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← 2020-01-29 | 2020-01-31 →
whaack: jfw: ok. I was using that link just as evidence/a clue that the nic on my graphics card is a realtek. (Of course, there are better methods to find out what my NIC is)
whaack: jfw: There was something else I saw in dmesg, when I connect my computer again I
whaack: I'll take a look again and post what I saw that may be relevant to my problem
whaack: diana_coman: EOD Report: As I was waiting for your response to the above I spent the day working on fixing the reconnect functionality for ircbot. I discovered another problem with ircbot's reconnection in addition to the one I'd mentioned before. To be able to best address the additional problem I needed to get a better understanding of system level network calls. So I spent time reading and taking notes on internet sockets, and s
whaack: pecifically looked into the functions: socket, bind, connect, listen, accept, send, recv, and accept.
ericbot: Logged on 2020-01-29 08:09:33 diana_coman: you are fine with it, cool for you; what about the stuff people were waiting on you to deliver otherwise? it's not the provider's scammy status the most interesting thing there.
lobbes: dorion: I'm going to aim for getting that Gales install and write-up complete by Sunday
lobbes: diana_coman: I want to filter these next isp providers a little more stringently; do you think as a general rule I ought to just stay away from providers that do not gpg and require 'accounts'? Also, did you use any tools/directories for searching besides e.g. duckduckgo queries?
diana_coman: whaack: wtf is that whaack_temp_trav thing?
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-01-29#1016619 - well, I couldn't even read the whole dump so the first problem is that it's unreadable really; this doesn't mean there aren't further problems otherwise; re what-do: start with the purpose of the article (giving a clear and correct description of what and how the bot does), decide on how you want to structure it and then start filling it in keeping in mind that you aim to ...
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-29 18:04:41 whaack: d article I plan to focus on what the bot does, by going through that draft and cutting out everything that I deem an implementation detail that does not aid in understanding. Then, with what I have left, I will revise the pseudocode/explanations so that they are as clear as possible.
diana_coman: ... explain and get someone (be that some future you) up to speed.
diana_coman: I would suggest you start with a blank page and use the existing draft only to extract info out of; because the trouble with trimming this one and whatevers is that you risk carrying over some of its problems anyway and there is little benefit.
diana_coman: re waiting for an answer, what can I say - you could have asked the same thing earlier; it takes some planning, yes, the horror.
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-01-30#1016624 - good; and since you looked into those and took notes, put it into the pipeline to write it up and publish it properly as an article one of those days.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-30 01:26:03 whaack: pecifically looked into the functions: socket, bind, connect, listen, accept, send, recv, and accept.
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-01-30#1016628 - the result of my dive into that specific swamp was after all that they are all quite the same wrt to want-account-won't-gpg; the differences are at most a couple of nodes down the tree of idiocy from there, with asiatics especially automated in the worst way possible; so on that side, the best I can currently say I saw at least is some that respond quickly and do as told ...
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-30 01:44:28 lobbes: diana_coman: I want to filter these next isp providers a little more stringently; do you think as a general rule I ought to just stay away from providers that do not gpg and require 'accounts'? Also, did you use any tools/directories for searching besides e.g. duckduckgo queries?
diana_coman: ... (though you might need to tell them 3,4,5 times and otherwise pre-empt their idiotic automations)
diana_coman: after all, my blog is hosted with "if it can't be the right thing, let it be at least the cheapest" - and that means re interaction too, not only monthly price; there's ample previous pain behind that.
diana_coman: lobbes: so if you want to filter them more stringently, you need to decide first what are you filtering them for ie what you really can't live with (as usual, it's the negative that defines it, what can one do)
diana_coman: re search, I took at some point in anger the map of net pipes and went from there, datacentre lists per country etc; the trouble however is that as long as you search online only, the options are really "many of the same thing" with the odd stuff quite invisible as far as I can tell.
diana_coman: (if it exists even...)
diana_coman: lobbes: also, you should publish your "fuck you, shinjiru", for your own future ref if nothing else
diana_coman: let's even see after all, can't hurt asking:
diana_coman: RubenSomsen: do you have any recommendation of a data centre in Korea/around where you live? what data centre do you use?
whaack: diana_coman: ah, apologies for the join/part spam from whaack_temp_trav. i had that nick parked in a separate channel watching to see if ircbot successfully reconnected. but somehow it passed my notice that it was also in #o
diana_coman: lolz, bots escaping notice, they'll take over next you know!
whaack: diana_coman: I'll convert my notes for the internet socket functions into an article right now. I have an outline for another article that was going to be my daily article, but the outline is not thorough enough for me to be able to convert it into an article in 1.5hours.
whaack: diana_coman: lol well the late whaack_temp_trav wasn't even a bot, it was just the nick used on my alt toliet box
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: Ishack is the venezualan I've done quite a bit of local trading with. He's interested in the fight against socialism.
whaack: Ishack: bienvenidos
diana_coman: welcome Ishack
diana_coman: jfw: is your log reading even slowing down now?
jfw: diana_coman: seems so; the 30th was on the lengthy & challenging side
diana_coman: jfw: can you actually do a first pass/scan to get up to date? and jot down what/where you want to drill down later? because at this rate, you're lucky it's relatively quiet or you'll never catch up.
jfw: Yes, I'd better.
jfw: "circumvectamur amore"
diana_coman: quite so.
diana_coman: dorion: that cryptoworld pdf made an interesting read, let's say; are there many groups like that in panama or what's the wider landscape?
diana_coman: jfw: fwiw, now looking again through the 30th Dec day of logs with your reading in mind, I can see why you found it challenging; from koschei to naggum, rochester en passant and a whole other forest of trees around, huh.
