asciilifeform: $ticker btc usd
busybot: Current BTC price in USD: $63982.64
signpost[asciilifeform]: still strange to see something written in the imitative form of tmsr.
signpost[asciilifeform]: good for them to have an heirloom reason to wake up in the morning, better than nothing.
signpost[asciilifeform] still quite interested in what placehood can be achieved in pest.
signpost[asciilifeform]: grunted the erasure code C impl to a working state with single solver thread recently. working towards a demonstration of swarm download, then perhaps will work up a toy implementation of initiating same via one of the pest clients.
signpost[asciilifeform]: would look something like the following: 1) I issue a broadcast request for an item of $HASH to my L1, 2) they optionally reply in the affirmative, 3) I individually request m of n encoded blocks from a selection of my peers, who may send 0 or more encoded blocks in response 4) repeat #3 until I have enough encoded blocks
signpost[asciilifeform]: to solve the desired payload.
signpost[asciilifeform]: of note is the lack of need for complicated orchestration by a "tracker" while achieving both an efficient swarm download, minimal size overhead of the encoding vs original payload, and robustness against loss (which may be even more useful on lossier mediums for pest, i.e. radio, stego, etc)
signpost[asciilifeform]: << nut up.
signpost[asciilifeform]: on that subj anyone rec a cheap webhost? my last one's fired after they refused to send me the hard drive that failed.
asciilifeform waves
asciilifeform: << asciilifeform would like to play with it when it is out, has some time on his hands
signpost[asciilifeform]: link works over here, just told them to get on pest and argue with you the next time they're feeling coy
signpost[asciilifeform]: and yeah, will post soon as I stand up a box into which to poast.
asciilifeform: last knew, jfw et al were still (4+y!) 'reverse engineering' fg
asciilifeform not holds breath for'em to come in an' ask
asciilifeform: and they're still selling (yes) the lulzy optoisolator asciilifeform tested & junked in '17, believe or not
dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2020-05-02 asciilifeform: in other noose, i was a little surprised to learn that jfw's optoisolator product is literally the same kit as my lab bench one. i wouldn't have done that; that thing is pretty fragile.
asciilifeform: the 1 where the fiber was held in by a screw which came undone when room temp changed
asciilifeform: + buncha whackamole with trb (with oblig. pissing on all prior work) and some c utils.
asciilifeform wonders what they're living on. guesses -- coin piggy
billymg[asciilifeform]: i actually had the pleasure of meeting jfw recently. he stayed in one of my cabinas during a short visit to cr. very friendly and polite, whaack also came over at one point to shoot the shit for a bit
awt_akris[asciilifeform]: I had the same impression, although he was unfortunately not interested in Pest.
billymg[asciilifeform]: i don't think they're living off of a coin piggy, i think they're just living as frugally as necessary to continue their works (which i found admirable tbh), but you'd have to ask them
signpost[asciilifeform] thinks men should have their fights directly.
signpost[asciilifeform]: might even risk resolving them, you know?
signpost[asciilifeform]: << "outside of entomological interest" wild. mannerism lifted straight from asciilifeform
signpost[asciilifeform]: admixture of "had we been there with mp earlier things would've been different" too
signpost[asciilifeform]: eh w/e. I was going to offer 'em a peering.
asciilifeform: lolwainot
asciilifeform: 'all those years in the seat of power, privilege and publicity granted by MP's say-so and doing jack shit' << gold
asciilifeform: went precisely as asciilifeform expected, compl. w/ 'betrayal of bitcoin protocol' etc
asciilifeform: ( picture 'hey folx, loox like i found a sha2 pill, nao lemme reorg blox 1-600k for ya, wainot' )
asciilifeform: he's right re the hangs in trb tho, the only way to run it hands-off atm is with a watchdog (and that includes his variant)
asciilifeform simply has no interest in fixing anyffin that aint an arbitrary exec booby and not 'trb not connects to net anymoar' clusterfuck. enuff sweat has been wasted trying to mold a bullet from that turd
asciilifeform: imho we aint missing much by not having jfw et al. religious fanatics, an' not the interesting kind, either
asciilifeform had moar respect for subj when they were writing own lisp thingy rather than picking through asciilifeform's dumpster & eating
asciilifeform: ('eating while spitting' at that)
asciilifeform: << not surprise, considering that mp never splashed his holy jizz on it, think
signpost[asciilifeform] was during this time of great power and publicity running a company where he beat the asses of companies 1000x his headcount.
signpost[asciilifeform]: mp could've dropped 5M on the thing and turned it into 500M.
signpost[asciilifeform]: there was no power nor publicity granted, let's say.
signpost[asciilifeform]: what the fuck did anyone think I was saying about needing profit centers, asking for someone else to do it?
signpost[asciilifeform]: << he wanted us to stay in the goddamn bucket.
signpost[asciilifeform]: charitably, rowing towards his goals, whatever they may have been.
