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← 2023-09-11 | 2023-09-13 →
shinohai[busybot]: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-08-30#1030166 << In attempt to assist with this on the pentacle side of things, I mirrored it all here: http://btc.info.gf/devel/pentacle/
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-08-30 18:58:14 signpost: whelp, I have apparently lost that server. while I have my software projects handy, I did not have a recent backup of that database. couple of (albeit quiet) years of data lost.
shinohai[busybot]: The tarball is exactly same as torrent contents, but the link builds/vtree at bottom of page will contain some personal pbuilds that others may or may not find useful.
lobbes[asciilifeform]: has anyone tried bootstrapping pentacle on aarch64? I bought one of those pinebooks and was experimenting putting a pentacle environment on it
lobbes[asciilifeform]: however, debootstrap appears to be failing when trying to chroot into the filesystem it creates. Error for reference (btw ty shinohai for providing this pastebin on your www): https://btc.info.gf/paste/0ccc75
lobbes[asciilifeform]: I've very little experience with chroot, but from my initial research it seems that this is because debootstrap is trying to chroot into a amd64 filesystem, whereas my pinebook is aarch64. I'll abandon pentacle-on-pinebook for now if so, but wanted to see if I'm missing something simple here
← 2023-09-11 | 2023-09-13 →