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← 2021-06-06 | 2021-06-08 →
thimbronion: billymg: that makes sense.
thimbronion: welcome thestringpuller
thimbronion: BTW The 13th Warrior is a great action film.
thimbronion: Great portrayal of the battle between the invading Indo-aryans and the aboriginal Europeans.
billymg: thimbronion: nice, been looking for new movies lately (released prior to 2010)
thimbronion: billymg: I've been watching nearly all of the movies mp has been reviewing.
thimbronion: Which do not include the above, btw.
billymg: will look there too then
billymg: thimbronion: how was the conference?
billymg: the el salvador thing is interesting
thimbronion: billymg: I didn't actually attend much of it honestly. Just a few talks of the morning session on the 2nd day, including a talks by Tony Hawk and a panel Preston Pysh.
billymg: especially for me with its proximity to cr
thimbronion: billymg: same. I'm in CR rn btw.
billymg: ah cool, only san jose again?
thimbronion: Probably yeah.
thimbronion: Don't feel like blowing a bunch of money on a hotel just now.
billymg: i'll probably be due for a trip down there soon again
billymg: yeah, makes sense
asciilifeform has never been to a 'bitcoinism' convention etc. other than mp-2 and -3
asciilifeform: anything even theoretically interesting at these?
thimbronion: asciilifeform: It's a good snapshot of the state of the scene.
thimbronion: If that sort of thing interests you.
billymg: thimbronion: i saw on twatter from paraguay's president something that hinted they may follow el savlador's lead
thimbronion: Which I suspect not since the scene now is all about lightning and taproot.
asciilifeform: thimbronion: historically 'scene' had ~0 to do with any aspec of bitcoin asciilifeform at any pt found of interest
billymg: hopefully it becomes a trend in central/south america
asciilifeform: *aspect
thimbronion: billymg: I saw that too. Wai no Uruguay?
asciilifeform: billymg: what happened in salvador?
asciilifeform: rright, but what does this 'do' ?
billymg: asciilifeform: see also https://archive.is/R9jpo
billymg: well, nothing if you're tagged inmate of the US (where required to pay tax until your dead no matter where you live)
billymg: but others could move there and spend their stash without triggering taxes
billymg: you're a*
asciilifeform: spend on what, though. orc pesos ?
thimbronion: asciilifeform: No cap gains tax, allows financial infrastructure to be built on top of btc. Idea is to leapfrog shit like ach transfers and sepa.
billymg: asciilifeform: a nice house and chica to go with it, idk
billymg: asciilifeform: over time their country develops, cheese selection in grocery stores gets better
billymg: at least in theory
thimbronion: i.e. everyone has ipnoes, but 70% don't havea a bank account.
asciilifeform: how many btc for passport?
billymg: asciilifeform: afaik not mentioned
thimbronion: I will have to do a trip to El Salvador soon. Been planning to go to Nicaragua as well.
billymg: thimbronion: i would like to, but i'm also content in staying put as long as the noserape is required
thimbronion tears up thinking about it
billymg waiting for guide on trilema of how to avoid, but likely reduces to one step: be mp
asciilifeform: 1) travel by uboat
asciilifeform: re salvador -- would be 10x moar interesting if their fuhrer were to also announce withdrawal from any and all tax stoolie treaties w/ usg
asciilifeform 'not holding breath' for this or any similar
thimbronion: Will be interesting to see how USG attempts to characterize 39 y/o hipster as the next Saddam.
thimbronion: I mean I guess he is middle eastern so there's that...
← 2021-06-06 | 2021-06-08 →