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← 2019-08-13 | 2019-08-15 →
shrysr: Okay- i just noticed there was an issue with my html export, and so the homepage was messed up. THis is now corrected and reposted on younghands.
diana_alt: shrysr: realise that you *did not say anything* about what is going on
diana_alt: so far you gave very little feedback on pretty much everything; and esp. when it's about deadlines, don't do this silent "I needed more time but I don't intend to ..."
diana_alt: 1. SAY it *as soon* as you realise you might need more time or whatever 2. concrete reasons *why* that happened 3. concrete measures you are going to take *so it does not happen again*
diana_alt: shrysr: as long as you say something in chan I'll read it in the logs later anyway, no need to later ; but in any case, there is at least one other bot (iirc) that does later too and you can msg it directly if needed
diana_alt: (i.e. even if it's not in chan)
diana_alt: shrysr: re your summary: 1. wtf pouring time into Docker to start with? on one hand you run away from v.py because difficult on the other you jump on Docker because what? it "helps" you by making a lot more noise and apparently handling the "hard" stuff for you so "you don't have to"?
diana_alt: 2. inspiration is 80% perspiration or how was it; following blindly your emotions may be giving you a thrill but it's more likely to get you falling down from a cliff;
diana_alt: 3. given 1 and 2 above, you should engage with this: http://thewhet.net/2013/09/your-feelings-are-out-to-get-you/
diana_alt: the trouble is that your previous attempts with causes and purposes and the wot were rather very poor on the engaging front i.e. you seem to have read the text but not really gotten the ideas, I don't even know exactly how is that possible
diana_alt: so I'd say try first to write a summary of what that post is saying; i.e. do NOT add your "take" on it or whatever; just try to retell in your own words precisely what it is saying
diana_alt: 4. you really sound like you overplan and you are using planning as a "virtuous excuse" i.e. a sort of "oh, I plan and therefore I'm not jumping about randomly" while you are exactly pretty much jumping about randomly;there is something to non-linear work but if you are *unable* to actually commit to some deadlines and hit them each and every time, it's basically hopeless to work with you.
diana_alt: 5. re v.py just start with the first x lines of it: write a post in which you take each line and explain what do you think it does.
diana_alt: understand that it does *not* have to be *all or nothing*; small steps is fine as long as you actually take them; and the longest travel is still made out of small steps or how did it go
diana_alt: shrysr: ack the above and let me know what deadlines you set yourself for each task above (at 1 you need to write down the reasons and the measures; at 3 you need to read and write the summary of what is being said there; at 5. you need to go through some lines of v.py and explain what they do
← 2019-08-13 | 2019-08-15 →