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← 2019-12-13 | 2019-12-15 →
lobbes: diana_coman: to switch to full remote would require switching to another employer, the Hong Kong jobs could be done via current employer
lobbes: as for what it would take beyond that, I'd need to do some further research
jfw: BingoBoingo: php code showing on your blog where the comments list should be - maybe excess space in the <?php
BingoBoingo: jfw: Will take a quick look
whaack: diana_coman: EOD Report: I published my re-reading article ~5h, setup jfw's keksum ~35min, pressed the vpatches on trinque's page ~1hr (this had a few bumps along the way. for ex: some of the vpatches used keccak for the hashes in the vdiff and others sha512sum. i was using a slightly modified v.pl v99993 which i needed to find out how to further tweak to deal with keksum only having one space between the hash and the filename in t
whaack: he output.) I got trinque's logbot (different than ircbot) running with a local postgres db ~2h. -- All the time estimates are fairly rough. I do not have a draft of an article for setting up logbot as per my original plan, instead I have just a few hand written notes. There was some spinning today, but not an extensive amount. I spent ~1h chopping vegetables into zip lock bags to save time cooking for the next few days. I also had
whaack: a neighbor over for ~45mins in the evening.
BingoBoingo_: jfw: ty, comments restored
BingoBoingo_: space snuck its way in the tags
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-12-13#1012977 - worth trying really; esp the full remote since it would give you both your time back and way more flexibility on all directions really.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-13 21:10:53 lobbes: diana_coman: to switch to full remote would require switching to another employer, the Hong Kong jobs could be done via current employer
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-12-14#1012981 - hm, that article doesn't go very far esp for the 5 hours that do not include the reading, re-reading and general prep for it; why so dry and tortured anyway?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-14 01:00:57 whaack: diana_coman: EOD Report: I published my re-reading article ~5h, setup jfw's keksum ~35min, pressed the vpatches on trinque's page ~1hr (this had a few bumps along the way. for ex: some of the vpatches used keccak for the hashes in the vdiff and others sha512sum. i was using a slightly modified v.pl v99993 which i needed to find out how to further tweak to deal with keksum only having one space between the hash and th
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-12-14#1012982 - ugh; next will be those "froze your food to save time"? I'm not even sure it does, if all the cleaning etc are added up but at any rate, it's "saved" at the cost of shittier food, inevitably; if you want to save time, learn to cook properly ie meals that 1. take only a quick setup and then will cook fine while you do something else 2. are part of a process so for the price ...
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-14 01:00:57 whaack: he output.) I got trinque's logbot (different than ircbot) running with a local postgres db ~2h. -- All the time estimates are fairly rough. I do not have a draft of an article for setting up logbot as per my original plan, instead I have just a few hand written notes. There was some spinning today, but not an extensive amount. I spent ~1h chopping vegetables into zip lock bags to save time cooking for the next few d
diana_coman: ... of the slightly longer prep on day 1 + quick and painless adjustment on subsequent days you are set for the whole week.
diana_coman: cooking courses wasn't something I had at all in mind for this school here, lmao.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-13 15:56:14 dorion_road: diana_coman I'm planning to cover it in my review to be published later today, is that okay ?
whaack: diana_coman: I believe the article came out poorly because I took it in the wrong direction at the start. At multiple points I considered tossing it and trying to write something new, but I didn't want to have yet another article that consumed my whole week.
diana_coman: whaack: it seems like you really fret too much over "is this the wrong direction"; if it's a direction you want to explore, then write it out and explore it, what.
diana_coman: and don't "toss it" - publish it + write something new.
diana_coman: yes, it can very well be that you did the equivalent of writing yourself in a corner, so what.
diana_coman: whaack: anyways, quite enough of this already as it's not getting that much better as it is, is it?
diana_coman: so from Monday you'll write and publish one article every day; set aside half hour to plan it the day before, 1-1.5hours in the morning to write it, perhaps another 15 minutes somewhere to do a review and that's it.
diana_coman: I suggest you do plan in advance at least as general topics so you have some roadmap but up to you otherwise.
