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bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-08-31 11:07:06 jonsykkel:
phf[asciilifeform]: << why not hardcopy? i suspect you have them within hand reach
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-08-31 10:55:03 asciilifeform[4]: << asciilifeform freely admits to having seriously eaten such sections as were relevant to things he was doing at the time; most recently ffaism
phf[asciilifeform]: << you have a grace period to apply it, before you become a filthy hoarder :>
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-09-01 09:04:57 shinohai: At risk of phf calling me a hoarding poser I took the files jonsykkel uploaded, combined them to single file with Ghostscript, and mirrored here
phf[asciilifeform]: i probably wouldn't use combined version, i have some pretty good recollection of what lives in which book
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: << does mink oil darken the leather a lot? and are you treating it like ordinary boot polish and use it to buff out scruffs etc?
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-08-30 09:00:54 phf[awt]: either way you want to take care of them, i usually clean mine with dry brush, and then wipe with a rag and mink oil (leather boot stores sell "care" packages)
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: atm looking at 8085s
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-08-30 09:22:54 phf[awt]: or better yet 3, 1 pair of dress boots and 2 pairs of daily work boots that you rotate daily
phf[asciilifeform]: << i wouldn't be able to tell you from experience. i've been told before that mink oil weakens leather, but because it's made form mink fat, i suspect there's also an ulterior motive. i only apply mink oil to my already black boots, and it definitely darkens, i.e. it goes from
phf[asciilifeform]: black grayish to almost enitrely black
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-09-02 03:23:13 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel|awt]: << does mink oil darken the leather a lot? and are you treating it like ordinary boot polish and use it to buff out scruffs etc?
phf[asciilifeform]: i bought my first "proper" leather boots a decade ago at a hippie boots store in ashville, nc and they suggested this stuff which is what i've been using on my more expensive leather, and also horse tack and it definitely "darkens", but not in a sense
phf[asciilifeform]: of "oiling", more like giving leather richer tone
phf[asciilifeform]: pretty much every treatment darkens leather, because it's inherent to the process. with quality leather it's not going to be like you went from brown to black, usually it just gets richer, deeper
phf[asciilifeform]: actually i'm not sure about mink oil in general, i've been applying them to my cheap boots, but either from inexpensive leather, the arena sand abrasion, or mink oil being bad they developed cracks in the toe bend. i'm going to switch it to some other shit, probably obenaufs and see if it improves the situation
asciilifeform: << normally yes, lol, but atm still at old house
bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2022-09-02 00:10:06 phf[awt]: << why not hardcopy? i suspect you have them within hand reach
asciilifeform: the linked mechanized knuth actually pretty handy, on acct of the indices. had nfi that it existed until phf mentioned
phf[asciilifeform]: also working search
asciilifeform: and, decadently, pdf on chinese eink box weighs 10x less than the real thing, easier to read in bed lol
asciilifeform found himself reading #4 'in order', and observed an interesting detail: unlike most usa maffs authors, knuth not reluctant to cite worx from su , and as far back as '20s
asciilifeform: ... and cites originals, not translations (does he know ru??)
awt[asciilifeform]: I have downloaded all 4 volumes. I will put them on my remarkable2 and NEVER read them. Consider them hoarded.
phf[asciilifeform]: remarkable2 pdf support is abysmal, so it's a perfect combo of unusable and unused. excellent job!
awt[asciilifeform]: phf: you're right. iirc doesn't support links in pdfs.
phf[asciilifeform]: does it support search or outline? before i handed it over to girl, i investigated it briefly, and my impression was that it was just a dumb page renderer, with nothing else
awt[asciilifeform]: phf: search, yes. not sure what you mean by outline.
awt[asciilifeform]: hmm actually does support links
signpost[asciilifeform]: afaik koreader supports all of that.
signpost[asciilifeform] bought a remarkable but went straight back to paper.
asciilifeform: 'onyx' (the ones w/ turdroid) do support, with the obv caveats
asciilifeform likes to flip around in a text 'a la bibliomancy' which epapertrons will prolly never support satisfyingly. dun mean they're 100% useless imho tho
phf[asciilifeform]: awt, those pdfs have "table of contents"
awt[asciilifeform]: phf: there's no special view for the toc, but tapping on a heading in the toc takes you to the chapter.
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: looks like my online bookstore of choice has the whole TAoCP collection availiable for preorder, hardcover and all.
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: gonna lose sleep over this one lol
bitbot[asciilifeform]: (asciilifeform) 2022-09-02 vex: thats my guesstimate to what slowed up your server room. fridge guys. ug
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