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← 2022-12-23 | 2022-12-27 →
asciilifeform: alterum: hello. who are you, and what brings you to #a ?
alterum: hey, i'm new, i discovered this reading loper-os and the logs
alterum: i was curious so i joined the chan
asciilifeform: alterum: most of the action is on pestnet nao; #a is a fallback spare.
asciilifeform: alterum: see also http://logs.bitdash.io/ , the better-formatted logger for same.
alterum: great, thanks
alterum: will read
asciilifeform: alterum: use 'search all chans' button in either logger to see topics that interest you. there's almost a decade of searchable log.
mats: i meant to say happy shwanza
← 2022-12-23 | 2022-12-27 →