diana_coman: and happy birthday whaack !
whaack: diana_coman: I think my writing ability is improving, but maybe not and at a snails pace anyways. The timed articles every morning seems like a good strategy, I will put it in for next week.
whaack: diana_coman: thank you!
diana_coman: it probably IS improving but snail's pace indeed.
whaack: diana_coman: The short daily articles seem fun, I'm looking forward to writing them.
diana_coman: good then.
whaack: diana_coman: I am working on my review for the week right now. Following this http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-12-08#1012246 I am writing my review in the following format (1) I am putting each day's plan next to the corresponding EOD report, and I am writing a footnote that contains [http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-12-08#1012249][an analysis of why the report was what it was and how to improve in the futur
whaack: e.]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-08 09:47:05 diana_coman: whaack: at some point you'll have to review those plans too overall, in one of the weekly reviews, it's not *all* just "how I changed".
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-08 09:55:02 whaack: diana_coman: Yes. Simplfying: the report is the 'what' and the review is the 'why.' The review needs to include an analysis of why the report was what it was and how to improve in the future.
whaack: diana_coman: Does that work or would you rather I write my review differently?
diana_coman: whaack: hm, the point is the review not the plan so doesn't it make more sense the other way around ie you are writing the analysis while the eod+plan are the supporting info hence in there only as needed and in principle out of the way (so in footnotes or just linked or cited as/when needed)
diana_coman: the way you describe it, it sounds like the point is plan+eod with the actual analysis tucked away out of sight or something.
whaack: diana_coman: You're right the analysis is the meat of the article so it should not in footnotes.
diana_coman: yes; and moreover, the plan+eod are already written/available so it's not a copy/paste job to do there; write it as a proper analysis & review, not a collage of plan&eod.
whaack: diana_coman: Well it's done for the convenience of having the plan/eod in one spot next to each other. But I will this 'the plan&eod collage' as just a footnote to my otherwise 'proper analysis & review'
diana_coman: sure, that's fine.
diana_coman: jfw: I went through your keksum proggy and it's been quite a pleasure really; a few nitpicks on top of those: 1. why default/fallthrough on "bad option" instead of the more useful help option? 2. you have nicely \t everywhere except in usage_err in main.c where it's \s 3. just out of curiosity really since ...
diana_coman: ... otherwise it's of course not a problem at all: since you unrolled various bits basically + made the table for rho, how/why did you choose where to stop with the unrolling anyway? and why not use the constants for iota instead of calc each time (ie lfsr)? 4. why oh why only self-gen test? not like there weren't values and/or ways to obtain them, lolz!
diana_coman: jfw: anyways, once you regrind perhaps to fix the test at least, I'll gladly sign and mirror it.
diana_coman: dorion_road: ahem.
diana_coman: dorion_road: I want to talk to you this evening.
diana_coman will bbl.
dorion_road: diana_coman okay, thanks. 7pm UTC as normal ?
jfw hits publish on 1849-word, 141-photo article finishing the Uruguay photolog.
jfw: With due note that I didn't get anything out yesterday.
jfw: BingoBoingo: thanks for that window, fire away on yours as you like.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-09 23:01:44 BingoBoingo: jfw: I'll also give you a healthy window to get your photoblog out first.
jfw: my net connection did return yesterday ftr.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-14 10:25:32 diana_coman: jfw: I went through your keksum proggy and it's been quite a pleasure really; a few nitpicks on top of those: 1. why default/fallthrough on "bad option" instead of the more useful help option? 2. you have nicely \t everywhere except in usage_err in main.c where it's \s 3. just out of cur
jfw: 1. usage_err does show the help, but returns a failure status whereas explicit help returns success.
jfw: 2. mixed spaces and tab too, good catch!
jfw: 3. iirc I unrolled where it would allow precomputing arithmetic and especially mod-5 ops in inner loops. Iota does relatively little work, just touching one lane per round, so I preferred to keep it in 'source' form rather than magic numbers which you'd then have to verify against someone else's.
jfw: The table in rho I cribbed straight from the pdf.
