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← 2021-01-09 | 2021-01-11 →
Vexual: thimbronion: sailing about on your own boat if pretty fucking good. there's only one way to find out
Vexual: even a kayak, but that sounds like hard work
Vexual: orlov might've sold his pearson for a loss, but I dodb't he'd regret it
Vexual: if he had've built that monstrosity of his own design.. I'm not sure maybe he would have been happy
Vexual: it's not for everyone
Vexual: satellite internet is cheaper and better than 90s dialup. just avoid indian waters. the navy will be up your arse as quick as they can go.
Vexual: ever since the taj mahal got shot up. sat coms is very much no for civvies
Vexual: and they rule a good bit of the indian ocean.
Vexual: if you wanna park a gin palace in a marina and never go anywhere, do that too, but it will cost more than living on land
Vexual: cheapest way to find out is go buy boat for a bitcent, drag an old engine block into the harour with a chain, and find out how the authorities consider your new mooring
Vexual: if it's anything approximating civilisation, noone will complain for a long time
Vexual: if they catch you, say you just picked up the buoy.
Vexual: engine block? unauthorised? how very dare they? I assumed my vessel was safe!
Vexual: of course, you'll need a kayak or similar to get htere, but save 400/mo
Vexual: if your sluts are old or frail, deffo need a marina
trinque: know what asciilifeform and thimbronion, I take it back
trinque: definitely looks like some of the folks in that "riot" were pros
thimbronion: !s cointelpro
lekythion: 9 results
lekythion: COINTELPRO - Wikipedia
lekythion: ...tactic used by *COINTELPRO* agents. *COINTELPRO* (syllabic abbreviation...
lekythion: ...Program FBI *COINTELPRO* file on Hoodwink FBI *COINTELPRO* files...
lekythion: ...*COINTELPRO* files Las Vegas FBI *COINTELPRO* files Miami FBI *COINTELPRO*...
lekythion: Tor Developers Set Funding Goal | Qntra
lekythion: The Daily Dot reports that the developers of the Tor software and network have decided to set an ambitious fund raising goal for this year...
lekythion: ...program to this effect was called *COINTELPRO* and it worked. Back...
lekythion: All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=_AK_
asciilifeform: trinque: what changed your mind ?
← 2021-01-09 | 2021-01-11 →