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← 2020-01-26 | 2020-01-28 →
dorion: ffs, the week I decide to write the dealing with death article, the best basketball player/athlete of a generation (who I probably spent days if not weeks watching during my fan years) crashes and burns on a hillside. rip kobe bryant, i suppose I'll reflect on you too in the mix.
auctionbot: S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (45h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (45h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
whaack: diana_coman: whaack: can the justification-problem be fixed? << If you mean can I fix the problem of running to excuses / explanations of why I make mistakes, then yes I certainly hope so. If you mean can my specific justification ('it was my first time!') be something that can be fixed
whaack fat fingered enter button halfway through typing
whaack: If you mean "can my specific justification ('it was my first time!') be something that can be fixed?" then no, "because it was my first time" is a useless answer to "why did you fuck up?"
whaack: doing a task for the first time is heavily correlated with messing up but it is not the cause itself
BingoBoingo: dorion: Basketball player maybe. The problem with best athlete is... specialization. See Micheal Jordan's adventures with the Chicago White Sox.
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/27/wh-review-of-week-15-jan-20th-jan-26th/ << Young Hands Club -- WH Review of Week 15 (Jan 20th - Jan 26th)
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/27/ejb-review-week-5-jan-20-jan-26/ << Young Hands Club -- ejb review: week 5 (Jan 20 - Jan 26)
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/27/wh-plan-for-week-16-jan-27th-feb-2nd/ << Young Hands Club -- WH Plan For Week 16 (Jan 27th - Feb 2nd)
dorion: BingoBoingo I grant specialization is a problem, but baseball is its own can of worms. in most professions if you deliver on a regular activity 30% of the time, you're fired. in baseball they'll not only let you hang around for 20 years if you can get a hit 30% of the time, they'll make you a hall of famer. shit, they euphemisitcally call it batting 300 cause it's so damned hard.
dorion: plus, baseball has more developmental levels to leap through prior to getting to the show than any other sport.
BingoBoingo: dorion: Baseball being its own can of worms is true. Still basketball height is a liability on the line of scrimmage in handegg. US Runningbacks are too bursty and heavy to do Euro/Latino football.
dorion: BingoBoingo picture if MJ instead went to catch or throw TDs at soldier field for da bears those years.
dorion: lol handegg.
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/27/ejb-plan-week-6-jan-27-feb/ << Young Hands Club -- ejb plan: week 6 (Jan 27 - Feb)
BingoBoingo: dorion: Tall can be an advantage in handegg up to a point. Too much height is a lot of extra injury risk in a sport built around collisions.
dorion: sure MJ's frame doesn't suit him for running back, but I don't doubt he would have had any issue dropping or catching dimes in the nfl. most of the elite quarterbacks and wide receivers around MJ's 6'6".
BingoBoingo: Now, if MJ or Kobe picked an arm and trained pitching all their lives... Their height can mean wicked speed, wicked curveballs, or both.
whaack: dorion: unrelated, you may enjoy reading You Know Me Al: A Busher's Letters I read it off of BingoBoingo's recommendation, it's pretty funny
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/27/jfw-review-week-of-dec-16-2019/ << Young Hands Club -- JFW review, week of Dec 16 2019
dorion: BingoBoingo troo. and I don't doubt that both would have owned the inner half of the plate and batter mental real estate all day, every day given their killer instincts.
BingoBoingo: dorion: That's true, but he'd have to be carrying a bit more weight and he'd likely have had a much shorter career. It's part of the specialization being treacherous.
dorion: anyways, I'm a better person for witnessing kobe compete.
dorion: BingoBingo yeah, 16-20 nfl games is brutal. then again, the nba's 100+ ain't no walk in the park.
dorion: while football is a collision sport, basketabll is a contact sport (or used to be).
dorion: whaack thanks for the link.
whaack: of course, and I forward thanks to you BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo hasn't been following sports actively in a while, especially not since flying south
dorion: diana_coman I'm sure you noticed while you were sleeping I was ~2 hrs past that 21:30 cut off, but published the plan was.
