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← 2021-04-22 | 2021-04-24 →
thimbronion: meh somehow I find myself in the position of defending javascript something must be wrong
thimbronion: In any case I suspect my work on the logotron would be subpar compared to most of my collegues who at the moment write a lot of javascript.
thimbronion: I'm not any sort of programming genius
thimbronion: I am really one of the kind Naggum most dispised - those that wrote software out of base financial need.
asciilifeform: thimbronion: there's no js in my logotron, fwiw
thimbronion: I know, it's python
asciilifeform: thimbronion: as for your softwares, it is difficult to say, i dun recall reading any published example
thimbronion: Nothing of note to publish besides my log search work.
thimbronion: Everything else is on some corporate github account.
thimbronion: And in either ruby or js.
asciilifeform: thimbronion: iirc you were something other than programmer, originally? (chemist?)
thimbronion: lol no - always programmer - cs major
thimbronion: Was always more interested in foreign languages though - but no way to make any money there I could see
asciilifeform: to/from english? not outside of usg.pentagon, for the most part, afaik.
thimbronion: I met some of those folks - not a good life
thimbronion: Got a taste of state department work too during interview process - not for me.
← 2021-04-22 | 2021-04-24 →