Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2019-11-24 | 2019-11-26 →
jfw: Well that might be my record on weekly review length, if not timeliness. Now if I can work that ratchet in the other direction...
diana_coman: BingoBoingo_: got it, will have a look later today, thank you.
diana_coman: jfw: here's for you to change direction then, courtesy of Kafka himself.
diana_coman: jfw and dorion_road you should both have quite a few passes of tech and governance ; not in a hurry nor all of the passes crammed "this week" but gradually until it sticks.
diana_coman: dorion_road: see in #t.
dorion_road: << Thank you, I'll add it to my weekly reading and make the French passages part of my French practice until it sticks.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-25 03:56:27 diana_coman: jfw and dorion_road you should both have quite a few passes of tech and governance ; not in a hurry nor all of the passes crammed "this week" but gradually until it sticks.
diana_coman: dorion_road: heh, that's from Pascal there.
diana_coman: can't go wrong using Pascal for French practice, for sure.
dorion_road: diana_coman nice. I'm getting caught up in #t.
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: Your server is in Fedex's hands. Will GPGgram you the tracking number in a bit. With a bit more than 12 feet of bubblewrap the package came to an even 15kg on the scale.
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: thank you.
diana_coman: that will be interesting to ferry from the not-so-royal post office if it ends up in that middle of nowhere, huh.
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: invoice me at your earliest convenience please.
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: I rolled it a bit more than 1 km to the fedex office on a hand truck. It was a bit sweaty, but with the padding I'm not concerned about it getting any bumps
diana_coman: ah, no worries re that; I was simply picturing myself having to handle the thing, lol; I'll have to draft in a helper.
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: Will do. Going to get part of jurov's into the mail and should fire all invoices this evening.
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: The dimensions make it a bit awkward, but if you can still lift the child, a couple maneuvers to put the server somewhere are probably doable. The box and bubble wrap make it much easier to grip.
diana_coman: yeah, child is more like 22kg and still fine, lolz.
diana_coman: no worries really.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: didja buy rails ? if not , vendor's 'CSE-PT52L' kit -- fits. i've found that e.g. 'dell' rails do not fit 'supermicro' boxen.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: first I'll have to study this inside out with a cat's curiosity because yes.
diana_coman: but there will be rails at some point too, so thank you for the pointer.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform diana_coman: I managed to break down the rails and make them fit.
asciilifeform: aa, so nm.
diana_coman: oh, thank you BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I can't recommend Dell rails for anything. The spring loaded locking mechanism they use is way too finicky to choose with any other options at all available.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: like complete idiot, i bought, coupla months ago, 100kg of rails. then only later found, they were 'dell' garbage, fits only ~their~ machines.
diana_coman pictures asciilifeform-on-rails
asciilifeform put this here cuz iirc diana_coman & students making racks, so perhaps can learn from asciilifeform's mistake. apol. for spam if uninteresting .
diana_coman: asciilifeform: ah, don't take it that way please; no spam at all and thank you.
diana_coman: and yes, it is interesting.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: How they fit the Dell Machines is also a pain. It took some reps to get the knack for taking supermicro railed machines in and out of the rack, but once the thumbwork for that clicks in the muscle memory it's a reliable system.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: if you end up wanting own rk cluster, may also find this helpful. (i did promise photos/recipe.)
snsabot: (asciilifeform) 2019-11-17 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: you may find interesting the new rk system , mounted last night.
asciilifeform: the shelf in photo is a 'Rising Electronics Fixed Rack Server Shelf 1U', the rails -- aluminum standard DIN rails; rivets & screws -- M3 .
diana_coman: I saw the shiny new RK photo too, looked very cool; tbh my reserve re RK is re ARM ie why do I need ARM given that it's also not exactly free (eg GNAT still no-worky)
asciilifeform: this is entirely tru, diana_coman , afaik no one yet found a pill for that gnat bug on arm64.
asciilifeform: until found, they're only good for 'lamp' & similar.
