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← 2023-01-08 | 2023-01-10 →
crtdaydreams[cgra]: and happy new year (I'm a bit late lol)
awt[asciilifeform]: $ticker btc usd
busybot: Current BTC price in USD: $17318.57
awt[asciilifeform]: Fun Costa Rican catch-22: You can only drive on your foreign license for 90 days AND You can't apply for a Costa Rican license unless you've been in country for 91 days.
asciilifeform: awt: consecutively ?
awt[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: yes
signpost[asciilifeform]: by day 91 they expect you to have a pack of bitches driving you around, or consider you failed.
awt[asciilifeform]: signpost: yeah well my bitch's visa expires soon
asciilifeform: seems par for the course in bananistans -- yer expected to 'follow 11th commandment' & pay bakshish if stopped by police
signpost[asciilifeform] just making jokes over here.
asciilifeform: rather like uruguay customs
asciilifeform: ( i.e. if you actually insist on having 'all paperwork in order' you'll pay over9000 )
asciilifeform: a sort of 'fool tax' on reich escapees
awt[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: I was in fact already stopped a few days after the limit. For some reason they let me off and gave me a fist bump.
asciilifeform recalls his fool's errand of trying to get a 'legit' bank acct in ro
asciilifeform: (spoiler: impossible)
signpost[asciilifeform]: ticos are pretty cool. awt are you making a permanent relocation down there?
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-01-09 13:54:02 signpost: just making jokes over here.
awt[asciilifeform]: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-01-09#1020230 << I wouldn't say permanant but certainly indefinite and likely at least a year so I can take advantage of the foreign earned income exclusion while while I have a contract.
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-01-09 13:56:43 signpost: ticos are pretty cool. awt are you making a permanent relocation down there?
awt[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: As I'm sure you know all the foreign banks report on you to the IRS. There's some sort of reward system. That said here at least having a local account makes everything payment related 10x easier.
asciilifeform: awt: not only report, but this appears to be enuff of a headache for'em that in many places they simply tell you to fuckoff if you've only us passport.
asciilifeform: (afaik they get no rewards, only buncha paperwork to fill at own expense, per reich treaty obligation)
awt[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: I definitely read somewhere that some of the massive fines you pay if caught goes to reward local snitches.
asciilifeform: awt: would make sense, but asciilifeform has nfi ; not actively followed subj since '17 expedition
signpost[asciilifeform] notices that asciilifeform's packets are coming from a new port
signpost[asciilifeform]: pulled the updated port from deedbot's AT, but still hearing as hearsay from this station
signpost[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: did you receive that deedbot message directly?
asciilifeform: signpost: nope, recvd via awt
signpost[cgra]: weird, because you looked current in deedbot's AT
asciilifeform not, apparently, switched dynamic ip here
asciilifeform: signpost: and deedbot seems to be current on this end
asciilifeform meanwhile, lulzily, found that the wx widget most suited to displaying log lines is atrociously slow on gtk/linux (blazing fast on crapple, for all the good that does asciilifeform) so will have to 'draw' that one (and handle text sel., etc somehow) after
asciilifeform: * after all
asciilifeform: how 'drawing' worx ftr. moar or less 'naked' x11-style, tho you do get a font renderer.
asciilifeform considers a log view where can't select/copypasta quite useless
asciilifeform: the usual way to display 'civilized' word-wrapped/selectable/pastable text in wx ftr. dunwork with the 'fast' scrolled window thing tho, cuz creates objects, no longer 'fast'.
asciilifeform: this is why os-supplied gui widgets are ugh. (and aint a wx-specific issue at all for that matter) -- can't meaningfully compose them in arbitrary way
asciilifeform encountered this kinda horror before.
bitbot[asciilifeform]: (asciilifeform) 2022-01-04 asciilifeform: cgra: that aint the hard part. the hard (and seemingly impossible part) is permitting ~clickable~ links in edit box ~while it is editable~, none of the existing gui kits for x11 seem to support it.
asciilifeform has notion that he can 'cheat' by 'floating' a wxtextctrl on top of log line when clicked, where can then select etc
asciilifeform: ugly tho.
← 2023-01-08 | 2023-01-10 →