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← 2020-08-26 | 2020-08-28 →
shinohai: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-08-26#1020610 <<< Previously I had only seen the "News outlet" photos which naturally were cropped.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-08-26 21:53:30 BingoBoingo: shinohai: Not quite thickened. Photo's floating around. Clearly self defense.
shinohai: Overall lulzy story, but sadly you are right - outcome likely to disappoint.
thimbronion: Overcharging is a great way to gin up more riots.
BingoBoingo: Well, one of the stiffs now confirmed child sex offender, the other stiff years plural in prison for domestic drama, the survivor had his arm holding the pistol blown off... burglar
shinohai: Dunno Wisconsin lawz, but wouldn't all 3 be convicted felons w/ firearms (which most states prohibit) ?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo, shinohai : this simply solidifies their status as dnc-Official saints
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Ambiguous because all three have pale skin
asciilifeform: prolly will even be awarded honourary blackness
shinohai: lmao
asciilifeform: esp. easy to do posthumously
thimbronion: The kid (unless something more happened previously off camera), like the Minnesota cop, will be acquitted, which will lead to more riots.
asciilifeform: my current impression is that in most of usa, after shootout, if all participants same colour, and if no speshulcase (e.g. defender in his house, or policeman, etc) the surviver(s) jailed. just like in e.g. ru.
thimbronion: asciilifeform: I'm no lawyer, but these people'd just be charged with manslaughter, not murder 1.
asciilifeform: thimbronion: trendy naodays for prosecutor to start with murder-1 and haggle down
asciilifeform: thimbronion: will argue, e.g. 'demented maniac went 500km with rifle itching to kill' etc
thimbronion: Bring back dueling!
asciilifeform entirely in favour. and wainot also bring back gladiators..
thimbronion: What is this rioting bs if not a replacement for the now defuct NFL/NBA?
asciilifeform: election biz. will switch off like lamp after clitler-II installed.
asciilifeform: rather like 'occupy'(tm) did at start of 2nd obummer reign.
asciilifeform: !w probe
asciilifeform: !w poll
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shinohai: $balance btc 1NrrHYZMum2JaHJeSZufFiTqg9W8uNdfzM
btcinfobot: The balance of 1NrrHYZMum2JaHJeSZufFiTqg9W8uNdfzM is: 10.61144282 BTC
BingoBoingo: <thimbronion> Bring back dueling! << This conversation seems likely to happen here. Dueling here only ended rather recently
thimbronion: BingoBoingo: so there is some social fabric still left where failing to accept a challenge would impose a real cost?
BingoBoingo: thimbronion: Well, there was a duel law on the books until the 1990s. https://www.deseret.com/1990/2/27/18848505/uruguay-gives-ok-for-a-duel-to-the-death
verisimilitude: I've long told others I'd prefer blood sports to what passes for sports; the participants regularly dying would help prevent idolatry.
verisimilitude: Were dueling still common, people would insult each other less, because dying over it would be more common. Unfortunately, the current world allows cretins to spew opinions without potentially being murdered by the common man; only the wealthy get to kill people for their opinions.
asciilifeform: freikorps when.
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-08-27#1020662 << i'm not aware of any historical spacetime where ~anyone~ could challenge ~anyone~ incl. fuhrer & co. to duel. normally it is for designated bluebloods strictly.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-08-27 12:25:57 verisimilitude: Were dueling still common, people would insult each other less, because dying over it would be more common. Unfortunately, the current world allows cretins to spew opinions without potentially being murdered by the common man; only the wealthy get to kill people for their opinions.
asciilifeform: even in pre-'90s uy, iirc duel required permission of parliament (which afaik never was given)
asciilifeform: iirc uk even still has 'trial by combat' technically on the books. but similarly unused/unusable since 1400s or so
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Was given as late as that 1990 case, but... chickened out
asciilifeform: imho what 'bring back dueling' folx ~actually~ want, is the world of robert sheckley's 'a ticket to tranai'.
BingoBoingo: Former President that Parque Batalle is named after... killed newspaper editor in legal duel
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: interesting. when was this ?
