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← 2025-02-14
PeterL[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: tried going to your website, getting a 404 on the main page (shows the sidebar but not any posts), same thing when clicking on any of the category pages
asciilifeform still looking for a fix that doesn't require plowing through over9000 lines of php liquishit or switching hosts, but likely will have to make peace with the latter
asciilifeform: PeterL: the indiv. pages should still load, and render correctly, plz lemme know if any don't
asciilifeform: issue seems to consist of eggogs in the theme (orig. by long-dead anon, with various mods by asciilifeform) induced by hoster's 'upgrades' to php 8.x
asciilifeform: << seems to be buncha 'i can't believe it aint lamport !' gnarly variations, but if you believe one or moar of'em to be interesting, plox to specify which
asciilifeform: ( & see e.g oblig re subj )
PeterL[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: I see that individual pages load, but there is no way to show what is the most recent page?
asciilifeform: PeterL: correct, see above
asciilifeform: it'll have to move. used nfs co since 2007, and it was a+++ value for the money (100% ddos-proof, for instance) but evidently they simply dunlike money anymoar
billymg[asciilifeform]: << i got mp-wp (iirc yours is not mp-wp but of similar vintage) working on php7 without too much trouble. maybe an hour or two total of reload, check error log, fix line, reload
billymg[asciilifeform]: there really were that many changes, and all of them of the "use this function instead of that, call with these params instead of those" variety
← 2025-02-14