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← 2024-04-11 | 2024-04-14 →
Vex: asciilifeform, ever thought of drawing fg for pcie? fairly, i haven't checked the logs.
Vex: good excuse to rename the bitch and license to mfgs
Vex: ironically, the cheques'll come in random af
Vex: next thing you know a quorum of maffs qts are hiding your vodka
Vex: the resident ones obviously
Vex: embarrassingly, i've described a discovery channel pitch. it sounded different in my head
Vex: i would definitely watch alf trying to wrangle a bunch of oddly cute academics tho
Vex: but really the story goes that he is no puppet but also no puppeteer
Vex: you could fight 80's alf on pay per view
Vex: very nonsense. so noise
dulapbot: Logged on 2024-04-12 07:37:16 Vex: asciilifeform, ever thought of drawing fg for pcie? fairly, i haven't checked the logs.
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-08-20 19:00:15 asciilifeform: it is also the case that rng as commercial product is a very questionable biz proposition. it takes quite a bit of 'adulthood' to even get to a place where you actually benefit from a 1000 $ rng. for instance, microshit victims dun really win anyffin from using whatever external rng.
dulapbot: Logged on 2020-08-20 19:13:00 asciilifeform: Aerthean: near as i can tell, most computer users who even are aware of concept of rng, are satisfied with 'homeopathic' ones.
asciilifeform lol re folx who did not even contemplate purchase of the original fg, suggesting rng costing ~10x moar
asciilifeform: ... further and moar lulzily re: pcie -- a pcie fg would not have fit in any of the racked boxes at piz where the orig was used -- iirc they all had single slot that was occupied by raid card
asciilifeform: (not even to mention the fundamental wtf of stuffing a board that shits @ 115200b into pcie)
asciilifeform: on top of this, pcie device can't be made 100% read-only (i.e. unfuckable by os state), it gotta config at boot time
asciilifeform: it'd make a modicum of sense, hypothetically, for a much faster rng (tho even there -- usb2 oughta suffice)
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-06-30 10:14:01 asciilifeform: puman: towards the end of the #t age, asciilifeform even devised rng which could, unlike FG, reliably fill a coupla GB pad in coupla min.
asciilifeform: << what means, here, 'interest' ? ( maybe finally write an actual ps0t re subj ? )
dulapbot: Logged on 2024-04-11 19:44:31 adlai: reiterates interest in the vectored signature proposal, in light of thread leading up to linked q ...
asciilifeform: << seems to pertain (as is typical) only to artifically crippled variants of sha2
dulapbot: Logged on 2024-03-27 20:48:55 mats:
asciilifeform: ( not even that it is necessarily irrelevant to breaking the genuine article; but the relevancy does not automatically follow from 'broke (n-x)-step variant'
← 2024-04-11 | 2024-04-14 →