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← 2023-06-23 | 2023-06-25 →
awt_akris[asciilifeform]: !!ticker btc usd
signpost[asciilifeform]: I'm having a real hard time believing that wagner's just cruising up the road towards Moscow in tanks, APCs, and helicopters without incident.
signpost[asciilifeform]: the layers of bullshit here are fascinating.
awt_akris[4]: Reportedly they are calling it a "march for justice" or something like that.
phf: << this is peak fog of war, wherever i look, there's a lot of disinformation and delusion
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-06-24 11:12:56 signpost[asciilifeform]: I'm having a real hard time believing that wagner's just cruising up the road towards Moscow in tanks, APCs, and helicopters without incident.
phf[asciilifeform]: << presumably branding by the same people who are also saying that wagner is on the side of the ukrain
dulapbot: Logged on 2023-06-24 12:18:07 awt_akris[4]: Reportedly they are calling it a "march for justice" or something like that.
signpost[asciilifeform]: yeah, I have nfi.
signpost[asciilifeform]: whether what's in the video is real or not.
signpost[asciilifeform] wonders how much of the ukr aid money was bribes.
phf: so far i would guess it's a разборка, and the color revolution-ism are opportunistic ops by other operators
phf: e.g. in that tweet's comments somebody authoritatively says, that prigozhin has a troll farm and auto dialers. why would he though?
signpost[asciilifeform]: what's that word mean in cultural context?
phf: criminal gangs figuring out disputes over control and territory in an armed confrontation, as represented in this randomly pulled from youtube clip
phf: from разобраться verb to figure things out
phf: but in a broader context calling something a razborka is to say that its effects are usually irrelevant to those who are not involved. yesterday you were dealing with sergey, tomorrow with boris, same terms, etc.
signpost[asciilifeform]: got it, political reshuffle with some bleeding, but not total destruction of the losing side(s)
signpost[asciilifeform]: so rivals within putin's circle figuring it out.
phf: yeah, "usually", because of course you can have unintended consequences, like both sides destroying themselves in a bloodshed (with a third side to swoop in, etc)
phf: even troll farms are having a hard time positioning this as a "slava ukraini" kind of moment, but i'm sure some narrative will form soon. which is usually a sign that alphabet is not involved, because those guys have a pithy ready to roll of your tongue narrative going out just as the happening is happening.
phf: oh hey remember that submarine that went missing, haven't heard anything about it, i'm sure they are all safely home by now
signpost[asciilifeform]: also something something aliens. or not, but later something again.
signpost[asciilifeform]: doesn't work yet, but getting there.
signpost[asciilifeform]: squirt and slurp would be the entrypoints if anybody wants to eyeball
phf: tldr, world domination when
asciilifeform: << a++ point ( the goebbelses atm mostly silent )
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-06-24 13:01:22 phf[4]: even troll farms are having a hard time positioning this as a "slava ukraini" kind of moment, but i'm sure some narrative will form soon. which is usually a sign that alphabet is not involved, because those guys have a pithy ready to roll of your tongue narrative going out just as the
asciilifeform: prolly not for long tho.
asciilifeform: if d00d stays alive long enuff, there'll be lolcat memes featuring caesars, rubicons, etc. and whatnot
phf: but also releases in the past ~~40 minutes,
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-06-24 13:11:25 signpost: doesn't work yet, but getting there.
phf: and here's words from батька "we had some disagreements, walked to moscow, no blood was spill, now there's possibility of blood, so we came to agreement, we're turning around and going to field camps"
signpost[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: squirt mostly works. decoder’s not done, missing some logic yet
signpost[asciilifeform]: need to finish the code that traverses to other solvable checkblocks when a solved message block makes them solvable, and need to write the part that handles when an auxblock popped out, which is equiv in the decoding process to a checkblock with many edges
signpost[asciilifeform]: aka high-degree.
awt_akris[asciilifeform]: !!ticker btc usd
← 2023-06-23 | 2023-06-25 →