Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2024-03-08 | 2024-03-11 →
hapax: hello!
hapax: $ticker btc usd
busybot: Current BTC price in USD: $69679.56
hapax: hello, awt
hapax: there seems to be little to no traffic on weekends, huh?
awt_akris[asciilifeform]: Welcome. What/who brings you here?
awt_akris[asciilifeform]: These days yes
hapax: got an invitation from asciilifeform
awt_akris[asciilifeform]: Ah yes!. Neat. I notice your messages appear to be showing up as multiline. What station implementation are you using?
hapax: huh, they seem okay on my end. i'm using jonsykkel's smalpest and connecting to it via erc
awt_akris[asciilifeform]: Yeah they look fine in the weblog too. Must be something weird about how my station is handling them. Maybe some cr/lf issue.
hapax: first thing i thought of as well, suspected it might be on my end somewhere
hapax: but yeah, both weblogs seem fine
hapax: (unless erc messes something up and the bot conveniently ignores it)
hapax: probably not a smalpest problem, would've been caught earlier (i'm using the latest git version)
awt_akris[asciilifeform]: Yeah I don't think anyone else will see it, as I'm the only one using this particular station implementation, and it's the only one that does multiline display afaik.
hapax: you're using akris, right? (i mean, according to your handle)
hapax: i thought it was intended to replace blatta
hapax: (i might not be up to date, have only been lurking sporadically past few months)
hapax: the rest of the folks still on the old version?
awt_akris[asciilifeform]: It's kind of a re-write of blatta with bugfixes + a gui.
awt_akris[asciilifeform]: Yes I believe so.
hapax: got it
hapax: my peststation currently only has a text terminal i/o and unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) doesn't run python
hapax: so smalpest is the only way to go for me unless i write my own implementation
awt_akris[asciilifeform]: Is it running dos?
hapax: lol, not yet
hapax: but i thought about trying to run smalpest on dos
hapax: it's a static musl-based unix-like
hapax: got the static smalpest at around 190k with musl-1.2.4 and gcc-4.9.4
hapax: i actually miss something like musl for dos
hapax: right now if you wanna do posix-like on dos it's either glibc or various incompatible libcs bundled with c compilers (with incompatible versions of c)
hapax: you can get it to work (sometimes with effort), but it's not out of the box
hapax: i wanted to try the musl approach with my ada runtime for dos (ward)
hapax: should compile without any problems on a stock gcc with only a few modifications
hapax: and it talks directly to the kernel ave1-style (without going through libc like stdlibs for other languages)
asciilifeform: welcome to pestnet, hapax
asciilifeform: re dos, a useful (but afaik not exists yet) item: 64bit extender, a la dos32a, dos4gw, etc ( dos not necessarily sits on 486... )
asciilifeform: (would make for a faster ffa there, among other things)
hapax: hello, asciilifeform
hapax: thanks for having me here
hapax: i agree, i thought about how something like that could've worked
hapax: unfortunately stuck to 32 bits for now
hapax: i remember some of the freedos folks were once aiming for a "protected mode" dos
hapax: might go for a "long mode" one as well
hapax: identity mapping the entire available mem, ring 0 only, etc.
hapax: templeos-style
asciilifeform: the orig rationale for 'ffa on dos' was 'crypto on nicless/airgapped box, single-tasking, 0 extraneous softs, boot in <1s', roughly
asciilifeform: above would do the job a++
asciilifeform: the iron not necessarily needs to be vintage/32b
hapax: i'd have to check how much work it would take to actually port dpmi to amd64
hapax: some of the api can stay 32b, but all the memory references would have to be extended
hapax: i guess dos64a is not impossible, but it would take time
hapax: i actually never got to properly testing the speed of ffa on my opteron
asciilifeform: in variant where all i/o via uart, not even need the dos... bare iron would work just same
hapax: yeah, sure
asciilifeform on a break from commercial worx, and very recently picked ffa back up, there's several unreleased chapters from 2020 that need cleanup
hapax: i was thinking more of running the signature checker, etc.
hapax: definitely gonna read
hapax: btw, i've managed to run on ash (busybox)
asciilifeform: extended-gcd, in particular (can't generate rsa keys w/out it)
hapax: needed just a few changes to make it posix-compatible
hapax: guess the cat-v crowd is gonna be happy
asciilifeform: hapax: when you get a chance, plz post the patch, i'ma include it
hapax: got it
asciilifeform: btw hapax, do make peerings w/ other people, 1 of the major wins of pest net is resilience of links
asciilifeform: (vs dark age irc etc)
asciilifeform must bbl
hapax: sure thing, gonna hang out as much as i can
jonsykkel[asciilifeform]: re crlf ur mesages hapax has a 0a in end (, id gues the irc client sends a extra 0a and smalpest dosnt catch it (wander who wrote that pile of trasj) so just passes it on to pest mesage
← 2024-03-08 | 2024-03-11 →