jfw: 4. just to clarify, I did use the provided tests for the permutation, but don't recall seeing any for the sponge, perhaps I should look harder.
jfw: "It seems you forgot to update the expected test hash in test-sponge.sh so now the test will fail." - yep, that's what I meant in http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-12-13#1012925
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-13 17:32:13 jfw: gah, one test broken anyway by the default capacity change, but otherwise working for me, let me check on those errors.
jfw: "why the -Woverlength-strings in main.c, isn't that included in -pedantic" - the way the pragma works is to *disable* that warning as it's tripped by the help text. The 'wat' expands to roughly: 'why does c89 allow compilers to limit strings to something as low as 509 characters? wtf am I supposed to do about this? I have no intention of supporting such broken compilers, next they'll be limiting
jfw: source file length too.'
diana_coman: dorion_road: 7pm works best, yes.
diana_coman: jfw: ahhh, for some reason I was under the impression that -pedantic enables it, not disables it; but yes, it's at any rate a total wtf; the comment re "wat" is that it's...cryptic for a comment, you know?
diana_coman: more like "notes to self" than comment; there's a bit of that at times in other places too, a sort of "if you know this already, here's a reminder to think of it" rather than "in short it's this and otherwise here's ref (if applicable"; but anyways, it'll probably get better as you publish code rather than just use it yourself alone.
jfw: diana_coman: -pedantic does enable it among others, hence then disabling the specific one as a sort of false positive.
jfw: makes sense on comments vs notes to self. Writing code for the human reader first and only incidentally to be executed by machine.
diana_coman: jfw: uhm, wait; you have in there -Woverlength-strings - isn't that the enable? ie the disable is -Wno-overlength-strings isn't it?
diana_coman: ah, diagnostic ignored, gah.
diana_coman: nm, now I see.
jfw: The thinking behind the #pragma is to make it a harder suppression at least for that file, so you can tweak compiler options as desired without this non-problem resurfacing.
jfw: In "'static linking considered harmful' considered harmful" news from OpenBSD: "ld.so may fail to remove the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable for set-user-ID and set-group-ID executables in low memory conditions."
dorion_road: diana_coman I'm standing by.
diana_coman: dorion_road: http://younghands.club/2019/12/14/rmd-plan-dec-14th-20th-2019/?b=best&e=anticipated#select - this is btw true; it also includes the unstated *faster* and that comes with its own set of + and -.
diana_coman: I get it that you are fully-focused on tmsr-os and it's huge and overwhelming and you want the initial burst and to make it good and all that, fine'
diana_coman: but a. it still has to be sustainable b. it's still not the only thing that matters because it's not in isolation c. by the looks of it you are working more in "emergency" mode than by any sort of planning
diana_coman: and it's not even clear how good a use you are making of all those hours that I am ready to believe you are indeed pouring into it.
diana_coman: for one thing saying 20/40 hours on tmsr os is not by itself all that much planning and for the other, does the output match all that?
diana_coman: there's also a limit to how much "more time" poured like that indiscrimately into one single task really does
diana_coman: all the above aside for a moment, there's also the glaring http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-12-13#1012900
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-13 15:56:14 dorion_road: diana_coman I'm planning to cover it in my review to be published later today, is that okay ?
diana_coman: dorion_road: do you see the big trouble with the above?
dorion_road: diana_coman yes. the weaker habits and emergency mode are exposed further by being in vermont mode. I don't come here often and when I do I try to learn about the roots of the bad habits. that's what got away from me this week and caused the missed deadlines. I'm not sure how much of that is avoidance of the immensity of tmsr os.
diana_coman: dorion_road: there's one thing to miss a deadline; another thing to miss it *silently*; an alltogether different level of mess to postpone something by means of a proposed deadline and then miss *that* silently.
dorion_road: right. and it's not the first time I've let that pass or you pointing it out.
diana_coman: dorion_road: the holiday/home-mode is understandable and part of why I actually kept trying to hold you back from overplanning even more than usual; either you accept it as such and therefore stop the pretense that you'll do it ALL and NOW or otherwise something somewhere will give.
diana_coman: dorion_road: for that matter, there were supposedly 4 hours gained out of dropping that spurious December plan; where did those go?
diana_coman: dorion_road: and furthermore, weren't you supposed to *ask for help* instead of avoiding the immensity or whatever else?
dorion_road: diana_coman at this point the marginal gain of the holiday/home-mode has diminished substantially.
dorion_road: combined with moving faster and less perfectionism this week, I'm excited to see how much I improve.
dorion_road: and yes, asking for help is point #1.
