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← 2019-12-03 | 2019-12-05 →
whaack: diana_coman: EOD report: This message comes later than it should, because I met people on the beach that I had over for a couple of hours after my surf session. I know as I type this I should not have had them over since it was during the prime morning hours and I wouldn't just dip out of a normal job. With that said, I finished 8hr of saltmining and 30 mins of journalin
whaack: g. I also received the monitor+ups and set them up. The UPS is giving me a 'Site Wiring' warning so I need to investigate what may be wrong with my outlets here. To do this I need to first pay a debt and learn about home circuitry in the general.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-18 21:20:36 diana_coman: after all, if you were working somewhere, you wouldn't just nip out because they want you to go to the mechanic, would you?
diana_coman: whaack: I rather expect the wiring is a mess there and that's what's wrong but yes, you'll need to look at it, certainly.
whaack: diana_coman: The clues of the faulty wiring have been here all along. There's two lights I have here where light 1 needs to be switched on for it to be possible to switch on light 2.
diana_coman: you clearly get nudged to pay your basic electronics debts :P
whaack: I was confused at first and thought the bulbs must be dead so I came back from the hardware store with a few extras in addition to the spares I had already gotten.
diana_coman: whaack: did you get yourself a multimeter too?
BingoBoingo: There are some horror stories here too. Met a fellow staying in an AirBNB apartment that... ran on a single 5 amp breaker
whaack: diana_coman: No, I will add one to the list.
whaack: BingoBoingo: lol. My understanding is that would just be annoying and always breaking, is it unsafe as well?
BingoBoingo: whaack: Well, depends on how much stuff runs on electricity in the place. It isn't inherently unsafe, but it is a tempation do unsafe things.
diana_coman: by the time all problems are actually addressed, whaack will build his own house in CR :D
diana_coman: (which is not as surprising as it might seem to the naive)
BingoBoingo: The only firm conclusion of the real estate exploration here was that to own property the only things worth considering are new construction apartments priced to move or... have new construction built to your own spec.
jfw: dammit, another monster article. Well I hope it's enjoyed.
jfw: I'll need to focus elsewhere for now.
asciilifeform: jfw: very interesting massaged keccaktron. will confirm that it builds and matches output of diana_coman's when set to -c256 .
asciilifeform: err, -s256
jfw: ty asciilifeform. The thinking on that naming is "s" for "sponge capacity", saving "c" for ye olde -c "check".
diana_coman: jfw: hah, certainly makes for less tense reading! can confirm too that it builds and matches expected hashes; further than that, the code will require some pen-and-paper reading though; re "as secure as SHA3", do you have some sort of "how secure" measurement at all?
diana_coman: jfw: that "genesis.vpatch" is a horribly-chosen name.
diana_coman: dorion_road: you have some unclose footnotes /other tags in your review and so half of it ends up as a footnote; will you fix it so I can have a proper look at it?
dorion_road: diana_coman fixed, thank you.
diana_coman: dorion_road: to what extent did the "specify deadline" approach work to improve anything there?
dorion_road: diana_coman it caused me to create a better schedule, not good enough, but prevented the task dragging on longer.
diana_coman: if you mean it would have been otherwise even worse, I can see it, yes.
diana_coman: otherwise though, those deadlines were clearly not enough/not well chosen; which of those?
diana_coman: dorion_road: with those days previews/reviews, it sounded like you actually already had some experience with planning but now it's not that clear - was it only since coming here that you did this sort of thing?
dorion_road: diana_coman I think they were not enough because there wasn't enough detail on the subtasks. And then I spent on unplanned actions.
dorion_road: the inexperience in writing and the complexity of articles I tackled also contributed to the deadlines not being well chosen.
dorion_road: we touched on this when you gave the rule of thumb of doubling the time you think it'll take.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-13 16:54:26 diana_coman: dorion: hm, ok; as a basic thing though, esp if it's something new /you have no experience with, the hard rule is pretty much "estimate the time and then DOUBLE it", lol
diana_coman: dorion_road: did you ever plan similarly your time before?
diana_coman: (similarly aka to same level of detail)
dorion_road: diana_coman on the experience making plans. I have some experience, but not with a good guide.
diana_coman: mind giving me a summary as to what you've got/learn from that experience? there are quite a few things I see there but it helps to know where you're coming from on this.
dorion_road: a lot of the plans I've written for myself have been detailed, but they have largely been private these past couple years.
diana_coman: private wouldn't be a problem in itself; the question is to what extent the events fit the plans.
diana_coman: or hm, did you ever check that? lol.
dorion_road: I did check, and I've made adjustments over time, but have a lot of strengthening yet.
