0209 = 0.2717 BTC [+]
pankkake: well you can widthdraw just under the limit, and then do another widthdraw, which will be queued…
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 73 @ 0.001632 = 0.1191 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1929 @ 0.00163 = 3.1443 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9900 @ 0.00082557 = 8.1731 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04151 = 0.083 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 52 @ 0.00166 = 0.0863 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.42 = 1.26 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.42 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4101 = 0.8202 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.41 = 2.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 1 @ 0.00104997 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04147 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: TO MUN OR BUST
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.007866 = 0.0787 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.007866 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 68 @ 0.006099 = 0.4147 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.006095 = 0.3048 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.00606 = 0.0727 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 55 @ 0.00605 = 0.3328 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 24 @ 0.006045 = 0.1451 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.006045 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00604 = 0.151 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.006009 = 0.012 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 51 @ 0.006001 = 0.3061 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.006 = 0.03 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.006 = 1.2 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 174 @ 0.005965 = 1.0379 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 678 @ 0.005964 = 4.0436 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.00596 = 0.1192 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01601 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.016 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 30 @ 0.04079 = 1.2237 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 569 @ 0.01598 = 9.0926 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.04078 = 0.2855 BTC [-]
ozbot: [BTCT.CO] [IPO] [FAQ]BTCGARDEN MINER---Eyes to the horizon
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4404 @ 0.00082438 = 3.6306 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5351 @ 0.00082406 = 4.4095 BTC [-]
pankkake: (about the 200M avalon investment)
thestringpuller: ThickAsThieves: lets see if anyone listens to your warning
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 49 @ 0.0209 = 1.0241 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 110 @ 0.0209 = 2.299 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 3 @ 0.007866 = 0.0236 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 61 @ 0.00786 = 0.4795 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 15 @ 0.02119 = 0.3179 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 235 @ 0.0212 = 4.982 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 200 @ 0.02824 = 5.648 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 7 @ 0.0212 = 0.1484 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005901 = 0.1475 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0059 = 5.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 700 @ 0.005875 = 4.1125 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005873 = 0.2937 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005872 = 0.2936 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.005811 = 0.0174 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.005811 = 0.0581 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1311 @ 0.00581 = 7.6169 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005808 = 0.1452 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 211 @ 0.005805 = 1.2249 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 55 @ 0.005801 = 0.3191 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4975 @ 0.0058 = 28.855 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 700 @ 0.02824 = 19.768 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.005813 = 0.0581 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.005812 = 0.0872 BTC [-]
dub: bad news for crapasicus coins
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.053 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 4.052 = 28.364 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.05 = 8.1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.044 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.041 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.035 = 8.07 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.032 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.03 = 40.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.022 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 39 @ 4.021 = 156.819 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005812 = 0.1453 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.012 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 660 @ 0.005811 = 3.8353 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.01 = 20.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 14 @ 4 = 56 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4 = 20 BTC [-]
pigeons: dub: link?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 3.985 = 11.955 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.984 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.983 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.983 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.983 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.982 = 7.964 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 15 @ 3.982 = 59.73 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 3.981 = 11.943 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.98 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.98 = 7.96 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.972 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 3.97 = 11.91 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.97 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 3.968 = 15.872 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.966 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.965 = 7.93 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 20 @ 3.965 = 79.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.94 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.94 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 3.912 = 39.12 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.911 = 7.822 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.897 = 7.794 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 3.897 = 11.691 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.881 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.88 = 19.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.879 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 3.875 = 38.75 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.872 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 3.87 = 23.22 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 3.87 = 38.7 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 3.869 = 23.214 BTC [-]
dub: tbh they were always a stupid idea
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 73 @ 0.001655 = 0.1208 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12 @ 0.001656 = 0.0199 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 13 @ 0.001662 = 0.0216 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 78 @ 0.001663 = 0.1297 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001675 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 21 @ 0.001661 = 0.0349 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1140 @ 0.005826 = 6.6416 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 227 @ 0.005825 = 1.3223 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005824 = 0.2912 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.00582 = 2.91 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.0058 = 0.145 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 218 @ 0.005797 = 1.2637 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005708 = 0.1427 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.005639 = 0.0113 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 104 @ 0.005605 = 0.5829 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 238 @ 0.005507 = 1.3107 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20000 @ 0.005502 = 110.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 113 @ 0.001688 = 0.1907 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 680 @ 0.001689 = 1.1485 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 3 @ 0.021 = 0.063 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 73 @ 0.001633 = 0.1192 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 30 @ 0.001632 = 0.049 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 849 @ 0.00082406 = 0.6996 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1197 @ 0.00163 = 1.9511 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1377 @ 0.00082327 = 1.1336 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3774 @ 0.00082325 = 3.1069 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.0128 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.097 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.005797 = 0.0522 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 73 @ 0.001639 = 0.1196 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12 @ 0.001638 = 0.0197 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001634 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 74 @ 0.001631 = 0.1207 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 447 @ 0.00163 = 0.7286 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 27 @ 0.001624 = 0.0438 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2366 @ 0.001623 = 3.84 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.005701 = 0.057 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1500 @ 0.0057 = 8.55 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 250 @ 0.001036 = 0.259 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 21 @ 0.001035 = 0.0217 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 80 @ 0.001032 = 0.0826 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 3500 @ 0.001031 = 3.6085 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 128 @ 0.00103 = 0.1318 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0396 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0397 = 0.1191 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.0398 = 0.398 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: dub: why are they stupid?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1345 @ 0.005505 = 7.4042 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.005501 = 1.1002 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 84 @ 0.005501 = 0.4621 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 3000 @ 0.00103 = 3.09 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: ThickAsThieves: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 3000 @ 0.00103 = 3.09 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: maybe warning is having effect?
