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← 2022-12-30 | 2023-01-05 →
vex: happy new year poofters and pooftettes
vex is very much enjoying reading along with the pst weblogs
vex: a different joy to actually being involved
vex: i'm listening to a chorus of cicadas. every few years they emerge from underground. I saw one singing sould swimming through the air escaping a hungry bird.
vex: afiak the cunt got away. snapping beak went beyond listening distance.
asciilifeform: wb and happy newyr, vex
vex: thanks mate
vex: i'm sitting here thinking about pest and cicadas, and I have minimal insight into either
vex: i do find it interesting how they use sound. when they go quiet, you can hear it propagate
vex: faster than a pheremone
vex: I saw lukejr got his box violated
vex: st eligius is dissapoint
← 2022-12-30 | 2023-01-05 →