dorion: -- meant to ask, did your search yield any attractive deals ? my father's been buying a side per year of grass fed beef from one of his oldest friends for over a decade by now. it's fucking delicious and they've managed to make a booming business (as far as fiat businesses go) out of it, delivering from
bitdashbot: Logged on 2021-05-14 18:22:39 billymg: i took a few days off this week on the crawler / site. checked out a few land purchase opportunities (want to be able to raise my own beef for when the supermarkets are only selling bugs)
dorion: maine to new jersey.
billymg: dorion: i think the best one i saw was 29 hectares, about half flat enough to farm, half up a hill, includes a small tico farmhouse (as well as everything else, a couple cows, pigs, chickens, horses)
billymg: he was 6MM/hectare but could probably be had for 3MM/hectare
billymg: he was saying*
thimbronion: billymg: I also considered such a purchase but I have concerns about cattle rustlers.
billymg: it's got a good water source (2 of them) and the hill/mountain serves as the back border/wall (no through traffic, dirt road leads up to the property and stops)
billymg: thimbronion: you'd have to have someone you trust living there to run it
thimbronion: btw I'll be back in early June.
billymg: nice, guanacaste too this time?
thimbronion: billymg: perhaps! Staying at my apartment is extremely cost effective tho :)
billymg: awesome, congrats on that
billymg: thimbronion: oh yeah, been meaning to ask, so you found a good colo provider somewhere here?
thimbronion: Ever been to Doris in Santa Ana? Amazing steak place.
billymg: was thinking of renting space to run a trb node, figured it's not super decentralized if we all just run em out of ascii's rack
thimbronion: billymg: I don't know if I can say if they're good or bad yet, but I got my box installed with them really easily. Costs me 130/mo.
billymg: thimbronion: yeah, that's my favorite restaurant in san jose now lol
thimbronion: billymg: I can walk there from my cheapo apt.
billymg: ah, so you're in santa ana?
thimbronion: yeah
billymg: you'll probably bump into mp one of these days then
thimbronion: billymg: I suspect.
billymg: thimbronion: for the box, what form factor?
thimbronion: 1U. The company is Run by some kind of shitcoiner named Edgar.
billymg: does he take btc too then?
thimbronion: He only accepts btc for payment, afaics.
billymg: lol
thimbronion: Other than CRC and USD.
billymg: but why not shitcoins??
thimbronion: I do not know - probably just not available in his management software.
billymg: for dorion and any other steak enjoyers that may see this thread, Doris also has locations in houston and new orleans
thimbronion: I had the wagyu. Very nice. The sides were amazing.
billymg: dorion: is that a meme or something? i feel like i've seen it before
billymg: but can't remember where/what context
dorion: billymg, assbot, lol.
dorion: -- how many head of cattle would that support ?
bitdashbot: Logged on 2021-05-18 16:10:37 billymg: dorion: i think the best one i saw was 29 hectares, about half flat enough to farm, half up a hill, includes a small tico farmhouse (as well as everything else, a couple cows, pigs, chickens, horses)
dorion: -- what's the units, crc ?
bitdashbot: Logged on 2021-05-18 16:10:55 billymg: he was 6MM/hectare but could probably be had for 3MM/hectare
billymg: yeah, crc. not sure how much cattle it would support (that's something i need to learn though)
billymg: so at the 3MM/hectare price about $140k or so for the whole thing
billymg: dorion: lol yeah, now i see. for some reason i searched google first instead of the logs, need to rid myself of that habit
dorion: ~3.5 BTC then if you pulled trigger ahorita.
billymg: yeah but this guy ain't taking btc
billymg: probably doesn't know what it is
billymg: doubt he's got a computer other than his phone
dorion: I'm sure, but that's your opportunity cost, n'est pas ?
billymg: yeah, in 5 years (maybe in 5 months) would feel like the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals
dorion: billymg, maybe you get him down to 140k and and find a btc buyer willing to pay a premium for discreet acquisition..
dorion: billymg, did you ever take a shot at sonofawitch usage ?
billymg: dorion: it's on my conveyor
billymg: my rough personal roadmap is: 1) style this current logger i just uploaded and publish a patch with the improved html/css organization, 2) get my crawler website live at and publish the genesis, 3) take a look at mp-wp again (finally) to address jfw's comment as well as look into thimbronion's spec list
dorion: cool, cool.
dorion: I'm workin on d-m articles, organizing a local educational social hour, jwrd deliveries, eulora and gearing up to return to panama first week of july. my own little july 4th, if you will.
billymg: nice
billymg: dorion: there's a referral program for jwrd, right?
billymg: still WIP but took a pass at styling the logger a bit differently:
billymg: i made having the /log at the end configurable (i prefer it without since it's already in the subdomain), and i fixed a bug (which you'll notice on ascii's) where the server eggogs with any search query less than 3 characters
billymg: the first time load for me was a bit sluggish while it loaded up the custom fonts (though they really aren't that big, maybe 400k in total)
billymg: that's only a onetime thing, after that the browser caches them
billymg just realized i forgot the bot output styling
billymg: ok, added that. looks like shit on mobile right now. will fix that a bit later
billymg: going to bbl but would appreciate design feedback and/or bug reports anyone has in the meantime