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← 2023-05-19 | 2023-05-23 →
awt[asciilifeform]: << "Server nodes communicate using a Gossip-like protocol, removing the need for a spanning-tree routing and making netsplits, as they occur in legacy servers, a thing of the past. While a server may still become isolated from the network due to networking faults, the loss of a single c
awt[asciilifeform]: onnection will not disrupt the network."
asciilifeform: awt: pretty lulzy read, e.g. 'a globally-unique event ID' (how? if nominally p2p)
asciilifeform: cherche le femme^H^H^H^H^Hcentralizedhitler
asciilifeform unsurprised to discover subj is in 'rust' lol
asciilifeform: 'Despite the arbitrarily-connected Gossip network, duplicate or out-of-order processing of events will not occur' << ditto
asciilifeform: ... but if somebody actually read the src, and in fact found a working perpetuum mobile in there, plox to post.
asciilifeform: per their docs, loox like there's in fact no attempt to p2pize handle uniqueness -- instead same old centralized fleanode-style mechanics.
asciilifeform: (not clear wai bothered with the various 'gossip' window dressing, then)
awt[asciilifeform]: incidentally asciilifeform I have python3 built on a dulap.
asciilifeform: awt: from stock portage ?
awt[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: don't recall how it got on there.
awt[asciilifeform]: Possibly was a dep of something else I installed.
awt[asciilifeform]: Did some firearems training on a glock 19 this weekend.
awt[asciilifeform]: Instructor had many stories about how he + friends ended up needing guns. Duh. You live in Stockton and sell retail.
awt[asciilifeform]: Also entertaining story about finding guns small enough for a midget and his daughter.
awt[asciilifeform]: Mentioned having to kill someone in the line of duty. Cop mindset very interesting.
awt[asciilifeform]: "centrist" - blissfully unaware of who decides what's extreme, overton window, etc.
asciilifeform: awt: even coupla sessions with good instructor is, asciilifeform found, actually good 'bang for the buck' (when yer a noob)
awt[asciilifeform]: was a *10 hour* session lol
awt[asciilifeform]: he brought like 20 different guns
asciilifeform took a similar class 2y ago
awt[asciilifeform]: "before I tell you how to hold a gun, here's my life story"
asciilifeform: was nifty, d00d had a farm with a large circular pit in a field
awt[asciilifeform]: ah yes, this was in a vineyard
asciilifeform was joining a private club, which req'd a 'can hit broad side of barn' cert from instructor
asciilifeform: prolly best thing for staying in practice is to live in 'middle of nowhere' like phf, and do it in the forest erry weekend. but not erryone lives in forest
asciilifeform: and 'leadcoin' aint cheap these days
asciilifeform: << political pov of typical policeman is 'whatever not risks pension cheque' afaik
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-05-22 12:49:00 awt: "centrist" - blissfully unaware of who decides what's extreme, overton window, etc.
asciilifeform: 'Befehl ist Befehl'(tm)
signpost[asciilifeform] spent some time farting around in C for online-codes next step, with _mm256_xor_si256 for bulk xor over the mmap'd files
signpost[asciilifeform]: oughta produce a motherfucker of a speedup, will figure out exactly how much soon.
signpost[asciilifeform] did not see much wisdom in pressing on either with python or sbcl, rather than getting this piece done with bulk low-level operations, and letting those call over via ffi
signpost[asciilifeform]: on the sbcl side, had the bulk bit operations (like bit-xor) over bit-vectors, but I didn't see how to get a bit-vector backed by mmap'd file.
signpost[asciilifeform]: anyway, fully in hail satan, write C mode for that item.
asciilifeform: signpost: asciilifeform had some lulzy experiences with simd instrs but imho is worth to experiment/compare
asciilifeform: signpost: see whether you can determine whether the xor is even bottleneck at all
asciilifeform in the linked example, sampled stochastically and found where the thing 'sat' most
asciilifeform: doing this not reqs any special softs, can use ordinary gdb with a little scripting
phf: << unsupervised range is 2 minutes driving
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-05-22 13:24:23 asciilifeform[jonsykkel|awt|deedbot]: prolly best thing for staying in practice is to live in 'middle of nowhere' like phf, and do it in the forest erry weekend. but not erryone lives in forest
asciilifeform: phf: nifty
asciilifeform pictured phf simply using target on printer paper nailed to tree
phf: well, that's about it, with only difference, that i actually have a wood frame stand, dyi out of 2x4s, that i sometimes drive out and sometimes leave there
phf: one thing i discovered, and i think there might be better methods, but when i attach a scope to a rifle, it helps to have large area of cardboard, that you can just shoot at, and you want it to be big so that the round lands ~somewhere~ on the target
phf: 􏿽and i buy protective cover cardboard rolls from lowes, so you can just roll out a chunk, staplegun it to the frame, draw a large black dot that's 1-moa for whatever distance, and then i just shoot until i started getting rounds within 1-moa, and then i switch targets to a store bou
phf: 􏿽ght one where i can work on keeping the 1-moa
phf: there's probably better and cheaper methods to getting into the ballpark, then having a very large target that you can't miss, but this method works. you can't do it with juts "printed paper on a tree". maybe if you're practicing with an iron sight kalash, while in the woods of ukrain or something
phf: foo
phf: man, both loggers still don't support newlines in messages!
awt[asciilifeform]: adding in some basic validation that was sorely lacking in blatta:
awt[asciilifeform]: also checks that the address is valid
awt[asciilifeform]: interesting fact re: atahualpa - learned chess before he was hastily garotted.
awt[asciilifeform]: signpost: will use/make C bindings
awt[asciilifeform]: er, python bindings
signpost[asciilifeform]: yeah, I'm gonna make the thing into a liboc, oughta lift into python or lisp just fine.
signpost[asciilifeform]: << will test whether. my thought was that an item might be broadcasted for a while while "seeding", and that item's probably sitting in the fs cache in ram after the first full pass-through, so these ops would be faster, but that's just what my butt says.
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-05-22 17:00:15 asciilifeform[4]: signpost: see whether you can determine whether the xor is even bottleneck at all
signpost[asciilifeform]: it's a very simple change to just iterate through and ^
← 2023-05-19 | 2023-05-23 →