Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2024-12-22 | 2024-12-27 →
hapax: how to build a static server
hapax: (i know there's this pentacle thing going on, might be useful)
hapax: also, asciilifeform, i believe you were experimenting with static x11 programs
hapax: i've managed to properly run static twm, mwm (well ... emwm), xclock, xterm and imagemagick so far, other programs should pose no problems, especially the ones properly talking with pkg-config
hapax: whole thing is musltronic, runs on matrox g200 (i believe we have a similar setup, i have a machine similar to this dulap thing of yours, it has an onboard g200), next year i'm gonna try to run it on a radeon
hapax: (i have a wx 5100, you have the smaller ones if i remember correctly, but it should be the same drivers, gonna try to build them with gcc4)
hapax: also, merry christmas
asciilifeform: ty hapax -- looks like 1st class work, will read
← 2024-12-22 | 2024-12-27 →