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← 2022-06-01 | 2022-06-03 →
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billymg: !. version
bitbot: I am bot version 734773.
verisimilitude: I think I've noticed something about the nature of evil: Adding good to evil doesn't dilute it; it actually makes it more effective.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: elaborate?
verisimilitude: Pure evil is ignored or scorned, but mix it in with good and the good can shield the evil.
verisimilitude: Mutilating a child is evil, and most people would agree, but mix it in with ``god's convenant'' and ``god loves you'' and all of a sudden people gladly do it to their children.
verisimilitude: People will ignore evil because of illusory good.
verisimilitude: So, evil is infectious.
verisimilitude: I suppose the ratio also matters, since most things have a little evil somewhere.
verisimilitude: The good needn't be illusory only, but the point stands.
verisimilitude: They're now pushing this.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: fwiw asciilifeform tuned outta 'new gnat' when it went gcc5+
verisimilitude: As figured.
← 2022-06-01 | 2022-06-03 →