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← 2020-03-10 | 2020-03-12 →
jfw: o hai thar
diana_coman: jfw dorion do I take it correctly that today was some emergency-tmsr-os-day?
jfw: so no shiny introduction article yet, but the bigger 2 of my 3 components genesised at http://fixpoint.welshcomputing.com/v/ : gscm and gbw-signer
diana_coman: jfw: is article planned for today too?
jfw: diana_coman: tonight
jfw: still on the fire engine atm.
diana_coman: jfw: what do you mean by "user-level" ? (from "ignum.scm: A user-level unsigned bignum arithmetic library")
jfw: re OS, for my part I was just responding, no emergency
jfw: diana_coman: implemented in the normal 'user' level of the language as opposed to interpreter internals
diana_coman: ah, I see (and no, I didn't think of that at all, lolz).
jfw: I later added such an internal implementation; but it was still lacking some of the necessary details like shift operations, so, sadly two numeric stacks currently (not that they're all that big).
diana_coman: jfw: well, it will most likely remain like that unless something is terribly wrong and it starts burning, I guess.
dorion: hi diana_coman, not emergency. yesterday I had followed up with trinque since a ~week had passed his estimated publish schedule for next article, then followed his response from there.
diana_coman: dorion: cool then; and huh, I thought it has been way more than a week on that tbh but possibly I'm not all that up to date with all the pushes of that schedule.
dorion: diana_coman it has, but since his latest estimate.
diana_coman: dorion: is that tmsr os page stuck/finished/where?
jfw: diana_coman: well, nothing seemed to be burning when I started on this stuff; and weren't you shocked (or "shocked") at my leisurely coding approach of trying this and that and seeing which goes best? Though I can see where the two are directly related.
diana_coman: dependencies* page
dorion: diana_coman current and last step for this draft is going through your previously supplied list
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-04 16:44:58 diana_coman: whaack: since my list of to-write is long and only getting longer and otherwise on centos I just ported the darned client to gnat anyway, here's a raw paste of notes with packages for corresponding CS stuff, from when I was simply mapping what fits what (ie see what is really needed, perhaps not all of them are): http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=KogY
jfw: diana_coman: I can't say you're wrong though at least as things seem to be now.
diana_coman: jfw: sure; anyway, my shock or lack of it can only do stuff for me, not much for anyone else, for better or for worse.
diana_coman: jfw: for that matter, since I never got around to even ask such totally unexpected question - didn't you ever find other actual people to program with?
diana_coman: dorion: ok, thanks for the update.
dorion: diana_coman are there dependencies for the eulora server that are not publically documented ?
jfw: diana_coman: there was the coinapult cto with whom I collaborated briefly, but that didn't work out, or I suppose I wasn't buying into his vision and approach enough to make it work.
dorion: hm, not sure if that question is clear.
jfw: (though perhaps "actual people" is the key word there...)
diana_coman: dorion: other than what the client needs, it would be only mysql really for the server; on the server the list of deps is to be smaller anyway.
dorion: diana_coman ok, cool, thanks.
diana_coman: jfw: that's the key word indeed; but now you answered it like that - do I take it that the coinapult situation was anyway the only time when you even attempted as such to work on programming with *someone else* at all?
jfw: diana_coman: in college there were some pair or small group projects, and I did one extracurricular doing game dev projects. Haven't sought it out since though.
diana_coman: jfw: why not?
jfw: diana_coman: I enjoyed it on my own, the going at my own pace and not having to coordinate. Maybe I didn't have a useful way of going about it.
jfw: Probably combined with a certain degree of reclusivity or unease with meeting new people generally.
diana_coman: jfw: well, the good parts are always enjoyable, sure; the only question is -as always- re the not-good parts; whether you even considered them to start with and whether they were/are indeed what you want or not, that's pretty much all there can ever possibly be from a practical point of view.
dorion: jfw from what you told me, part of what motivated you to move to Panama and do more part time work with prev employer was to have the space to develop your own skills. from my understanding the coinapult thing worked less from 'management' perspective than technical. then with brokerage there was the bias of nothing extant is secure enough, which was a big motivator for gales linux/scheme to come
dorion: to be (apart from the intrinsic enjoyment).
dorion: plus the junto seems to have provided you your fill of meeting new people for now.
jfw: diana_coman: well, I don't suppose I considered it all that deeply since I struggle now to recall reasons.
jfw: being in panama isn't too conducive to meeting top programming talent, too; better for other things
diana_coman: dorion: is the junto open doors/changing people all that frequently? I thought it was more of a relatively stable group of friends meeting.
diana_coman: jfw: well, first of all I'd struggle to quite define "top programming talent" and second I have serious doubts I totally want to meet those from what I have know/met already, lolz.
dorion: diana_coman it has fluctuated, but now it's more stable.
jfw: diana_coman: maybe we can start the definition at knowing more than JS? lol
diana_coman: jfw: anyways, I'm asking those questions because it doesn't seem that they got ever asked and I think the answers matter to you; but other than that, it's not really that *I* need the answers or anything of the sort, so I'm not even going to chase this or anything.
diana_coman: jfw: ahaha, is that a talent?
jfw: sure you can teach someone, but that's a bit different from collaborating on a project that pushes the progrmaming skills of both, no? (which as Robinson says was my own goal)
diana_coman: "is that a talent" refers to "knowing more than JS"
jfw: "skill" or "knowledge" then?
jfw: diana_coman: and yeah, not really been asked of me in a while so thanks for raising the questions.
diana_coman: jfw: useful collaboration pushes all parties for growth really, otherwise if it's all that narrow it's possibly a training machine rather than a collaboration; and for that matter you have been collaborating with dorion , obviously.
jfw: indeed
BingoBoingo had the morning's errands degrade into another series of fetch quests seeking magic papers. Along the way got vacinated for Measles, Mumps, German measles, Tetanus, and Diptheria.
← 2020-03-10 | 2020-03-12 →