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← 2021-11-17 | 2021-11-19 →
billymg: PeterL: ah, looks like bot crashed from trying to send out the echo
billymg: i won't paste the line, since it'll crash the bot again, but it's this same bug:
shinohai: gm billymg
billymg: PeterL: thimbronion: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=Cevk << crashes if you try to send a dm to a handle that you do not have as a peer
billymg: shinohai: morning shinohai
shinohai: dupes again
billymg: strange, i'm not seeing dupes
busybot: hello world
PeterL: hello busybot
busybot: PeterL: who is your daddy and what does he do?
PeterL: my dad's name is David and he is an experimental physicist
PeterL: used to design oxygen sensors for GM (he's part of the reason that all the GM cars could use E85 before anybody else), now he works on designing high-tech car display systems for some Japanese company
shinohai: cool he could prolly like program my holley computer to allow insane boost pressure or some shit xD
PeterL: maybe ... I remember when I was a toddler he wrote a couple games in Atari LOGO and I thought that was sooo cool
shinohai: that *is* cool lel
PeterL: testing?
PeterL: two pest stations have to agree on time to get any messages through, right?
PeterL: yup, gets a nice "stale packet" message in the blatta log since my system time is off by more than 15 minutes
asciilifeform: ^ achtung all tuned-in folx! ^
jonsykkel: sick
asciilifeform: updated.
← 2021-11-17 | 2021-11-19 →