BingoBoingo: whaack: Thank you.
whaack: ^ lol new feedbot feature, messages get dm'd to you mid dream
dorion: BingoBoingo I retired from heavy fandom in ~2011ish after Kobe tore my Celtics heart out. Now I'll maybe watch a game or two a year for pure entertainment or at social gatherings and am quite happy to either not know 1/2-3/4 of the players or have my mind fucked to see old players on completely new teams.
dorion to call it a night, hasta manyana.
whaack: buenas noches
whaack: diana_coman: EOD Report: I did not do much today, my output was reviewing the fleetbot article (which came out poor), writing up the review for the week and plan for next week (neither of which are particularly detailed), and addressing some points i glossed over in my first response to mp's comment a while back.
jfw: Looking at my less-recent past appears to go easier than the more-recent. I got the missed December review without much trouble but for this week's I've hit a lot of initial resistance. Not seeing any way it gets done on time either.
jfw: though that shouldn't surprise me since apparently I tried to fit the 2 reviews in the same time frame I normally just get one, huh.
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/27/jfw-plan-week-of-jan-27-2020/ << Young Hands Club -- JFW plan, week of Jan 27 2020
auctionbot: S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (40h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (40h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: why won't you link that qntra course offer from the contribute to qntra article? or is it linked and I just missed it?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-26 22:35:34 whaack: diana_coman: whaack: can the justification-problem be fixed? << If you mean can I fix the problem of running to excuses / explanations of why I make mistakes, then yes I certainly hope so. If you mean can my specific justification ('it was my first time!') be something that can be fixed
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-01-27#1016353 - I did hear this before, except with a different sports-name, heh.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-27 00:29:12 dorion: BingoBoingo I grant specialization is a problem, but baseball is its own can of worms. in most professions if you deliver on a regular activity 30% of the time, you're fired. in baseball they'll not only let you hang around for 20 years if you can get a hit 30% of the time, they'll make you a hall of famer. shit, they euphemisitcally call it batting 300 cause it's so damned hard.
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-01-27#1016372 - ahaha; it's enough to know, what notice, lol; and glad it was, I'll read it.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-27 00:50:39 dorion: diana_coman I'm sure you noticed while you were sleeping I was ~2 hrs past that 21:30 cut off, but published the plan was.
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-01-27#1016378 - what came out poor, the article or the review or what?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-27 01:35:01 whaack: diana_coman: EOD Report: I did not do much today, my output was reviewing the fleetbot article (which came out poor), writing up the review for the week and plan for next week (neither of which are particularly detailed), and addressing some points i glossed over in my first response to mp's comment a whi
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-01-27#1016379 - was it more than just the resistance of uhm, fitting 2 in space for 1 indeed?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-27 01:51:58 jfw: Looking at my less-recent past appears to go easier than the more-recent. I got the missed December review without much trouble but for this week's I've hit a lot of initial resistance. Not seeing any way it gets done on time either.
diana_coman: hello new_yh|1
new_yh|1: Hi Diana
diana_coman: what brings you around here?
new_yh|1: curiosity, i was reading some blog posts on trilema...
new_yh|1: what is about? got my mind stuck there
diana_coman: new_yh|1: heh, curiosity is the best reason to be around really
diana_coman: new_yh|1: which bit are you asking about? there's a lot going on around here, kind of both wide and deep.
diana_coman: new_yh|1: you can change your nick to something more... yours, you know? the command is /nick what-you-want-as-nick
new_yh|1: for me is like the unseen part of life. anyway thanks! do you have a group or something? forum etc
diana_coman: Trixmi: you mean a place where people talk to one another? like...here? lolz; there are the logs, see http://logs.ossasepia.com/log
diana_coman: Trixmi: it does tend to strike people as a lot of... that unseen part of life, indeed; mainly because nowadays there seems to be so *little* part of life outside, what can one say.
Trixmi: logs are ok but i prefer structured data.
diana_coman: Trixmi: as to the "group", I guess see http://younghands.club/
diana_coman: Trixmi: o.O ; what do you mean by structured data in this context?
diana_coman: you'd want q&a ordered by a neat and all-knowingly-upfront hierarchy of "topics" and all that?
diana_coman: or "threads where we discuss X and not Y + we have moderators too because saying the bad words means you don't have a point"?
diana_coman: the blogs try - as much as that works, which is not all that much - to have reasonable categories and/or tags for articles
diana_coman: Trixmi: would you mind saying how old are you?
