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← 2020-02-07 | 2020-02-09 →
feedbot: http://fixpoint.welshcomputing.com/2020/warm-and-cold-new-and-old-fresh-and-salt-part-2/ << Fixpoint -- Warm and cold, new and old, fresh and salt: part 2
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2020/nannare/ << Trilema -- Nannar...
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2020/quit-quaffing-dem-queefs-queenie/ << Trilema -- Quit quaffing dem queefs, queenie...
feedbot: http://thewhet.net/2020/02/manage-whats-important-to-you-with-rational-tools-when-you-join-humanity-or-fuck-mozilla/ << The Whet -- Manage what's important to you with rational tools when you join humanity. Or, fuck mozilla.
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2020/02/duterte-ending-visiting-forces-agreement-with-usg-as-tensions-over-philippine-independence-continue/ << Qntra -- Duterte Ending "Visiting Forces Agreement" With USG As Tensions Over Philippine Independence Continue
feedbot: http://bvt-trace.net/2020/02/vsh-part-2-ada-utilities/ << bvt's backtrace -- v.sh part 2: Ada utilities
← 2020-02-07 | 2020-02-09 →