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awt[asciilifeform]: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-02-18#1023633 << please disgregard - this patch is suffering about 40% brain damage
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-02-18 11:21:46 awt[jonsykkel|deedbot|signpost]: cgra et al.: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=UXKZ << patch to send ac only on launch/new key/address change for review
mod6[asciilifeform|cgra]: Updated to v9970, got the playback.
mod6[cgra]: ok, sync'd. helo?
awt[cgra]: Lol was just going to comment - restarted and all the sudden getting a flood of getdatas from mod6
awt[cgra|asciilifeform]: phf, asciilifeform, cgra: my station is currently on Blatta 9969. AC from my station should be very rare going forward.
awt[cgra|asciilifeform]: Intersting "pheature" of this patch is that you can manually trigger an ac broadcast.
awt[cgra|asciilifeform]: Would be great if someone with a flaky IP could test it.
cgra: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-02-19#1023773 << somehow this isn't netchained to mod6's, but to prev awt's
bitbot[cgra]: Logged on 2023-02-19 09:42:31 awt: Lol was just going to comment - restarted and all the sudden getting a flood of getdatas from mod6
bitbot[cgra]: Logged on 2023-02-19 09:42:25 mod6[5]: hai
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-02-19 08:52:15 awt: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-02-18#1023633 << please disgregard - this patch is suffering about 40% brain damage
cgra: none of awt's recent messages showing up in bitdash log are netchained to any of mod6's. perhaps a useful case for study. noticed because can't see any of mod6's messages yet. came online only recently
awt[cgra|asciilifeform]: cgra: also interesting that this message was not displayed to my irc client: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-02-19#1023772
bitbot[cgra]: Logged on 2023-02-19 09:42:25 mod6[5]: hai
awt[cgra|asciilifeform]: Possibly received before my irc client connected to my blatta station.
awt[cgra|asciilifeform]: Incidentally my station is still fielding getdata requests from mod6.
deedbot[cgra]: $25,070
awt[cgra]: nice
signpost[cgra] curious whether BTC will crash with the stock market as recession drags on.
signpost[cgra]: would be nice to see some stonk money flee *into* BTC.
signpost[cgra]: also hilarious that SEC chairman said recently, to quote, "not your keys, not your crypto"
awt[asciilifeform]: Very weird recession, anyway. Mostly tech/finance. Of course there isn't really a working class anymore which could lose any jobs.
signpost[cgra]: and tech was way overbought on labor.
asciilifeform: signpost: overbought on pumping dough through sv slaves to california landlords, at any rate
asciilifeform: mod6: are you running an ancient blatta? try recent one
asciilifeform: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-02-19#1023792 << sadly when 'flees', does so typically into papercoin, with ~0 effect on exchrate
bitbot[asciilifeform|cgra]: Logged on 2023-02-19 11:27:51 signpost: would be nice to see some stonk money flee *into* BTC.
phf: mod6's packets didn't retranslate to me either
phf: asciilifeform, found some lulz for you
phf: was looking for lisp tcl stuff and found a project by a ru guy https://тхаб.рф/wiki/Яр_(язык_программирования)
phf: e.g. http://plana.mybb.ru/viewforum.php?id=60 Проект "Русскоязычный ассемблер"
phf: ph.d. level entomology
phf: `Среда программирования на "русском" Си' of course everything's on windows, full lul gems
phf: 􏿽«Возможность писать код на кириллице с минимальным переключением между раскладками. К сожалению эту проблему победить полностью не получится, так как ч
phf: 􏿽асть символов есть только на английской раскладке.»
phf: «Нужна ли руссификация чисел? В Си при записи чисел используются также и буквы латинского алфавита.»
asciilifeform: phf: lulzy, '90s nostalgic flavour.
asciilifeform recalls ancient b00kz with cyrillicised pascal examples
bitbot[cgra|asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-02-19 12:42:01 phf[awt|deedbot]: 􏿽«Возможность писать код на кириллице с минимальным переключением между раскладками. К сожалению эту проблему победить полностью не получится, так
asciilifeform has a yellowing '80s b00k re forth, by one of these 'delatinizers', lulzy
asciilifeform wonders whether ru medicinal prescriptions are still written in bastardized latin. last knew -- they were
cgra: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-01-17#1020639 << asciilifeform, to go back to this, there's one angle to consider: if command was hashed, it would eliminate a problem class of command ambiguity. if hashed, fiddling with command would require sending an entirely different message, which is then handled as a cross-ref malfo
cgra: rm, broadcast chain pointing to direct, or vice versa. case of malform required to handle anyway. OTOH, currently is dedicated handling needed for case when different peers send different command for same message
bitbot[cgra]: Logged on 2023-01-17 06:29:52 cgra[jonsykkel]: ...or more like, a peer can send us anything anyway, cmd hashing won't help
asciilifeform: cgra: can you think of a hypothetical 'demented peer mutates command' that wouldn't already result in insta-discard ?
asciilifeform: i suppose could switch a broadcast to direct, and the peer to whom you send this will see mysteriously-unfindable antecedents
asciilifeform: this'll only piss off yer 1 peer to whom you do this
asciilifeform: ( and it'll only even get processed if he hasn't seen the net broadcast with that hash yet, lol )
asciilifeform: in general, a broadcast msg with 'fiddled' command will only even be noticed by those who not received the original yet.
cgra: handling algo = if in doubt, assume command which suits chain values best?
asciilifeform: (if already received original -- its hash will be in the filter)
asciilifeform: cgra: under what circumstances would 'in doubt' ?
asciilifeform: if yer peer is sending you directs which contain broadcast antecedents, you'll be 'seeing red' and can ask him 'wtf, buggy client? plz fix'
asciilifeform: ditto if peer is regularly emitting broadcasts with unfindable antecedents
asciilifeform: both possible directions of this misbehaviour will result in folx 'seeing red' and can ask 'wtf', if not received satisfactory answr -- unpeer.
asciilifeform: in neither case does it break anyffin, or allow a net inhabitant to gum up traffic, afaik
asciilifeform: the 1 headache asciilifeform can presently think of , is that a joker could take a broadcast, mutate cmd to direct, and 'poison' peers who haven't received the original yet. so possibly oughta store cmd in the filter next to hash, and a match req's both.
asciilifeform: aand you'd only need to look at it when processing a direct.
asciilifeform: and can safely unpeer anybody found doing it.
asciilifeform: ( ftr , pest philosophy is that peers could misbehave in arbitrary ways, but the only necessary thing is that it must be made obvious to station operator ~which peer~ is doing so )
asciilifeform: e.g. nuffin prevents a peer from spamming a GB of liquishit to his net. but it'll happen precisely once, and then he finds himself w/out any peers )
cgra 's brain on a (permanent?) slow gear, i gotta give it some time, asciilifeform
awt[asciilifeform]: 9969 sig EXPERIMENTAL not-to-spec AC spam reduction patch
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