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← 2020-11-07 | 2020-11-09 →
feedbot: http://verisimilitudes.net/2020-11-07 << A Syndication of Verisimilitudes -- Intelligent Endpoints
gregorynyssa: IMO the best postings of Erik Naggum (whom I heard of only through loper-os.org) were those where he rails against Scheme and its community.
gregorynyssa: Someone named William Clinger was complaining that CL having two namespace "creates a bias against higher-order thinking."
gregorynyssa: Naggum: No, it does not. This is completely bogus reasoning.
trinque: gregorynyssa: eh, there's a bit of irony in naggum's discussion of what "vertical" folks tend to do. he's doing it.
trinque: "people before me decided that two shall be the holy number of symbol spaces, and now that's cosmic fact"
trinque: I don't find any particular insight in this post.
trinque: obviously having the two spaces does not "bias against higher-order thinking" whatever that means
trinque: honestly this is the sort of ulcerative discourse that probably killed the guy
verisimilitude: I'm more aligned with trinque; in this false dichotomy of horizontals and verticals, I'd rather have a tower standing on a large plain than just a plain.
verisimilitude: To stretch the analogy thinner, it's easier to traverse a plain than a mountain range.
trinque: I've great respect for naggum. I just find it unfortunate that he didn't "negrate and move on".
trinque: more a point about the social tech of usenet than him, in fact.
trinque: recall the prototype we had in #t. a n00b would appear, be temporarily voiced, and then either given a +1 from someone, or fell back into silence.
verisimilitude: All I did after being silenced was leave until I was aware of this channel.
trinque: an improvement upon this model would be to make it p2p, and for one to hear messages from his own <=l2 (beyond if he likes)
trinque: verisimilitude: seems the prototype worked fine, and you self-selected into a place that suited you
verisimilitude: I don't disagree.
feedbot: http://mvdstandard.net/2020/11/sunset-rambla-kibon-today/ << The Montevideo Standard -- Sunset Rambla Kibn Today
← 2020-11-07 | 2020-11-09 →