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-12-14#1013065 - it's the first time you did however the "sales man" on me -whether you realise it or not- and that's just about the surest way to shoot yourself in the head as far as I'm concerned.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-14 15:17:28 dorion_road: right. and it's not the first time I've let that pass or you pointing it out.
dorion_road: diana_coman I didn't realize it.
dorion_road: can you please clarify how it's a "sales man" ? I said it in acknowledgement of the loop because I know I have to fix it.
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-12-14#1013064 - that is what I mean there by a different level of mess.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-14 15:16:39 diana_coman: dorion_road: there's one thing to miss a deadline; another thing to miss it *silently*; an alltogether different level of mess to postpone something by means of a proposed deadline and then miss *that* silently.
diana_coman: dorion_road: ah, not the ack line but this: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-12-13#1012900
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-13 15:56:14 dorion_road: diana_coman I'm planning to cover it in my review to be published later today, is that okay ?
dorion_road: oh, I see. huh.
diana_coman: ie you said the right thing to get something out of it and went and did something entirely else.
diana_coman: besides the fact that I find it in general despicable as such, realise that if you keep fucking up your own word like that, the result will be that your word will be worth in the negatives.
diana_coman: I don't know if that is crystal clear enough so you fully get it; is it?
dorion_road: I should've done what I said. I've moved my plan/review day a bit, and do like the idea of the friday review better. but I have to act it out.
dorion_road: diana_coman yes, very much so. and apologise for evoking the disgust. the only thing I see I can do now is not do it anymore.
dorion_road: i.e. deliver on my word.
diana_coman: dorion_road: I should very much hope so; and to increase the chances of this: do you get above why & how it's not *just* a missed deadline?
dorion_road: yes, it's also a discussion on saturday costing your time, my time and all the log readers that would be available for whatever other productive thing if my act was together.
dorion_road: and more costs on top of that.
diana_coman: and the simple fact that it's a double miss and one worse than the other: one is the deadline itself; the other is the additional promise there "this is handled in the review and you'll see it tomorrow"
jfw: dorion_road: did you notice you missed that self-proposed deadline before it was pointed out?
diana_coman: for that matter note that you could have said there "on Sunday" or whatevers if you knew - and by the timings you should have - that you still had a lot of work to do to finish that AAC article that was due on Sat morning.
diana_coman: that grates additionally precisely because it projects the pretense - will say that should be and that's enough, ain't it.
diana_coman: I'm quite sure he noticed although he hates so much noticing this sort of things that he'll bury himself in work instead of dealing with it.
jfw: dorion_road: fwiw I don't think you were *trying* to bait-and-switch anyone but ended up fooling yourself foremost - saying you'll do it as an attempt to build your enthusiasm perhaps?
diana_coman: quite possibly.
dorion_road: diana_coman right. I'm going to have to reconcile this convo with the review and see what key points I missed.
dorion_road: jfw I noticed last night and pointed it out as notes in both the review and the plan I publlished this morning.
jfw: ah ok I'm behind there then.
diana_coman: dorion_road: I took jfw's question to mean *before* the deadline actually passed.
diana_coman: when it's the time to notice anyway.
diana_coman: dorion_road: now tell me, did I get anything incorrectly above?
dorion_road: diana_coman I reckon you're correct.
diana_coman: dorion_road: any questions/unclear parts ?
dorion_road: deal with what has to be dealt with, ask for help, deliver on the word.
dorion_road: diana_coman I'm going to give it a couple reads this weekend and will ask if anything's unclear. thank you.