BingoBoingo: April 2nd, 1920. May have actually been the reason they leagalized duels
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: any since ?
BingoBoingo: One in the 1970's where both parties fired their one shot they agreed to in the air
asciilifeform: lol lame
BingoBoingo: Other examples probably going to take some digging to find
asciilifeform pictures velvet-lined cello case w/ matched kalashes for dueling
asciilifeform: imho the parks where 'paintball' is played, would be ideal arena for modernized duels.
BingoBoingo: I dunno. Why not the beach? Or that little plaza in front of the Prefectura Naval?
asciilifeform: i suspect too many civilian frags if played on beach/plaza/etc. modern rounds travel coupla km.
asciilifeform: i suppose could approximate the effect of 18th c. armaments w/ e.g. shotguns w/ slugs.
BingoBoingo: Yeah, but the beaches have that seawall.
BingoBoingo: Playa Ramirez probably perfect place for duel as long as no one aims too high
asciilifeform: folx who've eaten lead do have a way of aiming too high tho
BingoBoingo supposes the prominence of Punta Carretas could work, water on all sides but one
BingoBoingo: Or... some private groups are looking to make a COVID monument for all... 43 and counting dead. https://www.telenoche.com.uy/nacionales/primer-memorial-mundial-a-la-pandemia-seria-construido-en-uruguay Could be good duel theater
BingoBoingo: For all the renderings... bitches don't have a place to put it. Unlikely to get one
asciilifeform: lol 43 to date in all of uy ?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: lulzy schetch for the monument, reminds me of yer hammered hdd platters
asciilifeform: really oughta be monument to dead hdd's...
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: what's life like in BingoBoingostan atm anyway ? folx still hiding in holes 'from plague' ?
BingoBoingo: Fairly close to normal. Loud noises of giving a shit without any actual on the ground giving a shit.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: e.g. restaurants work ?
BingoBoingo: They do. Nominally with "protocols", but...
BingoBoingo: The "protocols" mostly seem to be for consumption by foreign media.
BingoBoingo: Or by the portion of the population choosing to keep themselves locked up.
BingoBoingo: Some things like the malls have thermometer bouncers.
asciilifeform: here, some work. and pretty great, asciilifeform & co. get the 1 alive table, and 'personal' waiter, rather like pictured in mp's brag posts re his orcistan
BingoBoingo: Mask goes on to go in most grocery stores, but comes off immediately after exiting. Largely theatrical.
BingoBoingo: BRB, grocerying.
asciilifeform: the operators seem pretty happy to see someone actually go in..
asciilifeform: mask theatre here too, in places.
asciilifeform didn't expect to agree w/ mp, but similarly hopes that the pathological cowards stay in their tanks 4evah. and will note, there's nuffin mandatory about cowardice, nor are riches req'd to come outta hideyhole. entirely 'fair play'.
asciilifeform never expected to live to see washingtonistan roads w/out jams. but in fact saw..
asciilifeform: forgot to note, no one at $sportclub wore any masks. nor showed other symptoms of shit-giving.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-07-17 12:39:46 asciilifeform: mats: was 1time weekend refresher thing. rifles.
trinque must agree, the outdoors have never been more pleasant.
asciilifeform: trinque: indeed. e.g., smog ~disappeared.
BingoBoingo: The Rambla was wonderful though back in late March through April
lobbes: the charlotte nc area, otoh, is still as full of traffic and pedestrians/panhandlers as it always has been. The actual city itself is dead.. but it was dead before so not much difference
feedbot: http://www.krankendenken.com/2020/08/everybody-wants-to-go-to-heaven-but-nobody-wants-to-die/ << Krankendenken -- Everybody Wants to go to Heaven. But Nobody Wants to Die.
asciilifeform: wb lobbes
asciilifeform: lobbes: what've you been up to ?
feedbot: http://mvdstandard.net/2020/08/record-airborne-export-of-sporting-horses-to-uae/ << The Montevideo Standard -- Record Airborne Export Of Sporting Horses To UAE
← 2020-08-26 | 2020-08-28 →