Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2021-05-13 | 2021-05-15 →
trinque: << lol, fleanode continues to rot.
trinque: << meanwhile in shitcoin lulz
shinohai: lmao @ freenode update trinque
shinohai: re: tether, not surprising from creators of the original petrodollar
asciilifeform: << if about this piece -- read. my apologies, verisimilitude , forgot that you were waiting for specific signal.
snsabot: Logged on 2021-05-13 17:03:18 verisimilitude: On that note, it's been a week since I last mentioned our future conversation, asciilifeform; I'm not being impatient, and had considered mentioning I'd mention it again in one week, but thought that unnecessary, then.
asciilifeform: << it's asciilifeform's starting point. but can only speak for self. and would not undertake to 'convince china', lol, why not 1st convince a few earthlings.
snsabot: Logged on 2021-05-13 15:33:25 gregorynyssa: no reason why the restoration of 70s/80s cannot be our starting point.
asciilifeform: << may not be obvious, but v is a far more radical declaration of cultural war than 1st appears. it is deliberately ~unusable for 'army of interchangeable devs' style of work which pervades software culture since end of '70s
snsabot: Logged on 2021-05-13 15:40:44 gregorynyssa: V essentially fits within the late 1980s environment. it represents a road which was not taken at the time.
asciilifeform: << the dark truth: he's STILL be half-done, if had attempted this.
snsabot: Logged on 2021-05-13 15:52:22 gregorynyssa: imagine Linus Torvalds in 1991 embarking on a kernel with quasi-Ada rigorousness, w/ design-by-contract drivers backed by Hoare Logic.
asciilifeform: this, fwiw, is why.
asciilifeform: << even then, imho would be a++ to have example of 100% working ircism in commonlisp published.
snsabot: Logged on 2021-05-13 15:53:22 trinque: that said I've got no intent to maintain it, so highly recommend asciilifeform's bot
asciilifeform: << comes from 2 separate places -- the hypertrophied urgency of commercial/huckster world; and the extreme poverty of the hobbyist, who 'must crank something out this weekend, might not get to for another month' etc
snsabot: Logged on 2021-05-13 20:24:28 trinque: the "worse is better" meme comes out of the american shortsighted addiction to "next quarter's results"
asciilifeform: (and arguably from third place -- the combined effects of the two above on the raw materials from which any subsequent project must work. 'all i have is this duct tape, why worry about quality'
snsabot: Logged on 2021-05-13 20:29:52 trinque: the former for obvious reasons, the latter because they're cramming the development into what free time they have
asciilifeform: << when read 'lions' commentary on unix 6th ed.', formed distinct impression that ~100% of the initial appeal of the thing was 'fits in head'.
snsabot: Logged on 2021-05-13 21:18:04 verisimilitude: UNIX was created by some who worked on Multics, and even then in Bell Labs; it seems more like an accident to me.
asciilifeform: subj, for the innocent.
asciilifeform: << iirc this aint even the 1st time the thing was bought&sold b/w hucksters
snsabot: Logged on 2021-05-14 09:55:19 trinque: << lol, fleanode continues to rot.
superkuh: Huh. Well, I can't connect to It keeps telling me my password (none supplied) is wrong.
asciilifeform not tried.
asciilifeform: $ticker btc usd
btcinfobot: Current BTC price in USD: $51324.32
asciilifeform: !w poll
watchglass: Polling 16 nodes...
watchglass: : Could not connect!
watchglass: : Could not connect!
watchglass: : ( Alive: (0.060s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=683594
watchglass: : Alive: (0.142s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=683363
watchglass: : ( Alive: (0.116s) V=70001 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=683594
watchglass: : ( Alive: (0.100s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=683594 (Operator: asciilifeform)
watchglass: : ( Alive: (0.173s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=683594
watchglass: : Alive: (0.150s) V=70001 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=683594
watchglass: : Alive: (0.083s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=683528 (Operator: whaack)
watchglass: : Alive: (0.219s) V=70001 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=683594
watchglass: : Alive: (0.237s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=683594
watchglass: : ( Alive: (0.229s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=412049 (Operator: jurov)
watchglass: : Alive: (0.279s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=683594
watchglass: : Violated BTC Protocol: Bad header length! (Operator: trinque)
verisimilitude: It's no issue. What were the thoughts on it; were there any glaring issues I'd seemed to overlook; I'd enjoy discussing it.
snsabot: Logged on 2021-05-14 11:31:15 asciilifeform: << if about this piece -- read. my apologies, verisimilitude , forgot that you were waiting for specific signal.
shinohai: In Krabby Krebs takes credit for the work of imbeciles news:
verisimilitude: How poor; I can't even access these archive links through my rented server, I suppose because any WWW browser not from Mozilla, Google, or Microsoft is considered too suspicious to allow to view a cached page.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: try as i might, i can't see the appeal of the described method. it resembles the horror the chinese have to live with, their hieroglyphic encoding. (and for them still easier than would be for eurolangs, where more complicated morphology, declension exists, etc)
asciilifeform: must also add, to date, efforts to standardize (even for non-mechanical purposes) human langs have abysmally failed.
verisimilitude: Oh, so even the domain-specific compression scheme angle be unappealing, then?
verisimilitude: I thought we'd agree on sentences such as these: ``The mathematicians can truly create notation that suits its context. The programmers cannot.''
verisimilitude: Elision is what I'd like to base more work on; human text shouldn't remain compatible with teletypes.
verisimilitude: As for the Chinese comparison, my system has an escape hatch as its required second layer. While I'm aware Chinese companies create their own characters, they likely must represent them as images.
verisimilitude: It may be the case that my work with this will only amount to anything for any dead languages I target, such as Latin, but I'm still going to try.
verisimilitude: It's part of my fundamental belief that programming and human language should be seperate.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: how does 'need standardized dictionary' necessarily follow from 'can create notation that suits context' ?
verisimilitude: It doesn't; that's an unacceptable issue with what currently passes for text, however.
verisimilitude: I suppose discussing the article at-length necessarily conflates issues with the current system and my proposed solution.
gregorynyssa: << right... because of lack of military-level budget...
snsabot: Logged on 2021-05-14 11:34:42 asciilifeform: << the dark truth: he's STILL be half-done, if had attempted this.
asciilifeform: gregorynyssa: it doesn't take 'military budget'. in fact imho is wholly impossible w/ moar than 3 (or near) people involved in any direct capacity.
asciilifeform: gregorynyssa: however DOES require that yer time is 100% your own.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-05-20 17:32:04 asciilifeform: most of the time spent on it, was for loading $piece back into head ea. time.
snsabot: (trilema) 2019-10-08 asciilifeform: lobbes: speaking strictly for self -- 'quick' jobs are quick because they (incl. 'fit problem in head' phase) can be fit into a single slot in b/w salt mine idjicies. whereas things large enuff as not fit, much moar friction. (erry time must load it in... again, again, ... )
verisimilitude: Split the problem into discrete parts and finish it piecewise.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: not errything splits as you'd want it to.
asciilifeform: 'get to the moon by stacking chairs'(tm)(r)
verisimilitude: No, but get to the moon by raising scientists beforehand.
verisimilitude: Perhaps I just have a larger head to fit my work into. I'm fairly certain I've been told I have a big head at least once before.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: iirc you don't have to contend with working for a living, either.
verisimilitude: I've not disclosed what I do for a living.
verisimilitude: To clarify, asciilifeform, my second sentence was a joke.
asciilifeform must bbl
verisimilitude: Be well.
← 2021-05-13 | 2021-05-15 →