dub: why are they not?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.0398888 = 1.9944 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: cause they are AWESOME
dub: they're a toy
thestringpuller: I've spent one before
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 30 @ 0.0398888 = 1.1967 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: for beer.
thestringpuller: I also tipped a hot waitress with one.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0398888 = 0.1994 BTC [+]
dub: congrats, no one will ever spend one again :)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0398888 = 0.0798 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0398888 BTC [+]
dub: you are part of an exclusive club
thestringpuller: y? because the coins are being overvalued as collectibles?
thestringpuller: That shit will pass. Physical tamper proof physical BTC is a good idea.
dub: did you see the link? someone showed how to break teh tamper evident seal at defcon
thestringpuller: I didn't say tamper proof exists as of now!
thestringpuller: but soon
frb: thestringpuller: you tipped with one? lol
frb: i hope you explained what bitcoins were so she didn't feel ripped off
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 35 @ 0.021 = 0.735 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 19 @ 0.021 = 0.399 BTC [-]
dub: TE issues aside, they were only ever as good as some dude issuing them in his basement
thestringpuller: she asked a bunch of questions
thestringpuller: and got flirtatious because is sparked a convo about economics and all kind of shit
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.086 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.085 = 16.34 BTC [-]
frb: nice
thestringpuller: Try it :P
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 4.085 = 28.595 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.085 = 16.34 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: dub what is your solution to physical bitcoins that have trust enforced?
dub: don't bother
thestringpuller: what if there is no internet?
thestringpuller: just trust the person?
dub: then bitcoin is dead
frb: ^
frb: if there's no internet bitcoin is dead
dub: if there is no internet there is probably no need for currency
dub: beyond ammunition
frb: lol
frb: food might help too
dub: kill and eat people
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 146 @ 0.001672 = 0.2441 BTC [+]
frb: but yeah, i rather agree with deb, i'm still sad i didn't buy casacius coins when they first started though :p
frb: i had the chance too, i just thought it was a stupid fad
frb: it's amazing how many people want to hold something in their hands though, nad i can respect tha
dub: you were right
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005751 = 0.2876 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 68 @ 0.005752 = 0.3911 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005754 = 0.2877 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 29 @ 0.00576 = 0.167 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.00577 = 0.0692 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 45 @ 0.005807 = 0.2613 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 181 @ 0.005808 = 1.0512 BTC [+]
dub: so many libertards around, I guess they were going to sell
thestringpuller: dub: you've been playing to much Metro 2033
dub: same morons holding metal because they think its good for something post USD
thestringpuller: dub: lol pre war ammunition as a currency
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 1 @ 0.02824 BTC [-]
dub: well yeah, you can make bullets out fo gold
thestringpuller: you don't need internet to do bitcoin bro
frb: You do.
thestringpuller: you could compute new blocks by pen in paper if you so desired
frb: :|
thestringpuller: there is a good trilema article on this
frb: are you serious?
thestringpuller: hold mircea explained it better
thestringpuller: Bitcoin, in and of itself, is in no need of any particular government or any government at all. It doesn.t need the Internet, as proven by the existence of brain wallets, and it doesn.t need computers : you could do the whole blockchain thing pen-on-paper if you had the inclination. It doesn.t even need people : it.s perfectly possible for gas molecules somewhere to play out keypair generation, hashing, blockchain creation and all that.
dub: you may well be able to, but you wont
dub: you, odds are, will be dead
thestringpuller: dub you're depressing :(
thestringpuller: do you have a bunker with tons of non perishable food?