diana_coman: dorion_road: what do you consider that "ask for help" to mean in the context of the tmsr-os task immensity ?
diana_coman: jfw: fwiw I don't think he set out on purpose for this, hence my whether you realise it or not - because he possibly didn't even realise the full extent of it; that's also why we can move forwards anyway.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-14 15:23:25 diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-12-14#1013065 - it's the first time you did however the "sales man" on me -whether you realise it or not- and that's just about the surest way to shoot yourself in the head as far as I'm concerned.
dorion_road: diana_coman well, there's help with the various parts, from technical decisions to, as mp pointed out, understanding what an os even is.
diana_coman: dorion_road: and there's asking for help with http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-12-14#1013056
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-14 15:10:46 diana_coman: but a. it still has to be sustainable b. it's still not the only thing that matters because it's not in isolation c. by the looks of it you are working more in "emergency" mode than by any sort of planning
diana_coman: dorion_road: understand that you do NOT have to do it ALL NOW; not sure how to get this through to you better.
dorion_road: I big part of how I've asked for help so far is to write articles, expecting questions, feedback, etc.
diana_coman: that is not asking, do you realise?
dorion_road: A big*
dorion_road: perhaps I didn't, holy shit.
diana_coman: dorion_road: asking means exactly that: question *asked* of someone
diana_coman: yes, around here I tend to make allowances to some extent and help at times before the explicit ask - mainly because there's relatively little time; but if you don't ask a question, it's not asking.
diana_coman: and not a question somewhere in the article either, ok?
dorion_road: diana_coman makes sense. and yes a question of someone directly.
jfw: hmm, an example of the sorta-kinda-not-really asking for help in my own work, compared to more direct asking but still in article only
diana_coman: dorion_road: so back to your newest plan that you packed again with 3 AAC since yeah, that's right, only last week I was saying that two AAC for one week are quite enough
dorion_road: diana_coman I chose 3 based on the estimated time, not total tasks.
dorion_road: that's where I confused your advice, if I now understand you.
diana_coman: dorion_road: at least there's one not on tmsr-os, there is that; thing is, I rather doubt the 4hours is a good estimate for the +ev
diana_coman: dorion_road: both the total duration and the number matter for this sort of thing
jfw: 3h for "Review everything that's fallen by the wayside these past 2 months and write about how I prioritize." sounds pretty optimisitc too but maybe that's just me...
dorion_road: I should probably double to +ev then.
diana_coman: because changing context also costs and moreover it can even be more tiresome to give it all on 3 separate tasks than on a bigger single one; but at any rate, perhaps even more clear: look there than other than the usual weekly tasks (keeping up with logs and so on), basically ALL of the rest are AAC
dorion_road: now that you've pointed it out as such, the emergency mode is underlined.
diana_coman: dorion_road: the further nudge that I'll spell out now is to plan each and every week at least one non-tmsr-os item too; it's not even all that productive to lock yourself into such narrow focus, not even for the first month; and moreover, it's precisely this sort of too-focused-on-just-this that increases the pressure of "immense task" rather than putting it in perspective: it might be immense, sure, but it's still to be taken one ...
diana_coman: ... step at a time and it's still just one out of all the rest.
dorion_road: diana_coman will do. and thanks for really spelling it out.
diana_coman: dorion_road: part of the faster is that as you might have noticed in the rather recent discussions in #t, there's all sort of questions for which you'd have had the link ready except overdue
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-14 15:08:35 diana_coman: dorion_road: http://younghands.club/2019/12/14/rmd-plan-dec-14th-20th-2019/?b=best&e=anticipated#select - this is btw true; it also includes the unstated *faster* and that comes with its own set of + and -.
ossabot: (trilema) 2019-12-14 dorion_road: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-13#1955315 << I shared a bit in #o a couple months back, and have some overdue articles to publish detailing, but the short is I worked 2 years for euro pacific bank, a start up at the time.
diana_coman: it's not just a coincidence really.
jfw: So focus on one big thing at a time, since changing context costs ('loading into head'), but not to an excess that it blocks out everything else - is that the balance to aim for, diana_coman?
