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← 2021-05-18 | 2021-05-20 →
billymg: logs now have mobile support
billymg: (it's back on the "classic" theme now for a bit)
dorion: http://logs.bitdash.io/billymg/2021-05-18#1000066 -- yeah. need to write something formal, but the starting point is 1/3 of the sales commission. this varies depending on the product. e.g. training is highest margin because costs are very low whereas hardware has tighter margins because of the underlying cost of the gear we're selling. the sales commission is 30% of the profit.
dorion: sales gets 30%, instructor or guy doing jwrd-hardwarization gets 30% and 40% is retained in company, which jfw and I are 50/50 on.
billymg: dorion: sales means i send you a guy that signs up for the program? instructor means sort of like a franchise contractor (executes according to jwrd spec)?
billymg: shinohai: btw i like what you started with http://btc.info.gf/devel/bitcoin/trb/src/log.html
billymg: any plans to add other vtrees to that repository?
dorion: billymg, yeah. right now I'm doing most of the sales and jfw is doing the instructing. as we grow, we'll have instructor training so jfw isn't doing it all.
dorion: billymg, I like that "night mode", but bottom line is whenever you give the shot at publishing via mp-wp I'll likely read that.
← 2021-05-18 | 2021-05-20 →