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← 2019-08-16 | 2019-08-18 →
asciilifeform: mats: seems to me that the linux equiv. of this item is ye olde 'buildroot'.
shinohai: i suspect buildroot is correct answer, though havent yet done for mips or arm
asciilifeform: shinohai: the old pogo experiment (see trb ml) was for arm. (and 'M' -- for mips)
asciilifeform: both via buildroot.
shinohai: oh wait i *did* do that build, but twas years back, and think i have an old trb w/ it
shinohai: (arm that is)
asciilifeform: there you go.
shinohai: i have gentoo running on erl2, uses octeon config
shinohai: (and of course, untested, is trying to use `m` to create custom image)
asciilifeform: shinohai: the 'm' demo image wasn't, as you can guess, built ~in~ m, but cross-compiled. ( there is not any disk support, of yet, in m, not network, so would be rather tricky to get ~out~ anything built therein )
shinohai: i should have elaborated, could be handy for *testing* prebuilt images :P
asciilifeform: only if specifically built for it
asciilifeform: 'M' doesn't emulate any of the traditional periphs found on physical mips boxen (aside from cpu itself)
← 2019-08-16 | 2019-08-18 →