dub: I shouldn't need a bunker but I have land and know how to farm and hunt
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 235 @ 0.001628 = 0.3826 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1874 @ 0.001627 = 3.049 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2217 @ 0.001625 = 3.6026 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2132 @ 0.001623 = 3.4602 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1298 @ 0.001622 = 2.1054 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1169 @ 0.00162 = 1.8938 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.001611 = 3.222 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.001611 = 0.1611 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00161 = 1.61 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.001609 = 1.609 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.001608 = 3.216 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4000 @ 0.001607 = 6.428 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.001606 = 8.03 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3911 @ 0.001605 = 6.2772 BTC [-]
dub: got a small amount of food etc as contingency until I can get to the land, obv
dexX7: <frb> it's amazing how many people want to hold something in their hands though, nad i can respect tha << that's true. and a solution could be to issue paper notes which represent a bitcoin value - exchangable for real bitcoin and maybe even insured for those who are afraid of hacks
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000254 BTC [-]
dub: dexX7: still fails the issued by one dude in his basement test
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 938 @ 0.016 = 15.008 BTC [+]
dexX7: yea sure, but i'm sure there are ways to create temper proofed stuff
dub: I have doubts
dub: maybe some kind of quantum superposition jonx
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005917 = 0.2959 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 68 @ 0.005918 = 0.4024 BTC [+]
dexX7: does it work for paper money?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1 @ 0.00023551 BTC [-]
dexX7: i have no idea
dub: physical security for paper money is measured in time
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005915 = 0.2958 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005915 = 0.2958 BTC [-]
dexX7: time how long it takes to reproduce fakes?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 18 @ 0.005915 = 0.1065 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 167 @ 0.005916 = 0.988 BTC [+]
Hollywood: for example, lets say some russian got ahold of cassius and started choppung fingers off
Hollywood: private keys start to flow
dexX7: yup, that can happen
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 3 @ 0.00104996 = 0.0031 BTC [+]
pigeons: i thought he doesnt keep the keys
Hollywood: says he does not, so maybe or maybe not
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 32 @ 0.0398887 = 1.2764 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 208 @ 0.0398888 = 8.2969 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0399 = 0.1197 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 168 @ 0.04 = 6.72 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2056 @ 0.00083054 = 1.7076 BTC [+]
dexX7: would you keep them, if you were him?
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 4099 @ 0.016 = 65.584 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005895 = 0.1474 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 299 @ 0.01605 = 4.799 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.005895 = 0.059 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 200 @ 0.01605 = 3.21 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 41 @ 0.01605 = 0.6581 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 460 @ 0.01605 = 7.383 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 235 @ 0.001622 = 0.3812 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1340 @ 0.00162 = 2.1708 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 430 @ 0.005889 = 2.5323 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 4 @ 0.0205 = 0.082 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 17 @ 0.0205 = 0.3485 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2900 @ 0.016 = 46.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3902 @ 0.00083033 = 3.2399 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 19 @ 0.0212 = 0.4028 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 68 @ 0.005764 = 0.392 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 32 @ 0.005763 = 0.1844 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 28 @ 0.01556 = 0.4357 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 7 @ 0.01555 = 0.1089 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.01555 = 0.7775 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 300 @ 0.01553 = 4.659 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.01551 = 0.7755 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.0155 = 0.0775 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 10 @ 0.0155 = 0.155 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.0153 = 0.0765 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.0151 = 0.0755 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 40 @ 0.0151 = 0.604 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.03900001 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.039 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.03880001 = 0.1552 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1894 @ 0.001611 = 3.0512 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2216 @ 0.001609 = 3.5655 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 150 @ 0.001607 = 0.2411 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 835 @ 0.001606 = 1.341 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4905 @ 0.001605 = 7.8725 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1184 @ 0.001605 = 1.9003 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 58816 @ 0.001601 = 94.1644 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1184 @ 0.001601 = 1.8956 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.0016 = 16 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 9000 @ 0.0016 = 14.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0016 = 1.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 235 @ 0.001562 = 0.3671 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.00156 = 0.078 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00155 = 1.55 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1323 @ 0.001528 = 2.0215 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2060 @ 0.001518 = 3.1271 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.001517 = 15.17 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2351 @ 0.001516 = 3.5641 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 7 @ 0.01507 = 0.1055 BTC [-]
matuszed: Lotta Labcoin
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 70 @ 0.001616 = 0.1131 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 425 @ 0.001517 = 0.6447 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001616 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: !ticker btctc dms.selling
assbot: [BTCT:DMS.SELLING] 1D: 0.0201 / 0.02219 / 0.0264 (4191 shares, 93 BTC), 7D: 0.0201 / 0.02284 / 0.0264 (11813 shares, 269.8 BTC), 30D: 0.0176 / 0.02453 / 0.035716 (53390 shares, 1309.4 BTC)
