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← 2019-09-30 | 2019-10-02 →
whaack_travel: doesn't seem i can do a picture travel post until i get back. i tried to upload my pictures through the mpwp portal and it didn't work, and i can't scp from this work station.
diana_coman: whaack_travel: lolz; so do a text-only with "here should have been picture if me checked before going that everything works"
diana_coman: and you'll fill in the pictures once you are back
jfw: Morning diana_coman. http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-30#1004301 - I've written them out, and done a couple rounds of that so I think the list is complete. Some I have answered to my satisfaction; some are indeed protection/avoidance; and some require further digging, for which I've reserved more time this week.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-30 08:16:08 diana_coman: jfw: where are you with exposing & doing something (any direction) about those lingering doubts?
jfw: bbl (past bedtime here.)
diana_coman: !o uptime
ossabot: diana_coman: time since my last reconnect : 9d 15h 7m
diana_coman pats ossabot
diana_coman: jfw: all right.
diana_coman: grrr thimbronion wtf are you doing with that html-eating blog of yours?
diana_coman: the last line in my comment read: Funnily enough, there IS an essence at work here but it's rather far than what the author thinks he's talking about.
diana_coman: you know, it's a known issue + solution and moreover I already pointed it out to you
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-30 08:03:52 diana_coman: thimbronion: your blog strips away html tags, ugh; see the known php-version issue + fix
thimbronion: diana_coman: working on it - searched logs then asked BingoBoingo in pizarro. He pointed me here: http://btcbase.org/patches/mp-wp_html-comments-regrind
thimbronion: diana_coman: going apply that last patch soon
thimbronion: diana_coman: also, the optimal times for me to do dev work outside of my consulting work are Sat./Sun. mornings, so something like patching my blog I would usually save for that time.
BingoBoingo: thimbronion: "function($match) use ($allowed_html, $allowed_protocols) {" is the line you want to correct to.
thimbronion: BingoBoingo: thx
thimbronion: shrysr: The links to your blog don't work for me here: http://younghands.club/2019/08/19/week-5-review/
thimbronion: diana_coman: also fixed your comment.
← 2019-09-30 | 2019-10-02 →