diana_coman: basically: such a pleasant day of logs!
jfw: yep, I could indeed have got lost at an arbitrary depth. Didn't even attempt any ro-translation
dorion: diana_coman there are a few public groups around 'fintech' and 'block chain'. the more public people tend to be more about 'apolitical technology'. with that being said, bitcoin dominates the market of what's traded and my understanding is the people that're doing the trading don't typically go to public events.
diana_coman: dorion: I'd expect they don't; trouble is, I expect there's more layers to "not public" and what you have there is not enough.
dorion: diana_coman not sure I take your meaning. as in it's still too public to motivate the more serious people to go ?
diana_coman: dorion: consider this: why do you think the people doing the trading don't typically go to public events?
diana_coman: (btw and just to be clear: do go to it, certainly).
dorion: diana_coman probably because they already have the relationships they need and have better things to do.
diana_coman: dorion: that doesn't seem linked directly to public or not public though, does it; ie something being not public doesn't do anything for them *in itself*.
diana_coman: and what you have there seems more specifically built to be "not public", basically as a selling point in itself really
diana_coman: dorion: essentially what you are looking for with "not public" is access to a certain WoT.
diana_coman: whether this thing is at all related to that WoT or not is the question really.
dorion: diana_coman right on all the above.
dorion: diana_coman the other leg to differentiate is to focus pretty much only on Bitcoin. e.g. someone associated with an altcoin asked to have the altcoin as a sponsor and the offer was declined.
diana_coman: dorion: can't hurt, at least, for sure.
diana_coman: dorion: why is there no mention of JWRD though? ie jfw is a special guest and you are entrepreneur and nobody would even guess you two are working together?
dorion: diana_coman yeah, that was a drop of the ball on our part. they made the flyers and we had several other corrections to give them, but didn't correct/clarify that part.
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-01-30#1016669 - also, while this was close enough to serve the purpose there, note that if they indeed really have *all* the relationships they need, it means they are pretty much stuck and not going anywhere; if they indeed stopped evaluating, there is no possible entry (nor should you wish for one really since it's more of a waste of time in such case)
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-30 17:11:34 dorion: diana_coman probably because they already have the relationships they need and have better things to do.
diana_coman: dorion: that's a bit the thing, tbh it seems to me you are overall selling yourselves a bit short there and I don't mean only specifically this event (which is just one event after all, not the end of anything either way)
diana_coman: dorion: what position are you aiming for in that whole landscape for jwrd?
diana_coman: dorion: mull it over if you need to, there's no hurry.
dorion: diana_coman thanks, I can see the selling ourselves short at time. the short story of what we're aiming for is to be the go to people for those that want to take and enforce ownership of their assets and in doing so displace/marginalize the pretenders.
dorion: at times*
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-30 17:01:03 dorion: diana_coman there are a few public groups around 'fintech' and 'block chain'. the more public people tend to be more about 'apolitical technology'. with that being said, bitcoin dominates the market of what's traded and my understanding is the people that're doing the trading don't typically go to public events.
diana_coman: dorion: being the go to people sounds to me exactly as it should be; the filtering though seems premature esp given that you aim effectively to educate too.
diana_coman: so yes, your solution solves the core problem (take and enforce ownership of own assets) but the point is that it will win on its own force, there's no need to prefilter otherwise since how can you, anyway
dorion: diana_coman that seems to resonate also with mp's advice about limiting ourselves too much to the one, concrete service we've developed.
diana_coman: dorion: yes, it does; for a small thing that popped in your comment, you said -and I'm quite sure it's an accurate description of what happened there - " he got up to speed himself the best he could in a short period "
diana_coman: so cool, but wouldn't that have been better if he knew to come to you for that getting up to speed for instance?
diana_coman: not the full blown thing, sure, but exactly that, get up to speed in a saner way.
diana_coman: to the extent that it's about bitcoin, to my mind your goal is to be the go to there, pretty much end of sentence.
dorion: I'm thinking to apply to speak at that block chain summit in march. that saifedean guy who apparently never managed to gpg or wot, but nevertheless cites mp and others previously present in his book, is a featured speaker.
ossabot: (trilema) 2017-04-02 diana_coman: !!rate saifedean -1 bla-bla peddler full of air and nothing much besides it.
diana_coman: there's a lulzy thread there where he came in trying to peddle his book with all the assorted "correct" noises
dorion: diana_coman yeah it would've been better if the guy mentioned in the comment knew to come to us. in 2017 we weren't active in marketing ourselves as such. planting and sowing the seeds to be the go to in 2020.
dorion: diana_coman lolz
ossabot: (trilema) 2017-04-02 diana_coman: it seems that academia meanwhile went even faster downhill than I thought possible; at this rate it will soon produce colouring books and "educate" people on how pencils are not even good for much besides making marks on paper (for which one can use their hands anyway! there's one chapter on that plus 10 on history of mark-making and its perks)
diana_coman: dorion: I doubt he had/has any interest in learning or owning or whatever; he had/has an interest in selling the book to "normies" and all that; basically the "sales" at its "current best", there's enough money floating around that one can get some if working the required incantations long enough/in the approved manner.
dorion: diana_coman yeah, I didn't mean he is a good fit for what we're doing, clearly he didn't want to learn. but if they're going to let him talk in my city, why not me ?
diana_coman: dorion: sure; my question to you though is why do you think you need someone to "let" you talk? set yourself up so that they will *have to* come to hear you talk, what let you.
diana_coman: figure out what you need for that and speak up and ask for it; it's not a lack of resources for intelligent works around here, at all.
dorion: diana_coman yeah, all about the set up. will do the figuring and speak up.
← 2020-01-29 | 2020-01-31 →