signpost[asciilifeform]: in either case, oh well. as for me, I think whoever still wants to be free at the end of the world oughta be on speaking terms, but I won't lose sleep.
asciilifeform: leaving, for the moment, mp along in his watery grave -- jfw et al are sumthing else strange. these folx had.. 5y! could've e.g. written 100% wurking trblike in ada or cl; baked the lyso rng or whatever irons; or even sumthing entirely new&unseen. but instead wat.
asciilifeform: *alone in
asciilifeform: not merely 'eat from dumpster' but somehow zeroed in on the most broken and dead end liquishit in there.
asciilifeform: srsly, d00d, sumbody wants to buy optoisolator that has to be twirled like soviet tv antenna daily ? wat'd be wrong with using toshiba's plug, avail since 1980 and 5$ ? ( prolly watswrong is that would have to bake pcb. and must've been tortured with soldering iron as a kid? or else wai phobic )
asciilifeform: honestly can see wai he not baked fg clone -- knows it'll sell approx as well as the orig, and not stupid, not feels like getting 1e5+$ in the hole simply to wave flag
asciilifeform: (but wai the pretense to contrary? can only speculate, 'temple of mp' psychopathologies etc)
asciilifeform: << not as if he made much of a seekrit of his internals, at the end, 'tolerated yer programmer nonsense while thought it would help me hitler, but nao fuckoff' moar or less
dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2020-03-25 asciilifeform: meanwhile in mp lulz : open admission of 'always hated the lot of you, only tolerated while ego was properly stroked'
asciilifeform: d00d was dying of boredom (and effects of 3decade of substance abuse), liked building imaginary castles, went out to look for tenants for said castles, found, evicted, bunker, kaput.
asciilifeform: << asciilifeform's suspicion is that they're in eternal search of a new cokehead to suck the 'noble', sneering, lazy cock of. but whoknows.
asciilifeform: ( as mp himself noted -- in addition to sadists, there are also masochists, and the latter far outnumber the former. that'd be this. )
asciilifeform: ... and if one's picky -- want to be whipped by maniac who dropped outta maffs, rather than art history, ate 10t of caviar, rather than mcquack, has delusions of cryptography, etc. -- likely to be long search.
asciilifeform: that'd be their concept of 'free', evidently.
asciilifeform: there's a reason wai ronin were expected to seppuku -- it's a pathetic sight.
asciilifeform: re trb -- asciilifeform's position not changed since bunker kaput , there's precisely 1 sane approach possible there.
signpost[asciilifeform]: in other news, sensor fusion proceeds apace
asciilifeform: see also robert sheckley, 1950s, 'sanity meter in the doorway wouldn't let smith pass'
asciilifeform: signpost: that thing is just 1 drop in ocean of similar liquishit, dc beltway hucksters promising reich amazing!1111 wunderwaffen that'll 'make all resistence futile' etc
asciilifeform did some yrs of hard time working in these shitholes. most folx in there not even 'ideological' boot-thumping fanatics, but simply to make rent
dulapbot: (trilema) 2017-09-15 asciilifeform: kanzure: i spilled the beans from a similar darpa conference that i attended, in the heart of the beast itself, few yrs back ( it's in the l0gz, spoiler : multilinear map homomorphic crypto is bunkum ) and still waiting for gasenwagen
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-10-02 23:44:55 asciilifeform: at the time was doin' time in a darpa-powered lulzmine where orders were to 'canhaz auto-determinator of algo complexity when algo given in such-such format'
asciilifeform: so yes, fully expect that there's a darpa solicitation for contract to build mega-machine that'll determine who's aboutta allahakhbar by monitoring fart counts in public shitters in coffee shops.
asciilifeform: with 150e6$ award, to deloitte, or lockheed, or somesuch.
asciilifeform: most not even seekrit at all, they're right there on www, like that idiocy there
asciilifeform: (sometimes there's a 'seekrit addendum', it normally consists of review of the totalitarian nonsense already in place with which new thing'd compete )
asciilifeform not envies the kgb folx paid to read & summarize this liquishit, if anyone dies of boredom, that'd be who
asciilifeform: there's 0 doubt that some stuffed shirt has wet dreams of mega-machine that watches faces of who's standing in front of billboards with 8ft portrait of clitler, and whose face not filled with reverant worship, marked for lifetime satellite tracking and 'monitored for deviancy'
asciilifeform walked around in dc earlier today, after lenghy hiatus, noticed gigantic poles with dozen+ cameras hanging off'em, as if in dystopian film. and that good % of'em are dangling by their cables, and some evidently snapped, lol
asciilifeform: characterizing portrait of reich & its wunderwaffen.
asciilifeform: 'osprey's flying ~100m back'n'forth over park, rattling car windows, terrorizing tourists
asciilifeform: guess it was in case sumbody's sexually abusing a sakura tree ? or looking at capitol a bit too seditiously
asciilifeform: (meanwhile flooded sidewalk had helpful sign, 'will be fixed in 2026, courtesy of biden's Rescue America program' shittheenot )