Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2023-04-11 | 2023-04-13 →
vex: one scool of thought say mp is in bermuda and miami
vex: we wouldn't expect hanbot to be fucking her boxing intructor tho
vex: mention to shinohai. totes dissapointed larsen doesn't mention the ho prices anymore
vex: sorry to bundle you with adlai, but he did mention larsen first
vex: da sea wolf
vex: dollar a day
vex: it's only a cup of coffee
mats: i need that eye gaze software that makes it look like you're paying attention to the camera
mats: video conference is the worst part of slaving for other people
mats: aids meetings where everything could be summed up in an email instead
mats: gotta put cam on to make mgmt happy
asciilifeform: mats: ever tried 'losing' the camera ? e.g. 'ooops notenuff bw' ?
mats: i can only use that excuse so many times
mats: 'sorry boss the zoom app can't detect my camera'
mats: 'i restarted but it doesnt work'
asciilifeform: mats: this a software saltmine ?
mats: yeah
asciilifeform: (when do you folx actually program?! lol)
mats: the recession fears have some people coming back into the office
mats: bossmang must know we are good servants
mats: other people still feeling brave and resisting the return to office
asciilifeform: there are still shops where folx simply write proggies and considered properly serving
asciilifeform: imho is worth the effort to search for this
mats: i'm trying to make a move to eset
mats: couple rounds to go
mats: i can stomach two days onsite three remote easily
asciilifeform wishes luck to mats
asciilifeform: mats: on site there -- slovakia ?
mats: north american office
asciilifeform had nfi they had one
mats: all the primary engineers are in slovakia afaik
asciilifeform: mats: what kinda work are you looking for, concretely ?
mats: a blue team role involving incident response and automation
mats: which i know is not likely to be durable but idk what to do
mats: my concerns are that the rise of automation and millions of folks getting net access efor the first time very day will erode my individual competitive advantage in labour
mats: five soc jobs eliminated with one leftover, etc
mats: don't know how to identify a durable niche for the next thirty years
mats: and i don't have the temperament for managering
mats: or interest
mats: lately been thinking about changing gears entirely and going to paramedic school lmao
mats: the pay is ass, will prob get stuck at 100k base very quickly, but at least it'll be fun
mats: can't automate or outsource medics/fire, and some agencies offer deployments
mats: huge parts of the country are burning all the time and that's not liable to end in my life
← 2023-04-11 | 2023-04-13 →