dorion_road: on what I've learned, do you mean what I learned writing the latest article or what I've learned through my experience making plans ?
diana_coman: dorion_road: through your experience making plans.
dorion_road: well, the first would be how much more meaningful life is when one plans and reflects on his plans.
diana_coman: I'd rather think that has more to do with reflection than with plans :P but good for you anyway.
dorion_road: when your plans are more ambitious, every minutes and everything you have to do has to be considered, like when and for how long you spend time eating.
dorion_road: diana_coman hah. perhaps. but my plans have always been born during some reflection time :)
diana_coman: dorion_road: hm; and do you enjoy that "everything you have to do has to be considered, like when and for how long you spend time eating" ?
dorion_road: diana_coman to continue: when you're approaching a new problem or skill, try to find a guide who can help keep your plans in check with reality.
dorion_road: diana_coman I enjoy it in the sense that it seems to me I'm making my best effort at getting the things done I want to see done.
dorion_road: I also enjoy to relax, it seems responsible plans have relaxing time baked in too.
diana_coman: that for sure but there's more to it there.
dorion_road: my 97yo grandmother made the comment this weekend, "Boy, you really know how to relax. Every bone in your body looks calm."
diana_coman: "I want to see done" is incomplete as such; there's "I want to see done at ANY COST" and "I want to see done within this/that cost"
dorion_road: diana_coman that's a good point.
diana_coman: ahaha; was she correct at least?
dorion_road: she was at that time, yes. :)
diana_coman: glad to hear it :)
dorion_road: diana_coman then the planning should always try to score cost/benefit ?
diana_coman: getting back to your review of the planning, on Thursday there's the "I had originally planned to have the JWRD article drafted and ready for Jacob to review here. I didn't manage that" - what happened there? ie was it just not enough time or did you get sidetracked or what exactly?
dorion_road: diana_coman letting the Panama article get away from me pushed the JWRD article start time.
diana_coman: dorion_road: not necessarily; it's simply that there's planning and planning; ie "at all costs" means one thing and that thing is mainly: ~everything else gets cut to the bone, until the main thing is done; the "within this/that" means that the plan will be itself more leniently made.
diana_coman: not everything is really worth (and even effective) planning at the same level of detail either;
dorion_road: diana_coman when I sat down to write it, I didn't find myself sidetracked, especially less than the Panama article. It did take longer than the 8h I had allocated, so not enough buffer to begin with either.
dorion_road: diana_coman makes sense on the modes of planning given the stakes.
diana_coman: dorion_road: you know, part of the reason why I asked you re past experience with planning is that otherwise you don't strike me as very... how to even say it, easily planned/plan-fitted; you clearly are/can be disciplined, yes but that's a different thing.
diana_coman: anyways, back to your plan and review there: first thing is that unplanned stuff is a given really but you failed to make any provision for it, to start with.
diana_coman: I don't know if this is because until joining here you found reality way more ..predictable or something (hah, did you?)
diana_coman: but even if you did, that was just luck :P
diana_coman: so, good plans are *not* extremely rigid and to-the-second-known-upfront
diana_coman: because that's just planning to fail really
diana_coman: how was it, failing to plan is planning to fail; but - adds diana - so is too-rigidly planning the unknown future.
dorion_road: diana_coman for sure my life has consisted of many unplanned turns, but yes provisioning for the unplanned is something I need to strengthen.
diana_coman: btw, this was mentioned before (if perhaps not all that clearly in this respect): http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-11-13#1010216
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-13 16:56:39 diana_coman: cool; nothing stops you otherwise from having a lengthy list to chew through in that happy case when you finally finish faster than you thought you would; but way better to do that then to constantly end up late.
diana_coman: ie do NOT plan every hour of your day; because if you plan it ALL, you will inevitably end up snowballing stuff at the first unplanned event.
dorion_road: diana_coman as for the detailed, yet not rigid approach, I think I can improve in thinking through the details prior and building in explicit buffer for both learning what I don't know and the unplanned that's sure to manifest.
diana_coman: sure, have "time permitting" stuff in the queue to fill those buffers should the world turn incredibly tame that day, but that's an unexpected piece of good fortune, not the expected turn of events.
dorion_road: diana_coman that's for sure a helpful shift in perspective.
diana_coman: the learning/new part simply means that you double/triple/whatever your estimate because you clearly can't possibly estimate it correctly when you are not even sure wtf that thing is; then there is the above and the expecting-the-unexpected that comes on top and yes, it's more of a perspective shift indeed.
diana_coman: basically this lack of space for the unplanned is what threw off your week starting with Monday there.