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 112 @ 0.00582 = 0.6518 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.461 = 0.922 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.04 = 0.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.04 = 0.12 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 16 @ 0.009999 = 0.16 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4541 = 1.3623 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 28 @ 0.01511 = 0.4231 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 6 @ 0.01509 = 0.0905 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 10 @ 0.01507 = 0.1507 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 39 @ 0.01507 = 0.5877 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.01505 = 1.505 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 602 @ 0.01502 = 9.042 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 15 @ 0.00104996 = 0.0157 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 68 @ 0.005776 = 0.3928 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.005772 = 0.1154 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.005622 = 0.0675 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005621 = 0.2811 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 628 @ 0.005522 = 3.4678 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 74 @ 0.005521 = 0.4086 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.00552 = 1.656 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1626 @ 0.005519 = 8.9739 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: !ticker btctc dms.mining
assbot: [BTCT:DMS.MINING] 1D: 0.007705 / 0.00814 / 0.008669 (917 shares, 7.5 BTC), 7D: 0.007001 / 0.00884 / 0.013 (35160 shares, 310.7 BTC), 30D: 0.007001 / 0.01278 / 0.020498 (94518 shares, 1207.9 BTC)
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.04116 = 0.1235 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 71 @ 0.001552 = 0.1102 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12 @ 0.00155 = 0.0186 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 544 @ 0.001523 = 0.8285 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.001522 = 0.1522 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7649 @ 0.001516 = 11.5959 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 233 @ 0.001515 = 0.353 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4000 @ 0.001511 = 6.044 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3000 @ 0.001507 = 4.521 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.001503 = 0.0752 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.001503 = 1.503 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8000 @ 0.001502 = 12.016 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 990 @ 0.001502 = 1.487 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 84 @ 0.001501 = 0.1261 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8 @ 0.001501 = 0.012 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.001501 = 7.505 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 110 @ 0.0015 = 0.165 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3002 @ 0.0015 = 4.503 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 450 @ 0.00104996 = 0.4725 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.01604 = 0.0802 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 400 @ 0.001503 = 0.6012 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3920 @ 0.001502 = 5.8878 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 2 @ 0.02824 = 0.0565 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 400 @ 0.001502 = 0.6008 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 3 @ 0.00104996 = 0.0031 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005564 = 0.2782 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005557 = 0.2779 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005529 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1749 @ 0.005519 = 9.6527 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 202 @ 0.005518 = 1.1146 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005502 = 0.2751 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 86 @ 0.005501 = 0.4731 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 112 @ 0.0055 = 0.616 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 80 @ 0.0055 = 0.44 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1120 @ 0.00541 = 6.0592 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 60 @ 0.016 = 0.96 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6371 @ 0.00152 = 9.6839 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 235 @ 0.001596 = 0.3751 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 35 @ 0.001598 = 0.0559 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 269 @ 0.00104996 = 0.2824 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 235 @ 0.001566 = 0.368 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 62 @ 0.001565 = 0.097 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 35 @ 0.001551 = 0.0543 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5230 @ 0.00155 = 8.1065 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3629 @ 0.00152 = 5.5161 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2540 @ 0.001502 = 3.8151 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 400 @ 0.001502 = 0.6008 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.001502 = 1.502 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1998 @ 0.0015 = 2.997 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 500 @ 0.0015 = 0.75 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 9371 @ 0.0015 = 14.0565 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 629 @ 0.0015 = 0.9435 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 601 @ 0.0015 = 0.9015 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3951 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.3951 = 0.7902 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 2 @ 0.02131 = 0.0426 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 991 @ 0.0015 = 1.4865 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 2 @ 0.00104997 = 0.0021 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5850 @ 0.00083033 = 4.8574 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.04 = 0.08 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0401 = 0.1203 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0402 = 0.201 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0403 = 0.1209 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.04038 = 0.4038 BTC [+]
ozbot: Cointerra
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.002583 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 79 @ 0.002584 = 0.2041 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 21 @ 0.01558 = 0.3272 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.01557 = 1.557 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 41 @ 0.01524 = 0.6248 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 200 @ 0.001554 = 0.3108 BTC [+]
dub: has website, must be legit
dub: pity they're named after bitcoins alltime champion scambait
