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← 2024-01-11 | 2024-01-13 →
Vex: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/pest/2024-01-12#1032309 is this going to be erry weekend? fund gotta reload
dulapbot: (pest) 2024-01-12 asciilifeform: after pump, cometh dump, neh
Vex: I guess they'll get the emails from nasdaq on monday. do you know about any tomfuckery on the weekend. yeah, nah.
Vex: the secretary's response is honest.
Vex: cornbase checks out
Vex: mebbe somone got some new bitmain gear
Vex: haven't heard from signpost lately, but he was describing price/mine ratio in the opposite way that I think about it
Vex: which I'm thankful for, because now I think both models art correct
← 2024-01-11 | 2024-01-13 →