Trixmi: as where u can mark/search the data / threads - yes
Trixmi: 30
diana_coman: Trixmi: you can search the logs for sure; you can even download the data and get it into your own db/R/whatever and so mark it to your heart's desire
Trixmi: thank you
diana_coman: for #trilema channel there are a few summaries for some of the weeks way back, see the category on my blog; for the rest, do realise that it's precisely very much alive, hence no, doesn't fit that easily in that sort of straightjacket.
diana_coman: np; do speak up at any time and ask questions, it tends to work best.
Trixmi: (y)
diana_coman: there might be delay in receiving an answer as people are not always around; but stay connected and an answer will come, people do read the logs.
diana_coman: Trixmi: do you have a blog/write somewhere online?
diana_coman: lobbes: it seems I somehow ended up duplicating my comment on your rock article though no idea how that happened; please delete one, ofc.
diana_coman: lobbes: also, there's a "//" trailing there so possibly you have something borked in your theme
auctionbot: S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (35h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (35h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: This run through, I aimed to write around the style guide, and linking the course and bringing in material from that needs to be done for sure.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-27 04:00:42 diana_coman: BingoBoingo: why won't you link that qntra course offer from the contribute to qntra article? or is it linked and I just missed it?
whaack: diana_coman: the article itself came out poor, the review of the article has not been done yet.
whaack: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-01-26#1016290 <-- specifically, this review has not been done yet
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-26 17:47:32 diana_coman: whaack: do a proper review and update of that article as really, I can't read it.
diana_coman: whaack: review & update as in just fix it; no need to write another review article about the review etc, ok?
whaack: diana_coman: okay, but I should post the fix as a new article and leave the old one as is, correct?
diana_coman: whaack: in this particular case, just update it; hopefully it's not a FULL REWRITE you need there either, is it?
diana_coman: basically you published a draft, what can one do.
diana_coman: whaack: or do you intend a full rewrite/structural change?
whaack: diana_coman: well perhaps a different format would have been better. but in the interest of time I can trim some of that fat off this one and fix some wording to make it be somewhat useful.
whaack: diana_coman: yes I was intending to do a full rewrite
diana_coman: whaack: gah, why not aim for the right thing the first time!
diana_coman: whaack: fine then; if it's a full rewrite, it will have to be another article, yes; and time there will have to be found to do things properly, sure
diana_coman: whaack: so think it through properly this time, choose your structure well and write the 2nd article, all right.
whaack: diana_coman: okay.
diana_coman: bvt: meant to say, did you ping MP re your answer there? and I do mean specific ping "I answered this", not just this.
ossabot: (trilema) 2020-01-21 bvt: hello. i have also published and replied to all comments
auctionbot: S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (30h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (30h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-01-27#1016394 - I thought there was more resistance to even getting started on the second than the first. However this could just mean I was in some way drained after the first; also I see I did a number of tasks not strictly required at the time, causing me to start too late, so those probably amount to resistance on the first as well.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-27 04:21:49 diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-01-27#1016379 - was it more than just the resistance of uhm, fitting 2 in space for 1 indeed?
diana_coman: jfw: you know, there's also carrots, not only sticks, lol; the result of having done one review should not be "cool, now jump directly into ANOTHER one", lolz
jfw: diana_coman: yep, I didn't set myself up well there.
jfw: Working on reply to plan comment.
jfw: replied.
jfw: lobbes: comment in mod q.
diana_coman: jfw: why not focus that second presentation quite explicitly on your training (aka its rationale in the first place, ofc), what's wrong with that? iirc there'd be quite a lot of punchier stuff anyway, from the away from fast food computing to your motto even
diana_coman: as far as I'm aware it's not like you get paid for those presentations so I don't see how/why would they have something against you actually ...promoting your stuff
diana_coman: or what's the rub?
diana_coman: dorion: ^ if you have something to add there.