diana_coman: btw you have a broken link on "update" in #o on Wed in there.
diana_coman: dorion_road: the other significant part is that you really seem to plan more on the "I'd love to do this" than "it'll take this much", lol
diana_coman: which makes you extremely pleasant to work with in first instance, granted, but doesn't help you otherwise a lot.
dorion_road: diana_coman fixed the link, ty.
diana_coman: dorion_road: overall, the plan (and especially the initial plan) is really meant to be a roadmap, not a straightjacket (and I seriously think it would hinder rather than help you if you make it all that rigid); so plan it as a flexible thing to start with: a guide to make sure you don't waste time, but not something so fixed that it can't/shouldn't adapt to significant changes as they happen.
diana_coman: and honestly, if anyone started planning my time on meals, I'd go nuts.
dorion_road: diana_coman yea, I'm starting to see with the writing generally the benefit of the it'll take this much approach.
diana_coman: dorion_road: you also clearly need and benefit from time to process things; don't just discard/ignore that.
diana_coman: it might seem "not productive" but that's not true.
dorion_road: diana_coman that makes sense on the adaptable guide method. that and more humility on the time it'll take me will pay off.
diana_coman: you don't really do humble all that well, do you.
dorion_road: diana_coman you know sometimes other people want a time from you for the meals.
diana_coman: fuck them?
dorion_road: well that's before the meal.
diana_coman: that being said, a 24 old me avoided French for lunch because with them it would take 1 hour ffs.
diana_coman: and then the coffee break!
diana_coman: anyways, the point is not that it should take 4 hours or something but simply that whatever you do gets its proper time and attention, that's all.
dorion_road: diana_coman on the processing: yes time helps me with that and no I don't see how I could discard it. if you can believe it the processing I've done has helped humble me from where I was..
dorion_road: diana_coman "A place for everything and every thing in it's place"
diana_coman: I can quite more-than-believe it, yes :)
dorion_road knew she could :)
diana_coman: ha! now to next week planning: how are you going to go about it
diana_coman: you do know more than you think and then at the same time you think you know more than you do :P
dorion_road: I'd tend to agree. On this week's approach, start with splitting into "at all costs" and "within this/that".
dorion_road: then get most detailed on the requirements for the all costs and lay them on the schedule first.
dorion_road: whatever buffer/unplanned time I make on the first pass, double it, since that itself is a weakness.
diana_coman: plan for the unplanned; double the unknowns; DO adjust it if/when/as needed rather than keeping quiet like a mouse yes?
dorion_road: yeah, updates on the progress for sure. seems like the EOD reports are helping whaack.
diana_coman: that doesn't mean they'd help you; figure out what/if it helps you, don't just reach for whatever is around; if you say it helps you, then go ahead but do think it through, ok?
diana_coman: and now: what part of your plan did I mess up with this long discussion today? :p
dorion_road: ok, I will think it through.
dorion_road: I had follow through planned. but haven't yet exercised today.
diana_coman: heh, ruining your fitness then, I see.
dorion_road though there may be snow to shovel today, but alas, only cold.
dorion_road: thought*
dorion_road: diana_coman if there's one thing I have to lean on it's my fitness ;)
dorion_road: I'm going to run basketball practice with local high school tomorrow, we'll see how it goes, but that muscle memory takes a long time to die.
diana_coman: hah; /me had school kill all basketball enjoyment, lol.
diana_coman: dorion_road: any further questions re planning? does it all make sense/fit somewhere?
dorion_road: diana_coman no further questions, it makes sense, thanks for the feedback and I'll work it in.
diana_coman: re think it through, know that it's not just that/here; it struck me that you have quite the trouble processing the not-so-sunny side of things really and that's most likely the actual cause of your long deep-freeze too; but that can perhaps wait.
diana_coman: cool then; (hopefully with some snow soon too :P ).
dorion_road: yeah, the not-so-sunny side of things had my attention for a several years of my 20s. I made a lot of changes and have thawed, but for sure was part of the deep-freeze. sneak peak in the fabled outlines to be filled.
dorion_road: there's been snow on the ground since I've been here, just no new blanket to today.
diana_coman was seriously looking around for places-with-snow-to-go-to-already-ffs
dorion_road has been enjoying the cold and snow, believe it or not.
diana_coman: why not; extreme heat is way more...festering, anyway.
dorion_road: yeah, at least you can dress for the cold and light a fire.
diana_coman: published.
diana_coman: and it does look like the one I was searching for there, indeed, thank you; will see if it's the one MP had in mind too.
dorion_road: cool, my pleasure.
← 2019-12-03 | 2019-12-05 →