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 121 @ 0.001545 = 0.1869 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 114 @ 0.001545 = 0.1761 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 407 @ 0.001546 = 0.6292 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1079 @ 0.001547 = 1.6692 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 14 @ 0.001552 = 0.0217 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.001551 = 1.551 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04114 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.0413 = 0.0826 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 13 @ 0.04131 = 0.537 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 600 @ 0.01525 = 9.15 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 140 @ 0.01524 = 2.1336 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 600 @ 0.01522 = 9.132 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 69 @ 0.01522 = 1.0502 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.01521 = 1.521 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 5 @ 0.0152 = 0.076 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2000 @ 0.0152 = 30.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04192 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 39 @ 0.04193 = 1.6353 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.005718 = 0.0114 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04192 = 0.1677 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5779 @ 0.00083054 = 4.7997 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1621 @ 0.00083155 = 1.3479 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005501 = 0.2751 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 250 @ 0.0055 = 1.375 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25 @ 0.001548 = 0.0387 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4806 @ 0.001505 = 7.233 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 1074 @ 0.0212 = 22.7688 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04081 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 9 @ 0.00104997 = 0.0094 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04081 = 0.1632 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.0408 = 0.0816 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0408 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04073 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04059 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.04059 = 0.1218 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.04052 = 0.8104 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 100 @ 0.04051 = 4.051 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04004 = 0.0801 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04001 = 0.08 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 933 @ 0.001545 = 1.4415 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 67 @ 0.001546 = 0.1036 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 3 @ 0.0213 = 0.0639 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 100 @ 0.0215 = 2.15 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.001547 = 0.1547 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 10 @ 0.0152 = 0.152 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 3 @ 0.01521 = 0.0456 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1300 @ 0.00083155 = 1.081 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 2 @ 0.000255 = 0.0005 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.04002 = 0.3202 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01516 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.01503 = 1.503 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3964 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.06 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.04 = 0.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.03978 = 0.7956 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.03909 = 0.7818 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.03901 = 0.2731 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 39 @ 0.039 = 1.521 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.03867 = 0.116 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20 @ 0.00152 = 0.0304 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 680 @ 0.00152 = 1.0336 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005501 = 0.2751 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 95 @ 0.0055 = 0.5225 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 68 @ 0.005437 = 0.3697 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.005412 = 1.0824 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005411 = 0.2706 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 154 @ 0.005411 = 0.8333 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 553 @ 0.005411 = 2.9923 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1480 @ 0.00541 = 8.0068 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 350 @ 0.005302 = 1.8557 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 680 @ 0.00104997 = 0.714 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 308 @ 0.00104997 = 0.3234 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 38 @ 0.02163 = 0.8219 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 100 @ 0.00104998 = 0.105 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 220 @ 0.00104998 = 0.231 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 100 @ 0.00104998 = 0.105 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 10 @ 0.00104998 = 0.0105 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.05 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.924 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.923 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.89 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.883 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 3.882 = 27.174 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.88 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.88 = 7.76 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 52 @ 0.00786 = 0.4087 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 52 @ 0.02051 = 1.0665 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 125 @ 0.001517 = 0.1896 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 875 @ 0.001518 = 1.3283 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.874 = 19.37 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 880 @ 0.0219 = 19.272 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.0152 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 8 @ 0.0152 = 0.1216 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 52 @ 0.02824 = 1.4685 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2194 @ 0.001505 = 3.302 BTC [-]
dexX7: lol
ozbot: Bitcoin gold rush heats up with $200m private equity deal
dexX7: this is so stupid
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.871 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.005303 = 0.053 BTC [+]
matuszed: How can there ever be a 200 million dollar pe deal
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.005302 = 0.7953 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 78 @ 0.005253 = 0.4097 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00525 = 0.525 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 229 @ 0.005239 = 1.1997 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2898 @ 0.00523 = 15.1565 BTC [-]
matuszed: in a 1 billion dollar currency
dexX7: why not?
dexX7: in case you didn't get the memo, there is no avalon deal
matuszed: I know
dexX7: okay :)
naemsi: wsj just printed it
dub: lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.872 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 3.871 = 15.484 BTC [-]
dexX7: if they don't realize their fault in the next hours, this will be all over mass media
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.871 BTC [-]
ozbot: Famed Trader Joe Lewis Backs Bitcoin - WSJ.com
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3882 @ 0.00083033 = 3.2233 BTC [-]
dub: according to an anonymous tweet our reporter saw
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] 7 @ 0.00103005 = 0.0072 BTC [-]
dub: anyone with paywall access see the author? not matonis I hope
dexX7: do you really want to kill the fun?
dub: me? no, let it ride
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 3.9 = 11.7 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.976 = 7.952 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.979 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.98 = 19.9 BTC [+]
dexX7: oh wait, you can't read the article at ef?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 190 @ 0.00531 = 1.0089 BTC [+]
ozbot: Bitcoin gold rush heats up with $200m private equity deal Harriet Agnew 05 Aug - Pastebin.com
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 32 @ 0.0152 = 0.4864 BTC [+]
Menoetius: hasn't that already been showed to be old unrelated news with company that also was called avalon ?
