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← 2020-01-26 | 2020-01-28 →
feedbot: http://bingology.net/2020/an-onramp-for-contributing-to-qntra-on-qntra/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog -- An Onramp For Contributing To Qntra - On Qntra
auctionbot: S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (45h23) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (45h23) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
feedbot: http://www.krankendenken.com/2020/01/mp-wp-bot-my-current-problem-and-possible-solutions/ << Krankendenken -- mp-wp bot: my current problem and possible solutions
auctionbot: S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (40h23) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (40h23) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
auctionbot: S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (35h23) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (35h23) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2020/01/power-rangers-pushing-taproot-into-their-bitcoin-network-client-fork/ << Qntra -- Power Rangers Pushing "Taproot" Into Their Bitcoin Network Client Fork
auctionbot: S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (30h23) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (30h23) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
asciilifeform: !q uptime
snsabot: asciilifeform: time since my last reconnect : 2d 14h 33m
asciilifeform: wb thimbronion
asciilifeform: !q seen-anywhere thimbronion
snsabot: thimbronion last seen in #ossasepia on 2019-11-30 02:12:20: #exusiae, rather
thimbronion: Hey thx asciilifeform
asciilifeform: what have you been up to, thimbronion ?
thimbronion: Well, I went to CR and got my temporary residency approved, for one thing.
asciilifeform: thimbronion: neato. as i understand, there's a whole platoon of mp et al folx there / in neighbouring bananistans, naodays
thimbronion: asciilifeform: Indeed. I met whaack in person. He gave me a great surfing lesson.
asciilifeform not experienced the tropics other than in form of panama airport, 6 times to date, none of which were esp. pleasant
thimbronion: I enjoy the atmosphere down there. There's a certain lack of ... vitality here in the states. Nice to see normal people walking the streets instead of mental patients.
asciilifeform: thimbronion: where i live in usa, usually walking the streets are ~100% 90y.o. folx walking dogs/children, or delivering mail
asciilifeform: ( ~erryone else is in work / 'work' normally )
thimbronion: Yes my exurb is much like that. I split time between here and Sacramento downtown, where most zombies walk the streets, leave their rats nests, etc.
asciilifeform: thimbronion: here in east usa, e.g. baltimore is like this
thimbronion: I don't know if I mentioned before, but I used to dare to visit the bombed out areas of baltimore during daylight hours. Morbidly curious.
asciilifeform: i've been there many times
asciilifeform: day and night
asciilifeform: ( why -- knew folx who lived there )
thimbronion: There's certain areas that really freaked me out at night. Blocks and blocks where you have to stop at each intersection.
thimbronion: all those ruined rowhouses.
thimbronion: Could be an amazing place to live.
asciilifeform: would not go so far as to insist 'zombies are harmless' but never had personally problems w/em aside from 'aesthetic'
asciilifeform: thimbronion: at one pt i looked into buying one of those 'berlin '45' wreckages & living in it
thimbronion: Once took a wrong turn in DC with a girl from Colorado in the car. She completely freaked out and was like grabbing while I was trying to drive.
asciilifeform: ( calculated, however, it to be -ev, e.g. if you like to eat anything other than canned soup, gotta have it trucked in / fetch yerself , etc )
asciilifeform: the other thing that ruined my appetite was when found the cost of getting proper net access (i.e. 100M/s+ fiber) there
asciilifeform: ( spoiler : essentially would have to open own telco if you want this, in 'bombed' bmore )
thimbronion: I was just turned off by the bars over everything, and general deadness of retail.
thimbronion: I don't like that aesthetic.
asciilifeform: in other 'cheap' usa locales, simply 'landscape of mars', 0 retail / anyffing you'd care to visit in walking range
asciilifeform: so effectively similar
asciilifeform: thimbronion: what part of planet are you orig. from ?
thimbronion: Idaho.
asciilifeform: aa. farm ?
thimbronion: Grandparents on one side yes, farmed potatoes, had horses, land. All gone.
asciilifeform: outta curiosity, why gone ? creditors swallowed ?
thimbronion: My grandmother sold everything and bought a trailer, travelled.
thimbronion: My parents became teachers, and weren't all that interested.