dorion_road: diana_coman right you are, not a coincidence.
diana_coman: dorion_road: so now, tmsr-os may be huge but it still is to be taken one step at a time, prioritizing (and re-evaluating priorities if needed) at every step; there is help to be had on all aspects, not only technical, but you just need to ask for it rather than try to deal with all of it on your own, it's not like there isn't enough work for you otherwise, seriously now.
dorion_road: diana_coman I'll focus on what's mine to do, do it well, and what's mine to ask, ask it well.
diana_coman: jfw: the exact number (whether just one) might be at times not entirely his decision because well, if it burns, it has to get done; but otherwise yes, that sounds towards the right direction.
diana_coman: dorion_road: and before the deadline too :P
dorion_road takes the point
diana_coman: dorion_road: funny that although it started with jfw almost getting daily chat in his plan, by the looks of it, it's you risking to end up with it formalised as such, do you realise?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-25 16:12:23 diana_coman: is seriously considering making 15 minutes daily chat part of jfw's weekly plan otherwise
jfw: indeed I don't think he has the "just one" option right now... and speaking of which, dorion_road you gonna have time to hang out next weekend if I make the drive over? Would certainly be good for us getting back in sync
dorion_road: I didn't realize, but I do now.
dorion_road: jfw yeah I'll make time, come on over.
jfw: great.
diana_coman: jfw: you'll have to tell me how black-and-blue you find him, ok? lolz
jfw: haha, and I'll try to add to that no more than strictly necessary.
diana_coman: dorion_road: I gather you'll have quite the log to process but do take heart from it too - it wouldn't be there if I didn't think you can make best use of it.
diana_coman: jfw: ahaha, before-and-after photos/
jfw: on my own priorities, the first draft of working online wallet component was done by moved-deadline yesterday, perhaps I blog it tomorrow. (Open to naming suggestions for the proggy...) Now to dig back into the offline side.
diana_coman: jfw: heh, are you asking-but-not-asking?
whaack: diana_coman: An early EOD report, since surfpals are coming over for birthday fiesta soon: I did my review/plan for the week and did 30 mins of Spanish studying. I had a 1h block of reading scheduled for today that I am not sure I will get to do because I plan to drink a bit tn.
dorion_road: ahaaha, jfw careful not to let that birthday payback leak in before it's due, there may be counterpunch to come :)
jfw: ...it would appear so. Currently it's a rather uninspired 'gbw-node' (as in Gales Bitcoin Wallet, node-like part). Suggestions anyone?
dorion_road: diana_coman quite the log indeed. and thank you. heart taken.
dorion_road: jfw what would you call the offline part ? gbw-keys ?
jfw: gbwallet perhaps
jfw: previously was just wallet.scm
dorion_road: jfw I don't know if so uninspired, you've put a lot into the Gales name.
diana_coman: jfw: fwiw I don't see any problem/trouble with gales wallet although gbw doesn't exactly roll off the tongue or anything.
dorion_road: could do gales-node, gales-wallet
diana_coman: whaack: eh, go and enjoy the party, don't mix it with reading (unless you do party-loud-reading or something)
diana_coman: whaack: have fun (and great presents!)
jfw: gbnode not bad actually since the database is presently 1-2GB
whaack: diana_coman: thank you :)
diana_coman: jfw: may I suggest also eoihgwouthnode?
jfw: felices fiestas whaack
diana_coman: other combinations equally readable :D
jfw: lol, though not equally typeable perhaps
jfw: tab complete!!
diana_coman: jfw: if you want /aim to rename, you'd need to think a bit as to what are you after really
lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/ossasepia/2019-12-14#1012999 << Kk. I'm going to add this into my week 0 workplan then (to start researching)
ericbot: Logged on 2019-12-14 09:17:57 diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-12-13#1012977 - worth trying really; esp the full remote since it would give you both your time back and way more flexibility on all directions really.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-13 21:10:53 lobbes: diana_coman: to switch to full remote would require switching to another employer, the Hong Kong jobs could be done via current employer
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