Menoetius: did wsj get it wrong aswell ?
dexX7: yes
dexX7: i guess once it's out, other news will jump on it
Menoetius: crazy
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 19 @ 0.01503 = 0.2856 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 26 @ 0.01502 = 0.3905 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: anyone have a 3DS?
thestringpuller: !last btctc DMS.PURCHASE
assbot: Last trade for DMS.PURCHASE on BTCTC was at 0.02824 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.3961 = 0.7922 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 8 @ 0.396 = 3.168 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 14 @ 0.001504 = 0.0211 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1647 @ 0.001502 = 2.4738 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 408 @ 0.0015 = 0.612 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1831 @ 0.0015 = 2.7465 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.00522 = 0.0522 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005201 = 0.5201 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.0052 = 0.0104 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 288 @ 0.0052 = 1.4976 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 243 @ 0.0051 = 1.2393 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 219 @ 0.005063 = 1.1088 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00505 = 0.505 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 13 @ 0.00501 = 0.0651 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 19 @ 0.01503 = 0.2856 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 372 @ 0.01502 = 5.5874 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 16 @ 0.015 = 0.24 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 98 @ 0.01461 = 1.4318 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005507 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: ;;calc .3 / 10
gribble: 0.03
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.005005 = 0.01 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 69 @ 0.0015 = 0.1035 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4820 @ 0.001498 = 7.2204 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 180 @ 0.001498 = 0.2696 BTC [-]
Hiro2: what do you guys use to keep track of your portfolio?
thestringpuller: Lol BTCGARDEN goes the way of Facebook
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.00148 = 0.148 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 125 @ 0.001451 = 0.1814 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00145 = 1.45 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 250 @ 0.001441 = 0.3603 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 576 @ 0.00144 = 0.8294 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: !ticker m s.mpoe
assbot: [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00082303 / 0.0008287 / 0.00083323 (213408 shares, 176.85 BTC), 7D: 0.0007936 / 0.0008132 / 0.00083323 (2213667 shares, 1,800.18 BTC), 30D: 0.0007725 / 0.00082009 / 0.00097228 (10641021 shares, 8,726.65 BTC)
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1424 @ 0.00144 = 2.0506 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 243 @ 0.001426 = 0.3465 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 364 @ 0.003501 = 1.2744 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1944 @ 0.001425 = 2.7702 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 162 @ 0.0035 = 0.567 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3554 @ 0.001404 = 4.9898 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 222 @ 0.003402 = 0.7552 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 27 @ 0.001403 = 0.0379 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 220 @ 0.001402 = 0.3084 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 1174 @ 0.0034 = 3.9916 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 79 @ 0.001402 = 0.1108 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.001401 = 1.401 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8400 @ 0.001401 = 11.7684 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 24 @ 0.0014 = 0.0336 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.0014 = 14 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1342 @ 0.001375 = 1.8453 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.001311 = 6.555 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 300 @ 0.00131 = 0.393 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1250 @ 0.00131 = 1.6375 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.001302 = 1.302 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.001302 = 13.02 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20000 @ 0.0013 = 26 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10000 @ 0.0013 = 13 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6000 @ 0.00115 = 6.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3000 @ 0.0011 = 3.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.001053 = 5.265 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7011 @ 0.001052 = 7.3756 BTC [-]
naemsi: holy tanking labcoin
thestringpuller: !ticker btctc activeminer
assbot: Yeah. No damn tobacco, that's for sure.
naemsi: almost tempted
thestringpuller: !ticker btctc activemine
assbot: Are you sure you have no tobacco?
thestringpuller: !ticker btctc activemining
assbot: [BTCT:ACTIVEMINING] 1D: 0.005005 / 0.00582 / 0.00675 (80274 shares, 467 BTC), 7D: 0.0038 / 0.00621 / 0.009795 (1293605 shares, 8038.1 BTC), 30D: 0.0038 / 0.00618 / 0.009795 (1798806 shares, 11109.6 BTC)
dub: aaanditsgone.com still relevant
thestringpuller: active mining is next
dub: derp
thestringpuller: Dub, you need to stop listening to wub wub
dub: tf is wubwub
thestringpuller: ;;google dubstep wubwub
gribble: Wub Wub - Dubstep - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vL_z2j7JE4>; Dubstep (WUB WUB WUB WUUUUB) - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7rpliqorUc>; Dubstep Wub Wub - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI6N1K_xk6Y>
naemsi: bids are totally gone
dub: if you mean dubstep, I did stop listening to it after about 10 minutes
dub: 5 years ago, before it jumped the shark proper
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.0051 = 0.102 BTC [+]
rulother-tab: Just this morning am was 4.3
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2450 @ 0.005075 = 12.4338 BTC [-]
dub: give it an hour or so it will be back there
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2550 @ 0.005075 = 12.9413 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: ;;calc .35 * 3
gribble: 1.05
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005002 = 0.5002 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005001 = 0.025 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 80 @ 0.005001 = 0.4001 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 28 @ 0.005 = 0.14 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.005 = 0.075 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.005 = 1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.005 = 0.075 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.005 = 0.05 BTC [-]
rulother-tab: You guys heard about the tor news
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.00107 = 1.07 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1697 @ 0.004995 = 8.4765 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1067 @ 0.001055 = 1.1257 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001055 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2600 @ 0.001055 = 2.743 BTC [-]
naemsi: more freedomhost news than tor news as i parsed it
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 65 @ 0.01587 = 1.0316 BTC [+]
naemsi: and maybe a bit of firefox oldversion news
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1100 @ 0.005003 = 5.5033 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 900 @ 0.004995 = 4.4955 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 650 @ 0.004995 = 3.2468 BTC [-]
dub: dumbass news
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1593 @ 0.004995 = 7.957 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.872 = 7.744 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.872 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 3.871 = 15.484 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 3.87 = 19.35 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 14 @ 3.869 = 54.166 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 3.868 = 38.68 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 3.855 = 11.565 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.82 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.811 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 3.81 = 38.1 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 11 @ 3.807 = 41.877 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.8 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 3.8 = 30.4 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 25 @ 0.015 = 0.375 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004901 = 0.4901 BTC [-]
dexX7: today doesn't look good for mining companies i guess
thestringpuller: dude the difficulty just went up
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 400 @ 0.004825 = 1.93 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: how did you not expect this?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 450 @ 0.004823 = 2.1704 BTC [-]
gribble: 3.7392766136474565E7
thestringpuller: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 250265 | Current Difficulty: 3.7392766136474565E7 | Next Difficulty At Block: 251999 | Next Difficulty In: 1734 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 16 hours, 29 minutes, and 29 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 43656375.3157 | Estimated Percent Change: 16.75086
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2500 @ 0.0146 = 36.5 BTC [-]
dub: whats it got to do with difficulty
dexX7: what? because today was a diff change (which wasn't unexpected) all share values go down?
