Hide Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2022-12-16 | 2022-12-19 →
signpost: !!help
signpost: !!peer signpost
signpost: !!v 142C2617EF5A577342804BA72CCA125976D514D3EDD8A494593E1DF15D6BA34D
signpost: ^ works! anyone who wants to join pest can now dispense peering info from deedbot via this command after registering a key in the wot.
signpost: report any issues to me
signpost: going to run it a few more times myself.
signpost: !!peer signpost
signpost: !!v 3C10666E9D05F23C329664324F1F487878E2ABFD91A1466C7BE237364A962230
asciilifeform: signpost: a++
asciilifeform: ^ adlai Apocalyptic BingoBoingo copypaste dpb mangol mats thestringpuller zx2c4 ^
zx2c4: Coool
signpost: !!help
signpost: ^ updated help text for the command
signpost: ^ moving back to runit
signpost: !!help
signpost: alrighty
← 2022-12-16 | 2022-12-19 →