asciilifeform: ( for thread-completeness -- the dc power supply is this chinese item, 'Mixilin 2019 60 port'. ~100 $. there are many vendors making similar. )
asciilifeform: ^ ps of course dun come w/ a din clamp, but it does come apart and then bottom drilled & riveted to clamp. sits as if glued, and good thermal conduct.
jfw: diana_coman: attempting a rough translation of the kafka:
jfw: "Ach", said the mouse, "the world narrows with every day. First it was so wide that I was afraid; I ran further and was lucky to finally see right and left to the far walls; but these long walls are rushing so fast to join together, that I'm already in the last room, and there in the corner stands the trap I'm running into." / "You need only alter your direction of running", said the cat, and ate
jfw: her.
dorion_road: thanks for the update in #t jfw. My 21:30 meeting was moved up, headed afk for a couple hours now.
jfw: alright good luck. Working on reply to wallet comments too.
jfw: dorion_road: want to tackle the French for me? :)
diana_coman: jfw: translation works!
diana_coman: "and was lucky" -> "and was happy"
diana_coman: glucklich is a false cognate there, not lucky.
jfw: huh. I left it as a proper comment too btw.
diana_coman: comment published
diana_coman: ach would be oh maybe? or if you go for full feeling there perhaps alas!
jfw: could work. With glucklich I wasn't going entirely by cognate, looks like it can be 'fortunate', and there's 'frohlich' for happy; I do see 'happy' fitting better in the sentence though.
jfw: Using , don't have a proper all-DE dictionary handy.
diana_coman: do you speak German?
jfw: Nicht sehr gut aber ich studierte in der Schule.
diana_coman: pas mal.
jfw: aber le francais nein.
diana_coman: any other languages?
jfw: besides the spanish nothing serious
diana_coman: eh, doesn't need to be "serious", what.
jfw: heh, well then, there was some Esperanto (lolz) a while back; then I did some basic level audio courses in a couple: Cantonese (before I decided on Panama), Hungarian (part of the family came from there), an' Romanian (because Trilema)
jfw: Also studied Greek and Cyrillic script / pronunciation.
diana_coman: so can you read those?
jfw: sound out, kinda; not understand.
diana_coman: anyways, after the first 10 languages or so, it gets very easy :))
diana_coman: but I gather it's you I should throw the Ro-blocks of text at, notes.
jfw: heh, I'd give 'em a shot.
diana_coman now looks wtf is wrong with that old comment that is out of place in there.
diana_coman: jfw: yes, you should publish that Gales & docs too (I heard you have very good docs, yay!).
jfw: Will do diana_coman, and we'll see how the docs measure up.
whaack: diana_coman: EOD / midday report. 6.5 hour of saltmines complete, i have to go drop off the car right now which is going to take me a little over 2 hours, when I get back I will do 2 hours of work related to ordering parts.
diana_coman: whaack: ok.
whaack: diana_coman: Of course 5 seconds after I send that message surfpal messages saying he will meet me much closer. I now have 1 hour before I have to leave for about 1 hour. I will get started on ordering parts.
diana_coman: that surfpal of yours is expert at wasting your time really.
whaack: diana_coman: Well I don't deny that but I was still grateful to have this change of plans.
diana_coman: at least so far it seems it might work for the best, yes.
whaack: 2,901q5c14135,c,,,81127580801,kwd-506909789223&VEN2=b,%2Bp2419h&VEN2=b,%2Bp2419h&cid=312883082&cid=312883082&lid=59900160328&lid=59900160328&dgc=st&dgc=st&dgseg=bsd&dgseg=so&acd=12309152537461010&st=%2Bp2419h&gclid=CjwKCAiAlO7uBRANEiwA_vXQ-846ZpjYhQcC3XpMyOHUF5Uq1dxYr8QQaVynMJ-PnyH5_yW6Docr-RoC4cUQAvD_BwE&VEN3=810105206369641399][specs: 24', 1980x1080 at 60hz, 8ms response, swivel to portrait available] an acceptable monitor to ord
whaack: er?
whaack: sorry for that atrocious link.
diana_coman: sounds ok re usual basic characteristics but monitors are a matter of personal preference & use really.
← 2019-11-24 | 2019-11-26 →