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← 2019-08-27 | 2019-08-29 →
shrysr: diana_coman: http://younghands.club/2019/08/26/week-6-review/#comment-17 I have a single updates section right at the beginning with dates referring to the updates in sections below. I'm not terribly happy with it, but it seemed more efficient to begin with, and still does... after which more and more topics started pouring in as I studied... the idea was to make a 'living document' ....
diana_coman: shrysr: living document is fine but note that 1. that "Updates" section doesn't even *link* to where in the text the update is 2. you seem focused on writer efficiency even at the expense of reader efficiency; do you expect the reader to *memorize* or come back to that section each time or what?
shrysr: some better solutions I see for you to easily find what has been done has been https://tiddlywiki.com/ --- each subheading can be made separate and linked to a global topic and can be self hosted. blog posts on WP could be used for actual articles rather than transient notes. The issue there is that there is no commenting system. However - you can link to specific notes and comment here.
diana_coman: as smallest change, just add the date/time at the top of each new bit, as you put it in.
diana_coman: shrysr: don't start adding/branching/searching for something else again.
diana_coman: if you prefer, just make the "Updates" links too, similar to the table of contents
diana_coman: if each update is a section anyway, you can even make without i.e. just add the date in the table of contents and be done with it
shrysr: if updates are both sections, and added content in existing sections ?
shrysr: I will check if the internal links translate when I export to html.
diana_coman: eh, so if that happens, you have to keep the Updates section but make each line in there a link to the new stuff; the selection thing can work well for that I suppose
diana_coman: do note you need the server-side one to make sure it's consistent across browsers though.
diana_coman: "less is more" - you need to practice minimalism some more.
shrysr: :( quickie tried the selection thing few days ago... it is not working yet. Atleast earlier it was working for others accessing the site , but not for me... now with current 'theme' - get an error.
diana_coman: well, you can use html then since you add the content anyway so add it with hooks (i.e. it's fixed anyway).
shrysr: okay. I will figure out how to make updates more reader friendly using internal links. So to summarise : I will have a primary updates section at the very top - containing chronological update summaries (latest on top) + links to updated sections (and eventually exact content).
diana_coman: sounds ok.
shrysr: HA : they do... https://s.ragavan.co/2019/08/v/#orgd154a2e . Thats good.
shrysr: havent forgottena abt removing https. shd do today i think.
shrysr: https://s.ragavan.co/2019/08/following-ch-article-how-to-learn-programming/#Exercises >> 1.2 - how should I go about in 'securing' my gpg keys? I know the private keys live in ~/.gnupg/ ? I've not yet found a clear method w.r.t transferring keys between computers either
← 2019-08-27 | 2019-08-29 →