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← 2023-03-11 | 2023-03-13 →
awt[asciilifeform]: !!ticker btc usd
billymg[asciilifeform]: looks like there's been a ~$200 spread between binance and coinbase for the last day or two
billymg[asciilifeform]: which is unusual
billymg[asciilifeform]: possible due to USDC (the usg's "stablecoin") getting dumped on
mod6[asciilifeform]: !!ticker btc usd
signpost[asciilifeform]: seems like the exchange rate has to crash near-term if there's going to be a bank panic.
mod6[asciilifeform]: yellen: 'no bailouts'; tell_me_more.jpg
signpost[asciilifeform]: to actually buy BTC with company store credits you have to be able to get the company store credits onto the fake exchanges
signpost[asciilifeform] hoping for an 8k-10k splat at least
signpost[asciilifeform]: after that, USD may resume its death throes
mod6[asciilifeform]: re: company shitcoin -> fake exchange; bingo
mod6[asciilifeform]: will make for an interesting 'beware ides of march'
signpost[asciilifeform]: reminds me to do my taxes
mod6[asciilifeform]: ugh, yah, sucks.
mod6[asciilifeform]: im somewhat suprised that von hindenberg didn't want to take ltcg to >40%, figured he'd be clapping for 80%
mod6[asciilifeform]: as if it all isn't savage enough
mod6[asciilifeform]: these guys are like, 'oh .ru giant mining farm? sell 40k and crash market. that'll do it.' herp.
mod6[asciilifeform]: aka '.ru has bomb? np, just crash the U market, that'll fix.'
mod6[asciilifeform]: re: 8-10k, moar for us! make #bitcoin-assets great again!
mod6[asciilifeform]: (for those souls who remember the ole p2p days)
dulapbot: (asciilifeform) 2023-03-12 asciilifeform: ftr ^ lolbug: reich.dst-induced crash in ping/pong, apparently erry yr!
asciilifeform: billymg: pheature req : if yer bot aint logging #a, plox to disable, when you get a chance, link munging for same.
asciilifeform: (atm these end up pointing into limbo)
billymg[asciilifeform]: yeah, it's annoying, i just now had to go manually copy/paste that link from irc
asciilifeform: not so much happens in #a these days; but 1ce in a blue moon, n00b appears, or the like.
asciilifeform: ( and mats still sitting there, for whatever reason, and iirc BingoBoingo came up for air last yr )
billymg[asciilifeform]: will have it done in the next few days
asciilifeform: ty billymg
awt[asciilifeform]: Signature bank shutdown with $240m in deposits from Coinbase.
billymg[asciilifeform]: !!ticker btc usd
billymg[asciilifeform]: based cz continuing to btfo nato trannies
signpost[asciilifeform]: shit's getting hysterical out there eh?
awt[asciilifeform]: Tried to shutdown the onramps to btc - ended up insuring all bank deposits up to ∞
← 2023-03-11 | 2023-03-13 →