thestringpuller: as the difficulty increases your hardware depreciates in value
thestringpuller: so that effects you know everything mining related
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 250 @ 0.0146 = 3.65 BTC [-]
dub: just as likely to be a case of idiots realising they are investing in mining companies that are nothing more than a post on a forum
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3000 @ 0.00482 = 14.46 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00482 = 0.482 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: well those are what is causing the huge pops
thestringpuller: but I'm talkinga bout ASICMINER
thestringpuller: and such
dub: tiny volume there
thestringpuller: *shrug* diffuclty goes up, mining assets go down
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 230 @ 0.00481 = 1.1063 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: difficulty*
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 250 @ 0.0146 = 3.65 BTC [-]
dub: far from rocket science, yes
ThickAsThieves: what about hw manufacturers?
thestringpuller: nothing about hw manufacturuers
dub: BFL are doing fine
thestringpuller: just that as difficulty goes up, if you own mining hardware it's value goes down
thestringpuller: we've had long talks about this in private no ThickAsThieves ?
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.95 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 88 @ 0.004801 = 0.4225 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 212 @ 0.004801 = 1.0178 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1788 @ 0.0048 = 8.5824 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: sounds dirty
dexX7: today's diff was almost known the days before, so it shouldn't be big news
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1212 @ 0.0048 = 5.8176 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2000 @ 0.0048 = 9.6 BTC [-]
dexX7: and the new mining comps didn't even publish prices
ThickAsThieves: ;;estimate
dub: dexX7: well hopefully people are realising that AMC is just a dopey looking guy posting links to a website
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | 43656375.3157 based on data since last change | 44215817.7157 based on data for last three days
dub: labcon and btcgarden are obvious scams
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.077 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: oh wow ThickAsThieves
dub: stands to reason that wihtout the 24/7 hype train they will lose 'value'
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0047 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 255 @ 0.004696 = 1.1975 BTC [-]
dexX7: just saying
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 210 @ 0.004701 = 0.9872 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00455 = 0.1138 BTC [-]
dexX7: even that avalon fake news is 100x more likely to induce a selloff
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.95 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: ThickAsThieves: didn't realize Jurov had as much depth on these as he does
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004501 = 0.2251 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 750 @ 0.0045 = 3.375 BTC [-]
ozbot: BitFunder.Com - Join the crowd, every BIT helps
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 16 @ 0.03868 = 0.6189 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 24 @ 0.03867 = 0.9281 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 23 @ 0.03866 = 0.8892 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.95 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 4 @ 0.01456 = 0.0582 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.0144 = 1.44 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 50 @ 0.0143 = 0.715 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 96 @ 0.01425 = 1.368 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 295 @ 0.0045 = 1.3275 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 169 @ 0.0045 = 0.7605 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 41 @ 0.0045 = 0.1845 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 259 @ 0.0045 = 1.1655 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0045 = 4.5 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 106 @ 0.001054 = 0.1117 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2262 @ 0.001055 = 2.3864 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 18 @ 0.03986 = 0.7175 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004499 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.442 = 0.884 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 160 @ 0.00426 = 0.6816 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 34 @ 0.03987 = 1.3556 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0042 = 0.42 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.004103 = 2.0515 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 540 @ 0.004102 = 2.2151 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 3.95 = 7.9 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2973 @ 0.004102 = 12.1952 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2555 @ 0.0041 = 10.4755 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 165 @ 0.0041 = 0.6765 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.009999 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001447 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.01017 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.0013 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 548 @ 0.0012 = 0.6576 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.95 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 24 @ 0.001171 = 0.0281 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 169 @ 0.001172 = 0.1981 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: ;;nethash
gribble: 316513.981378
