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← 2019-08-29 | 2019-08-31 →
shrysr: lobbes: yes infact it is an ERP system, but not from SAP. the company was using another inventory mgmt software called inflow (with abs no understanding of how it works), and other than sales and purchase orders - everything else is currently done with Hand written / verbal communication. so - an inventory mgmt software was/is being used not to manage inventory and feed other modules - but only for
shrysr: sales/po's... :O !!
shrysr: essentially - i'm establishing a system from scratch replacing manual and mostly retarded workflows... completely alone. I'm migrating what i can from the existing 'database' - cleaning the data using R and feeding it into the software ERPNext, while standardising the entire inventory, creating fucking Bill of Materials (BOM's) , product groups etc etc with customised documents for manufacturing build
shrysr: sheets.
shrysr: i still cannot believe a manufacturing company does not go by a BOM as the first step. The level of stupidity is such that - in the existing system - the same item from 2 different vendors has been entered as : " 2" Stainless Steel pipe" and "Two in ss pipe" !!!??!? That's a very sane example. I've had to use regex to spot the numerous extremely creative ways ppl have managed to explicitly express their
shrysr: stupidity, not to mention poor spelling skills. It is still astounding.
shrysr: Solenoid Solonoid solnoyd selnoid soulnod... fuck me!! i started all this in january. spent 100's of hours trying to figure out ways around the existing software to avoid a 'complex' ERP solution... tried connecting with the 'founder' of inflow to implement customisation -- failed.
shrysr: started working on individual 'web apps' with misgivings that the hole was getting deeper rather than filled.. then finally found ERPNext ~4 months ago. Very close now to establishing baseline.
shrysr: lobbes: excel jockey doing what ?
diana_coman: shrysr: I hope you see though how and why they'll.... hate you by the end of it :D
shrysr: diana_coman: yes, if they don't already do. TBH i've perceived resentment and borderline hate from most since as long as I can rem. However, i think the core is not completely rotten, since I've also received kindness at unexpected and critical moments.... and i've seen change if the solution is powerful enough (i.e easy enough to use without terribly affecting their sense of ego and eventually 'proven' of
shrysr: saving some major headaches).
shrysr: lol i.e sold to them, despite clear merit in the idea. not ideal... and lot more work - but i get to put something on my resume and do some good and helps me move on ...
diana_coman: shrysr: it's not about some rotten core at all; it's simply that 1. change = work , hence people in general do not want it and *will not do it* unless and until they ran out of ~ANY other options 2. you are there forcing change (even proposing it!) and without any authority to squash "any other choice" convincingly therefore 3. you are the best target /relief
shrysr: :D
diana_coman: basically if you make it still with them to the other side when they are over the work and comfortable with the new situation, some might even say thanks; maybe.
shrysr: i'm still laughing. yes. i guess time will tell. but it IS for their good lol.. and mine as i've admitted.
diana_coman: sure it is; laughter is also very good; as the saying goes: if you can't laugh at silly, stupid, bad and downright nasty, there will be precious little to laugh at :))
diana_coman: (and do remember the above for when /if you find yourself hating someone who's trying to... change stuff :D )
shrysr: fwiw diana_coman - i took this test 3-4 times and got the same result (varying between A/T): https://www.16personalities.com/intj-personality , i think the analysis is frighteningly close to the truth ..
diana_coman: the personality tests, heh.
shrysr: i've actually experienced that...atleast once in a very significant way in first salt-mine. curiously enough - i found that i did not hate the change if i could see sense/value in it. but i will admit it was unsettling nevertheless and very easy to hate though it seemed i did not have to force myself to analyse if it made sense at the same time.
diana_coman: shrysr: the "gentler" approach is to have+take the time+effort to make first people sense the value in it; but that part can be extremely expensive and at times simply not feasible for "everyone"
diana_coman: fwiw there's a whole lot of writing on the topic, specifically re introducing new stuff in industrial environments but I wouldn't say it's worth sinking the time to read any of it really
diana_coman: shrysr: the nugget to get out of all of it (and faster at that) is short: to the extent possible/available, when you talk to people simply focus on what's in it *for them* directly, not on the shiny change or how it's better overall or whatever other far away and abstract bits
diana_coman: directly aka personally in this instance
shrysr: okay. i will try to hang on to the nugget. i cannot say that i do 'what's in it for em' typically / without specific effort. <sigh>
diana_coman: it certainly is an effort, yes; onth you stand thus a chance of a more friendly response; ofc you get to decide if it's worth it or not and in what cases; sometimes having them hate your guts is ...tonic !
diana_coman: or it doesn't matter entirely; pretty much as it doesn't matter if your postman hates that you got a postbox now instead of a hole in the door or whatever
diana_coman: basically it's not your *obligation*, it's simply your option and choice.
ossabot: diana_coman: my valid commands are: seen, s, src, help, uptime
diana_coman: !o uptime
ossabot: diana_coman: time since my last reconnect : 0d 1h 0m
diana_coman: !o uptime
ossabot: diana_coman: time since my last reconnect : 0d 4h 24m
← 2019-08-29 | 2019-08-31 →