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← 2023-01-06 | 2023-01-08 →
awt[asciilifeform]: $ticker btc usd
busybot: Current BTC price in USD: $16913.13
awt[asciilifeform]: shinohai: did you ever read Steelstorm?
awt[cgra]: Loving all the diagrams in the pre_draft.
awt[asciilifeform]: Given that support for irc clients is no longer specified, it appears that significant work will need to go into porting any extant irc bots.
awt[asciilifeform]: cgra are you running the gui in a different thread than the blatta station? If so how do you communicate between them?
cgra: awt: yeah, different threads. just yesterday tried to put them in one thread, for simplicity, but i didn't like it due to apparent difficulty of achieving a snappy ui feel
cgra: awt: i currently have two queue.Queue's for passing pest messages between threads, plus a threading.Lock to coordinate any periodic events
cgra: awt: and finally, i have separate State objects for each thread, so can let sqlite do it's own thread coordination
asciilifeform has sumthing resembling a very traditional (wx) gui for pest, then set out to bake cpp pestron to go with it. so far have pseudo-terminal knob/cmd processor and config save etc. and not so much else
cgra: asciilifeform: do you plan to use sqlite?
asciilifeform: cgra: originally planned, but nao considering various crackpotteries to avoid
asciilifeform: ... to avoid using sqlite
awt[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: are you going to "standardize" the interface between your gui and station?
asciilifeform: awt: atm it's 'integrated' (tho not too tightly) but defo planning 'headless' mode
asciilifeform: awt: currently asciilifeform's notion is to make a 'for civilians' pestron, i.e. 1 gui proggy that runs on all 3 traditional os; but not intended as 'final solution to pestron problem' by any means
asciilifeform: asciilifeform's pestron will be simply yet-anuther-pestron.
asciilifeform: (thought is: in 'headless mode', could drive bots via socket. but aint there yet, still implementing various basics)
← 2023-01-06 | 2023-01-08 →