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 24 @ 0.001172 = 0.0281 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 7 @ 0.0206 = 0.1442 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.004101 = 0.082 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 207 @ 0.0041 = 0.8487 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3000 @ 0.0041 = 12.3 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.004099 = 0.0205 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00401 = 0.2005 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 718 @ 0.004009 = 2.8785 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 4 @ 0.01425 = 0.057 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 76 @ 0.01412 = 1.0731 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3951 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00448 = 0.224 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004481 = 0.4481 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001106 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 75 @ 0.001105 = 0.0829 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00401 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 6 @ 0.395 = 2.37 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.0021 = 2.1 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.395 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.395 = 0.79 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 18 @ 0.389 = 7.002 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 100 @ 0.0013 = 0.13 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.3887 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004475 = 0.2238 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 445 @ 0.004476 = 1.9918 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1205 @ 0.004477 = 5.3948 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4000 @ 0.0021 = 8.4 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004477 = 0.2239 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004478 = 0.112 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004478 = 0.112 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004477 = 0.1119 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004478 = 0.112 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.004794 = 0.0479 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 516 @ 0.004795 = 2.4742 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004795 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 18 @ 0.00451 = 0.0812 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00465 = 0.2325 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 35 @ 0.00465 = 0.1628 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00465 = 0.2325 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.004794 = 0.0431 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.004795 = 0.0096 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 375 @ 0.004799 = 1.7996 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 614 @ 0.0048 = 2.9472 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 24 @ 0.01412 = 0.3389 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 100 @ 0.01412 = 1.412 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 281 @ 0.01411 = 3.9649 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 63 @ 0.004809 = 0.303 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 3.999 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.001399 = 0.07 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 95 @ 0.002045 = 0.1943 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.0014 = 0.07 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.002041 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 25 @ 0.01042 = 0.2605 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 3 @ 0.0014 = 0.0042 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 719 @ 0.01411 = 10.1451 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 781 @ 0.0141 = 11.0121 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001399 BTC [-]
laque: stop posting old news
laque: 2011
B0g4r7: Not the same news.
laque: phoneix fund is run by that guy.
laque: yes it is
laque: Famed Trader Joe Lewis Backs Bitcon he runs the fund
B0g4r7: Did you read the article?
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.03899 = 0.3899 BTC [-]
laque: yes,
B0g4r7: It mentions Yifu by name.
laque: did you not read my link?
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.001203 = 0.0602 BTC [-]
B0g4r7: Yeah. No mention of Yifu.
B0g4r7: Different news.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 24 @ 0.001203 = 0.0289 BTC [-]
dub: B0g4r7: looks a lot like wsj has reposted some retard bitcoin blog without fact checking
ozbot: Avalon might be getting a $200 million investment and 20nm technology to become the leader of the mi
laque: rewritten today
laque: that's the story that got picked up by WSJ
B0g4r7: WSJ ftl if they didn't fact-check shit.
laque: email the author.
laque: tell him he should be fired.
laque: and shouldn't write tech articles again
laque: and next time when he copies/pastes he should make sure the dates match up lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 2309 @ 0.0141 = 32.5569 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.001395 = 0.0698 BTC [+]
ozbot: Melbourne finds the smart option for an Avalon rail link | Plane Talking
dub: yifu is selling a monorail in australia too
dub: its true, internet said so
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 1 @ 0.01495 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 7 @ 0.0141 = 0.0987 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6 @ 0.001396 = 0.0084 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 33 @ 0.001397 = 0.0461 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1 @ 0.001398 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 263 @ 0.001399 = 0.3679 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 34 @ 0.001399 = 0.0476 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1193 @ 0.0014 = 1.6702 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTCGARDEN] 4 @ 0.01493 = 0.0597 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 76 @ 0.004807 = 0.3653 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004808 = 0.2404 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 255 @ 0.00481 = 1.2266 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.0049 = 0.1225 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 54 @ 0.004901 = 0.2647 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.001302 = 0.0651 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 330 @ 0.001301 = 0.4293 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.001302 = 0.0651 BTC [+]
VanCleef: yeah tell him its labcoin and btcgarden not avalon
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 46 @ 0.004901 = 0.2254 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.001302 = 0.0651 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 50 @ 0.001301 = 0.0651 BTC [-]
dexX7: ^ haha
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004999 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 48 @ 0.0387 = 1.8576 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.03869 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 11 @ 0.03866 = 0.4253 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 55 @ 0.00498 = 0.2739 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 945 @ 0.00498 = 4.7061 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004998 = 0.2499 BTC [+]
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