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← 2020-07-14 | 2020-07-16 →
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2020/rosalbas-awakening/ << Trilema -- Rosalba's awakening
whaack: I would like some input as to what functions are necessary for a block explorer. There's really no end to all the features and different types of queries one can write and provide as an interface. So far I have prototypes for: utxos <address> , balance <address> , view-block <block-height> view-txn-by-hash <txn-hash> view-txn-by-pos <block height> <txn index> view-ancestors <block height> <txn
whaack: index> view-descendents <block height> <txn index>
diana_coman: whaack - the best way with sort of problem is to start with absolute minimum, have people use it and then ask+listen
diana_coman: nobody can tell you in advance "what's the best thing to design" but it will become clear as people use it, as simple as that.
diana_coman: with this* sort of problem
whaack: alright, i'll put one more function for viewing the rax hex of a block, start cleaning up the code, vpatch it, and then begin work on making a small web interface into the program
diana_coman: sounds like a plan; for sure best to get out a working minimal prototype and iterate *with practical use* than to spend whatever amount of time trying to get it perfect blindly like that.
whaack: sure. my guess is that the next big TODO item will be viewing txns in the memory pool since from my personal experience buying/selling bitcoins you want to see a valid txn has at least been broadcasted during the moment of a sale
diana_coman: so good, you just announced it, people can say something if they care and otherwise you have therefore already "what next" , all good.
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2020/the-making-of-a-cuckold/ << Trilema -- The making of a cuckold
← 2020-07-14 | 2020-07-16 →