asciilifeform: i.e. a typical potato farm + horses etc is worth ~1 truck ?!
thimbronion: Actually she kept the horse until it got too old. I have nfi how much she sold everything for. Like I said, she lives in a mobile home park, traveled to hawaii, CR, eu, other states. Nothing extravagant.
asciilifeform: thimbronion: what do you do for living in cr ? ( or retired ? )
thimbronion: I am still in California.
asciilifeform: aa assumed cr already given above
snsabot: Logged on 2020-01-27 19:08:24 thimbronion: Well, I went to CR and got my temporary residency approved, for one thing.
thimbronion: Nah can't move there yet.
thimbronion: I have a dependapotomus problem.
asciilifeform: thimbronion: what kinda dependopotamus ? wife ?
thimbronion: Yes, wife. Wife in fucking law school.
asciilifeform: ugh. seems like that type would be entirely immovable unless 100% cured
asciilifeform: ( 'law' diploma typically worth ~0 outside of the reich that issued it )
thimbronion: Nah there's no way she's coming. Which is fine.
asciilifeform: oh hm so then why can't-move-yet ?
asciilifeform: if not need to bring it
thimbronion: I have a daughter, too. When she is a little older and wife is out of law school, I'm going to go.
asciilifeform: a, aim is to bring daughter ?
thimbronion: The best outcome would be she spends the summer there, or here. One of the two.
asciilifeform himself was moved, as a boy, to usa, w/ parents.
thimbronion: I recall
thimbronion: I believe you would have preferred to stay?
asciilifeform: not much impressed with current-day post-sovok
asciilifeform: so hard to say
asciilifeform: i'd chance a move to su circa 1975 or so. but haven't time machine, so is empty threat.
thimbronion: It'd be nice not to be at the epicenter of a collapsing empire.
thimbronion: I read one of Orlov's books and it really freaked me out.
thimbronion: Oh btw, there's this other guy, Bronze Age Pirate - really reminds me of Orlov. Russian guy loafing around South America, podcasting about US politics.
asciilifeform: empires -- collapse, when they run outta whom to eat. is imho unremarkable observation.
asciilifeform also read all of orlov's books. sorta sad tho, fella seems to have gotten some kinda meal ticket in current ru, and flipped all kindsa ideological bits as result. quite tedious read naodays
thimbronion: Sorry, Bronze Age Pervert.
thimbronion: I quit reading as well.
asciilifeform: ru has entire gaggle of similar loafers, bloviating re ru politics from e.g. london
asciilifeform: typically are folx who in 1990s made off w/ monetary loot but not 'place at trough', so embittered / 'politically active' types
asciilifeform: with, usually, strictly one objective, i.e. to trade places w/ the folx 'with place at trough'
thimbronion: Interesting. I thought the idea was that they were some kind of disinfo assets or something.
asciilifeform: the small-time 'www intellectuals' -- usually only ~wish~ that usg would buy'em 'as asset'. the moneyed types -- 'paid' by not having their loot confiscated , normally.
asciilifeform: i.e. the bulk of disinfo work is done 'for free', by 'aspirational' assets.
thimbronion: Fake it 'til you make it
asciilifeform finds these types wholly unsympathetic; never been paid to litter the net, and not looking to start
thimbronion: I recently have been purging these types from my feeds.
thimbronion: I got hooked on a bunch during the 2016 election.
asciilifeform found then, and still finds, the outcome of this & other elections approx. as interesting as 'who won world championship football'
asciilifeform: the folx who actually have an effect on 'what you see when looking out of your window' don't stand for elections.
thimbronion: Indeed.
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2020/01/novel-coronavirus-panic-hit-fiat-markets-as-china-extends-new-year-holiday/ << Qntra -- Novel Coronavirus Panic Hit Fiat Markets As China Extends New Year Holiday
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: s/tramsisible/transmissible
BingoBoingo: ty, fxd
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: np
auctionbot: S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (25h23) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (25h23) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B) http://blog.mod6.net/2020/01/physical-specifications-for-the-bitcoin-foundations-servers/
auctionbot: --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
← 2020-01-26 | 2020-01-28 →