Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2022-07-19 | 2022-07-21 →
busybot[asciilifeform]: Current BTC price in USD: $23513.34
awt[asciilifeform]: $ticker btc usd
busybot[asciilifeform]: Current BTC price in USD: $23811.65
awt[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: how should port and address be ordered in a PestAddress: Should port come first?
asciilifeform: awt: good q, loox like asciilifeform failed to specify properly. port goes 1st.
asciilifeform puts this on list of req'd revs to spec
awt[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: got it
awt[asciilifeform]: Currently trying to figure out in what order python's socket.inet_aton() puts address bytes. Same as in_addr in C, but what order that would be is not clear.
asciilifeform: awt: the internal machine representation aint part of pest spec (naturally will differ b/w platforms)
awt[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: sure but would be nice to use python's built-in func for converting an address to bytes if possible.
asciilifeform: addr format is specified for address cast and prod
awt[asciilifeform]: for generating the address field for prod
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform] has not had a successful peering from whaack and billymg either
awt[asciilifeform]: crtdaydreams: not receiving anything from you
awt[asciilifeform]: ah yes IP addr was completely different in latest gpggram
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: awt: not recieving anything from you
awt[asciilifeform]: Ok well it's definitely going out
awt[asciilifeform]: key matches as well
awt[asciilifeform]: [ crtdaydreams] <- BROADCAST crtdaydreams: my logs:
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: still hearsay, I haven't got around to testing, I gotta do a bit of shitfuckery with iptables to run the two at once
awt[asciilifeform]: crtdaydreams: what do you have for me in your AT?
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: awt [no ip] and the key I sent you just before
awt[asciilifeform]: crtdaydreams: I sent you my IP in a gpggram
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-07-17 12:11:25 awt[asciilifeform]: crtdaydreams: add this to your AT:
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: awt: it shouldn't matter, only one IP should be needed as the AT *should* be updated when you send any message to me
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: odd that, I was able to peer w/ asciilifeform, jonsykkel and signpost with only 1 ip?
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: mebbe I'm missing something here
asciilifeform: wb crtdaydreams
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform|asciilifeform]: I might be missing something here
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: I was under the impression that the random port assigned at runtime that messages are sent from have no affect on the destination as long as the destination port (and ip ofc) is known.
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: asciilifeform: dun look like you're showing up in logotron
asciilifeform: crtdaydreams: it doesn't unless yer behind a nat, and too lazy to make a fwd rule and then need to tell folx the port
asciilifeform: ( this'll abolish that headache, but not implemented yet )
asciilifeform: crtdaydreams: if yer looking at mine, there's a (not yet explained) lag on occasion
crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: is there a particular name for this, I'd like to read more into exactly what is happening
← 2022-07-19 | 2022-07-21 →