diana_coman: it's re jfw's comment
diana_coman: jfw: btw, your descriptions of your presentations lack one very important part, namely the "why should I care about this"; possibly you cover it well in the actual presentation, but since you didn't mention it there, better said than passed in silence, just in case.
jfw: diana_coman: I often cover the 'why care' but probably sometimes neglect it, so better to make it explicit, yes.
jfw: There's not a problem with promoting; I think the idea is to demonstrate value & knowledge rather than a direct sales pitch though. A proper sales presentation is something dorion was devloping & practicing so I think he'd be the one for that anyway
diana_coman: jfw: dunno, I don't quite see this difference you make there
diana_coman: dorion: maybe you can clarify the above from the sales presentation part
diana_coman: jfw: and at any rate, don't do this "that part is not mine, won't touch it"; just like dorion still learnt and learns some tech, so will you still learn some more sales too, for sure.
jfw: as I understand it the sales presentation is roughly: here's the problem you have; here's what we've done about it; here's how we will help you get to where you need to be; then here are the choices, prices & next steps.
jfw: yeah, would be good for me to continue improving there for sure
diana_coman: but back to the point of the presentation itself: recall that you are trying to essentially help people solve some problems so that's where it starts from; sure, proving you can solve their problems (hence knowledge and value) is important, but first of all make sure they are listening aka they can see how it relates to their problems
diana_coman: jfw: aha, crossed lines there; so yes, first part of sales presentation is still relevant, though you can of course choose to illustrate with a different problem/other specific angle
diana_coman: it even helps perhaps, since then you get to cover more between the two of you
dorion: diana_coman jfw I don't think there'll be a problem focusing the second around our training. the hosts are satisifed customers as it is and no, we're not being paid to present.
diana_coman: dorion: more to the point - wouldn't it be what serves you best too?
dorion: yes and ultimately the atendees since for the most part, they don't know what they don't know.
diana_coman: sure; make it useful to them too, absolutely.
jfw: and haven't yet seen why they *should* know it
diana_coman: jfw: exactly!
dorion: jfw the deck I have is very close to the business plan with the main difference being it's made to guide a conversation rather than be read.
jfw: I am liking this angle: we're making the same pitch but exploring in different directions
diana_coman: your main aim is precisely to make them see why they should know it; everything else comes second to that really; and jfw nobody will ever think they should know it just because you show you know it.
diana_coman: jfw: exactly that: same pitch, different directions
diana_coman admits she has never ever been into sales but seriously now.
jfw: "and jfw nobody will ever think they should know it just because you show you know it" - experience confirms, lol
diana_coman: ain't experience a darling.
diana_coman: and look at that, bad titles are better than good titles - at least at getting a different perspective since neither of you asked a question otherwise :P
jfw: thanks for the sharp eyes diana_coman.
dorion: diana_coman ahaha. working on asking in lieu of fucking up so you point it out.
jfw: y'know I did ask dorion + the organizers for feedback on the topics :P Should've asked the not-really-into-sales person instead!
diana_coman: jfw you're welcome :)
diana_coman: dorion: one way or another...
jfw: dorion: http://dorion-mode.com/2020/01/tmsr-os-january-2020-statement/ << to review December, straitjacket (or straightjacket apparently), after following, 14:32:04dorion_road, ought to exist
jfw: "tmsr-os.orgUSG.dnsTVraft" << hurt my eyes even knowing the reference, also not sure the relevance since using your domain instead of some other domain is still DNS
dorion: jfw thanks, wanna make a comment ?
jfw: idk, would you prefer that?
dorion: yeah.
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-27#1957491 fare, not fair; well, hopefully fare fairly but anyways.
ossabot: (trilema) 2020-01-27 dorion: re 4.9.4 diana_coman noted GNAT and Eulora have been built/tested with it and it's unknown at present how earlier versions will fair on that front.
diana_coman: dorion: ^
dorion: diana_coman thanks.
jfw: dorion: what's your present process for importing log lines to wordpress? I ask because I have a hunch it's burning time + producing errors
auctionbot: S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (25h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (25h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
← 2020-01-26 | 2020-01-28 →